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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 10-13-2012

[Image: AustinGoodman8.png]

Location: Cambridge Military Academy, Planet Cambridge
Subject: Report
Encryption Level: HIGH

With the recent treaty signed between the Liberty Admiralty and our own Admiralty, the Invictus and it's crew have begun humanitarian missions for the refugee camps on Leeds, by bringing selected personnel on board and taking them to Planet Pittsburgh in the New York System.

However, the other night we had an incident within the refugee quarters of the ship. A Marine, Sergeant Ashley Vickers, was overpowered and wounded by a refugee and her weapon taken by the same person. This happened in orbit of Manhattan while the Invictus was being held up by Liberty Navy forces, apparently they hadn't all gotten the memo.

I ordered a deployment of a small Marine Fireteam to deal with the situation in the refugee quarters, while I stayed in the CIC to deal with the Liberty vessels.

The fire-team was commanded by Lieutenant Commander Tyrone Watson, the Invictus' Second in Command. With my authorization, the Marines moved in and apprehended the gunman, who managed to get off a couple of shots before being overwhelmed, and essentially incapacitated.

However, it wasn't without a couple of casualties, as I stated earlier Sergeant Ashley Vickers was wounded but has made a speedy recovery and is back on duty, however... Warrant Officer First Class David Riley took two rounds to the chest and is in the infirmary as we speak, thankfully he was wearing his combat vest.

On the return trip home, I was informed that the prisoner we had taken into custody woke up. It turns out he was a Gallic sleeper agent whose assignment was to find out where our Refugee's were heading. I also took the liberty of turning him over to the Bretonian Intelligence Service, they can deal with him...

Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
Commanding Officer of the Invictus,
8th Fleet Headquarters, The York

Files Attached

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 10-13-2012

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[Image: robertdzeferson2.jpg]

Now one more report, and perhaps the final one.

I started my patrol with Cdr.Wayne and we headed for Southampton. On the way there we saw some Junkers and Hessians. We met Hessian hauling some stuff in Cambridge. That wasnt so strange so we have continuited our patrol and Cdr. said we should check O-3 and so we did.
Nothin significant happend there, we checked all the bases and system so we headed back home.
I left Cdr. at the King's Cross, and I headed again to New London planet. There I met HMS-Diamond. He reported me that he saw some Molly runing to Dublin. So we hited the road and we entered the lane to Dublin Jump Gate.
When we jumped the system looked clear. I toled HMS-Diamond's Captain Ms.Edwards to sweep down the system and I headed to check Molly base. I found nothing but I got report from Diamond ship that he found some strange pilot at Graves station. So I went there to check it up. We invited also HMS-Windrush. He was there also upon my arival. I found Canopus at Graves.

Its Liberty Assault Battlecruiser and he caried a BAF ID.

I asked him what was he doing there and he answered, a bit late but never minde, that he wanted to join Bret forces. But becouse of an unknown reason he just couldnt.

While we were chating with him a Molly showed up. It was a Bomber class vessel. He was jerking us around and he was in one moment 10K away and then he came to 3K distance, and again 10K and then 3K and so on. I toled him to get lost but he kept doing the same thing. So I toled Diamond to take care of it in case that that Bomber comes on 1,5K to us.
Then the Bomber left and again only 4 of us left at Graves.
Well we were talking to that LABC and then 3 or 4 Mollys showed up on the party. And Cdr. Goodman also showed up and he said to us to withdraw to New London. We listened to the order and we went to Planet of New London leaving that LABC behind us and unguarded. Then we made our way to NL and there we talked with our superiror officers Goodman and Arland.

That is the hole story, and I will say this, we didnt at any moment engaged any vessel, by any means, we were on peaceful patrol and we didnt engage any of those pilots! And on the end I got acused being a traitor and acused of being insubordinate. I am very disapointed now, so if I am asked to leave the force and if you belive that I have done such a thing I will listen to that final order!

With all due respect, Lt.Dzeferson

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 10-14-2012

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[Image: robertdzeferson2.jpg]

Hello gents, and HC

Today I will present you the international mission that Bretonia Armed Forces had today. BAF consisted 2 Templars and 1 Paladin. In those Templars were Commader Goodman and Captain Blair. I piloted the Paladin. When I got in the air I connected my comms with Captain's and we headed to Liberty. Commander Goodman was allready in Liberty at West Point.

After that [LN] asked us for help with one of the Rough GB's and we agreed. When I found it I called for backup and they arrived at the scene 2 minutes after and there we had a long talk with that Rough.

In the meantime [LN] fighter, Cpt. Blair, one Xeno and I engaged some GB. I took it down with pleasure. Here you go the proof.

After that we got back to Rough GB, which was inspected by Commander Goodman. He boarder on it and investigated situation. He got back healthy and in time for a big fight. On that scene some LR came with numerous fighters and a Dessy I think. They had 5-6 VHF and a Dessy.

Well on our side were guys from LSF, 2 of them, and 3 of us, I mean Commander, Cpt. and me. Lt.Cdr. Bloon showed up with his chalenger but soon he was disabled. I didnt manage to give him bots on time.

Then we needed to pull back since we were outnumbered, and Commander Goodman needed to break off our formation. So only Cpt.Blair and me left. We headed for Bretonia leaving LR and LSF to fight. We were sorry cus we left our allies but we couldnt do much with 2 ships against 6 of them plus that Dessy. Later when we got to Bret Cpt. went on the station to rest and repair his ship and I went to Southampton. And thats it.

It was surely tight but I think we made our bounds with Lib stronger, not much but every progress is important.

With all due respect,Lt.Dzeferson out.

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 10-14-2012

.:=Incoming Transmission=:.

Location: Cambridge Military Academy, Planet Cambridge
Subject: Transfer Request
Encryption Level: HIGH

Name: Austin Rodney Goodman
Rank: Commander
Serial ID: 394-231-402
Current Deployment: 8th Fleet, The York
Desired Relocation: 1st Fleet (Planet New London); 3rd Fleet (Planet Cambridge); or 5th Fleet (The Battleship Suffolk)


I'm requesting temporary re-assignment from the front-lines for personal reasons that I will not currently disclose. However, I will continue to provide logistical command over Armed Forces ships deployed to the front lines from the Combat Information Centre on board the Invictus.

Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
Commanding Officer of the Invictus,

Files Attached

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-14-2012

[Image: 2rnhkwl.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 16idte9.gif]

Commander Austin Rodney Goodman,
Your request to be re-assigned from the 8th Fleet is interesting because you were the one to request to be signed there in first place.
I am definitely sure the pressure which Carcassone is giving us from Tau-31 is not enough to make you come to this decission but if thats what you wish, so be it.
Your application to be re-assigned to another fleet will be accepted. Proceed to Suffolk, 5th Fleet, for further information.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear.
Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2eztfyc.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 10-15-2012

[Image: AustinGoodman8.png]

Location: Cambridge Military Academy, Planet Cambridge
Subject: Gallic Warship Flying Liberty Colors... and no one tells us, why?
Encryption Level: HIGH

So... apparently the damn Yanks have a Gallic Valor, designated the LNS-Normandie. Now, I can understand the advantages of having a capital ship like that in your arsenal, but what I can't... fathom... is why the hell would the Liberty Navy send a Gallic Valor into Bretonian space without giving us a heads up first?

I was on patrol, along with Admiral Davis, and neither one of us were informed about it's entrance into Liberty, until the Invictus and Lieutenant Commander Tyrone - prior to me taking full command - spotted the vessel.

While no shots were fired, I do not regret my actions. If Liberty wants to pull that sort of stunt, I don't give a damn about their support in this war. We've held strong this long without Yank support, we can hold longer and eventually win.

Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
Commanding Officer of the Invictus,
5th Fleet Headquarters, The Suffolk

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-15-2012

[Image: 2rnhkwl.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 16idte9.gif]

Austin Rodney Goodman,
I received another disturbing report about your careless actions. Your last report proves that you are under serious pressure. Your actions dont suit the representative expectations from a commander neither are giving an example to the low ranks.
Because of your scenarios in Rheinland, your actions in Liberty and your attitude towards the liberty ships coming to support us in Leeds, you are demoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
You have no permission to leave Bretonia neither to further command a capital ship until a second order is given.

Failure to follow these orders will result in early retirement from the armed forces.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear.
Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2eztfyc.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 10-16-2012

Incoming transmission.

From Lt. Commander James Arland

Location: New London HQ

Encryption: Standard

Regarding today's patrol - Today, we encountered a pair of GRN fighters in New London, of all places. A worrying thought, but the pilots claimed not to be there on Royal Navy orders.

On Commander Havering's command, we decided to simply show them the door via Tau-31, which they agreed to. Guncam picture of the transit is embedded here.

However, while at planet Leeds, a third GRN fighter arrived, going by the transponder signal "GRN-Jean.Levoie".

This one proceeded to howl some nonsense and fling himself at us, while the other two foreswore him and were escorted out of the system. Goodman and I fought this one for a little while until Admiral Davis decided that I was to switch places with Moore, after which the hostile fighter was destroyed.

Resuming routine patrol, there was a minor incident in Dublin when emissions from an unstable jumphole caused Goodman and I to lose communications with the rest of the battlegroup for a short while, but we were recovered quite safely.

After a small tour around Manchester, New London, Magellan and Cortez with Havering, I ended my sortie.

Arland out.

End of message.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 10-17-2012

Incoming transmission.

From: Lt. Commander James Arland

Location: Planet New London HQ

Encryption: Standard

In light of my having served a full six month tour of duty with 2nd fleet, and the numerous engagements fought over this period, I'm formally requesting that I be rotated into 5th fleet as my next posting, as both a slight reprieve and for purposes of more rapid deployment to the rest of the realm - I realize we're at war, but internal security has taken a hit as of late.

-James Arland

End of message.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 10-17-2012

[Image: AustinGoodman8.png]

Location: Cambridge Military Academy, Planet Cambridge
Subject: Gallic Defector - Sophie Savoie.
Encryption Level: HIGH

Goodman here,

Prior to my untimely demotion for something I still frankly see stupid and pathetic, as it was a lack of clear communication somewhere down the line, either between Liberty and Bretonia, or our High Command and our Mid-Command.

Recently, I was personally contacted by a Royal Navy pilot who was planning on defecting from her post in the Gallic Royal Navy and seek political asylum from Gallia with Bretonia - as well as citizenship through Military Service.

She contacted me over private communications giving me a meeting location and then again over the same communications to give me the go ahead when she was ready on leaving.

The mission was staged earlier today with Captain Blair, Lieutenant Commander Arland, Ensign Davenport and myself. I'm happy to say it went off without a hitch and with orders from Admiral Davis, I've already started helping her into Bretonian society. Will be getting her a civilian ship so she can provide some combat help during her wait and get use to working with us before she puts the uniform on.

The decision not to inform high command about this operation until after she was safely in our hands was mine and mine alone. I've put myself and my friends at risk getting her here, so I'm going to take full responsibility for her.

Admiralty has a Rheinland national in it who sought political asylum, and we had a Kusari Naval Officer who defected during the war with Kusari. With that, I'm going to request the following... and I'm not taking no for an answer.

I request:

1.) She gains Bretonian Citizenship through Military Service.
2.) She isn't given room and board on any Dunkirk, or at any military bases until she is comfortable. She will be given a room at my ranch. (Not up for negotiations.)
3.) She's assigned to my fleet, and my squadron.
4.) She's treated with respect by all of our pilots.

She has earned my trust, which is hard to do if you know who I am, and I generally don't go out of my way to help someone I barely trust. I've already informed her multiple times that if she betrays my trust, or Bretonia, she wouldn't have to worry about the Gallic's getting her.

Lieutenant Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
Commanding Officer of the Invictus,
5th Fleet Headquarters, The Suffolk

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Transmission with Sophie Savoie

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