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What do you look like? - Printable Version

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What do you look like? - Pyroah - 02-13-2007

That's a pretty "dark side" photo of your bro, mate....



What do you look like? - askura - 02-13-2007


What do you look like? - MrSns - 02-14-2007

Cool pic m8, ide like to join the Army one day. Cooll pick i must say;)

@Pyroah HAHA he is kinda strage my brother

What do you look like? - Korrd - 02-14-2007

Nice pics!

@MrSns: I'm afraid that joining the army is not one of the best things to do this days... with all that trouble in the world, and a possible massive conflict on its way among the potencies... I fear a big war coming in. All major powers are arming to the teeth. USA is developing the missile shield for example. Russia is developing better MIR-V like warheads.... And both of that is very bad. The only thing that has stopped nuclear war during the last 50 years was the MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) fear. If that is lost. If a country can strike without fear to retaliation... I prefer not to think on that.
Better that everybody fears (and i mean FEAR, with big letters) to be nuked if they dare to launch nukes. That way they are not used. Out of fear... but at least we do not blow up ourselves... Our only habitat. The only one in all the known universe ( Light years).

What do you look like? - Pyroah - 02-14-2007

Just keeping it going....thought I'd give you a pic of my little lad Tom, who is 2 years old (and into everything and anything sport!)



What do you look like? - askura - 02-14-2007

Cute kid he looks like my mates lad. Whos a bit of a sugar fiend.

Yes the army isn't a wise move at the moment, especially into the U.S sector as NC personnel have lost over 3000+ from the start of the war.

That is a lot of people for nc, join the British armed forces;)everyone learns soldiering first, our eqe may not be as good, but our training is the best in the world!

(and btw we all look so podgy due to winter dress >_< thats one sweater, one shirt, 2 t-shirts)

What do you look like? - BestFlyerHere - 02-14-2007

Cute kid mate.

@Korrd. I really doubt that one of the superpowers will actually use nukes, for fear or retaliation. I think that the ones to start a war, if one happens, will either be north korea, or china. China has a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons, and a great air force (most stolen copies of US weapons), and the motive to start a war. I assume the situation (if it starts with china) will go like this.

1)China makes threats against Taiwan, (again) and Taiwan launches a special forces team to destroy targets.

2)The team is destroyed, and China launches a retaliatory attack. They invade Taipei, and Taiwan cries to the US for help.

3)The US moves a carrier group to the area, and launches attacks upon China.

4)China launches a Kilo-class submarine armed with nuclear-tipped torpedoes. The quiet sub makes it past the anti-sub defenses, and shoots at the carrier.
The carrier is decimated, and the US is too scared to deploy another group to the area.

5)We deploy a sub group to the area, which is surrounded in a port by ships, and is destroyed.

6)The US shoots Tomahawks at China, and they retaliate by shooting down our aircraft.

7)We shoot low-yield nukes at China, and they launch their entire arsenal.

8)We shoot our nukes (we will win, we have the better nukes), and half of the east coast, and china's 1 billion people are killed or homeless.

I'll make a more in-depth scenario, but I'm out of time here.

My 2 cents.

What do you look like? - Korrd - 02-14-2007

No country would launch nukes unless:

1. They are already doomed.
2. They have a way to stop all the incoming nukes safely or avoid retaliation.
3. The enemy is non nuclear, and there is no other way to win.

And it does not matter whose nukes are more powerful. that is propaganda.
If a nuclear exchange occurs, both countries will be annihilated. That simple.
Read more about the MAD. You will discover that during the last 50 years, the strategists have been looking for a way to win a global nuclear exchange. And they have found none. If it begins... It's loss for both sides. And i shall remind you that the most powerful super computers in the world are or have been dedicated to simulate possible outcomes.

Now, lets go back to topic. It was just a comment. Don't turn this into the nukes thread.

What do you look like? - onca - 02-14-2007

(EDIT: Sorry Korrd I didn't see your "back on thread" comment first time round.... thx mate)

Scuse, do you reckon we can take the political debating to another thread please? I wouldn't mind keeping this thread in the uplifting spirit it was intended, i.e. of friendliness and bringing the community closer. Not jawing on about war and nukes and other depressing stuff.
[Image: nuke.gif]


What do you look like? - BestFlyerHere - 02-15-2007

Yes... back on topic.