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Discordian Q & A - Printable Version

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Discordian Q & A - Death.RunningVerminator - 05-05-2011

' Wrote:Oooh... be careful now.. you may have just stepped into an alternate novel.

This is akin to the Everett-Graham-Wheeler interpretation:

It would be boring if there was only one novel to read. Write?
Well if this is all a novel, I'm only and have been reading one. Are you able to read more than one novel?

EDIT: I've done some research. When you said "Bob" were you referring to Robert?

Discordian Q & A - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-05-2011

' Wrote:Well if this is all a novel, I'm only and have been reading one. Are you able to read more than one novel?
As a matter of fact, yes. It's easy to fall into the trap of reading one, but if you only read one novel, you miss out on the delightful variety the multiverse has to offer.

And, if you're looking so hard for the writer, allow me to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket. Who's conducting the search?

Discordian Q & A - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-31-2011

Happy Syaday, everybody! Remember, tis an ill wind that blows no minds!

To celebrate, I think I'm going to get drunk. My job drug tests, so I'm limited in my mind-altering options, sadly, so drinking it is!

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 06-19-2011

How to speak Discordian

Kallisti!: From the Greek "Korristi". A Discordian greeting. Literally, "To the Prettiest One".

Flax: Discordian term for filthy lucre, i.e., Sirius Credits.

"Five tons of flax": The answer to deep philosophical questions, such as whether Zoners should be forced to wear RP straightjackets or not...

Cabbage: A non-believer. One lacking in Pineal acuity.

Pineal: A gland situated in the forehead, commonly associated with meditation and spiritual development.

Greyface: A person with a very limited reality tunnel. Seldom capable of thinking "outside the box".

23's: A Discordian "parting". Various sources. In ancient Morse code, the term for "break", or "break the line"; In the I Ching, Hexagram 23 is "Breaking Apart". (And of course 23 is a sacred Discordian number.)

Hope this helps.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 09-11-2011

Pop Quiz time:

A.) According to "Appendix Gimmel", which stage of Illuminati History best describes the current state of affairs in Sirius?

1. Chaos
2. Discord
3. Confusion
4. Bureaucracy
5. Aftermath

Expound on your answer.

B.) Which of "Celine's Laws" best describes current relations and/or interactions with Gallia?

1. First Law
2. Second Law
3. Third Law
4. All of the Above
5. None of the Above


C.) If I were a carpenter, and you were a lady..

1. Would you marry me anyway?
2. Would you have my baby?

(Extra points for arcane knowledge of old Terran pop music, etc.)

Note: Answers may or may not improve your odds of being accepted by the TAZ.

Five Tons of Flax,

Discordian Q & A - Ophiuchi - 09-13-2011

Come now.. two days to study, and not a single guess ventured?

Let me go:

A) Currently vacillating between Aftermath and Chaos. (You've pounded it into our heads enough.. sheesh.)

B) Currently indeterminate, but I'll go with "All of the Above", just to hedge my bets.

C) No, and no. (Nothing personal...)


Discordian Q & A - CzeReptile - 09-20-2011

Upon reading and belief and disbelief, I have but what question.

Why the chimpanzee?

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 09-20-2011

' Wrote:Upon reading and belief and disbelief, I have but what question.

Why the chimpanzee?

Why not, young Acolyte?

What better reminder of our roots as domesticated primates?

Discordian Q & A - CzeReptile - 09-21-2011

We still are domesticated primates.

I more concern myself with the thought, why he blew up?

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-20-2011

' Wrote:Well this is all very interesting but it's doing my head in.......think I'll just lie down on the floor and keep calm..........there that's better........*waits for mgt to sort it all out*

Ahh.. the good old days.. you know the species is evolving when they throw obscure references at you in hopes of catching you unawares.

John Dilinger.

Markoff Chaney, obsessed with "sizism". (Being a "mgt" himself.)