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RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Capt. Henry Morgan - 12-17-2019

[Image: sWrNDKl.jpg]

From: Commander Kim Ye-jin, OCS Victorious March

Location: Canberra Star City

Encryption: Sufficiently Advanced

To: NO Internal Affairs

Subject: Empty Spaces

Long range scans reported unusual gravitational readings somewhere in the Brittany system, source unknown, and command ordered the Victorious March to investigate. Shortly after arriving in the system, we located the source of the readings, a previously uncharted jump hole in the vicinity of the gas giant Rennes. Sensors indicated that the jump hole was phase aligned and stable enough for transit, so I gave the order to proceed. The system on the other end of the jump hole is an uncharted system according to our navigational systems. The area around the jump hole was a very dense asteroid field of unknown size, but it appears to extend as far as the ship's mapping software could show.

Not far from the jump hole was an Enclave cruiser. Though the ship took no action against us, it's obvious that the Enclave is aware of both the system itself, and the fact that we're aware of it. We flew a short distance into the system to get our distance from the cruiser and to see if we could locate anything of interest nearby. Towards the relative center of the system, we encountered a Zoner freighter piloted by a Martin Shepherd who appeared to be engaged in mining operations. Mr. Shepherd was not aware of where the system was located, but indicated that the mineral he was mining was worth a significant amount.

We took a sample of the mineral, designated Narcrahtite by our materials scanner, and set course back to the jump hole. This material has a number of unusual properties, but the March is not equipped to perform a proper analysis. Upon our return to Canberra, we turned over a sample of 139 cargo units to a hazmat crew at Fleet Dock 4B. The Victorious March will remain at Canberra until we recieve new orders. Myself and my crew are available for debriefing at your earliest convenience.


4OF/VM-FLTREC BRT-8261217/120600

Commander Kim Ye-jin
Комма́ндер Ким Е Чжин
사령관 김예진

RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Charo - 12-18-2019

ID: Reina Pavoni
Location: Canberra Star City

Hello, Reina here. I have two things to report on. The other day I was flying through Texas buying supplies for a mining base in Dublin in the Hundredth Meridian. I was caught by a Xeno while flying down a lane. I expected him to just tear me apart then continue on his way. But he said that he was just looking around. He didn't seem very hostile, but he still put me down as a target. The weird part is though, he said he seemed a little bit interested in hiring me. I don't exactly trust what the Xenos say, so maybe he was just messing with me. Here is the audio anyways.

Second, I decided to check out that system Ye-jin was talking about. I went there through Brittany, that jumphole that's now sitting in the middle of the main path through the system. When I jumped in all I saw was a thick asteroid cluster, one my Gat could barely fit through. I flew around the system for a bit trying to find anything before I came across a group of people, the most important being a Coalition and Bretonian Intel member. They were talking to each other about a dreadnought. I asked what they were talking about and they showed me a nearby Liberty battleship, just sitting there. I won't go into all of the conversation here, but after a Coalition fighter left he found this strange anomaly. The Bretonian said that it was artificial, made by aliens. It makes me uneasy, but according to them the minerals might make it worthwhile to visit. I also found a somewhat active Gallic cruiser, but it didn't have any defenses. I also picked up some of this ore while I was there, I dropped it off on Canberra.


Also, they mentioned that the Colonials aren't from that true?

:::Closing Transmission:::

RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-02-2020

[Image: ZTqmcmr.png]
Incoming Transmission from Planet Curacao
Cortez, Barrier Borderworlds
02. FEBRUARY 827 A.S.
To: NO Internal Affairs
Priority: Normal
Topic: Pirates, Terrorists, and Other Assorted Wildlife

Message Contents:


While the Frozen Princess was on a passenger run ferrying Envoys from New Tokyo to Freeport 2, we were accosted by two Xeno pilots (Callsigns Cobra & Rainbow) who predictably took issue with our presence in Liberty space. Well aware that I was badly outgunned and not being an idiot, I chose to withdraw back to Kusari space rather than attempt to fight or run. Apparently they weren't idiots either, because they escorted me all the way back to the Kusari border, not trusting me to stay out, apparently. The shame of it, I promised that we'd leave, I'm a man of my word. I'd never turn around and go back via another route as soon as they were out of sight.

So, as soon as we entered Shikoku and lost our unwanted escort, I immediately set course for the Galileo jump hole, in hopes of finding an alternate route through Libertonian space. As we passed Leiden in Galileo, the Lane Hackers there passed us updated coordinates on some of Liberty's jump holes. Because there was no easy and safe route to Bering on the back routes through Liberty, my passengers agreed to redirect to Curacao instead. On our way through Colorado to the Ontario jump hole, we passed the two Xeno ships again, but they were otherwise engaged and we passed by without incident.

There was no way they didn't notice, though. Any other Guild ships passing through Libertonian space should be cautious. I'm not sure that the Xenos will be so kindly disposed towards us in the future.

Captain Hideo Kotomichi, NO-Frozen.Princess
Octavarium Mercantile Guild

Transmission End

RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-16-2020

[Image: ZTqmcmr.png]
Incoming Transmission from Planet Marseille
Provence, Syndicated Minarchy of Provence
16. février 743 A.G.S.
To: NO Internal Affairs
Priority: Normal
Topic: Gallic Real Estate

Message Contents:


Today I took the Dreaded Skies into Gallia to scout out locations for a potential trading post in Gallic territory. Should Gallia prove receptive to Octavarian trade, laying some groundwork now could prove of benefit to the Guild and Natio Octavarium as a whole. I focused my attentions on the Languedoc and Provence systems due to their proximity to Tau-44 and the fact that the Minarchy would likely be the Gallic power most likely to be amenable to our advances.

Lodeve Space Port, Languedoc
[Image: JHIHP2Hl.jpg]

This base was once held by the Gallic Junkers before they were driven out by the Royalist government. It is currently under the control of GMS, who are using it to salvage the wreckage in the system.

  • Base is already operational and well suited for use as a trading post.

  • The location is well off the beaten path, which limits the amount of traffic that would be willing to divert to it.
  • GMS is currently making a profit from the system-wide salvage operation and is unlikely to be willing to vacate the base until the operation is complete.

Remoulins Lane Terminus, Languedoc
[Image: BYcI15Ol.jpg]

Remoulins Station was once used by GMS to supply local mining operations. The station was destroyed as collateral damage in the battle for control of the Languedoc System between Council and Royalist forces.

  • This location is situated directly on the main trade artery leading from the Taus into the Gallic Core Systems.

  • Remoulins itself is a total loss, new construction would be required.
  • The debris field at this location makes construction potentially hazardous.

Chateau d'If Prison Station, Provence
[Image: VvTqBbJl.jpg]

Chateau d'If was constructed to serve as a supermax prison shortly prior to the onset of the Second Gallic War. During the battle for control of the system, Council forces boarded the station in an attempt to free Council and Maquis prisoners. Few made it off the station, however, as large sections were depressurized and internal fires were widespread due to stray fire from the larger battle.

  • Despite the heavy damage, the station is still in salvageable condition, making it cheaper than new construction.
  • Chateau d'If is located in a close orbit of Marseille, in a prime location to handle goods coming to and from the surface. It is also located not far from the jump gate to the Ile-de-France system, placing it in a good location to access the Gallic Core Systems.

  • The station was designed as a prison, and a rather unpleasant one at that. The interior spaces are too small for either storage or use as living quarters without extensive modification.
  • Both the Unione Corse and local government have expressed interest in repressurizing the station for their own uses and may not be willing to sell it to us.

Battleship Arles, Provence
[Image: Hkpfz7vl.jpg]

Prior to the Battle of Provence, the Arles served as a backwater posting for GRN officers who were, for various reason, not suited to front line service. Over the course of the Battle of Provence, both the Arles and Oblique battlegroups were almost completely destroyed. Unlike its Council counterpart, though, the Arles survived the battle with its hull largely intact, though depressurized and damaged beyond repair.

  • Despite the heavy damage, the ship is still in salvageable condition, at least as far as conversion to a station like the Battleship Hood in Dublin, making it cheaper than new construction.
  • The Arles already possess a large amount of crew quarters that can be used for station crew and guests. In addition, some of the spaces no longer needed for ship operations can be converted into additional living and work spaces.
  • The removal of heavy equipment such as the engines and forward gun, as well as the reduction in the number of fuel pods and power generators, would allow the ship's internal storage to be greatly expanded.

  • Even considering its current condition, as a Valor-class Battleship, the Confederal Gallic Defense Force may be unwilling to allow anyone aboard for any reason.

Capitaine Jean Dupont, NO-Dreaded.Skies
Gallic Regional Coordinator, Octavarium Mercantile Guild

Transmission End

RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Kazinsal - 02-21-2020

[ Incoming Transmission ]

[Image: NRnbvWi.png]

Identification: Arbitrator Tobiah Nitzan
Affiliation: Ministry of Finance, Natio Octavarium

To: Consul John Riley
CC: Johnathan Jones, Aquila Defense Systems

Subject: Request for Funding Increase
Encryption: Decent
Location: Office of Public Works, Canberra Star City, Tau-44

Consul Riley,

On behalf of the Ministry of Finance I would like to request your formal approval for a funding increase to the expansions of the Canberra Star City Manufacturing Section. With the completion of the station's physical expansion under Project DORIC, we have room for approximately four times the industrial space that we did before. We expect that in addition to allowing for a 20% reduction in cost to remanufacture and repair ships and shipborne equipment, it will add another five thousand public-sector jobs and enable us to be able to produce next-generation equipment to refit our relatively small military fleet with the technological edge that it needs.

We are requesting an increase to the Ministry of Engineering 827 A.S. budget of 350 million credits, retroactively introduced. We believe that this will be best filed split between the existing line items of "Reprocessing Facilities - Enhancements" and "Public Works Projects".

Warmest regards,

Tobiah Nitzan
Arbitrator for the Offices of the Quartermaster and Public Works
Natio Octavarium Ministry of Finance

[ Transmission Ended ]

RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Charo - 02-25-2020

ID: Reina Pavoni
Location: Freeport 10

Things were a little crazy the other night.
I heard about a large fight happening in Omicron Tau so I left in the Oddloop to check it out. I found a bunch of Defense Force, Enclave, Outcast, and Order ships in a firefight. There was even an SIS gunboat sitting nearby. I couldn't make sense of what was happening, but the MNG ships asked if I could help shoot the Enclave and I was more than happy to. I was able to (surprisingly) destroy one Lynx before the other two ran away. After I watched the chaos to try and to get information. I think the Outcasts, MNG, and Order were all in a free-for-all? I know the MNG and Outcasts stopped shooting at the Enclave to shoot each other halfway through, so I was left to fight the Enclave alone. The Gallics were also acting hostile to the Bretonian though nobody fired at him. When the SIS decided to leave I followed, I didn't want to get brought into the fight between the Outcasts and Defense Force. I'm including a recording of the fight and aftermath so you can see for yourself.

Attachment: Recording

:::Closing Transmission:::

RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Kazinsal - 03-21-2020

[ Incoming Transmission ]

[Image: Rodney-Miller.png]

Identification: Commander Rodney Miller
Affiliation: Octavarium Fleet, Away Division

To: Octavarium Fleet Officers

Subject: Ow.
Encryption: Thorough
Location: Fleet Infirmary, Canberra Star City, Tau-44

Well, that could have gone better.

A spontaneous defence fleet mixed between the Crayterian forces that were sober enough to engage their ships' ignition interlocks (but maybe not sober enough to actually fight in them) supported by myself, Commander Kim and... whoever the hell was in the CIC of OCS Unforgiven, posed against a numerically and wakefully superior task force of Gallic Royalists.

Considering I am writing this from an infirmary, it is safe to say that we did not come out on top. In fact, I think it was a pretty crushing defeat. I will not lie to you, comrades: we were not outnumbered, nor outgunned, but simply outplayed. Only Commander Kim managed to escape the battlefield with an intact ship; the rest of us suffered critical damage to our vessels or returned home in escape pods.

Our allies, once proud of their ability to hold the line in capital ships, were absolutely eviscerated in a head-to-head conflict against a fleet of Gallic warships. I was the last confirmed casualty of the engagement -- but I fear that the Enclave will take this opportunity to strike at Minato.

My fellow officers: We should consider disengaging from this conflict. Maintain relative neutrality in the northern Taus and focus on intelligence-based warfare in the south.

If we fight head-on, we will die. And our nation will follow post-haste.

Commander Rodney Miller
Fourth Octavarium Fleet, Away Division

[ Transmission Ended ]

RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Capt. Henry Morgan - 04-21-2020

[Image: GgGXq4L.jpg]

Sender: Captain Montague, OMG

Ship: OMS "Wanderer"

Location: New Augsburg Outpost, Munich, Bundesrepublik Rheinland

Recipient: NO Internal Affairs

Subject: Trade report


So, I was cruising around in Liberty, minding my own business and passing the bong around the Wanderer's bridge in celebration of 4/20 when I got wind of... some shit going down in Rheinland. Something about a dispute over the last kaiser roll or something... Did you ever try that Kallisti gold they smoke down in Baffin? This has got to be the most powerful stuff I've ever smoked, and I heartily recommend it. I swear I'm starting to understand our TAZ friends a lot more. Not sure if that's a good thing or not... Anyway, where was I? Ahh, yes. Rheinland and their bread-related civil war. While we were crusing around, the computer pinged us about the Bundesrepublik needing supplies for civilian relief. Normally, that'd be a big pass from me. I don't do charity work. After all, doing a good deed is like pissing yourself in dark pants. You get a warm feeling, but nobody notices. Unlike most relief efforts, though, this one's paying work. So, since then, we've been running relief supplies from Houston down to New Augsburg in Munich and bringing Depleted Uranium back, and making some serious bank in the process. Doing well by doing good and all that. And now I need to get back to it.

Captain Lawrence "Monty" Montague, NO-Wanderer
Octavarium Mercantile Guild

RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Capt. Henry Morgan - 04-28-2020

[Image: pyBjInU.png]
Incoming Transmission from Canberra Star City
Tau-44, Natio Octavarium
28. APRIL 826 A.S.
To: All Fourth Fleet Personnel
Priority: Normal
Topic: Fleet Orders

Message Contents:

Attention all Fleet Personnel,

Since Taskmaster William's retirement, the distinction between the Home and Away Divisions has largely been a theoretical one. For various reasons, it made sense to keep things consolidated and simplify the chain of command. Today, that policy ends, and I am reestablishing the Away Division as a separate unit of the Fourth Octavarium Fleet.

Commander Rodney Miller will be promoted back to the rank of Taskmaster and assigned command of the Away Division. He will fly his flag from the OCS Unforgiven, a ship and crew who's quality and professionalism I can personally attest to. Congratulations and good luck, Taskmaster!

My own flag will be transferred to the newly refitted OCS Victorious March. You will all receive your fleet assignments over the next several days. All personnel assigned to the Away Division should check in with Taskmaster Miller for your specific assignments.

Taskmaster Eva Flores, OCS Unforgiven
Fourth Octavarium Fleet

Transmission End

RE: Natio Octavarium Internal Affairs - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-14-2020

[Image: jAx6lt5.png]
Signal received from Canberra Star City, Tau-44...

Identity confirmed.
Sender: Lovelace Unit-02 "Risa"
Encryption: Mon Dieu!

Coordinator Risa reporting,

During in-system patrols earlier this afternoon, the OCS Black Cloud II detected two Gallic CCG-3a Remembrance-class Battleships (MNG|Sombre.Destin and MNG|Landerneau) engaged in combat with several Enclave battlecruisers. Taskmaster Keighley gave the order to assist the MNG against the enemy ships. After the last battlecruiser was destroyed, he asked their purpose in system. They stated that they were engaged in peacekeeping operations and claimed they had permission to be in the system. I recommend confirming this with our Crayterian allies.

Taskmaster Keighley informed them that we would be escorting them during their operations in Octavarian space, and they readily agreed. We proceeded to engage and destroy two separate enemy task forces, after which the Gallic ships returned to their own space. The Cloud is currently undergoing repairs for minor damage incurred during the battle. No personnel were killed, but several crew members were injured. They are currently receiving medical treatment and all will be able to return to duty.

One last item of note. Scans of both ships indicated the presence of Nomad-derived technology, cloaking devices in this case. In accordance with Commission procedures, I am forwarding scans of these ships for cataloging and tracking.


Signal ends.