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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-09-2006

Incoming Transmission_


Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: Captain Janath, RACS-Protreptic


Over the last few days the Antarg and Protreptic have been escorting the new recruit Tac around our area of influence. He has seen most of the sights, and is combat-ready as we speak. Our current location is in Omega-47, after leaving the Antarg at Gran Canaria, we are heading to Omicron Gamma, and then Theta.

I have filled Tac in on a large amount of information, and he has expressed an interest in obtaining a gunboat to enlarge our squadron.

Orders, my lords?

Transmission Ends_

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TankTarget - 12-09-2006


I know the Hellfire Legion is no longer welcome in the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army Message dump but I seek to amend this.... I wish to open talks between our two factions and hopefully resolve the mess that myself and Quintinus Verginix started.... In short I wish to open discussion of Alliance once more; to make up for our betrayal of your trust.....

****Carrier Wave open**** data burst ended.....

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-09-2006

hmm well...

im heartened by the fact that you want to kiss and make up. im open to ideas and suggestions, but i want to hear from my subordinates, because their opinions matter as well.

if we are to negotiate some sort of agreement or understanding, i want the full backing of my people.

feel free to start a new thread so we dont mess up our message dumps.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-09-2006

Thread split to Here

----Incoming transmission----

Good job Captain Janath, Admiral Ant. I hope to fly alongside this new pilot soon. Tac, feel free to get yourself a Gunboat. If you need a loan, don't hesitate to ask. All of you please post in the negotiations thread.

Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - [Q] - 12-09-2006

Greetings to all, Recently i came across Aeon today and he shed light apon the justified cause of your orginization. It is my honor to report i have been made a member among your ranks and will hopefully fly along side you threw the good and the bad in the years to come.

Sincerly RAGB-Ghost-[LT]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-09-2006

[ooc]Welcome to the SCRA Q, hope you have a good time.[/ooc]

----Incoming Transmission----

Welcome to the ranks Ghost. I hope to see you in space soon. I'm going to assign you to a squadron soon, but not right now. Stick around the Omegas/Taus, and see how many of the Colonials you can make go boom. If you need a loan for your gunboat, please ask, the treasury will be happy to fund you.

I'm considering forming a new squadron, probably to be made up of Ghost, Tac (either fighter or gunboat) and Vampyre. They would be responsible for the Tau Sector, and carrying the fight against those Colonial Bumpkins. Ideas/comments, let me know. EDIT: oh yea, and im thinking of adding in a capship, to form more of a pocket flotilla. as above, im gonna sleep...

Grand Admiral Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ant - 12-10-2006

Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: Commodore Morkis, Frigate Antarg

Welcome to all the new recruits.

It appears that much of the fleet's outfitting has been completed.

Testing runs earlier with our new cruiser(Nussebull) encountered a CR Viper who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Warning shots were fired and opportunity was given for the hostile vessel to flee. Unfortunately(for the CR vessel) the opportunity to leave the area was not taken and the Viper instead retaliated, and was duly vaporised.

Morkis out
[Image: scra_cr_004.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-10-2006

Incoming Transmission_


Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: High Chancellor Aeon, RAFC-Dreadnought

Greetings my brethren,

I am again proud to announce two new pilots to aid the revolution.

RAGB-Warlord and RAGB-Ghost will be providing invaluable support in the times to come.

The Ghost put in a request to be on long range patrol as well, perhaps we could pull some strings?

McIntosh, we now have enough gunboats to form a pure gunboat squadron i believe. Perhaps these two, with the Victory, can form this squadron. All three ships are corsair-type gunboats, and are well armed.

Final outfitting has not yet been completed, but both ships are combat-ready in general terms.


Transmission Ends_

EDIT: what time zones are our members in?

Koolmo, and I are in PST (greenwich mean time -8), Ant is in ???, matty is in ???, Q is in ??? and Warlord, who i dont think has a forum account yet is in ???.

if everyone could say what time zone they are in, that would be great.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-10-2006

----Incoming Transmission----

This is Captain Frog. I finally got my but outa that Battleship in Dresden, and i was running around with some junkers for awhile. When the cops showed up and started blazing away at the convoy, I was the only one left on the Bridge of the Juhustof, a Junker Cruiser. So, I... aquired it, kinda by default I guess, and once the crew had gotten into the new frame of mind, we headed down into Omega 15, for repairs.

Had to grease some palms, but we finally got everything squared away. So, the night before we headed out, me and the boys got... a little stoned. Okay, so we were really stoned, thats not the point. When we got up in the morning, all the guns were gone. And all the money. And all the dope. I was really choked, I liked that stuff, and I think I still had lots left. Abour 30 junkers were missing from the base, and all of the heavy equipment.

Anyways, no guns, no money. So, I popped open the com, and I found my old buddy, Greer, and his new ship, the Antarg. So, I got him to run interference for me while I ran through New Berlin. Passed some RM guy, but he was too busy looking at Greer to pay attention to me.

Got to Omega 49 Unscathed, and picked up a new set of guns. Like them better than the old ones anyways, they're very shiny...


Right! So, I'm in 49 now, awaiting further orders. Im tricked for Fighters, but I can hurt a BS in a pinch. Im looking forward to seeing some of these colonials, I hear they have trippy ships.

Captain Frog, for the Frog, Out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-10-2006

---Incoming Transmission---

Umm... Captain Frog? This is Grand Admiral Mcintosh. I though you were dead, back after the Battle of 3 Moons. Your ship blew up, and we never recovered any bodies. We had so few people for search ops, its little wonder, that was the bloodiest battle I've ever seen...

Your saying you were in prison all this time? Good thing Antarg was going by at any rate, those RM chappies may be a bit dense, but they handle themsleves well. Not like the old days though, when they could eat 3 of us for breakfast, but we taste bad now.

So, I think im going to put you in the Tactical Support Flotilla, with Captian Janath of the Protreptic. Don't shoot at anything unless it looks like it needs shooting, and keep the word around. Good to see you back, there are too few of the old guard left these days.

As for the rest of you. I have some new assignments, greetings, and Promotions.

First, welcome to Captain Nussebull (forum name?). He has brough a Hugenot to the cause, and will be assigned to the new Western Sector Fleet as of now. Ghost, Warlord, and Victory, you are forming the new Bretonia Gunboat squadron. Ghost, you are hereby promoted to LT - Commander, you will be commaning the new squadron.

Commodore Morkis, I have work for you. You are to Proceed to Strongpoint Gamma and take command of the Eastern Fleet. Under you will be Totenkopt, Vampyre, and Nictator, with Totenkopt in command.

I personally will be taking command of all Sector fleets on the Terra. I expect that Fleet commanders will report on the findings in their areas on a regular basis. Frog and Janath, tell me when you encounter any enemy movements or concentrations, and engage if the odds are with you.

Mcintosh out.

OOC: On that note, I have something to say about the messag dump: USE IT. Its here for a reason, and its been seeing the same 3 names for too long, I hope that the new people will be as active as we have been, and for those of you who don't have an account, make one. Anything that happens to you, even if its just noticing that 3 Colonials are travelling together, shoudl be reported. Any fighting should definetly be reported. Squadron Commanders and Fleet Commanders, Post your orders to your units here. I would like to ask everyone to post alist of all their characters, the characters name, and the time zone the player is in. It looks like we are on the rise again, I hope to see you all in space soon enough. /OOC