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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - KamiFaby - 05-21-2017

Your name: "Seraph"

Where the money is going: Forlorn|-Seraph.2

Kills: Positive.Molecule, Rogue Barghest

Circumstances: I found the Rogue near Norfolk and took care of it. Poor soul blew himself up. Guess my mine ripped his shields apart and let the torpedo rip through his hull.


Payment owed: 4,000,000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Sad Clown - 05-23-2017

Your name: BHG|Godspeed

Where the money is going: BHG|Godspeed



Circumstances: This man engaged me near an asteroid that shot lazers at me. Later on I found these 2 with help of the navy and police. They challenged me to a mano-e-mano.


Payment owed: 30 millions

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Impyness - 05-23-2017

Your name: Thomas Ryley

Where the money is going: BHG|Guardian

Kills: Outcast Battleship, Outcast Battleship, Pirate Waran

Circumstances: During a patrol through Liberty an Outcast Battleship was first located in Colorado and was successfully destroyed. After this a nearby pirate Waran was also taken down before continuing on to New York where another Battleship was destroyed.


Payment owed: 12 million for each battleship, 4 million for the pirate. 30 million in total.

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Forlorn Hope Command - 05-27-2017

Your name: Nick Stenn

Where the money is going: Forlorn|-Bank

Kills: (C~Jared.Nomak, Commune, Fighter. (C~Hernan.Rosales, Commune, Fighter. (C~Jason.Drake, Commune, Fighter. (C~Dave.Synk, Commune, Fighter. LRD-"A_Liberty_Tragedy", Rogue, Destroyer.

Circumstances: Got a call from our Crayterian friends about Commune fighting one of the LNS, so we decided to go take a look around. One of the LRD showed up, much fun was had, and I'm happy to report no friendly casualties were taken.

Identification, Dave Synk
Identification, LRD
Identification, Jared Nomak
Identification, Hernan Rosales
Identification, Jason Drake

Destruction, Jared Nomak
Destruction, Dave Synk
Destruction, LRD
Destruction, Jason Drake
Destruction, Hernan Rosales

Payment owed:Total: 48,000,000. Breakdown: 10,000,000 for each commune snub, totaling 40,000,000 alongside 4,000,000 for the rogue plus the 4,000,000 modifier for it being in a destroyer totaling 8,000,000.

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Techpriest - 05-29-2017

Your name: Adam Cast

Where the money is going: LPI-Adam.Cast[O].

Kill: Don.Corleon

Circumstances: LNS-Sword was in pursuit of Don.Corleon and being unable to catch him. I assisted the navy officer with my cruise disruptor and with another assistance from local police officer Haley.Forest, we took down the Outcast gunship.


Payment owed: 8,000,000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Byron - 06-06-2017

Your name: Elena Voigt

Where the money is going: Forlorn|-Bank

Kills: Edward.Kenway, Danny

Circumstances: First off a not-so-clever Rogue called Edward Kenway who deemed it a good idea flying around near Manhattan Orbit while our ace Silva was around. The problem was solved accordingly

Shortly after a Lane Hacker with the callsign Danny showed up. As soon as I gave pursuit, he fled into the Jersey Debris Field, yet I was able to catch up with him. In the end, he guzzled his own mine.



Payment owed: 9,000,000 cr (altogether 57,000,000 cr by now)

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Republic Of Liberty - 06-07-2017

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To all approved contractors;

The following outstanding payments have been authorized

Account: Blaze)-Lance.Harris
Amount: 12.000.000

Account: Forlorn|-Regina.Silva
Amount: 4.000.000

Account: BH|Bloodhound
Amount: 30.000.000

Account: Sato.Bank
Amount: 12.000.000

Account: BHG|Paladin
Amount: 11.000.000

Account: LPI-Chun-Mai.Dawn[DC][C]
Amount: 28.000.000

Account: Forlorn|-Nick.Stenn
Amount: 15.000.000

Account: Adrian.Riker
Amount: 10.000.000

Account: Forlorn|-Elena.Voigt
Amount: 15.000.000

Account: Forlorn|-Seraph.2
Amount: 4.000.000

Account: BHG|Godspeed
Amount: 30.000.000

Account: BHG|Guardian
Amount: 30.000.000

Account: Forlorn|-Bank
Amount: 57.000.000

Account: LPI-Adam.Cast[O]
Amount: 8.000.000

Evidence of payment
Keep up the good work. Your service to the Liberty Bounty Board is always valued.


Failed payments:

LPI-Chun-Mai.Dawn[DC][C] - Account not found
Forlorn|-Nick.Stenn - Account not found
Forlorn|-Seraph.2 - Account not found

Please reach us to adjust your account details in order for payment to be made.

- Ferris Dufresne,
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Republic Of Liberty - 06-07-2017

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]


Targets have been modified and with more changes to be done soon.

Happy hunting!

Thank you for your service to the Republic. Your work is always valued.

- Ferris Dufresne,
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Sovereign - 06-08-2017

Nick Stenn reporting here to request the payments that failed for the Forlorn individuals, Forlorn|-Nick.Stenn and Forlorn|-Seraph.2, be sent instead to Forlorn|-Bank.

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Seraph - 06-10-2017

Your name: Chun-Mai Dawn

Where the money is going: LPI-Chun-Mai.Dawn[DC]

[RN]-Francois.Drake - 6M
[RN]-Joseph.Berne - 6M

Circumstances: Targets shot down during a patrol.


Payment owed: 12M