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Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - SeaFalcon - 07-22-2011

I got 3x BHG bombers
I got 1x BHG GS
I got 1x Manta

As house hunters.

I leave the rest said by Dash.

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Henry320 - 07-22-2011

Thanks for the reply, I was thinking more faction-wide and not a personal basis tho.

But thanks none the less.

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Dashiell - 07-22-2011

' Wrote:I'm not an Omicron player so this isn't about the Core. This is about the standard Hunters. I only really see you in gunships, so I ask you:

What is your Gunship/Gunboat to Snub ratio?

um, 1: 6 ? maybe less?

Orca is a piece of crap and Bottle is decent only when flown extremly well.

We mostly use snubs. But a LOT of pirates spam Ku Ex, trids and god knows what so we sometimes use GBs, yes.

Dont tell me that 1 cap 8 dessie, 2 Greyhounds, 1 Werewolf and later a Barghest vs 1 Orca, 1 Gs and an Eagle is unfair? if that is what this is about?

so no, we don't spam gunboats.

edit: my list for referance:

-10 fighters (and a Spatial ololololol)
- 3 bombers
- 1 gb, 2 gs psread across the 4 Houses

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Henry320 - 07-22-2011

' Wrote:Dont tell me that 1 cap 8 dessie, 2 Greyhounds, 1 Werewolf and later a Barghest vs 1 Orca, 1 Gs and an Eagle is unfair? if that is what this is about?

No no the fight was fair, just bad organization, by the time we got our bombers, the Scylla was a dead stick. It was fun, I'm not raging mate. Plus, you flew the gunboats very impressively, the Scylla for you was no bother it seemed, and I fled in my Greyhound to get my Barghest which you tore up since it was like trying to run around in a field with a 2 ton bag in our arms. :laugh:

Its just, I never really do see your snubs in Bretonia, a lot of the time I see a BHG| 14k away and the lads go "Probs a GS" :/

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Dashiell - 07-22-2011

' Wrote:No no the fight was fair, just bad organization, by the time we got our bombers, the Scylla was a dead stick. It was fun, I'm not raging mate. Plus, you flew the gunboats very impressively, the Scylla for you was no bother it seemed, and I fled in my Greyhound to get my Barghest which you tore up since it was like trying to run around in a field with a 2 ton bag in our arms. :laugh:

Its just, I never really do see your snubs in Bretonia, a lot of the time I see a BHG| 14k away and the lads go "Probs a GS" :/

We have 2 hunters who use their gbs quite often because they often hunt alone and face mutiple advecary alone (blame timezones). But they too, pull out their snubs when possible. (IE: furrballs, targets are snubs etc.)

plus there is quite a hefty supply of Rogue GBs in Dublin. but we use snubs, for sure. hell, we use snubs way more than GBS:P

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Daedric - 10-10-2011

I'd like to say that this little role play was nicely done. Kudos for using a proper ship set up to do the work. You've some of us on edge when hiring indy mercs now!

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Dane Summers - 11-04-2011

Is This guy an Official member of BHG Core?

Does he represent BHG Core diplomacy?

I'd like an answer on this - notably before we...

A - kill him to itty bitty bits


B - Get on the horn with Core itself and complain - because if he's an indie, I dont mind blowing him up over and over again for being rude, and Q_Qing about getting blown up by lolsair indies (who by the way, we blow up too). If he's official, then we'll be a little more careful about how we blow him up, since, ya know, we dont want the entire Core to get the idea we dont like them.

Just the rude ones.

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - jammi - 11-04-2011

Core tag is BHG|Core-, that guy was using BHG|C-MA. Looks like he's just an indy overstepping his bounds. I imagine the BHG are going to ask him to strip off the BHG| tag though, seeing as it's misleading.

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 11-04-2011

' Wrote:Is This guy an Official member of BHG Core?

Does he represent BHG Core diplomacy?

I'd like an answer on this - notably before we...

A - kill him to itty bitty bits


B - Get on the horn with Core itself and complain - because if he's an indie, I dont mind blowing him up over and over again for being rude, and Q_Qing about getting blown up by lolsair indies (who by the way, we blow up too). If he's official, then we'll be a little more careful about how we blow him up, since, ya know, we dont want the entire Core to get the idea we dont like them.

Just the rude ones.

He is a member of the Core, though one who has been away for a very long time, as is evident by his out of date tag.

I've no idea what he was doing in Omega 3, that is not really an area in which the Core wants to get involved, or has any need to.

That communication is not endorsed by the faction, and as such you're welcome to just ignore it, or treat it however you wish. I would advise against attempting to blow up any BHG|Core ship, however, there shouldn't be any in Omega 3 in the first place, so if one happens to be, I'd rather you left it to us to deal with.

Bounty Hunters Guild Feedback - Dane Summers - 11-05-2011

Well, so far we havent seen him in game, and he hasnt caused any problems with anyone we dont want problems with.

More as like, when we see him tho, we'll tell him to get - if he refuses, we'll force him out - if he persists - ill pursue an FR5 against him.

People like that tend to shoot at anyone they feel is worth shooting, and unfortunately, thats relative to whatever they feel at the time - and since we do have Order presence at FP1 to help us with wilde and nomads - and the last thing we want is for Core to bring their retarded war into our doorstep.

But rest assured, the first thing we'll do, if he's a nuisance, is comm thread Core leadership about it.

Most like i expect a "so? deal with it" response.