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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kane - 12-31-2006

Black Box Transmission:
ID: Missile Fighter, Flugkorper
Location: New Berlin, D5

Target: Evil Chucky
Selected weapons: -Silver Fire x2
-Paralyzer Missile x1

Target shield dropped

Target sheild recharged

Shield failure

Target shield dropped

Shield recharged

Target shield recharged

Target sheild dropped

Selected weapons: -Silver Fire x2
-Cannonball Missile x1

Target hit

Target sheild recharged

Shield failure

Hull damage

Shield recharged

Selected weapons: -Silver Fire x2
-Paralyzer Missile x1

Target shield dropped

Shield failure: ALERT! Shield batteries exhausted!

Target shield recharged

Target hit

Hull damage

Sidewinder Missile Launcher Destroyed!

Paralyzer Missile Launcher Destroyed!

CM Dropper Destroyed!

Audio file: "Come on, come on! D*mn you!"

Selected weapons: -Silver Fire x2
-Cannonball Missile x1

Cannonball Missile Launcher Destroyed!

Silver Fire 1 Destroyed!

Silver Fire 2 Destroyed!

Incomming Missile!

Audio file: "Oh shi-"

After-action Report:
- All weapons lost
- Shield batteries exhausted
- Nanomachines exhausted
- Ammunition did not ignite in hold after hull breach
- 2 Swarm Missiles impacted in cockpit area
- Pilot KIA

End Black Box Transmission:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Firebird - 01-02-2007

OOC: Need opinion in SF message dump, combat vehicles...contraband or no?

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 01-02-2007

OoC: Combat Vehicles... Limit the number to one-per-ship. No need for more. Unless its a battleship, in which case, go for no more than five.

Same goes for all RM, I guess...

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 01-02-2007

Why doesn't anyone do trade runs with military vehicles?

Or is it because the best place to sell them is in kusari and no-one wants the SF to indict them?

Or could it be that it doesn't make as much money as other routes and therefor is ignored?

Probably all of the above.

Why limit BS to only 5 military vehicles?

How about traders carrying them?

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 01-02-2007

OoC: You know... Honestly, I don't care. But I don't see why anyone would need more than one combat vehicle... Besides, selling combat vehicles to pirates might not be the best for us, you know. Nowadays, who's allowed to transport military vehicles? The Military... But whatever, I don't really care.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 01-02-2007


Ok, now plunderer has another excuse to shoot traders, excellant.:laugh:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Maeve - 01-04-2007

[Image: Dr.jpg]

Official Request:

Dear RM-Leader(s) and members,

As the DSMC* heard about your "usual" handling on smugglers and pirates, we feel in need of a
clearence of situation.
It might be necessary for us (depending on situation) to carry one or two units of "cardamine" on
board of our mobile hospital "DSMC* Medic Shuttle".
As we will only carry the maximum of two units, nobody will expect us doing "profit" with it.
Please inform the DSMC*, if we are allowed to transport this (very) small around through Rheineland.
We would pay a fee for it, if wanted, but we need the cardi for medical reasons.

You can post your answer here or pm (Dr.) Maeve (McCormick)

Thank you for your time

Maeve McCormick

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 01-04-2007

Carrying small amounts of Cardamine, such as you are saying you will have to is acceptable. I'm sure our officials will understand if you explain the situation. Keep the amount you carry low, however.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Maeve - 01-05-2007

[Image: Dr.jpg]

Thank you very much, Sir.

The amount, we need, will be under "6".
If you meet us and scan, finding us with more, the DSMC* asks you to act however
your laws allow you to do.

Maeve McCormick

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chucc - 01-06-2007

Lt. Hoffstetter Reporting on days encounters.

Multiple people scanned, no problems.
TBF Krog intercepted and peace talks were the topic of discussion.
Message To: RM Command

I did happen to run into Krog of the TBF. We had a moment to talk before encountering firing range. In that breif moment we started discussing what would be necessary for there to be peace between our Groups. He is going to bring up the subject to his superior as I am doing here. We talked and I have SS's if needed of almost the entire conversation. (Sorry took to long talking to get the first few lines)
He assured me that we will have a response within 24 hours of the desired terms.

I hope I did not step out of line opening this topic, but I felt it was about time someone asked if ts possible.

Hoffstetter Out.