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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 09-18-2012

[Image: AustinComkopiera2.png]

Location: Her Majesty's Ship, The York, Leeds
Subject: Defense of Leeds
Encryption Level: HIGH

Quote:"Scratched four today,

One frog that Lieutenant Commander Havering didn't manage to get on his guncams, I happened to get. Other than that, I received word of a couple of pirate bombers causing a problem in Leeds, went to investigate with aid from Captain Lawrence and Lieutenant Commander Johnson. Scratched three more targets in Magellan moments later.

Face it... I'm on a roll. Eight in two days?"

Lieutenant Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
1st Bretonian Templar Squadron, 8th Fleet - HMS York

Files Attached
Footage Number One - Frog
Footage Number Two - Pirate
Footage Number Three - Pirate
Footage Number Four - And... pirate

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 09-20-2012

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[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Another intervention in the Hinterlands

Evening Officers of the Fleet.

Intervention was needed today as a hostile force had invaded the perimeter around the Leeds jumpgate. Surprisingly it concerned the same capital ships we had destroyed earlier this month. Their commanders must be desperate to entrust them with new ships, too fast too soon in my opinion.

The hostiles consisted of a Ranseur Outcast Dreadnaught, 2 Rogue Scyllas and a Ravens Talon VHF. During the buildup of our forces we engaged with only Lt.Cdr Havering & Earl Catharty(incoming from Leeds) and myself and Freelancer Richard Harvey (incoming from Southampton). En route were Lt.Cdr Goodman with the HMS-Invictus, BPA officer Wright, Freelancer Holly Anderton and Ensign Hugh Darrow.

When we gathered the fight erupted, with myself and Lt.Cdr. Havering engaging the Ranseur and the Freelancers focusing on the enemy VHF wich was soon taken out.
As we began our attack on the Ranseur our Ensign got too close and was unfortunatly taken out. Good thing he ejected in time. After that the Ranseur fell, with me providing the critical blow the road was clear for the Invictus to come in and take care of the Scyllas. Our freelancers took out one scylla with care and the other one fell prey to the Invictus.

Then we sweeped the area for Ensign Darrow, The Invictus found him relatively unscaved in his ejection pod. He's still aboard the Invictus for medical checks but they expect him fit for duty soon.

And now! I will finish my dinner, nothing like fish & chips and a cup of good old green tea to keep a soldier running. They do have some good meals here on the Suffolk I'd invite everyone of primary fleet but the kitchen staff didn't agree...


<div align="right]For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Lieutenant Jeff Bloom

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - crowtbrobot - 09-21-2012

Incoming Transmission...

ID: Amadeus Blair
Subject: Reinstatement
Priority: Low

Admiral Piett, it's been quite a while since I've sent a message like this. Given the draft and the rather desperate situation in Leeds at this point, I'd like to make a request as a (relatively) sober pilot to be reinstated in the armed forces. A fully armed and equipped Templar would be wonderful as well, if funds can be diverted to a former officer. I'll see about another duck-bomber personally.

Oh, and try to resist the urge to make me an Admiral. We must have around forty at this point.

...Transmission Lost

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 09-21-2012

[Image: 2rnhkwl.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

Former officer and commodre Amadeus Blair,

Its good to see you are alright, in good mood and ready to drive the invaders off Bretonia. That what you require can be given - we have plenty of templars armed and ready - waiting for brave pilots to take them in the heat of battle. The admiralty board is even willing to push you forward with some credits until you can restore your old ships.
As for your rank, we are currently in need of more captains - that will be your rank for the time being.

Welcome back!

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2eztfyc.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 09-22-2012

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Commander Wayne Johnson reporting in...

Last evening I received a distress call from Merchant Navy in Cortez. My Templar set off from Planet Leeds where I meet the secondary fleet member Michael.Harding. We set off to Magellan where apparently the last remains of the MN convoy got to. We did a quick sweep trough the system and managed to meet our forces around the Cortez jump hole. There the last of our transports was blown up. It seems that they were the Indians again, backed up by an outcast gunboat, Katerina.Petrova, right, a very coalition-ish name. In fight, there was already an IMG fighter, trying to assist us and also the escort of convoy, BAF|MN-HMS-Exeer. It was the last target of the pirates bomber swarm and it couldn't took long until it was disabled. Only three fighters were left and we had to face like 4 bombers and a very nasty Tridente. This is why I've asked for aid from Leeds, and BRF|HMS-Remus responded pretty fast. Now the odds were in our favor. Our destroyer arrived and from behind, it quickly took out a fresh arrived Indian gunboat. Then, some Steel Workers saw us and thought about giving some help to the pirates. They hand 1 slave liner, a recycler and a Spatial. They didn't lasted too long, as HMS-Remus removed them with his heavy guns. Then we proceed to Katerina Petrova, She wasn't aware that our destroyer arrived, so only one or two minutes were enough to tear that boat apart. Then, Indians atempted to bomb our destroyer, but failed, two of them getting killed. Bad thing was that pirates were receiving reinforcements one by one, so HMS-Remus and the IMG fighter retreated, as we stayed to fight. Lt. Moore came to assist the fighter squad, but in the end we had to leave to Leeds too, being damaged after the long fights, and also outnumbered 4 to 3.
In the end it was a very good response against unlawfull, after managing to mess up with our convoy, we killed 4 bombers, 2 gunboats and 1 slave liner without any loses.

::Uploading Visuals:: # # # # # # # #

That's all for today. Wayne Johnson out.

::Closing Transmission::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 09-22-2012

[Image: AustinComkopiera2.png]

Location: Her Majesty's Ship, The York, Leeds
Subject: Outcast Vessels ignoring orders / Unauthorized Capital ships operating deep within Bretonian space.
Encryption Level: HIGH

Quote:"This is bloody pathetic... I thought the Outcasts were only allowed to operate within the Taus and Leeds. I'm getting reports of bloody ships all the way in Cambridge. Not just fighters and bombers, but a bloody capital fleet.

We give the Outcasts an inch, and they take twenty miles. Either you brass chaps do something, or I'll personally fly up to Omicron Alpha and give those sniffers an earful."

Lieutenant Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
1st Bretonian Templar Squadron, 8th Fleet - HMS York

Files Attached
Transmission Log
Vessel Identification

.:=Transmission Terminated=:.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 09-24-2012

[Image: AustinComkopiera2.png]

Location: Her Majesty's Ship, The York, Leeds
Subject: PRIORITY: Admiral Piett, Admiral Davis, Captain Blair, Bretonian Intelligence Service.
Encryption Level: HIGH

Quote:"I... recently received a gift from... uhm... a giant bloody nomad battleship called the "Aurora"

Apparently... the alien engaged and destroyed a Gallic Valor earlier today in the Tau-31 system. When I was on patrol with Captain Blair... he told me that it requested my presence by name, once I arrived on the scene, it gave me a Gallic Prisoner, and informed me that the Gallics were being controlled by something or someone known as "Harbringer."

It... also told me to contact Admiral Hale of the Liberty Navy. No one else is to do so, apparently. I have some transmission logs, and the prisoner was transferred to New Gate once the situation in Leeds was dealt with.

As of this transmission, I'm gathering what I need and preparing to make a trip to Liberty. Captain Blair will accompany me once I have audience with Fleet Admiral David Hale. I'll let you chaps know more once... well, once I know more.

Tacking on... I also managed to down a few pirates today, though I really don't consider it priority as of right now. Either way, guncam footage will be attached below."

Lieutenant Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
1st Bretonian Templar Squadron, 8th Fleet - HMS York

Files Attached
Transmission Log - 001
Transmission Log - 002
Guncam Visual - 003
Guncam Visual - 004

Patrol Attachment

.:=Transmission Terminated=:.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 09-28-2012

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Lieutenant Commander Wayne Johnson reporting in...

Good evening. I have to report a change of behavior done by some junkers. After Port Tortuga incidents, I meet more and more of these guys disobeying orders. A pirate train just undocked from Planet Leeds, full of basic alloy, callsign: " Nini'De'La'Buci ". Because he was flying an illegal ship I attempted to halt him, but all I got was total refusal, so naturally, after warning several times I opened fire and destroyed his vessel. Not many minutes later, while I was in Leeds orbit, defending from Gallic Royal Navy invasion, a pirate transport popped up form nowhere, named [P]BloddyShovel . He seemed very angry and without any reasons, he announced his intention to destroy my ship. Ofcourse I countered. Later on, a hessian slave liner callsigned M/S_FOYA. wanted to assist the pirate transport but ran for his ship life soon enough. A bretonian gunboat broke off a Drunkirk Patrol and delt with him. The fight with Shovel continued and after he nicely dodged all my attempts to supernova his hull, I found the right killing method. A Nova Torpedo! I am sure he didn't survived it... Then, I continued to aid our fleets against gallic invasion. I even managed to capture some of their commanders. For this, I got a nice recompense.

Now, something happened days ago. A corsair base just popped up near Omega 5 Jump Hole in Cambridge named Puerta Del Hell. After many investigations, I noticed it's supplied by samura transports that mess inside our space without anyone doing a thing. Most intensive supplies are done by a samura faction named [x] . We must interdict them mess in our space further more.
I'll update several guncams taken by several Armed Forces assets. # # # # # #

That's all I've got so far. I might upload more in the following. Now, here are the visual files from what I did today.

Uploading text file >> @

::Uploading Visuals:: # # # # #

That's all for today. Wayne Johnson out.

::Closing Transmission::

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 09-30-2012

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--Opening Video Feed--


Good day to all of you,
I am bringing my report from todays patrol. Well it was very interesting one I need to say that. I encountered some people who werent cooperative. First I went from the planet New London and took the lane for Southampton. There I found a smuggler. He was smuggling Wild Fire.

I tried to stop him but he requested to dock so I opened fire, I took his shield down twice and he used bats but he docked the base. So I am requesting, if possible, from you to shut down his docking rights. Nevertheless I continued my patrol and I found some guy at Trafalgar.

He was flying Pirate Transport and he had an Bretonian Officer in his cargo hold. I requested from him to give me that prisioner but he started to speak some things so I got this feeling that he is stalling so I toled him to hand me our pilot or I will be forced to open fire. Well he docked after that, but I waitied infront. When he undocked he tried to run so I CD-ed him. He still didnt wanted to hand me our pilot over so I opened fire and I took his shield down and a part of the hull. So he gave me the prisioner and he docked immediately. Well I started my trip back to New London so medics could take care of our colleague. After that OTC started the conversation again and he threatened to me. I will leave the conversation down below so you can see for your eyes. Also I request that this one is put on the Black List.

With due respect, Ens.Dzeferson out.

--Terminating Transmision--
--Closing Video Feed--

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 09-30-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutnant Commander Mike Havering
Source Location: Cambridge System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

Havering reporting again.

Yesturday we once again had a hand full to do.

As I undocked from Cambridge multiple reports came in at once.

The first one was a call for help from an Officer in Snowdown that a Sails and another Pirate.

The secong one came from Lieutnand Commander Goodman that there was some Jelly and another weard "thing" in Leeds.
I saw that Goodman had reinforcements enroute to him so I headed down to Snowdown to help out Officer Dwayne.

Seeing the two bombers chasing the Light fighter of Dwayne I went in as fast as possible and took out the Sail first.

Guncam 1

And when that poor excuse for a Pirate noticed that he was no longer fighting a lone ship he turned and ran as fast as he could.
Though that didn't help much, he died from one of his own mines.

Guncam 2

And just as Dwayne and myselfe where heading to Leeds to see how things are fairing there we found a uhm how do I say this now...

Well it was somekind of freakship, Gunboat sized.
At first it tried to run, when it was close to the BMM Berylium field it turned around and engaged us both.

Luckely Goodman and the rest of his team had finished of the resistance in Leeds and where heading our way for support.
At the same time the HMS Archer a Gunboat also heard our call for support and made its way to us.

The Archer took that thing on 1 on 1.
But at one moment the other "thing" just stoped and was obliterated in seconds.

Guncam 3

I don't have much info on what happened in Leeds but I'm sure Goodman or Johnson will reporte of it aswell sometime.
Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...