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The Kyoto Network - Printable Version

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The Kyoto Network - Ryummel - 02-19-2011

[font=agency fb]>>Link Established.
[Image: 1zz5hcp.png]
>>Comm ID:
The Sushi Palace
'Chef' Engineer Ito reporting,
Apparently those old-fashioned weirdos from the Coalition think they can come to Kusari and police our space like they were doing anything good to us. This time a cruiser was scouting Tohoku and its captain had the wise idea of treating us the Dragons as a menace, so we had to put in practice our diplomatic skills:
[Image: 1zyzofa.png]
Infected forces were also spotted but no hostilities were shown. Since we couldn't call more reinforcements, we decided to move back to Kyoto. Another victory over gaijin invaders, brothers.
[font=agency fb]<<DATA SENT, TRANSMISSION LOST...

The Kyoto Network - Tachibana - 02-25-2011

[Image: headerko.png]
[font=Times New Roman]
Konnichiwa fellow Dragons,
It has been a most interesting day thus far. I set out for Honshu with Kimozashi-san and another pilot named Takuma Sato. It did not take long to attract the unwanted attention of one Gopnik|Advant, a courageous but foolish Hogosha.
Gopnik|Advant: hehe
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: I think he caught us.
What's this?
Gopnik|Advant: its I
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: I can see that.
Takuma.Sato: What are you smiling Hogosha scum?
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: Can we help you?
Gopnik|Advant: i think i can kill you
Gopnik|Advant: all
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: Huh?
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: Is that so?
Takuma.Sato: *laughs* This one had to much sake!
Gopnik|Advant: yeh i m idiot
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: Perhaps Kimozashi-san would like to demonstrate how incorrect you are?
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: I'm always the volunteer.
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: Sato-san? Want to wager on how long this fool lasts?
Takuma.Sato: Hmm, i couldn't be sure, never met this fool before...
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: I guess, I'll step up to the plate.
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: What do you say.
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: Just you and I?
Gopnik|Advant: heh no
Gopnik|Advant: all you
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: Indeed?
Takuma.Sato: Too much sake definetly! *laughs*
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: *Sighs*
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: Tell you what...
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: If you last 10 minutes, I'll let the others help.
It was at this point that a member of the Naval Forces turned up. However he had foolishly forgotten to stock up his ship with ammunition and left for the time being.
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: Now that he's out of the way.
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: How about I get back where I left off.
Takuma.Sato: where were we...ah, yes, drunk Hogosha! *smiles*
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: Or did the Hog die in his cockpit?
Takuma.Sato: We arent that lucky! *sighs*
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: Guess I should go see.
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: This should be entertaining to watch
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: He's alive.
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: For now anyway.
[Image: image1xvo.jpg]
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: 10 minutes?
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: I'm counting
]bd[-Teraku.Oshiro: Uh?
Takuma.Sato: I think less! Well i hope so!
Takuma.Sato: One nuke mine in right time should take care of this scum!
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: Ahh, look who's back.
[KNF]Si.Isatu.Hirawata: Okay, so if you want trouble, you get it. Supporting the gopnik, weapons hot!
[Image: image2hpi.jpg]
Takuma.Sato: And that was two nukes at the price of one! *smiles*
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: Oh dear.
Takuma.Sato: Time for us to join the party?
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: Just shout if you want assistance brother.
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: Should be fine
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: If Kimozashi-san thinks he needs it then we will.
Takuma.Sato: This hogosha doesnt seem so arogant now? *laughs*
Death: Gopnik|Advant was put out of action by ]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi (Mine).
[KNF]Si.Isatu.Hirawata: Ocuh...
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: You have to admire his courage.
Takuma.Sato: And there goes his escape pod!
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: How long was that?
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: 5 minutes
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: Your turn.
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: close
Takuma.Sato: I almost feel sorry for this poor fool! *smiles*
Death: [KNF]Si.Isatu.Hirawata was put out of action by ]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi (Mine).
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: At least he remembered to bring everything this time.
[KNF]Si.Isatu.Hirawata: BANZAIIIIII!
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: How long was that...?
]bd[Shizuka.Tachibana: 6 Minutes
Takuma.Sato: And there he goes "for the Emperor". *laughs*
]bd[Marzoruki.Kimozashi: Oh well, I was close.
It was not long after that we were thrilled to see a Kusari Naval Destroyer approach us from the nearby Trade Lane. It's captain did not feel like talking much and was swiftly taught of his stupidity with help from the Sushi Palace.
[Image: image3desu.jpg]
[Image: image4swn.jpg]
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[Image: footeryte.png]

The Kyoto Network - Ryummel - 02-26-2011

[font=agency fb]>>Link Established.
[Image: 1zz5hcp.png]
>>Comm ID:
The Sushi Palace
'Chef' Engineer Ito reporting today's sushi sales:

People who bought and liked our sushi: {1} {2}
People who bought and didn't like our sushi: {1} {2} {3... BARGE!}
[font=agency fb]<<DATA SENT, TRANSMISSION LOST...

The Kyoto Network - Chrysalis - 03-11-2011

===Incoming Transmission===
[font=Lucida Console]Sender ID: Toshiro Watanabe
Source: Main Landing Pad, Kyoto Base, Chugoku.

Konbanwa Gozaimasu,

Today I left the safety of our home in order to do a recon of the Kyushu system. When I jumped in via the jumphole I received a distress call from one of our Gunboats bearing the callsign ''I"m_A_Pirate''. The vessel was under attack by two of our Katana class fighters, which were using a technology which was Nomad in origin...the pilots most surely infested.

I moved in in order to defend the vessel.

[Image: MissionDump1Wildeattack.jpg]

One fell faster than the other...

[Image: MissionDumpWilde1.jpg]

The other one soon followed

[Image: MissionDumpWilde.jpg]

After the destruction of these vessels, I scanned the surrounding area and did not detect any life forms, they could be dead...or it could be the nebula playing tricks on my ship's systems.

I donated three million sirius credits to the captain of this vessel, to fund it's repairs and after that we parted ways.

Long Live the Blood Dragons.

X---Transmission Cut---X

The Kyoto Network - Ryummel - 03-13-2011

[font=agency fb]>>Link Established.
[Image: v3ku2q.png]
>>Comm ID:
Teraku Oshiro
Today I launched from Kyoto in order to unleash our might upon Samura and the Hogosha lapdogs. Ryuu Noboru and Lena Emmagan joined me in New Tokyo, where we managed to intercept a Samura transport full of artifacts and its escort. We gave them the chance of living by cursing against their Emperor across the system comms channel. They both refused. An Hogosha came to try his luck too... And failed, as expected.
[Image: i6m2j8.jpg]
[font=agency fb]<<Data sent. Signing off.

The Kyoto Network - ChillerMiller - 03-14-2011

[color=#CC0000]---Incomming Transmission---

Shinji Takahashi

[color=#CC0000]Target: The Rising sons of Kusari
[color=#CC0000]Subject: A victory for us!

We have managed to score an important victory over the KNF forces in the Honshu system, we tracked down a patrol of 4 people near the Yukawa shipyard.
They fought brave but they had no chance against us...

[Image: 1oq848.jpg]

[color=#CC0000]---End of Transmission---

The Kyoto Network - The Rising Sons - 03-17-2011

[Image: blooddragonlogo.gif]
By request of the Shogunate, Shizuma Tachibana, Shinji Takahashi and Heiji Kurosawa are hereby promoted to Hatamoto. You have fought bravely and we hope you continue restoring the glory of Hideyoshi.
<div align="right][color=#FFFFFF][Image: hideyoshisignature.png]
In Hideyoshi's Memory

The Kyoto Network - Korny - 03-17-2011


COMM ID: [color=#000000]Heiji Kurosawa
TARGET ID: Kyoto Network
SUBJECT: Untitled

[Image: heiji.png]

[font=agency fb]

-Heiji bows out of great appreciation and gratitude-

I am most grateful for your wise decision, Shogunate. I will not disappoint You.


The Kyoto Network - ChillerMiller - 03-26-2011

[color=#CC0000]---Incomming Transmission---

[Image: RSoK_BD.png]

Shinji Takahashi
[color=#CC0000]Rank: Hatamoto
[color=#CC0000]Target: The Kyoto Network
[color=#CC0000]Subject: A victory for the Blood Dragons

We have managed to win against some KNF and KSP forces in Honshu, they were attacking our broter Ayato Iguchi. We picked our targets and under command of Teraku Oshiro we were able to shoot them down. Iguchi-san shot down one of the primary fleet officers and an KNF spatial, while I shot down the three other KNF pilots. The present KSP officer chose the right decision and retreated.

[Image: bd8.jpg]

[color=#CC0000]---End of Transmission---

The Kyoto Network - ChillerMiller - 03-27-2011

[color=#CC0000]---Incomming Transmission---

[Image: RSoK_BD.png]

Shinji Takahashi
[color=#CC0000]Rank: Hatamoto
[color=#CC0000]Target: The Kyoto Network
[color=#CC0000]Subject: Gaijin Intruders

We've heard rumors of Rheinlanders entering our territory so we went out to send them back. They were in the sigma systems, causing trouble. We attacked them, but they immediately started to run back to Rheinland. Their Gunboat escaped the sigmas, using the sun corona to evade our fire, while the fighters ran to the Sigma 13 system. We pursued the fighter back to the Frankfurt Jumpgate where he immediately jumped into Rheinland. We followed him...
They awaited us on the other side, but they were no match for us. We fired on their Gunboat and after some time it was forced to dock heavily damaged. Our last remaining task was the destruction of the last one who dared to enter our territory. It was done after some time and we started to return home. I was able to take out one of their police officers before I started to retreat.

[Image: bd9.jpg]

[color=#CC0000]---End of Transmission---