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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - DrKurt - 06-15-2010

[color=#3992d7]Comm. ID: Doctor Kurt Caesera (Lt)
Location: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System
Priority: Low
Subject: Report

---Communications Opened---

[Image: doctormd.png]
[font=Georgia]Doctor Kurt Caesera

I hunted again today, found Indigo Reaver again. The bastard ran into Omega-41 and circled Leon Base, then called for a Cruiser, a load of Titans and proceeded to blast me. I drained him of Bats and Bots, but the coward refilled at the Cruiser and I was forced to retreat.

A highly trained Merc killer couldn't take on a Coaltion Lt without pissing his pants and calling for the Corsairs.

I managed to hit a Corsair Gladiator a few times, he stupidly Disrupted me and got taken out by one of the Corsair Titan wings.

I call that a victory.

- Dr Caesera

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - DrKurt - 06-15-2010

[color=#3992d7]Comm. ID: Doctor Kurt Caesera (Lt)
Location: Zhukovsky Station, Omega-52 System
Priority: Low
Subject: Report

---Communications Opened---

[Image: doctormd.png]
[font=Georgia]Doctor Kurt Caesera

I met up with Commander Warner and Captain Alvarez of the Havana in Alaska, we took out a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser, who was stupid enough to fall into our cleverly planned trap, courtesy of Comrade Warner himself.

We heard about Makos in Minor, so we hunted them, finding nothing until the Order led us to one at the Freeport. It hid from us, so we moved to Kappa to lure it out, when it left to attack the remaining Order, we snuck up behind it and finished it off.

We headed home through Kappa, heading up against three Corsair Fighters, we waited until their guard was down then took them out, one titan at a time.

Moving into Gamma we found a Legate, and kept it out in the open for Alvarez to shoot at, his superior combat skills tore through the Legate and we made our way home to 52, victorious...

- Dr Caesera

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blodo - 06-15-2010

Comm ID: Adm. Yuri Striatov
Message to: SCRA
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52

Well, well.

So I am reading the squadron reports the other day, and I figured I'd count all the kills that you have made in the past few weeks. Quite funnily I ran out of fingers to count them on on the first page. The head comms officer on the Moon Base made a bet with me a week ago that none of our new recruits will be able to bring in a single kill this month, and I am pleased to tell you that that fat bastard lost the bet.

In other words: Outstanding work, comrades. I am proud of you. Carry on performing like this, and I will likely be signing a number of promotion papers in short order.

But under no circumstances should you rest on your laurels. Only capitalist pigs rest before their work is done, and we do not abide by that kind of vermin. I hope my message is clear as sunlight.

Admiral Striatov out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-15-2010

[font=Garamond]To: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, camaradas!

The Red-list:

[Image: red-list.png]

And the Scoreboard:

[Image: board.png]

After the victorious triumph of the Havana and elements of Commander Warner's Gold Squadron One in Omicron Delta, it has been decided to award a special honour upon the Squadron.

[color=#FFFFFF]Gold Squadron One - 'Warner's Delta Dogs'

In equal recognition of Commander Broch's Squadron's work in Liberty, as well as Lt. Brook's success in brining justice to one of the butchers of JiangXi, hence forth Gold Squadron Two will wear the moniker:

Gold Squadron Two - 'Broch's Badland Bandits'

The Havana is tucked into her home berth for much needed rest after her besting three enemy capital ships.

Do not think our rest shall be protracted, we are at war! Let them tremble!

For the Revolucion! For the Red Dawn!

That will be all, pilots.

Alvarez out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Inquisitor Gaunt - 06-15-2010

Incoming transmission
[Image: 2zp3z0z.jpg]
SLt. Simon O’Hare
Location: Freeport 6
Subject: After Action report RSOH-AAR-001A
Message begins:
Okay, haven’t had to write an AAR before, Mollys always told me not to bother...anyway.
My flight began early yesterday morning after receiving my new Insurgent class fighter, outfitted and ready to rock. I launched from Zvezdny Gorodok before beginning my initial task of mapping out the area. Initial incursions were into Liberty, mapping out a few jump holes in Cambridge, Leeds, Magellan, California and New York, where in transit I came across a trader and a pair pirating him, one a Rogue, the other some Freelancer killing for cash...

Samantha.Stewards: Okay then, lets play!
Mike.Ash: Stop now.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: OI!
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: You lot picken' on civies!?
Barazion: Yes.
Mike.Ash: Stop Sammie.
Samantha.Stewards: No we're not..
Barazion: Yes! They are!
Mike.Ash: Picking?
Samantha.Stewards: He just shot at us...
Barazion: More like pirating
Mike.Ash: You were running, fool.
Barazion: I shot at you?
Mike.Ash: You did.
Barazion: Don't lie.
Samantha.Stewards: Why would I lie..?
Mike.Ash: Now...
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: You listen 'ere you tosspot!
Mike.Ash: Where were we?
Barazion: Same reason you identify yourself as a zoner.
Mike.Ash: Tosspot?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: That bas[static] is a f[static] civilian!
Mike.Ash: Lookie there.
Samantha.Stewards: So you're shooting me because I look like a Zoner!?
Samantha.Stewards: You're a meanie!
Mike.Ash: He's a rich civilian.
Barazion: I didn't f[static] shoot you.
Mike.Ash: You know, the kind of a bourgoise guy you lot hate?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: You think I give two squirts a'pi[static]?
Samantha.Stewards: And now you're swearing at me.. How dare you.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: He ain' oppressin' no-one.
Mike.Ash: You really are a confused Coalition laddie.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: So leave th' I ain' confused at all you twat!
Mike.Ash: He's oppressing everyone, you fool!
Barazion: That zoner is a pirate along with this rogue
Mike.Ash: Everyone with a little smaller wallet than his own.
Samantha.Stewards: I never said I was a Zoner! And me and Mikey were just having a talk with each other..
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I ain' got two bob t'call my own!
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: And he ain' picken' on me!
Mike.Ash: Nice going, jackass.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Damn f[static]ing right.
Mike.Ash: Now where the hell are you going?
Samantha.Stewards: I'd say we repay this idiot..
Barazion: Thanks coalition, I owe you one.
Mike.Ash: Stop, eh?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: 'Ow about no?


Upon entering New York, I fled to the Detroit Debris field to avoid conflict with the pair, confident I wouldn’t have a chance of survival versus a pair of most likely decently trained fighter pilots. After killing my engines for a few hours I rebooted and powered up my sensor suite, before coming into contact with the local populace. I don’t think I’ll be going there unless ordered for a little while, it left a bad taste in my mouth...

SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Goooood mornin', New York.
Key: What is the SCRA?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: 'Eard th'boss man gave y'lot d-
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: ** He pauses ** What's the SCRA y'ask?
Key: Yup?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Alrigh', lemme put it this way...
K2-003 Memphis Belle: Yea what is SCRA?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: See how you lot are in Liber'y right now?
K2-003Memphis Belle: I heard ya before
Key: Yes?
Normandy-SR1: What is SCRA doing here?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Alrigh', well...look at y'Navy and Police forces.
Key: Ok
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: They're corporations, y'see...
Key: And...?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Owned by businesses, usin' their profits t'fund more ships t'opress th'lot of ya'.
Key: Ok
Normandy-SR1: Want info of the SCRA? I can tell you alot about them.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: 'Cos that money goes into the pockets of th'politicians.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: What /we/ do...
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Is we're fightin' fer equality for everyone, y'see.
Normandy-SR1: For starts. They are a Terrorist group.
Diego_Geo: where is everybody?
Key: So what is your ID?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Na, mate, y'wrong there.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: We're a revolutionary group.
[\JG/]-Dalilama: Normady, I’d think you could say their more of a revolutionary army and not JUST a terrorist group...
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: We don't attack civies, y'know?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: ID..? Coalition, mate.
Key: Ok
Xenon_Cree: You the remnant?
Normandy-SR1: Mate? Coalition dont say stuff like that?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Na, na.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: We're The Coalition
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: They're the Colonial Remnant.
Xenon_Cree: Wow nice!
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: And we're not all Ruskies, mate.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I'm from Newcastle.
Xenon_Cree: I love Ruskies
The.Joker: What are you then? Chinese?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: New. Castle.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I was with th'Mollys.
Normandy-SR1: So you betrayed Liberty to join a bunch of fascists?
Xenon_Cree: Coalition fascists?!?!!? I thought they were communists?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: And Newcastle's officially under Bretonian rule, mate.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: And call me a Fascist again, and you'll be wishin' y'hadn't.
Normandy-SR1: Fascist.
[\JG/]-Dalilama: They’re not fascist... their communists....
[\JG/]Pixie: what is a fascist? *cough*
Xenon_Cree: Rheinlanders
Xenon_Cree: O you're gonna get it
Normandy-SR1: Oh am I?
Xenon_Cree: I don't know
Xenon_Cree: I would be afraid
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Right, Normandy.
Normandy-SR1: Then you would be a coward.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: You. Me. 20K's above Manhatten.
Xenon_Cree: Yeah if you are so brave go and fight him!
Normandy-SR1: This is Liberty space, I think i get to make the rules if this is going to be a dogfight.
Normandy-SR1: Mate.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I choose th'bloody location, you can choose the rest...if it's a bi' fair.
Normandy-SR1: I think not.
Xenon_Cree: This is gonna be fun
[INSV REG NEW CONTACT: Liberty Dreadnaught, patrol fleet; DesCon NPC-001. Liberty Siege Cruiser x2, patrol fleet; DesCon NPC-002;NPC003]
Normandy-SR1: Ready? I am.
Diego_Geo: SCRA need assist?
[\JG/]-Dalilama: Hmmmm this is NOT above Manhattan.... this is in front off
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Go for it
Diego_Geo: How much willl you pay me if i help you?
[\JG/]-Dalilama: They never pay
Xenon_Cree: Fun
Normandy-SR1: Run.
Diego_Geo: Police need assist?
[\JG/]-Dalilama: They usually let you live.... as a courtesy
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Welcome to a fair fight any day.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Least I got the balls to fight ya' there.
Normandy-SR1: Now get out of liberty.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Bite me, y'twat.
Normandy-SR1: alright..

SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Alright then prissy boy, let's try again.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: That was less 'en 10 clicks, neh?
[INSV REG NEW CONTACT: Liberty Dreadnaught, patrol fleet; DesCon NPC-001. Liberty Siege Cruiser x2, patrol fleet; DesCon NPC-002;NPC003]
Diego_Geo: Who needs an assist?
Normandy-SR1: Police does..
[\JG/]-Dalilama: You look like you need assist...
Diego_Geo: If you need an assist tell me
Diego_Geo: I will help you
[PRIVCOM: Diego Geo] SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I can' afford ya', mate. We don't like capitalism...
[INSV REG NEW CONTACT: Coalition STORM class Gunboat; DesCon SCRA-002]
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Comrade.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: I heard you were in a spat.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Comrade Commander!
Diego_Geo: I will help you
Diego_Geo: Assist you
[\JG/]Pixie: Not to point the obvious Normandy but you need to catch up on your studies
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Mmm.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Ruddy oaf we are, Comrade Commander.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Da. En-route.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Warm the cannons.
Diego_Geo: Tell that you need assist
[PRIVCOM: Diego Geo] SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I'm alright, thanks mate.
[\JG/]-Dalilama: Chernobyl? last time I saw that ship it was infront of gran canaria, engaging the remnants of the Jupiter guild fleet
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: About that lie...
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: It sucks.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Wanna jump in, Comrade Commander? Just that SR-1 twat.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Bring him above.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: 'Es too chicken.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Then he's not worth our time.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: As y'wish.
Normandy-SR1: Right.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Those who can't follow-through with their insults...are useless.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Do not risk your life to beat them down.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Aye, Comrade Commander.
LNS-Arrow.Of.Justice: Fletcher: Get out, dogs.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Shut up.
LNS-Arrow.Of.Justice: Fletcher: Tell that to your minions
LNS-Arrow.Of.Justice: Fletcher: Next time I catch you, you won't get out of here alive.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Words are only words.
LNS-Arrow.Of.Justice: Fletcher: Just like yours.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I 'ad the nuts t'try somethin', mate.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Not like you yella' bellies.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: Comrade. Silence.
SCRA|CPW-Chernobyl: We are not here to indulge your barbaric capitalistic ways. Baiting us doesn't work.


I stayed the night at the Freeport, before proceeding to map out more systems, and carve my name in the Hispania... The flight into Omicron Alpha was uneventful as hell, but upon arrival I decided to have some fun with the slave driving scumbags...

SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Oi! You sissy slave keepin' nancies!
SCRA|CPW-Havana: The Coward
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: What's’a matta' y'little girl?
Ivan_Petrov: Come to me
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Pfft, 'sif.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I ain' daft enough t'walk into a trap.
Ivan_Petrov: Ha, you're scared!
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Says the prissy little thing hidin' by a planet..

Mario.Cordova[101st]: *Yawns* Hola amigos
A rather rude depicition of the pilot’s name is visible on the hull, reading Simon O-F***ING-‘HARE
Mario.Cordova[101st]: How dare you!
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Baaaahahahaha.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: So long y'ninnies!
Mario.Cordova[101st]: *Sighs* Im gonna have to call a cleaning crew
Mario.Cordova[101st]: Simon....You've got quite some nerve
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Blood oath I do.
Mario.Cordova[101st]: *Yawns*
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: You got quite some nerve y'self, workin' people t'death f'nothin'.
SCRA|CPW-Havana: we have a Mako sitting in that base, we're trying to lure him out
SCRA|Robert.Thacker.: Send a message claiming that we're moving out.
Ivan_Petrov: CAUGHT
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: But anyway...I'm outa' here.
MNS-Renegade: Joseph: A scout eh?
Mario.Cordova[101st]: *Yawns* Well, Honestly we don't need your opinion on how we do things
Mario.Cordova[101st]: Ah good, MNS-Renegade could you call a cleaning crew?
MNS-Renegade: Joseph: But of course
Mario.Cordova[101st]: Simon over there wrote on the Hispania, The nerve!
SCRA|CPW-Havana: One day, one day we will have a Coalition painted Osiris
MNS-Renegade: Joseph: Intercept him then. I'll prepare my Sabre


Then one of them decided to talk to me over a closed frequency...

J.Abusaid[101st]: Tresspassing is not something we tolerate
J.Abusaid[101st]: It's funny really. You Coalition fellows always show up when most of us are asleep...
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Your opinion ain' somethin' I care about, y'capitalistic, slave keepin' wan[static].
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I'm in a f[static] fighter, I ain' dumb enough t'engage capitals.
J.Abusaid[101st]: Decent enough point, We'll be nice and send a Fighter Wing then
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: I already carved m'name in y'ship, I'm done with y'lot for now.
SCRA|Dr.Caesera: That got their attention...
J.Abusaid[101st]: Oh, so you vandalized our sacred Hispania?
J.Abusaid[101st]: Noted. Expect to be hunted
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Beau'iful piece a'art, ain't it?
J.Abusaid[101st]: That she is
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Th'Simon, th'O, th'F-word, then all topped off with Hare.
J.Abusaid[101st]: How... Lovely
J.Abusaid[101st]: I'd of thought someone in the Coalition would atleast be disciplined
J.Abusaid[101st]: Have they lowered their standards?
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Oh believe me, laddy. I am disciplined.
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: Was an /order/ t'go do it, we don't like your kind much at all.
J.Abusaid[101st]: An Order you say
J.Abusaid[101st]: So, you're a simply lackey then
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: No kiddin', mate.
J.Abusaid[101st]: You just do as your told and you don't think for yourself
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: A f[static] sub-lieutenant.
J.Abusaid[101st]: Typical Communist
J.Abusaid[101st]: Ah. You'RE the lowest of the low eh?
SCRA|CPW-Havana: Probably, and they know this ship
SCRA|Simon.O'Hare: F'now.
J.Abusaid[101st]: Yes, I'm sure your "Brave" venture into our space will get you a medal or something
J.Abusaid[101st]: Shame that you Coalition fellows don't have the ba-

Couldn’t be buggered listening to him ramble.

Attachment: MAPDIR.img
Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Doc Holliday - 06-15-2010

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: Dr. Kurt Caesero
RE: Medical Request

Greetings, Doctor,

Please, forgive my intrusion here. I consider it a privilege just to be able to transmit on this channel.
Doctor, I have received your transmission and responded in kind:;#entry1050528

I am getting the desired materials put together as we speak.

Dr. John Henry Holliday
TAZ Administrator

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-16-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]


It seems that Liberty is attempting to provoke our ire, it might have something to do wtih the impressive kills we are scoring on thier Capital ship fleet.

To this end:

All Liberty Navy, LPI, LSF Fighters/Bombers - 2 points
All Liberty Capital ships - 2 points per pilot pilot involved

ALL DREADNAUGHTs - 3 points per per pilot involved

Now, Hermanos, it seems there is another group that deserves special attention.

The LMC have been poking their noses into our business. CUT THEM OFF!

All LMC ships are worth 5 points.

Destroy them, my brothers, burn them and purge them!

That will be all, pilots.

Alvarez out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 06-16-2010

>>> COMM ID: Sub Lieutenant Ethan Scott
>>> SUBJECT: After Action Report

[Image: 15nomqs.png]


I embarked from Zvezdny Gordok to respond to a possible Corsair presence in the Leeds system. Upon jumping into Omega-5, I noticed a Corsair, callsign Dragon63 loitering around Cadiz. He moved out, and I followed, where we engaged in hostilities. Not soon after, another Corsair came in to join the fray. I managed to hold them off, and eventually reinforcements arrived. Dragon63 was downed, and the other fled back to Cadiz.


I was about to continue with the Coalition force to patrol Omega-7 for possible hostiles when a Hacker appeared on the scope. Me and Sub Lt. Petrovin interrogated her, and learned that the Lane Hackers wanted to contact us and are interested in us. We couldn't glean much from her, and we told her to never return again, suspecting she might be a spy. Unfortunately, I think my guncam must have been damaged in the initial fray, and detailed comm logs are unavailable.

Sub Lieutenant Ethan Scott.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 06-16-2010

COMM ID: Deputy Provost Marshal Commissar-Commander Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: CPW International, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

On my authority, and on behalf of the Commissariat,

I award the Hispania Memorium to Sub-Lieutenant Simon O'Hare. Well done to this latest batch of recruits, who are all completing the Hispania challenge and showing the Outcast pigs what the Coalition is made of.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lucas_Fernandez - 06-16-2010

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Dan Balan
LOCATION: Zvezdniy Gorodok Omega-52 System

Comrades, while i was patroling in Omega-7 i've came across a distress call from an RHA vessel
which was engaged by a corsair gunboat, we headed there with Comrade Books.
The fight took place in Omega-47. After a brief gunshot exchange we've sent it to the oblivion.
Neither we or the RHA had losses.
Anyway here's the last moment of that boat:


We couldn't find any survivors from the crew of the gunboat there is only a slight
chance that they survived however since Casablanca base was quite close.
After finishing them off we've returned to our patrol but nothing that worth mentioning happened.
The few cargo that was onboard the gunboat cowered the costs of the fight.

Transmission ends