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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stoat - 10-05-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...

[Image: Furlough.jpg]

ID: Lieutenant Rachel Furlough
Encryption: Standard BAF
Priority: Low
Subject: Promotion


I am honoured by the faith shown in me. I shall redouble my efforts to ensure Bretonia stands ever proud!

.Message Ends.
.Decryping Complete.
...Closing Channel...

....Transmission Terminated....

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Flanker 66 - 10-06-2012

Incoming Message
Location: Planet New London HQ
Priority Message: N/A
Encryption: Medium
From: Ensign Arthur Davenport

Greetings. This report will focus predominantly on my (used in the loosest sense possible here, since I was the most junior member) patrol’s time in the Coronado system, although a short outline of the patrol itself shall follow.

Initially, we (Lt. Commander Goodman and I, 1x Paladin and 1x Templar) went on a long range recce that passed through several systems, including Omega-3, which went well and without any incident. Eventually we decided to head to Coronado in order for the Lt. Commander to do some recce, by which time we were accompanied by Lt. (now Lt. Commander) Arland. The journey to the Barrier Gate Station went by uneventfully, and we were directed by Goodman to keep an eye out while he conducted his mission.

Soon, we encountered a pair of rather suspicious looking Kusari Explorers who seemed awfully interested in us (as well as where our commander was). We stayed alert and asked for an advisory. We were subsequently told to avoid confronting them, and after a tense but ultimately insignificant stand-off we left Barrier Gate Station accompanied by the Lt. Commander (who had completed his mission by this time).

Not long after we left the Coronado system, we encountered the pirate liner known as "Robber" as it was preying on a trade lane. Despite its’ best efforts, it proved easy pickings for us and it was destroyed soon after the initial contact was made.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 10-06-2012

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Low Encryption =-

Priority: Low
To: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Lieutenant Geo... Pardon me, Lieutenant Commander George Richard Hall
Location: Planet Leeds, Leeds System
Subject: My Promotion

[Image: georgerichardhall.jpg]

*George appears on the screen, in his deep black suit, with his chin raised*

Admiral Sir Firmus Piett, I am more than greatly honored by my promotion. I am sure, if I don't die in some kind of a terrible accident, that I will serve you in years to come, fighting for Bretonia's sake and prosperity.

Yours sincerely, George Richard Hall.
Over and out.
- Transmission Terminated -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 10-06-2012

Incoming transmission

Location: Planet Leeds HQ

Priority Message: N/A

Encryption: Standard

From: Lieutenant Commander James Arland

I humbly thank the admiralty board for the promotion, and I will continue to serve to the full extent of my abilities.

I am honoured by your trust.

Arland out.

End of message

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 10-07-2012

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Harbinger]
[CommID: Admiral Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink: Failed

This is the Battleship Harbinger Calling all forces and patrols near the Chester system. We are under attack by unknown superior forces.This is Admiral Davis we are heavily engaged with Nomad vessels we require reinforcements as soon as possible. I repeat We're engaged with Nomad forces in Chester we require assistance. I will set this message to repeat.

[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 10-07-2012

Incoming transmission

Location: New London HQ

Priority Message:

Encryption: HIGH

From: Lieutenant Commander James Arland

Reporting to the Admiralty board that the situation regarding the Harbinger has been resolved.

I will relay the full extent of the events that transpired today.

First of all, I was preparing with my patrol wing to commence our routine sweeps of the home systems. When I attempted to inform the Harbinger of this, I received only dead air - even stranger was that the vessel was operating in Chester at the time!

As this was hardly standard, I informed my direct superior - Commander Goodman - and tried raising the Harbinger again, whilst putting the fleet on alert.

Finally, we received a distress signal from Admiral Davis (already filed in this archive) and we set course with our rallied forces immediately. Several fighters, a battleship, a destroyer, and a couple of gunboats were among our number once the alert was fully out.

I was the first to arrive on scene in Chester and acquire visual on the Harbinger.

First things first - the damage to the battleship was obvious, her superstructure was fractured and melted all over, her engines were out, (she was listing towards the star's gravitational pull for quite some time, then a planet) and communications were spotty.

I relayed the Harbinger's coordinates to the rest of the fleet, and remained on station for fighter intelligence support while the other ships made it to our location.

I tried to take scans of the Harbinger to check for lifesigns, but weapons and cloaking systems malfunctioning and activating at random intervals made this task difficult.

The vessel was ultimately saved from her collision course with a planet by Commander Goodman's destroyer, Invictus, by means of ramming into her. Sadly, this further damaged the superstructure of the battleship, but it was better than allowing it to die.

I finally managed to establish a blackbox uplink with the Harbinger, giving me a more detailed damage report: 90% percent of all compartments decompressed, comms and sensors almost completely inoperative, engines offline, shields offline. High Command personnel still alive at the bridge, lifesigns weak. I shared this information with the rest of the battlegroup.

Boarding teams were sent in, and they secured one living crewman as well as Admiral Davis himself, who I believe is in surgery as we speak. Nobody else were left alive by the nomads, apparently.

After a bit of work we managed to get engines and navigation semi-operational, and we escorted the damaged craft back to Southampon Shipyard by way of Dublin.

An emergency zone was declared around the shipyard, and one trader who refused to leave was destroyed. We are told that the Harbinger will be fit for service once more in about two or three months, which is still entirely too long.

The loss of this craft, even if it is temporary, is absolutely detrimental to the war - we cannot abide losing capital ships in this manner.

Thankfully due to the fast response of our forces, we can salvage it and its commander - I have served under Admiral Davis for quite some time and he is an excellent commanding officer, and I am very appreciative that he is still with us.

Arland out.

End of Message.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 10-07-2012


Encrypted Transmission...

Comm. ID: Lieutenant Commander James (Jimbo) Barnes

Reports to date: 10
Total Flying hours: 92

Transmission Decrypted...
Begin Message...

[Image: MynewBAFPicture.jpg]


Good Afternoon Sir!

Here is my mission report for 07 October 820 A.S.

I was resting in my bunk on the Suffolk when the klaxon sounded for the scramble.

Although I was a little bewildered about the scramble, my first thought was that the Galics had managed to break through the Leeds defenses and was proceeding with an all out assault on New London.

Once I had launched I immediately set my Nav Computer for the Leeds gate when Suffolk mission control transmitted me orders to rendezvous with the Sutherland in the Chester system.

“My god!" I thought, "The Galics have found a way through Chester and were invading that way!”

I requested a new route from the Nav and a course was plotted through the Salisbury system.

On reaching the Chester jump hole I was contacted by the Invictus informing me that we were on a rescue mission; the Harbinger had been spotted in the Chester system, adrift and communications could not be established; my orders were to secure a perimeter around the Harbinger and protect the Invictus and Sutherland whilst they attempt to board Harbinger and search for survivors.

The good news is that Admiral Davis was found alive, the bad news is that practically all the crew are missing, presumed dead and the Harbinger had to be towed back to Southampton.

No hostiles were encountered during the rescue mission.

Once at Southampton Shipyard we secured the area and closed the Trade Lanes whilst the ship was maneuvered into Dry-Dock.

A civilian ship the “Massive_Dragon” had to be disabled for refusing to leave the area, despite numerous requests and orders from us.

Following the securing of the Harbinger at Southampton I conducted a patrol of the New London system with the Retribution and then returned to the Suffolk for some RnR.

Good day to you Sir!



RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 10-09-2012


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stoat - 10-10-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...

[Image: Furlough.jpg]

ID: Lieutenant Rachel Furlough
Encryption: Standard BAF
Priority: Low
Subject: Patrol Report


I am currently recovering onboard the Suffolk. A routine patrol through the Leeds system proceeded without incident, until I heard some garbled reports of a corsair vessel spotted within New London. I immediately jumped to the system and swept the lanes in an attempt to locate the vessel.

Finally I located it in the immediate vicinity of Southampton shipyards. An Imperator gunboat, and very heavily armoured. I immediately put out an emergency call for backup and proceeded to attempt to delay the vessel's escape. This proved unsuccessful and I had to engage. The Nova torpedoes we have proved almost useless against the gunboat. The tracking systems locked on, but the gunboat was easily able to evade the torpedoes. After taking fairly heavy damage, backup finally arrived in the form of Inspector Page of the BPA. With his assistance, we were finally able to prove a realistic threat to the gunboat and it's crew.

Switching our attack vectors was proving successful, and we nearly took the gunboat down, but our supply of hellfire missiles ran dry literally seconds before the gunboat's hull was breached. It was able to repair before we could bring our SNACs to bear. The inspectors Challenger took a fatal hit shortly thereafter, and he was forced to eject. His pod was collected by a passing Bowex trader, but I am unsure if the Inspector was lucky enough to avoid injury.

Myself, I continued to press the corsairs, hoping more backup was on the way. However, before any asstance arrived I was caught out by an unexpected manoeuver by the corsair, and my Challenger also took a fatal volley. My pod ejected successfully thankfully. As for the corsair gunboat, I have no further information.

I can only apologise for the loss of my Challenger. A loss I know we can ill afford. The doctors here say I will be returning to duty within 48 hours.

.Message Ends.
.Decryping Complete.
...Closing Channel...

....Transmission Terminated....

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 10-13-2012

---Incoming Transmision---
---Opening Video Feed---
-Video Link successefully connected-

[Image: robertdzeferson2.jpg]

Respective gentelman,

Once more I come here with report about my patrol. First of all, when I logged in I got an connected with Cdr.Goodman and Lt.Cdr.Arland. They have informed me that they were engaged by the Gallic forces in Tau-31, so I started my journey there. Upon my arival I saw a freelancer and some more ships of the Gallic forces. I asked for permision to engage, and when I got one I didnt hesitate. Altough we were outnumbered we stood our ground. Later on, while we were fighting, we stumbeled upon a Valor.
And let me say this, I never had that much fun in fighting. I am sorry if I wasnt suposed to say that but I felt need to. Our forces consisted of three fighters, all three Templars. Now the funny part is that we made that Valor run and we forced him to use all nanos and bats in just 5-10 minutes. Hmm and the bad part of the story is that I got disabled by base defenses, so unfortunatly I left commanders to fight alone greatly superior enemy force.
Now lucky for us pilot Might.Nyx helped out and he disabled one of the frogs. Then commanders were forced to withdraw to Leeds cus it was geting too hot in Tau-31. I got myself a Paladin and I equiped it with good tech and he was ready to do damage. After that part we continued our patrol and Invictus joined us along the way. He took command and we were ready for the patrol. We were going to go to Leeds from Southampton, when I saw some Molly Bomber around scrap field.

I wanted to clear space from those bloodsuckers but I got command not to do so, so I got back in the formation. Well nothing interesting happend so I landed on Southampton while the others went their way. After 3 hours of sleep on Southampton I got my Paladin runing and I went for Dublin to check the situation there and to see is there anything interesting with the bases.And I found something. I dont know if you were aware of that, but Coin base is suppleyed by Junkers. I have an evidance of that and here it is.

I tryed to chace him down but he had to big advantage to me so I had to pull back.

When I was going back I saw a few Mollys around their base and when I got there a fight between Sairs and Mollys began. I watched the show and like I expected Mollys were superior there. I wanted to go my way but Molly pilot wasnt so happy that I was there. He wanted from me to pay him but I didnt wanted to.
We fought a bit and then I pulled back since we were in that bloody mine field and my hull took too much damage from its explosions.
Well thats pretty much everything, and I wanted just to draw atention to the HC that Commanders Goodman and Arland should be nominated for some medals for their achievement in the fight in Tau-31 when we were outnumbered and we "took" down that Valor.

With all due respect, Lt.Dzeferson out.

---Terminating Transmision---
---Closing Video Feed---