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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Recruitment! - A.N.C.M. - 04-09-2010

:::Incoming Transmission:::

***Request to join the servants of the Rheinland Military***

Discovery Forum Name:
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username):
NONE yet

192 cm
79 kg
Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Planet/Station of Origin:

New Berlin

Background Information:

Well, he thought that day will be the most important in his life...and anyway that was his last day as a human without pain in his heart. His family...well shame or not, dropped him like a useless papercup and gave his
chance to be a true man for unexperienced hands. Albert borned at Planet New Berlin as I know...but thats whole story about his childhood is a big mistery for him, just with pain, anger and lonelyness. What he know that his stepfather's and stepmother's story who lived at Frankfurt and they had some good relations with the GMG society.

As he remembered his stepfather was a simple smuggler who tried to earn some respect in Rheinland and in Kusary too. His stepmom...well, she was a simple nurse in the hospital, but she told him some nice story what she heared from the wounded rheinlander soldiers about the war with Liberty. He hasent been there but as he know, Liberty is a powerfull society too, and they have some really bloody battle with the rheinland army. Well...why he want to be a soldier of the Reich? That is so simple. He want to clear the shame from his name, and he want to explore what happened about his "real" family. Now, he is really unexperienced about battle and warships but ALbert trained a lot with civillian bombers and fighters before....just for fun, and about his job.

Albert joined to his father, so as it looks like he was a smuggler too. He know thats not a good opinion, but he want to tell the truth, because the duty and the honour to serve are need that. ALbert thought he will be a smuggler in his whole life, but he feel something in his soul, what dont let him to waste his whole life for nonsenses. Unfortunately Albert dont have brothers or sisters, who can help him in his life, so he need to make new relations if he will be accepted to serve Rheinland. What can Albert offer? HIs hands, heart and his words,,,thats all what Albert have now, but that can be more then a battleship if the right man has it. Anyway, Albert Speer ready to serve, and his present and his future in your hands. Auf wiedersehen.

Basic Personality Traits:

helpfull, trustworthy, easy to make new contacts, proud, motivated

Ship Class:

bomber, fighter


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

more than a half year

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

Just the RP

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

-Stuka-, IceFlash

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

This faction is closer for me than others. I like their ships, systems, RP chances, history, etc.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Balaerus - 04-10-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Balaerus
Name: Jonas Blitzer
Rank: Recruit
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): nick-staal-3

Age: 23
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 183
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green

Planet/Station of Origin: Dortmund Station

Background Information: Jonas Blitzer was born on Dortmund station 23 years ago. Because his parents couldn't take care of him anymore because of financial problems, he was adopted by a family on the planet New Berlin. It was the family Wendt. The family Wendt we're a happy family with one son. Ralph Wendt. A proud member of the Rheinland Military. Ralph came home once per month and told Jonas all about his exciting adventures he had at the Rheinland Military. It became the childhood dream of Jonas to join the Military and be just like Ralph. One day, Ralph said to his little friend:"One day, I will take you to the landing pad of the Military and show my ship to you. The day Ralph took him to the Military he was 17 years old. He almost ended High School and he had the plan to study. But still, his childhood dream to join the Military was still with him and he got really interested in the job of Ralph. It was the best day of his life. But it even got better a few hours later. He showed a list of the pilots in the Military. On that list he saw the name ''Blitzer''. ''Is there somebody here with the same name as me?'' He asked to Ralph. "No'' Said Ralph ''This is the name of you and your family.'' The same moment his father stepped into the office and he said to Jonas: ''My son!'' ''Daddy!'' Said Jonas. It became a very exciting and emotional day for Jonas. This is the day he decided he wanted to join the Military. To stay with his father for the rest of his life. After getting his degree, he went to pilot training school, succeeded and applied for the Rheinland Military. He wanted to fight with his father, for Rheinland!

Basic Personality Traits: Cheerful, Curious, Earnest.

Ship Class: Very Heavy Fighter, Bomber (Planning to get both classes, starting off as VHF)

Other: I got the basics of the English language under control. I'm not really fast at typing, so don't expect anything spectacular.

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
1 month, one pretty active month.

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Amazing mod, huge number of ships, improved visuals that really enhance the gameplay, number of players at the same time, forums are active.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?
Balaerus, ReSSora

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?
Because of a friend, great amount of active members, nice modelled ships, Rheinland space is big and situated nice and looks rather good, the task I need to fulfill at RM is alot of fun.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Aegis - 04-10-2010

Leon walks into his quarters after a long patrol and finds his bunk covered in folders with peoples names scribbled all over.In addition was a note from a certain Leutnant. "Fischer, you know the drill. Get it done." He picked the folders up and walked over to his desk and threw them down and began ripping through them piece by piece.

Herr Manstein. Your application seems to be lacking....certain details about your life. The information you included seems to be more about your father being a mercenary. We need to know why you would want to join the ranks of Rheinland's finest. If you could include more details about yourself and your qualifications we might give your application a serious look, but as it is now there isn't enough details to approve your application.

Erwin Von Witzleben First of all I would like to say I'm sorry for your loss Mein Herr. Accidents happen quite frequently in the days we live in, some just cannot be avoided. Now to get into your application. You specified you graduated with honors from school. As well as the fact you wish to enlist to help future generations of children. I realize that there is a lot of family in your life, but you setting your goal on joining the Rheinwehr to help children doesn't quite match up. Are you saying you would defend your homeland at all costs? If so we might be able to use men like you. Get this data filled out quick and then we can start talking about your enlistment.

Wilhelm Keitel, Mein Herr you joined the Rheinwehr for revenge against the Liberty Navy. You also specified that your grandfather told you about the military, I don't suppose he told you the sheer horror stories. You stated that you trained yourself in combat. If you could provide any records that show you have permission to use said combat techniques. Also, going out for revenge isn't going to get you anywhere besides a body bag. We do not exist to destroy Liberty off the face of Sirius. Show that you are capable to be trusted in the field and there might be a spot for you.

Heinrich Kraus, Danke for your interest in the the Rheinwehr Mein Herr. You will be sent a questionnaire. Follow the instructions on the questionnaire.

Your application is: Under Review

Otto Baucher Danke for the interest you have shown in the Rheinwehr. I have a few questions. First of all, you what parents let their son pilot military class ships at that age? I doubt the information you gave is correct. Only officers have access to gunboats. I have no idea how you "gained" access to a ship. This makes me quite suspicious about your intent here. It is quite peculiar that someone would teach a boy to fly a gunboat at age 15. Could you double check to make sure these figures are correct. If they are we might have a problem

Albert Speer. Mein Freund.What ist das "Reich"?. I think you must be confusing us with something in the past. I will give you a chance to make sure your in the right state of mind before I sign these papers.

Danke, Das ist all.

Hauptgefreiter Leon Fischer

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Malenka - 04-10-2010

**Comm ID: Otto Baucher**

Guten Tag, mein freunds

I understand you are suspicious of me piloting a gunboat at that age. I did not pilot a gunboat. I received training for piloting a gunboat. I used the Rheinwehr Flight Simulator v3.29. Also I received all education for it.

I hope you understand,


Rheinland Military Recruitment! - A.N.C.M. - 04-10-2010

:::Incoming Transmission:::
To:Hauptgefreiter Leon Fischer

Mein Freund. Was ist de Reich? Well I heared storyes about my stepmom about a famous historical time, and as I know, Rheinland has honour and duty, so I wanted to show some respect. Well, I understand you, and apologize my mistake.


Albert Speer

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - TheKaos - 04-10-2010

[Incoming transmission .....]
[Identifying Sender ID : ]
[Sender is :] Erich von Manstein

[Decoding sequence initiated ....]
[Decoding OK - Displaying content .....]

This is a message to the Leaders of The Rheinland Military Recruitment Office:

I have submitted a more detailed form to the Rheinland Military Recruitment Office .
It contains more technical and education data , and is ready for a review.
Thanks for the given time.

[Ending transmission .... ]

[Conection closed]

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - A.N.C.M. - 04-13-2010

:::Incoming Transmission:::
To:Hauptgefreiter Leon Fischer

Well mein Freund. Is there any news about my request?
:::Transmission ended:::

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Aegis - 04-13-2010

Herr Manstein. I would like to ask you some more questions. They will be sent through a secure frequency. Your application still has some "kinks" in it. They are somewhat confusing. I hope these questions and your answers will help clarify.

Otto Baucher. I will be sending you a questionnaire. Follow the instructions of said questionnaire. Your application is now Under Review.

Albert Speer, you too shall be sent a questionnaire. Follow the instructions of said questionnaire. Your Application is now Under Review.

Herr Blitzer
, you seem quite determined. You shall be sent a quiz to evaluate your knowledge. Follow the instructions of the quiz. Your application is now Under Review.

Hauptgefreiter Leon Fischer

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Rhodesian - 04-13-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Barney.Stinson | Account Name: Rhodesian
Name: Barney.Stinson
Rank: Recruit
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): cm211305

Age: How many years old are you? 29
Height: In feet and inches. 5" 7'
Weight: In pounds, preferably. 150 lbs
Hair Color: What color is your hair? Blonde
Eye Color: What color are your irises? Brown

Planet/Station of Origin: What planet or base were you born on?

Aboard the USS-Enterprise Luxury liner as my parents were on holiday aboard it in the Stuttgart system.

Background Information: You're background story. Please be as extensive as possible.

I was born aboard the USS-Enterprise to my Mother; Fr?ulein Loretta Stinson and my Father; Eider Stinson who both hail from Planet Stuttgart. As I began life in space, I grew a deep love and connection with it, piloting my first spacecraft at 14 with my father at my side. I got to see the many things that the universe has to offer, some bitter, some colourful. The main event that pushed the bitter side of the universe was a raid on a civilian shuttle, suspected to be spying, by Liberty forces, this lead to the death of my Uncle as he tried to fight off boarding troops. I have since then, devoted myself to achieving high marks in school as well as keeping up to date with my piloting. I wish to join the Rheinland Military in order to serve my country, and right the wrongs of Liberty.

Basic Personality Traits: Personality traits; talkative, quiet, annoying, quick-thinking, slow-witted, etc. What does your character act like?

Quick-Thinker in tense situations, devotion, follows orders to the letter, talkative when silence is not necessary, sacrificial for allies if need be, requires low maintenance from officers other than orders.

Ship Class:
Leave this blank for now. (// just thought you may want to know, I currently have a Rheinland Gunboat)

Other: Anything else?

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

Roughly 3+ Months - As a more accurate guide for you it totals to about 250 hours.

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

The role play and its being the official server.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

USS-Enterprise; Enterprise luxury liner for Orbital Spa and Cruise.
USS-Entrepid; A BMM mining Hegemon usually within Dublin.
Barney; A Lane Hacker piloting a Broadsword Bomber.

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

I previously had a Liberty Navy Cruiser but found the liberty Navy to be boring and upon skirmishes with Rheinland forces, they were found to have a more profound role play in regards to military as well as better strategy. (And really good looking ships;))

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - A.N.C.M. - 04-14-2010

:::Incoming Transmission:::
Mein Freund I must realise, the burocracy is so slow in Rheinland like elsewhere...maybe I can help you somehow?

:::Transmission Ended:::