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Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Printable Version

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RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Atreides2 - 03-05-2017

[Image: Engineer.jpg]

Greetings Nick Stenn ,

I can confirm that the payment had been made and it entered our account. Please feel free to contact us if you require more equipment.

Also , we would contact you in 3 month to do a maintanence check up.

Kind regards ,
Dell Atreides

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RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Atreides2 - 03-05-2017

[Image: Engineer.jpg]

Greetings Nick Stenn ,

I can confirm that the payment had been made and it entered our account. Please feel free to contact us if you require more equipment.

Also , we would contact you in 3 month to do a maintanence check up.

Kind regards ,
Dell Atreides

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RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - The Sovereign - 03-07-2017

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[Image: ByHBBZY.png]


  • »»» Location: Leeds Resistance Base
  • »»» Sender ID: Nick Stenn
  • »»» Recipient ID: Dell Atreides
  • »»» Issue: Nyx Purchase

Mr Atreides,

Not only has the Nyx exceeded my expectations, but the weapons that came installed on her are both more effective, and more energy efficient than the ones I had previously had. My only concern is that the power core seems to be leaking and I am only receiving 75% efficiency from it at the moment. Would it be possible for me to bring it in for safety reasons and maintenance, or should I contact an independent shipyard? Either way, it has been a pleasure doing business with you sir.

Yours sincerely,
Nick Stenn
The Forlorn Hope

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RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Forlorn Hope Command - 03-20-2017

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[Image: nniFuSh.png]


  • »»» Location: Leeds Resistance Base
  • »»» Sender ID: Nick Stenn
  • »»» Recipient ID: Dell Atreides
  • »»» Issue: Nyx Bulk Purchase

Mr Atreides,

I'll cut right to the chase on this one. The Nyx is one of the finest fighter craft I have ever flown, and as Forlorn Hope continues to expand we find ourselves in need of high grade ships. In light of this, I would like to open negotiations to purchase a full wing of Nyx strike craft along with equipment to serve as our primary strike ship model. We would of course, ensure that they are never used against the Crayter Republic or its Allies in any capacity, and aside from repairs and minor modifications done by our personal engineers, that they will not be handed over to any outside parties, in any capacity. We understand that this may be a tall order, but if there is any way for us to move forward with this goal, please inform us at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Stenn
The Forlorn Hope

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RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Atreides2 - 03-21-2017

[Image: Engineer.jpg]

Greetings Nick Stenn ,

We are happy that you show so much interest in our Nyx fighter and we would provide you more if we have available. Now please , how many you wanted to purchase ?

Kind regards ,
Dell Atreides

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RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Forlorn Hope Command - 03-22-2017

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[Image: nniFuSh.png]


  • »»» Location: Leeds Resistance Base
  • »»» Sender ID: Nick Stenn
  • »»» Recipient ID: Dell Atreides
  • »»» Issue: Nyx Bulk Purchase

Mr Atreides,

We're looking at procuring a full fighter wing, so would need at least nine ships. In addition to the ships, we also want to obtain Crayterian weapons, and power-cores for the ships, as the custom installed power-core on the ship I had previously obtained just doesn't do the Nyx the justice it deserves. We understand that this may be a considerable amount of effort to produce and could detract from your war effort. So, in order to ensure that this transaction passes smoothly, I would like to offer Forlorn Hope services, free of charge, to the Republic during the construction period, and we further ask that you but name a price for the ships, power-cores, weapons and construction process. As a side note, our Reputation with the Crayterian Republic, its allies and enemies remains unchanged from when we last contacted you.

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Stenn
The Forlorn Hope

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RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Atreides2 - 03-22-2017

[Image: Dell_Atreides.png]

Greetings Nick Stenn ,

We are more then pleased here at CDI that you like our products. It makes us feel proud of our work and we thank you.

Now about your request. (pause) Nine Evo 2b Nyx Fighters ....


We can accommodate your request , as our production lines on Pecos are building in advance for our Fleet , to replenish the losses that our patrols and combat wings are taking and thus , our deposits are kinda full.


However , as our main contractor is the Crayterian Fleet and the Crayterian Intelligence Services this service would be a bit more expensive , however we can give you 10 Nyx for 100.000.000 credits , which includes the standard power core.

As for the weapons , how many heavy weapons you want to acquire and which type?

Kind regards,
Dell Atreides

[Image: Comm_End_Dell.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Forlorn Hope Command - 03-22-2017

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[Image: nniFuSh.png]


  • »»» Location: Trenton
  • »»» Sender ID: Nick Stenn
  • »»» Recipient ID: Dell Atreides
  • »»» Issue: Nyx Bulk Purchase

Mr Atreides,

The price is, as we expected, high, but quite worth it. We are mainly interested in the weapons for the Nyx's themselves, the TEW-B's and TEW-C's in particular. We are glad to hear that the Nyx's will be fitted with their standard power-cores, and as such are willing to pay the price. However, we will refrain from making any payments until we have agreed upon a sum total for all the Ships and Weapons. The quantity of weapons would be variable, but assuming each pilot wishes for the same load-out, we will require 40 TEW-B's and 40 TEW-C's. Even as I write these I can't help but shake my head at the numbers I'm putting to paper. Regardless, I believe our numbers are correct.

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Stenn
The Forlorn Hope

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RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Atreides2 - 03-22-2017

[Image: Dell_Atreides.png]

Greetings Nick Stenn ,

The price is a bit high but as I said , we are in wartime situation and we need to refill the gap by building more and faster , which puts a strain on our workers and thus they need some incentive.

As for the weapons , 40 TEW-C Gun and 40 TEW-B Gun ... that is an order which again we can easily accommodate based on the same principles as mentioned ahead , we are always building in advance but here I can offer you a discount.

Normally , a single TEW-C gun would cost around 165,000 credits and a single TEW-B would be situated at roughly 61,000 credits , so your order would be a grand total of 9,040,000 credits. However , as you are a loyal customer , we will supply this demand for only 3,000,000. Put in total , your order for the ships and weapons would take you to 103,000,000 credits.

As a gift , we would provide free maintenance for this batch of Nyx and also the other one sold to you.

If you agree with this terms , please send the credits to =CR=Treasury and also provide a proof , as you know , better safe then sorry.

As a side note , the order can be picked up at any time as you need to present yourself to the Supply Office on New Hope camp , once you will received my electronic signature to authorize the order.

Please register the ships under our registration board using the following template

Shipname/Transonder: <name here>
Commanding Officer (Name/Rank) <firtnname and surname here>
Ship class: <ship class here>

Kind regards,
Dell Atreides

[Image: Comm_End_Dell.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Forlorn Hope Command - 03-23-2017

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[Image: nniFuSh.png]


  • »»» Location: Trenton
  • »»» Sender ID: Nick Stenn
  • »»» Recipient ID: Dell Atreides
  • »»» Issue: Nyx Bulk Purchase

Mr Atreides,

I believe we find ourselves with a deal. I've sent the payment, and I've already brought my Nyx through to Pecos for the upgrade. As always, it has been a pleasure doing business with you and the Crayter Republic. Please, do not hesitate to contact us when needed.

Yours sincerely,
Knight Captain Stenn
The Forlorn Hope

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