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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 11-28-2008

Incoming Transmission...
From: Fleet Admiral Percy Nelles
To: Ensign James Tucan

Re : Smuggler Down

By all means, shoot down a smuggler scoundrel who refuses to pay heed, with all due prejudice.

Good Work son!

Flt Adm Nelles

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 11-29-2008

...Incoming Transmission
From: Ensign James Hobart
To: the Bretonia Armed Forces
Subject: Weekly report

After only three days of flying lessons and theories of combat I was given a mission from High Command. My instructions were to deliver war material (weaponsetc) to Blood Dragoons to aid them in their fight. Fleet that was made to protect the convoy was extraordinary, and I have never seen that amount of ships in my lifetime until now. The biggest problem was that fleet of this scale couldnt hide forever and soon Kusari Naval Forces will be here to intercept us. However, we still got the element of surprise but we lost that with entering Kusari system Kyushu. Welcoming party was there waiting to greet us which left us with only one choice, to defend the convoy with everything we got and survive. Our partners Dragons sent their combat wing in order to assist us and protect their investment. Initially,
Naval forces managed to destroy two colleagues of mine and Bretonia Destroyer Iron Duke was forced to retreat. It was clear that if we loose one more ship Naval Forces will succeed in their intention of destroying transport vassel. But to my surprise I managed to destroy four of enemy fighters as you can see from my ships camera. With this development Bretonia had slight more chance to prevail and be victorious which was the outcome eventually in the end. We managed to eradicate those pests and deliver our shipment to Blood Dragons. We took few pictures to remember this day and here are some.
While returning to Bretonia we decided to stop and have a tea brake with BMM workers on their station in Tau 23. They were happy about our victory that they even treated us with Whiskey, which I had to refuse because of my personal reasons.
Some photo of HMS-IronDuke - Bretonia space.Fleet on the way for the Kusari space.
Begginers luck shots.
Look at Kusari system Kyushu. Record made after mission was suscess.

I woke up today with happy expression on my face thinking about our victory yesterday. Proud with myself I drank some tea and resumed my patrolling duty throughout Leeds system. While flying I encountered an unusual trace that isnt common for this part of universe. It was something familiar about it and I could swear I encountered it before. But I was patient and waited until my ship entered scanner range. It was a surprising discovery. Liberty Gunboat heading in direction of Leeds planet Dublin jump hole. I managed to follow it to Dublin but he suddenly disappeared from my scanners and I thought I should warn everyone to approach with caution if they encounter it in future.
Ship camera record,including blackbox records.

However, as the day continued to pass I encountered Kusari Naval pilot in Leeds only 30 minutes before I got an information I got a son. Not willing to risk my life and making my son an orphan and my wife a widow I asked the pilot to leave Bretonia space. Well that couldnt happen could it? But he should have listened to my advice. I left early to visit my wife and newborn son that were stationed in medical center on Planet London.
Ship camer record.

Today I started my day like always I drank some tea, had a breakfast and followed my routine.
After only half an hour of patrolling I sighted a Lane Hacker Gunship. This is like some kind of tradition. They wait exactly for me to show up *Laughs*. Well lets continue, I opened channel and before I could say anything I was attacked by it. After long time and also with help of White Tigers and one Bretonia police officer we managed to eliminate the threat.
Poor Hacker fella.Ship camera records,and blackbox.
I want to take this opportunity and direct everyone attention to a Smuggler. His Comm. ID is Coorporate Calamity, flying Pirate transport and is considered very dangerous. Unfortunately I have not been able to stop him; he once again disappeared in Dublin system.
Proof of smuggling.Camera record.

New day in Bretonia, yet. Liberty Rogue gunboat again, this is the second time I found myself face to face with it. I couldnt do anything due to his disappearing again. *Mutters* this is starting to be a mockery.
Camera and blackbox records.
Since my encounter with gunboat, I was informed about another threat. Two Corsairs were sighted near Norfolk in Cambridge system. I made haste to Cambridge to prevent any destruction of Queen Carinas Property. After those two cannibals were taken care off, I took a nap to relax a bit.
Camer records,and blackbox.

Today Corsairs sent a relatively big fleet. It was for purpose of revenge probably. They have sent 5 ships. Before we could take care of them,Corsairs made bomberment of Cambridge planet. Bretonian forces were made of 3 templars, but HMS Rodney jumped in to help. With his devastating weapons it was only matter of time. Also I must inform that they only managed to destroy one plantation of beans thanks to their advanced technology *Laughs*.
Hip Hip Ho-ray for caption Monty.

During my patrol once again I sighted a transport vessel coming from Tau 31 system. Routine scan showed that he has cargo full of Plutonium. Like always I requested that he cuts his engines and sends his papers for evaluation. There was no respond from captain of that transport and I was forced to follow him and try to persuade him to talk. He disappeared 20 k from Belfast and that proved my suspicion about him working for Mollys. My Ship camera has recorded some of the details.
Camera records.

Good day, today I am reporting from medical bay on Planet London. During patrol in Cambridge system I ran into two Corsairs pilots, to be more precisely two Praetorian class bombers. I managed to eradicate Cambridge of one of those, but while doing that other one cowardly sneaked from behind and damaged my ship. I was forced to eject and my ship was destroyed. My pod was picked up by my colleagues. Doc says that its nothing serious and he is sure I will be ready to get back on duty in day or two.
Camera records and blackox. Damige, but it contain few records.

Corsairs*Chuckles*. Lads the y are like rats you kill one 10 more shows up. This time it was a corsairs gunboat VV Albator. He was sighted near Omega 5 jump hole in Cambridge system. He didnt waste his time for chitchat so he immediately opened fire. He was destroyed shortly after.
New ship, new camera, new blackbox.

Also I forgot to mention. Ships flying by the name AwsomeExpressShip, PlanetExpressShip and PabloEscobar were caught smuggling artifacts in Bretonia. To my regret ships camera was broken so I was unable to take any photos. With this I end my weekly report.

Ens.James Hobart out.

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tic - 11-29-2008


Comm ID: Ensign Rodney Trotter
Subject: Field report

Good day to you.

Today, as i was patroling New London, i encountered Shade. I'm sure most of you know who he is, and his
reputation. But, to cut things short, i ordred him to leave Bretonia. He refused, so i found him, and tried to
convince him to leave. We got into an... Argument... As we were arguing, i scanned his ship and discovere
2 BAF pilots on board his ship, so i ordered to drop him. He got agitated, droped them and tried to kill them,
but i was faster and was able to beam them in. I decided to punish him for that, so i engeaged. After few minutes of blasting each other, i managed to take all his equipment, so he surrendered. Then as i tried to escort him to prision for processing, he managed to escape. This was my failure, and i learned from it. We exchanged some word over the comm, and that was it.

This was an exciting first day for me, and i am glad i joined up.

Rodney out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 11-30-2008

"Mr Neville Hughes, please come in."

Lieutenant Commander Neville Hughes entered the office of the Fleet Admiral.

"At ease, and have a seat."

Fleet Admiral Nelles stood and paced.

"Your performance in the service of the Crown has been exemplary. Her Majesty appreciates all the efforts expended by those who risk their lives in the service of Bretonia."

The Lieutenant Commander saw where this was going, and smiled. He did not lack ambition.

"You are going to need new shoulder epaulettes, Commander."

Hughes stood and saluted the Fleet Admiral.

"Thank you sir!"

Nelles returned the salute.

"Right. Now get to your duties. Commanders can't just stand around you know. There will be a formal ceremony at the next Parade."

Hughes gave a final salute, then left the room sharply.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 12-01-2008

--Incoming Transmission--
Target: BAF Defence Intelligence Staff
Comm ID: Captain Stanley Nelson

Gentlemen. Today I witnessed a crime not only against the authority of the Bretonian Government, but also an offront against all lawful and civilzed trade dealings across Sirius. Whilst serving alongside BPA officers, they were approached by a loyal Bretonian by the name of Sarah Kaclith, with the intention of purchasing a large number of nomad licenses for Kaclith vessels. As this is BPA issue, I occupied myself elsewhere and thought little of it at the time. When, later, the BPA asked her to pay for said licenses, however, it transpired that she had already transeferred the large sum of many millions of credits to a certain Doirmea, who had apparantly fraudulantly posed as a BPA officer, an in doing so stolen the sum intended for the Bretonian Government for his own private uses. The senior BPA officer present requested that I assist him in confronting this character, in order to determine what had happened and attempt to recover the sum of money. On questioning him, however, it became apparant that this was a deliberate act of impersonation of a Bretonian official, and theft of Bretonian funds. Mr Doirmea showed no intention of returning the funds, and effectively mocked the authority of the Bretonian State in our attempt to recover them.

I consider this to be a crime of the utmost seriousness, and hope that this individual may be swiftly hunted down by our forces, our allies in Liberty and all lawful mercenaries and bounty hunters, in order to bring him to justice, recover our funds, and prevent others from falling prey to this trickery and theft.

I attach a partially complete transcript of our questioning of the suspect, unfortunately some short parts of the report were lost in transmission:

[Image: fraudreportft9.png]

Hoping that this matter can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently,

Captain Stanley Nelson

--End Transmission--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Athenian - 12-01-2008

C-Ward, Florence Nightingale Infirmary, New London.

Well, gents. I am broadcasting this missal from the infirmary as you may have guessed. I imagine the smell of ether and disinfectant is assailing your nostrils even as you read this.

I am confined, unusually enough, not by reason of a crashed ships or as a result of one of my minor "anger coronaries" as the chaps at Admiralty call it.

No, indeed, it appears my bottom has finally given way, and my ongoing martyrdom to the piles has got the better of me.

Now many may blame the lack of fibre in the diet of which I partook all those years serving. Many may point the digit of blame at the more unusal and secretive aspects of peer-enforced discipline in the public school system. Whatever the cause, be it an Etonian Midnight Special or the lashings of cream custard on spotted dick which nourished me throughout my commission, my rear-end has finally waved the pinkish flag of surrender and gone goose over stump.

I fear my days as a combat pilot may be numbered. Plenty of rest and a rather cold and uncomfortable cream to be applied daily by my man-servant are what the doctor has ordered.

In light of this, I shall have to acclimatise myself to continuing to serve Her Majesty in a manner more becoming of an elderly gentlemen. It would be unseemly for me to continue leading the charge on a daily basis into the ranks of the brazen brigands who plague our fair land. I shall therefore be requesting command of a vessel more disposed to the field duties of a ranking officer. I understand the commission of a refitted Gunboat-class vessel may be available, and would deem it a signal honour for the command of the BAF|HMS-Wellesley sharing as it does the name of a fine ancestor of mine, best known for his acts of slaughter against various foreigners of questionable parentage.

For a crew I would have no qualms in requesting the fine chaps who shared that Kusari hell-hole with me during my captivity.

I await the Admiralty's determination on this matter.

[Image: sir-roger-2discovery-portra.gif]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tic - 12-01-2008


Comm ID: Ensign Rodney Trotter
Subject: Field report, part 1

Well this was quite an eventfull day indeed. We had Corsairs in Cambridge, then Hessians and Corsairs in Omega 3, and finnaly a CR fleet accompanied by a single warship moving thruought Bretonia space...

Unfortunatley, as tired i am from all the comotion, ill have to delay my report until tommorow.

Rodney out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stratus - 12-01-2008

Incoming Transmission
From: Admiral Drake Kaiden
To: Lord Commander Sir Roger Brinkley
C-Ward, Florence Nightingale Infirmary

Good heavens Roger, its one hell of a pickle you've found yourself in recently regards this illnesses.

You seem to have times these events with an uncanny precision, requesting command of the HMS-Wellesley mere hours after she lost her command. After a brief discussion with the Fleet Admiral, we came to the conclusion that such uncanny precisions are best used on the bridge. Nelles stated that in light of recent events, you are his first choice of command for the Wellesley. I couldn't help but agree wholeheartedly.

Congratulations Commander.
The HMS-Wellesley awaits your dismissal from the infirmary.

End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Athenian - 12-01-2008

Southampton Shipyard, New London.

Dashed good news.

The Wellesley was a little banged up from her recent engagement in Cambridge, having sustained critical engine failure while assisting a squad that had intercepted a Corsair raiding party. The Ensigns handled themselves remarkably well, downing several light craft and three M26 class Gunboats.

Leaking fuel and running on low power, we were able to assist Nelson in dealing with the Colonial Remnant's untoward and bilious incursion on a half-baked trade mission that passed through Bretonian space this evening.

These vile and uncouth swine cheeked the Armed Forces like a French whoopsie, and left with the customary playground taunts for which they are famous in the despicable systems they defecate in and call home.

By jingo, these rapscallions are as true to their word as a hermaphroditic Kusari prostitute who has promised one a Thursday Lunchtime Special and charged the higher weekend rate!

The Wellesley is undergoing repairs and is having armour fitted that may render her more impervious to large gun attacks.

The boffins have mounted a fine Sheffield Steel Cannon, inscribed with the name of the designer. Here's to the "John Thomas" spouting firepower that would floor a flotilla!

[Image: sir-roger-2discovery-portra.gif]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stoat - 12-02-2008

Terrible run in with the KNF in Tau-31. Kanadzuchi had taken out several good pilots before I even got on the scene. As I engaged the blighter, other KNF ships joined the fray. I was at least able to take out one of them before all my fellows were taken out by Kanadzuchi.


Left on my own against three Chimeras, I beat a hasty retreat.

It has been a bad day for the BAF today.