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Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Wes_Janson - 11-23-2008

[STF]Wes_Janson (1 characther has questionalbe loadout/ID, but a exception has been applied for for valid RP reasons)

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Wilf_Brim - 11-23-2008

I was not on the server for a while (about month) and today when I tried to connect I got a message that I was banned from the server... This happened to me for the second times still I am not aware of any kind of breaking rules from my side. Char name: Wilf_Brim

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Fellow Hoodlum - 11-24-2008

Wilf, it would appear you were unfortunately left in a state of banned-ness after your sanction.
That mistake has now been rectified ...


Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - CaltuRe - 11-24-2008

Was autobanned by server:


Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - RedEclipse - 11-24-2008

Thx m8:)

I was a ban for about 24 hours ago.

My chars: eclipse, redeclipse, taiidan, kadesh.

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - alleph - 01-15-2009


i was trying Marsflier weapons and server banned me:$is it a reason for ban?

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-15-2009

Yes there is a reason, if you are re-buying Marsflyers to strip them of the guns, shield and thruster. You will
get banned for cheating. So I suggest you refrain from doing it please.
Best lose the everything you stripped as well, as if you are caught using them on anything but the Marsflyer,
you will catch a sanction, and they will be removed.


Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - alleph - 01-16-2009

i see, so i sold the marsflier and all the equipments related it. Sorry, i didnt know about that.

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Sparxy - 01-24-2009

Hi Admins

Got banned tonight on my BHG account, not sure why. I was having MAJOR connection issues and kept getting "server not responsing" messages. I switched chars a few times on that account and then was told I was banned from the server.

I switched to my other account using FLAM and logged in fine. A friend told me I was auto bannned but we don't know why.

One of my chars is [BHG]"Europa" and I think I also tried to connect with [BHG]GS-"Elise"

Any ideas?

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Sparxy - 01-24-2009

well it seems I am not banned now????

Either somethign freaky was going on or Hoodlum has sorted it. If it was Hoodlum, thanks very much for such quick work, much appreciated.

My ISP is being a total biatch at the moment so I have huge pings, loss etc. Could that have been the cause?

Yes it was me, forgot to post it ...