Mission 63: Locate and investigate modular bases within and around Liberty - Glass - 03-26-2022
Mission 63: Locate and investigate modular bases within and around Liberty
Bad news, I'm afraid. That modular Freelancer base, Sanctuary, that was rotting near Leiden, has been overtaken by new owners and is no longer derelict. Some Zoners have set up shop in it, and are using it purely as a trading outpost, apparently. I had a lengthy discussion with a pilot closely involved in their operations. The same group has seen fit to construct another modular base immediately beside the first, apparently on the basis that it will attract less attention. Moronic. The second base, Haven, is being established as a Zoner base from the outset. Needless to say, these are so close to Leiden you'd fly into them on undocking if you weren't careful. A relationship, or an elimination, will be required. Blissful ignorance will not suffice. The good news is that it is likely achievable.
During our chat we were joined by a Gen'an who included the interesting tidbit that they have a working arrangement with the Zoners: safe existence and passage in return for goods not usually able to be sourced by the cell themselves. Many luxury goods are already stocked and purchasable on the stations. However when I asked, the Zoner had no further tribute to offer the inner circle. I recommend we convene on what would be a suitable purpose. A distribution point or dead-drop would draw too much attention and local traffic. Externalised manufacturing capabilities nearby could be a boon, but the Zoner seemed reluctant and it may not be of sufficient use to us. They are too far out to provide meaningful proximity defence; too close to offer a useful network relay. With any luck, they'll imagine a way to make themselves useful and contact us as requested - though for this too I hold little faith.
Finally, an open channel on the neural net regarding the operations of these bases was easy enough to find and is likely a good source of information and method of communication for future matters with these aimless Zoners. At worst, the bases will make an easy target for extortion given their proximity and limited routes of access, but that would be terribly boring. Speaking of boring, logs and data are attached.
Code: LH~Censorship: Hello there.
Sorairo_Aozora: Hi Mr Hacker
LH~Censorship: How polite.
LH~Censorship: What is a Zoner gunboat doing here?
Sorairo_Aozora: I'm a Zoner (smiles)
LH~Censorship: Indeed.
LH~Censorship: And what are you doing here?
Sorairo_Aozora: This is my home. I live with my friends here,
LH~Censorship: At the Freeport at the next junction?
Sorairo_Aozora: Negtive. We are off grid. But we visit Leiden frequently for trade and technical assistance.
LH~Censorship: Frequently?
LH~Censorship: I didn't realise we had such a close relationship.
Sorairo_Aozora: It's only 20 clicks from home.
LH~Censorship: And where exactly do you live, then?
Sorairo_Aozora: Follow me.
LH~Censorship: I see.
Sorairo_Aozora: Sanctuary will show as Freelancer but Haven is being constructed as Zoner.
LH~Censorship: And what is your primary business?
Sorairo_Aozora: We are traders pure and simple. There is no manufacturing here.
LH~Censorship: And what do you trade? With whom? Who supplies these bases?
Sorairo_Aozora: You should be able to dock on Sanctuary. If it doesn't work I wil dock and set it up.
Sorairo_Aozora: Give it a try and you will see our current stock.
LH~Censorship: Surely you do not rely solely on people buying your wares?
LH~Censorship: As I was saying, surely you do not rely solely on people buying your wares?
Sorairo_Aozora: Are you satisfied ?
LH~Censorship: Do you ship goods here? Elsewhere?
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Hmm?
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Oh Konnichiwa
LH~Censorship: Good day, Miss Misaki.
Sorairo_Aozora: These goods come from a long way away. we make good profits transporting ores and the like to the places that are near where we
LH~Censorship: This Zoner here was just telling me all about these bases they've erected.
Sorairo_Aozora: Kon'nichiwa Yunoki
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I am aware of them
LH~Censorship: And you thought it wise to establish your operations here?
LH~Censorship: At this distance, I should hope so, or else you probably shouldn't be a pilot.
Sorairo_Aozora: it is reasonably safe .
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Sanctuary has been here for a while. These people started fixing up the place
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: They don't originally own it
LH~Censorship: Indeed. I was expecting it to go derelict.
Sorairo_Aozora: It is 30 clicks to the lanes, 25 clicks from Shukou jump hole and 60 clicks from Colorado jump hole.#
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I used to come here for the bottles of wine. But they tidied up the place and now sell all kinds of food and drinks there
Sorairo_Aozora: It was about to go derelict when we started intense renovation.
LH~Censorship: Indeed, there is a good variety of items available on board. Surprising, for such an installation.
Sorairo_Aozora: We are enterprising and Yunoki and her colleagues are good friends and customers.
LH~Censorship: You have a business relationship?
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Nah, not really
LH~Censorship: A working agreement, then.
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: We provide safe passage through Kusari in return for commodities that are otherwise hard to come by
Sorairo_Aozora: We also take important 'items' to <GARBLED> [Note: data was corrupted]
LH~Censorship: Sounds like business to me, and an agreeable arrangement.
Sorairo_Aozora: Most of our goods come from Dublin, London and Ile de France
LH~Censorship: So what was the aim of renovating this station?
Sorairo_Aozora: That is a long story. we are a mixed group who came together to survive and live peacefully.
LH~Censorship: Just somewhere to live and prosper? That's it?
Sorairo_Aozora: Yunoki please will you try to dock on Haven to check I have set it up for you?
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Eh I will try
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Seems to accept my clearance
Sorairo_Aozora: Great. That's where I can leave goodies inn future (Laughs)
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Seems rather empty
Sorairo_Aozora: It is but I will put some of the things you like there at I credit charge. For all the help.
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Appreciated
LH~Censorship: So then, to get to what I'm getting at. What is it that you can offer your neighbours?
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Also did that police or navy guy bother you further?
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Frost was his name?
Sorairo_Aozora: It's going to take a while to finish Haven.
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Also answer the Lane Hacker first
LH~Censorship: You answer miss Misaki. I have data to collect.
LH~Censorship: I appreciate the gesture, Misaki.
Sorairo_Aozora: There was no problem with the LNF or the Auxo. We just traded pleasantries.
Sorairo_Aozora: Sorry LH did I cut across your transmission?
LH~Censorship: You'll have to correct Haven's docking permissions for the hackers.
LH~Censorship: No, but you can get back to my neighbourly question.
Sorairo_Aozora: Yes but not until it is complete. There is nothing there and we have ser it up for Yunoki to avoid having to drop items in spac
LH~Censorship: I see.
LH~Censorship: May I ask what goodies are involved in such transfers?
LH~Censorship: Not to pry, Miss Misaki.
LH~Censorship: Many would call each of us pirates.
Sorairo_Aozora: No we are not pirates. They don't talk.
LH~Censorship: Very well.
LH~Censorship: So, what items are you referring to on Haven?
LH~Censorship: And what do you offer the Hackers?
Sorairo_Aozora: GC's like booze, luxury food and tobacco.
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Eh they bring us stuff like wine from Gallia, good sake, gin, things like that
LH~Censorship: Wine from Gallia? Interesting.
LH~Censorship: Out of curiosity, where is the best sake from?
Sorairo_Aozora: Do you mind if I continue my trip? I can make one more journey to Gallia if I go now.
Sorairo_Aozora: Sorry.
LH~Censorship: If you answer my last question regarding what you can offer to us, then you can go.
LH~Censorship: Be diverse. Give options. I'll be taking this for discussion amongst the inner circle.
Sorairo_Aozora: What do you want?
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Hmm depends on your taste I guess. I personally like Kyushu sake
LH~Censorship: Material return on the investment that is allowing you to be so exceedingly close to us.
Sorairo_Aozora: Such as?
LH~Censorship: Kyushu? I'll have to try that.
LH~Censorship: Something of worth. But not necessarily credits.
LH~Censorship: The best value is something you can get us that we can't normally do ourselves.
Sorairo_Aozora: An example please
LH~Censorship: I'd normally suggest distributing our software, but... your proximity renders that practically pointless.
LH~Censorship: Depending on whether you intend to create manufacturing capabilities, that too could be of use to us.
Sorairo_Aozora: I already take your software to Omicron Alpha and other such places.
LH~Censorship: In fact, that would be a benefit precisely because of your proximity.
Sorairo_Aozora: Manufacturing here is not an option. It would rapidly attract attention.
LH~Censorship: And rightly so; it is valuable and in demand.
LH~Censorship: And you think that the establishment of a Zoner thoroughfare would not?
Sorairo_Aozora: It's been good so far.
LH~Censorship: I'm not sure I understand why you think manufacturing capability would attract attention any faster.
LH~Censorship: Unless you intend on having frequent naval inspections of the facility?
LH~Censorship: That, we could not permit.
LH~Censorship: I'm puzzling through whether there are other luxuries you could provide us that we don't have existing methods of acquiring.
LH~Censorship: And, frankly, I'm struggling.
Sorairo_Aozora: We have occasional visits from LNF but they do not and cannot dock.
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Honestly, attention is not something you should be worried about. You cant see from the outside what is being produced.
LH~Censorship: Good.
LH~Censorship: All the more merit to my argument.
LH~Censorship: Now, if there were land on that station, or a great deal of capacity and space for research and construction -
LH~Censorship: such as on a planet, perhaps I'd suggest that. But as yet another modular station, I believe there is not.
Sorairo_Aozora: At the moment all Freelancers can dock. That requires an administrative change.
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: And if I may add. having factories is not something that bases are assaulted for
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Freeport 12, not far from here, has factories too
LH~Censorship: No. I understand that they are usually assaulted for corporate exploitation, or for being too close to an unfriendly entity.
Sorairo_Aozora: But is Core 4
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: It wasnt always
Sorairo_Aozora: I can't change the Base Tag without <GARBLED> [Note: more corrupted data] approval. Will be in process soon.
LH~Censorship: I understand.
LH~Censorship: But that is not my concern.
LH~Censorship: I feel that this isn't going anywhere, fast.
Sorairo_Aozora: I agree and I need to make that trip.
LH~Censorship: If you have no suggestions, then I will discuss what we want of you. It means you will have less choice in the matter.
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: They just want to establish their trade post
LH~Censorship: I strongly recommend you take this to your leadership and provide options in a comm.
Sorairo_Aozora: I'm going to Leiden for software.
LH~Censorship: Yes, and part of the trade of being here, will be arranging an agreement with the locals.
LH~Censorship: Good. I'll escort you.
LH~Censorship: Pleasure, Miss Misaki.
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Good travels
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I am returning to Kusari
Sorairo_Aozora: And to you both
LH~Censorship: Now, don't forget to reach out with options. I'd hate to come knocking.
LH~Censorship: Safe flight.
GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Sayonara
\\:[ ▒ ▒ ]
RE: The Lane Hackers | Mission Archives - "Goldfinger" - 12-26-2022
Entry: Mission 63 - Locate and investigate modular bases within and around Liberty
Goldfinger here. Consider me baffled, we had some enterprise construct two installations basically at Mactan's doorstep, precisely next to the Cordova Shipping Platform and nobody investigated them so far. I took the detour to figure out who they are and what exactly they are producing and selling.
Both installations,Elcano Manufacturing Complex and Elcano Storage Appendix, were openly accessible for me. At first glance, both installations are run by an Enterprise calling themselves "New Horizon Industries" and did not appear to focus on purchasing and selling regular goods but rather produce equipment on a preorder basis. A bit of digging in the neural-net revealed the business model New Horizon Industries pursues: The sale of cloaking devices and cloaking device disruptors to everyone. Their location in direct vicinity to Cordova makes this a questionable claim at best, supposedly underlined by the lack of offers for said equipment when I inquired about it with the fancy robot vendor. They allegedly only had this stuff in stock, which is also in line with the stations own advertisement to also produce equipment required for hyperspace travelling.
They might make a good candidate for extortion, although the close vicinity to Cordova might undermine the credibility of potential threats.
RE: The Lane Hackers | Mission Archives - Liz Krest - 12-27-2022
Mission 63: Locate and investigate modular bases within and around Liberty
I'd consider myself equally, if not more baffled than Goldfinger was on his discovery of those installations. Just earlier this week I spotted an extortion target - the report regarding that will follow in due time once I have properly documented everything that regards it - in Pennsylvania and proceeded to approach the vessel. What I did not expect is that I would see a modular installation in the distance along with Corsairs and Freelancers around it's vicinity.
The installation's name is Pennsylvania Freeport and it's location is the bottom left side of the D4 grid, Pennsylvania. Seeing how the area was "hot" at my first visit, I decided to take another walk towards the base's location just earlier today to see if I can gather more intelligence on it, hopefully with nobody spotting me in the meantime.
I managed to reach the base and dock on it without anyone seeing me and I have to report that the base appears to be completely empty of commodities and equipment for the public eye, while the base's affiliation is that of Freelancers. It should also be noted that the base has an online shield generator module.
[∎] - Location
[∎] - Equipment
[∎] - Commodities
[∎] - Information
[∎] - Reaching the base
[∎] - Odd visitors
Detailed scans of surrounding vessels:
[∎] - Redball.Express - Corsair Transport
[∎] - DTR-CSS>Bandito.E.Mule - Corsair Transport
[∎] - Caesteus - Freelancer Bustard
[∎] - Karsten.Mueller - Interspace Transport
Communication logs:
Code: [25.12.2022 11:48:29] Karsten.Mueller: K:Have a safe day and flight.
[25.12.2022 11:48:48] LH~Liz.Krest: What do we have here.
[25.12.2022 11:48:55] Karsten.Mueller: K:....
[25.12.2022 11:49:20] Karsten.Mueller: K:What you want? My Cargohold is empty...
[25.12.2022 11:49:30] LH~Liz.Krest: A corrupt hypocrite papdog of the corporate oligarchies!
[25.12.2022 11:49:48] LH~Liz.Krest: Papdog? *She chuckles* I just created a new word.
[25.12.2022 11:49:56] LH~Liz.Krest: Lap. Lapdog. A corrupt -lapdog-.
[25.12.2022 11:50:18] LH~Liz.Krest: An empty cargo hold does not grant you immunity to the Lane Hackers, Interspace scum.
[25.12.2022 11:50:51] Karsten.Mueller: K:Scum? Ha, hard working gentleman you mean..
[25.12.2022 11:51:09] LH~Liz.Krest: Now you better cooperate so I don't consider rapid decompression of your vessel as an outcome of this interaction.
[25.12.2022 11:51:40] Karsten.Mueller: K:Come to you point man, my workplan is full.
[25.12.2022 11:51:56] LH~Liz.Krest: Where did you come from and what is your destination, corporate lackey?
[25.12.2022 11:52:45] Karsten.Mueller: K:The Freeport need materials from New York..
[25.12.2022 11:53:15] LH~Liz.Krest: "The Freeport"? As in that installation back there?
[25.12.2022 11:53:27] LH~Liz.Krest: You are supplying the installation.
[25.12.2022 11:53:33] Karsten.Mueller: K:Yes?
[25.12.2022 11:53:41] Karsten.Mueller: K:Its a Freeport?
[25.12.2022 11:54:25] Karsten.Mueller: K:Well, a small Freeport but it is a Freeport
[25.12.2022 11:54:30] LH~Liz.Krest: Most interesting. A freeport housing all types of scum, including Corsairs.
[25.12.2022 11:54:39] LH~Liz.Krest: What else does the Freeport house?
[25.12.2022 11:55:19] Karsten.Mueller: K:i know the Freeport is selling Helium for everyone but it looks empty atm
[25.12.2022 11:55:22] Death: DSEV_Bowlyne suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[25.12.2022 11:55:31] Karsten.Mueller: K:You cant dock on the Freeport?
[25.12.2022 11:55:59] LH~Liz.Krest: I have -no interest- of docking on your so called Freeport, Interspace scamp.
[25.12.2022 11:56:16] Karsten.Mueller: K:Its not my base?
[25.12.2022 11:56:20] LH~Liz.Krest: Now tell me, who else seeks refugee here.
[25.12.2022 11:56:49] LH~Liz.Krest: You've clearly been around that place more than I have been, surely your incompetent little corporate eyes have seen something.
[25.12.2022 11:57:32] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: im curious now what is this ruckes
[25.12.2022 11:57:45] Karsten.Mueller: K:I have see Freelancers and corsairs only
[25.12.2022 11:58:20] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: wow look at this one he has pretty lights
[25.12.2022 11:58:34] LH~Liz.Krest: Are you certain of this, Interspace scum?
[25.12.2022 11:58:45] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: nice ship gringo who made lights for you
[25.12.2022 11:58:58] Caesteus: Almost like beacon in distant stars
[25.12.2022 11:59:09] Karsten.Mueller: K:sure
[25.12.2022 11:59:18] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: yeah i wish the gringos back home in transports had such nice lights
[25.12.2022 11:59:25] LH~Liz.Krest: You all gentlemen seem to be on a detour around that base.
[25.12.2022 11:59:27] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: Can see them from far
[25.12.2022 11:59:37] LH~Liz.Krest: Degeneracy breeds degeneracy, nothing has changed.
[25.12.2022 11:59:39] Karsten.Mueller: K:Shipyard in New York
[25.12.2022 11:59:48] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: Hola Senor Krest
[25.12.2022 12:00:01] LH~Liz.Krest: Seniorita for you.
[25.12.2022 12:00:18] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: oh this one is the chickita
[25.12.2022 12:00:28] Caesteus: Mamacita
[25.12.2022 12:00:29] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: well well pardon me mamacita
[25.12.2022 12:00:52] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: so you got the small or the big mellons i cant tell from all the way here
[25.12.2022 12:01:20] LH~Liz.Krest: Calm down, weasels, your time isn't now. I am dealing with the Interspace lackey.
[25.12.2022 12:01:35] Karsten.Mueller: K:You need to long..
[25.12.2022 12:01:36] LH~Liz.Krest: Your cellular separation will be seen to in due time.
[25.12.2022 12:01:42] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: but now you got my attention this one i like shes visty
[25.12.2022 12:01:57] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: bit soft but visty
[25.12.2022 12:02:01] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: i like
[25.12.2022 12:02:15] LH~Liz.Krest: Now you, Interspace knave, your empty transport will have to pay a toll of a million credits to pass by my checkpoint.
[25.12.2022 12:02:24] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: reminds me of the chickas back home
[25.12.2022 12:02:26] Caesteus: Come lets go before you fall in love with here HAHA
[25.12.2022 12:02:36] [2022-12-25] 12:02:36 You have received 1.000.000 credits from Karsten.Mueller
[25.12.2022 12:02:46] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: kiss kiss sweety
[25.12.2022 12:02:47] LH~Liz.Krest: Toll received.
[25.12.2022 12:02:54] LH~Liz.Krest: You may continue to your destination.
[25.12.2022 12:03:44] Karsten.Mueller: K:Have not a great day Hacker scum..
[25.12.2022 12:03:48] DTR-CCS>Bandito.E.Mule: Any of you senors have good miner contacts
RE: The Lane Hackers | Mission Archives - Liz Krest - 12-29-2022
Mission 11: Report misuse of Lane Hacker technology
On my return trip to Mactan Base after an encounter with a transport in Manchester I came across a Freelancer sporting Unidentified IFF just outside our base. The Freelancer went by the name "Pink" and the ship's callsign was Pink.Fury, completely lit with pink lights. It was also completely packed with a series of seemingly random weaponry, most of which were nomad adapted weapons.
Further scans of the ship indicated Lane Hacker technology being part of it's inventory of weapons, in the form of 2x Hellflurry Mk V guns.
I inquired as to what the story behind this ship is, and the pilot told me they found it in Tau-61, completely undamaged and with it's previous pilot being shot clean through the glass canopy, so "Pink" claimed it as his. I requested that Pink proceeds to immediately dock on Mactan Base and hand over the Lane Hacker technology back to us, but he rejected in a very offensive manner, asking me to "try him". Knowing that taking on a fighter on a bomber I refused to engage the Freelancer. I am sure there's many more amongst the Inner Circle who are more capable than me in dealing with that matter and showing "Pink" the consequences to his actions.
[∎] - ID Scan
[∎] - Inventory Scan 1
[∎] - Inventory Scan 2
[∎] - Inventory Scan 3
[∎] - Inventory Scan 4
Communication logs:
Code: [12.01.2023 23:06:18] LH~Disruption: Greetings.
[12.01.2023 23:06:22] 2023-01-12 23:06:11 SMT Traffic control alert: Pink.Fury has requested to dock
[12.01.2023 23:06:30] LH~Disruption: And you are?
[12.01.2023 23:06:31] Pink.Fury: Greet's
[12.01.2023 23:06:37] Pink.Fury: Pink.
[12.01.2023 23:06:40] Pink.Fury: I'm Pink.
[12.01.2023 23:06:46] Pink.Fury: See?
[12.01.2023 23:07:04] LH~Disruption: Awfully non-entertaining.
[12.01.2023 23:07:18] LH~Disruption: So what is the story that I am missing here?
[12.01.2023 23:07:31] Pink.Fury: About what?
[12.01.2023 23:07:44] LH~Disruption: About this.... "thing" I am laying my eyes upon.
[12.01.2023 23:07:58] Pink.Fury: Oh, the ship?
[12.01.2023 23:08:21] LH~Disruption: Your vessel's full on adapted nomad and Lane Hacker technology.
[12.01.2023 23:08:32] Pink.Fury: I know. It's cool, isn't it?
[12.01.2023 23:08:55] LH~Disruption: It is far from cool.
[12.01.2023 23:09:09] Pink.Fury: Yep. It's awesome.
[12.01.2023 23:09:28] LH~Disruption: By "far" I meant towards the opposite side of the spectrum.
[12.01.2023 23:09:37] LH~Disruption: You still haven't explained the story behind all this mess.
[12.01.2023 23:09:52] Pink.Fury: Oh. Did I?
[12.01.2023 23:10:01] Pink.Fury: Right.
[12.01.2023 23:10:21] Pink.Fury: Found this thing in Sixty-One. The pilot was shot dead through the cockpit.
[12.01.2023 23:10:27] Pink.Fury: Somehow, this thing remained intact.
[12.01.2023 23:10:31] Pink.Fury: 'Tis mine now.
[12.01.2023 23:10:54] LH~Disruption: I would dock with Mactan and provide the Lane Hacker technology back to the Lane Hackers.
[12.01.2023 23:11:03] Pink.Fury: And if not?
[12.01.2023 23:11:37] LH~Disruption: We'll have another target to hunt.
[12.01.2023 23:11:45] Pink.Fury: Try me.
[12.01.2023 23:11:53] LH~Disruption: Me? No.
[12.01.2023 23:12:00] Pink.Fury: Good.
[12.01.2023 23:12:26] LH~Disruption: There's many better than me to handle the circumstance.
[12.01.2023 23:12:36] Pink.Fury: Cool.
[12.01.2023 23:12:37] LH~Disruption: I'm sure they'd love to have a word with you.
[12.01.2023 23:12:43] LH~Disruption: See you around.
[12.01.2023 23:12:49] Pink.Fury: Peace.
RE: The Lane Hackers | Mission Archives - Raphael Drake - 01-17-2023
Mission 31: Obtain Ageira White Boxes
I captured a transport in New York today and it was a lucky shot. The vessel in question was carrying a load of Ageira White Boxes. Unfortunately, the vessel was in close vicinity of Fort Bush and I had to carefully choose my words. After a "small" conversation I convinced the captain of the transport to turn over 200 units. Only with the help of Operative Karl Stromberg and Fixer Franz Oberhauser, I have managed to successfully relieve it of the cargo. Oberhauser brought in his transport and took over the cargo. Arriving in Galileo I took control over the Airdrie Repossessor transport and unloaded cargo on Leiden Base.
RE: Mission 63: Locate and investigate modular bases within and around Liberty - Olivier Cesari - 02-16-2023
Mission 63: Locate and investigate modular bases within and around Liberty
Recently, while investigating extortion cases involving disgusting corporate vessels and even a bounty hunter, I've stumbled upon a disturbing trend. The transport of materials, specifically ones for modular bases, such as Robotic Hardware, has seen a sharp uptick. As an experienced operative, I've grown accustomed to the comings and goings of the average corporate pawn, but the sight of a bounty hunter in possession of such items is a rare and unsettling occurrence. The origin of these materials remains a mystery, as their motives are not aligned with this kind of unusual shipping.
I've had the displeasure of crossing paths with a bizarre and distasteful organization of bounty hunter lackeys. They call themselves 'hitmen,' giving the impression of being in a serious line of occupation. A miscalling if there ever was one. My skills as an operative have brought me face to face with their rapid demise, watching as I brought about a swift and rapid decompression to their numbers. I even extorted their transport carrying materials meant for potentially modular bases in Pennsylvania. My dealings with them have left me with the conclusion that they are an unusual and amateur lot, wandering from their intended purpose. Strange, I know. The question arises, why are these bounty hunters of significance to our mission. The answer is quite simple.
I've made it a habit to comb through known destinations and outposts, and what I uncovered was nothing short of unexpected. In the vicinity of Planet Eerie, I spotted a new modular base that clearly belongs to that lackey organization of bounty hunters. This finding raises certain dilemmas for me. The so-called ...Spyglass.receiving.Data.Packs...Hitman.Agency.Headquarters... modular base appears to be in a colorless state at present, but I wouldn't be surprised if the ambition for authority within its walls aims for a greater degree of independence in their pursuit of underworld pilots. With that said, I can't help but ponder on how they plan to execute such a 'feat' for them. They've made enough blunders to present themselves as highly unprofessional every time I cross their path. It's truly pitiful, if you ask me. They neglect that genuine power lies not in material possession, but in one's principles and convictions. For these weasels, the quest for power is a fools' chore, destined for failure from the start.
The thirst for power, coupled with a lack of experience, has led them to neglect even the simplest of tasks. I breezed through the modular base undetected, ready to draw my weapon at a moment's notice. I didn't linger, but instead gathered crucial evidence for my investigation. I refuse to waste a any additional time in this sickening place. Thus, I quickly moved on to uncover who else frequents this place and gather concrete proof of the presence of the supposed hitmen. I am delivering the information gathered during the investigation in a timely manner.
① ...modular.bases.characteristics.data.pack.upload.initiated...
② ...modular.bases.health.status.report.upload.activated...
Identification: Hitman Agency Headquarters
③ ...location.data.transmission.mode.engaged...
Pennsylvania, Sector Eta 4. Approximately 2.1 klicks above the general plain.
④ ...equipment.status.empty.report.uploading...
⑤ ...storage.status.empty.report.transferring...
⑥ ....visitors.identification.data.pack.upload.confirmed...
① - Hitman-47[S], "Bison" Class C5 Liberty Transport. (Not confirmed)
RE: Mission 63: Locate and investigate modular bases within and around Liberty - Olivier Cesari - 02-16-2023
Mission 81: Sell Counterfeit Software to an individual
I just acquired 30 units of counterfeit software from Leiden base in Galileo, all for the purpose of finding competent buyers for our highly sophisticated and useful products. The sole purpose of this acquisition is to locate and engage potential purchasers for our exceptionally advanced and practical products. These unusual times necessitate the utilization of all accessible resources in our quest to obliterate the credibility of government lapdogs like Ageira. Their immoral pursuit of profit through misguided experimentation and exploitation of diligent laborers is a despicable practice, whereas I'm here to wreak havoc to their methodology as much as possible. However, they're lucky I'm still acquainting myself with the tools at our disposal. But as time flies, I'm moving even faster.
Recently, I found myself confronted by a Zoner vessel, portraying an intriguing association labeled 'Humanity's Hope,' more specifically a bomber, which appeared to be in a haste, somewhat peculiar, and enthusiastic to investigate into our technology, in this case Counterfeit Software. After ensuring his adequacy in purchasing this sophisticated technology, with the added benefit of their intent of wielding it against government lackeys, I deemed him the ideal client, one whom I could not possibly decline. Their request served to further kindle my interest, as she hinted to events that took place in Cortez, and Inverness, of which I was somewhat uninformed of.
With thirty units of Counterfeit Software sold to our client, I have managed to gain a speck of their trust, which I shall employ to extract intelligence that may prove to be of substantial value. Such opportunities are not to be wasted lightly. As per the transmitted message, the individual in question informed me of Bretonia's plans to carry out a scheme that bears a resemblance to that of Gran Canaria. While I cannot vouch for the accuracy of their statement, the individual did make mention of casualties resulting from government attacks, and the alleged complicity of 'Crayter Republic.' Henceforth, I shall endeavor to learn more on this matter, provided I receive correspondence from their leader, who goes by the moniker 'Father Davis.' With this, I shall conclude this explanation and declare the successful execution of the mission 81.
Their request served to further kindle my interest, as it alluded to incidents that had transpired in Cortez, and Inverness, of which I was somewhat oblivious.
① ...Visual.Data.streams.processed.transferred.Spyglass.Network...
② ...COMM.logs.encrypted.sent.offsite.retrieval.starts....
Code: [16.02.2023 17:13:06] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Good evening.
[16.02.2023 17:13:13] |HH|Ariel.Hope: good evening mister
[16.02.2023 17:13:31] LH~Olivier.Cesari: It's interesting to see Zoners here in New York.
[16.02.2023 17:13:46] |HH|Ariel.Hope: I going back to my home in Inverness
[16.02.2023 17:13:53] LH~Olivier.Cesari: I suppose I should get used to that a bit more. Your people are frequent.
[16.02.2023 17:14:12] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Inverness? Well, I am not really stopping you, unless you are interested in the cargo I have...
[16.02.2023 17:14:29] |HH|Ariel.Hope: let me browse *giggle*
[16.02.2023 17:14:38] LH~Olivier.Cesari: In this case, that'd be the "Counterfeit Software." If you'd ask me, it's a necessity nowadays.
[16.02.2023 17:14:52] |HH|Ariel.Hope: I might have interest in some of them
[16.02.2023 17:15:05] |HH|Ariel.Hope: how much for 10 of these apps?
[16.02.2023 17:15:10] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Interest? Very well. Are you any aware what it may be, or do I need to explain its greatness?
[16.02.2023 17:15:52] |HH|Ariel.Hope: I'm not much into technology much. It's more Father Davis thing
[16.02.2023 17:16:22] |HH|Ariel.Hope: He always have interest in technology that could give him new knowledges
[16.02.2023 17:16:24] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Well, the software provides you wish access to certain elements that otherwise would be rather difficult to obtain.
[16.02.2023 17:16:36] LH~Olivier.Cesari: better* coughs
[16.02.2023 17:17:03] LH~Olivier.Cesari: And, what's even more pleasing, is that you do not provide funds to the corrupt government lackeys, to further -
[16.02.2023 17:17:13] LH~Olivier.Cesari: support their immoral, wicked and whatnot methodologies.
[16.02.2023 17:17:40] LH~Olivier.Cesari: As for the quantity, I'm afraid I can't sell below twenty units.
[16.02.2023 17:17:48] |HH|Ariel.Hope: Our group is dedicated to research and study of medical possibilities and are all self supported hence the reason -
[16.02.2023 17:17:53] |HH|Ariel.Hope: we work out of the houses
[16.02.2023 17:18:19] |HH|Ariel.Hope: They would steal our research and we can't allow this
[16.02.2023 17:18:31] LH~Olivier.Cesari: That's a rather honorable objective you just said to me. May I ask, what is the fullname of your organization?
[16.02.2023 17:18:44] LH~Olivier.Cesari: I must certainly agree with that statement.
[16.02.2023 17:18:48] |HH|Ariel.Hope: our small group is Called Humanity Hope
[16.02.2023 17:19:16] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Humanity Hope... sounds somewhat promising. You mentioned that you operate in Liberty, now, that poses a question -
[16.02.2023 17:19:24] LH~Olivier.Cesari: what are you headquarters, that is, where?
[16.02.2023 17:19:26] Fast_Bird: Greetings
[16.02.2023 17:19:56] |HH|Ariel.Hope: We operate from Freeport 14. Currently i'm going back because of the mess there. I was assigned to Freeport 9
[16.02.2023 17:20:39] |HH|Ariel.Hope: We need all hands on deck to help out with casualties and possible attack that could occurs against the zoner in general
[16.02.2023 17:21:05] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Attacks on Zoners? You mentioned that you are headed to Inverness? About what casualties are you telling me about?
[16.02.2023 17:21:24] LH~Olivier.Cesari: I'd like to know what is happening over there, if of course, you aren't in a great hurry.
[16.02.2023 17:21:38] |HH|Ariel.Hope: Seem like Crayter Republicans and Bretonian Crown are on warpath against the technocracy of Auxo
[16.02.2023 17:22:20] LH~Olivier.Cesari: I've seen that they've implemented some rather intriguing restrictions in those sectors, so I pondered as to why.
[16.02.2023 17:22:52] |HH|Ariel.Hope: The official reason according to my knowledge are exercice but between you and me, its BS
[16.02.2023 17:23:04] LH~Olivier.Cesari: You mentioned casualties. Did those lackeys by chance, might be foolish to ask, cause damage to your people?
[16.02.2023 17:23:24] |HH|Ariel.Hope: Shall i remind you about Canaria?
[16.02.2023 17:23:45] |HH|Ariel.Hope: Our lifes are not important to their politic
[16.02.2023 17:23:46] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Do not tell me that they once again have done something of that sort.
[16.02.2023 17:24:09] |HH|Ariel.Hope: Father Davis fear we might end up being a small Canaria
[16.02.2023 17:24:14] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Those are corrupt governments, friend, seeking power by the misfortune of innocent lives.
[16.02.2023 17:24:25] LH~Olivier.Cesari: It's a way of obtaining power.
[16.02.2023 17:24:30] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Oh dear.
[16.02.2023 17:24:44] Ageira~Le.Chatelier: RO: *rolls with his eyes.* One of those..
[16.02.2023 17:24:46] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Ageira, what a disgusting surprise.
[16.02.2023 17:24:48] |HH|Ariel.Hope: If you don't mind, ill take my leave and continue my route
[16.02.2023 17:25:00] Ageira~Le.Chatelier: RO: Very disgusting.
[16.02.2023 17:25:07] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Sure, I pay offer you a million credits for these in my cargo.
[16.02.2023 17:25:11] Ageira~Le.Chatelier: RO: Did you try to use a shower?
[16.02.2023 17:25:26] Ageira~Le.Chatelier: RO: Nice try.
[16.02.2023 17:25:27] [2023-02-16] 17:25:28 You have received 1.000.000 credits from |HH|Ariel.Hope
[16.02.2023 17:25:32] LH~Olivier.Cesari: One million is too high for the intel you provided me, but I appreciate.
[16.02.2023 17:25:43] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Here you go, all thirty units, ten as a gift.
[16.02.2023 17:26:03] |HH|Ariel.Hope: Thank you mister Cesari
[16.02.2023 17:26:05] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Thank you very much, Zoner.
[16.02.2023 17:26:17] |HH|Ariel.Hope: Hope we will meet again *wink*
[16.02.2023 17:26:18] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Listen, if you are willing, I have some interesting offers for you.
[16.02.2023 17:26:24] |HH|Ariel.Hope: oh?
[16.02.2023 17:26:35] LH~Olivier.Cesari: You are welcome.
[16.02.2023 17:26:41] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Offers are as follows...
[16.02.2023 17:27:10] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Since you appear open to my kind, willing to share the injustice you're at the moment undergoing... My people might use
[16.02.2023 17:27:20] LH~Olivier.Cesari: some information regarding events unveiling in those sectors.
[16.02.2023 17:27:50] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Bretonia's aggression, Crayter's involvement... What is exactly happening there, and similar.
[16.02.2023 17:27:55] |HH|Ariel.Hope: I unfortunatly tell you much since i'm going back there but if you contact Father Davis i'm sure he will be open to invite-
[16.02.2023 17:28:00] |HH|Ariel.Hope: you for a cup of tea and talk about it
[16.02.2023 17:28:19] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Who is Father Davis, representative of your organization?
[16.02.2023 17:28:32] |HH|Ariel.Hope: He is our leader and one of the keeper of the Faith
[16.02.2023 17:28:49] |HH|Ariel.Hope: He's also the dean of medecine of our small facility
[16.02.2023 17:29:00] LH~Olivier.Cesari: A-ham, I understand.
[16.02.2023 17:29:16] Interceptor-076: Uh-huh-huh.
[16.02.2023 17:29:18] LH~Olivier.Cesari: It appears that we got the Police in the area.
[16.02.2023 17:29:22] |HH|Ariel.Hope: He love meeting new people
[16.02.2023 17:29:30] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Feel free to chance me through encypted channels, so we may cooperate.
[16.02.2023 17:29:34] Interceptor-076: That's peculiar.
[16.02.2023 17:29:43] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Go ahead, Zoner. Let me solve this little issue.
[16.02.2023 17:29:54] Interceptor-076: Eh?
[16.02.2023 17:29:56] |HH|Ariel.Hope: Ok. Have a good day mister Cesari
[16.02.2023 17:29:58] LH~Olivier.Cesari: So that, these lackeys don't bother you.
[16.02.2023 17:30:01] Interceptor-076: Interesting.
[16.02.2023 17:30:06] LH~Olivier.Cesari: God speed, Zoner.
[16.02.2023 17:30:11] Interceptor-076: I'd have taken Hackers for people with brains.
[16.02.2023 17:30:15] LH~Olivier.Cesari: Interceptor, you dared to interrupt my moment.
[16.02.2023 17:30:30] LH~Olivier.Cesari: *coughs*
[16.02.2023 17:30:40] Interceptor-076: I dare to do this ungrateful job, I know. Screw you or something.
[16.02.2023 17:30:42] LH~Olivier.Cesari: What do you want, corruption-defender?
RE: The Lane Hackers | Mission Archives - Olivier Cesari - 03-02-2023
Mission 33: Investigate new branches of organizations
As a diligent investigator, I have carefully explored into the inner workings of a Bounty Hunter lapdog organization, designating themselves as 'Hitmen' (Neural-Net Designation: Hitman-), exposing somewhat interesting insights that could prove to be of some value to the Inner Circle. Through my extensive analysis of their operations, I have uncovered a labyrinth of intricate schemes, carried out with a cold and calculating precision. My observations have led me to conclude that this organization is a fairly powerless force, and their tactics don't prove any impressive in my eyes. My personal analytics have also revealed that these lackeys are riddled with significant inconsistencies. Such lack of organization and inadequacy in certain areas is definitely evident, and these flaws can be effectively exploited as per se.
Moreover, my intelligence reports suggest that these lapdogs' overreliance on snubcraft makes them vulnerable to a decisive attack. Their inclination for deploying multiple ships against unaccompanied vessels is a testament to their lack of sureness in their own capabilities, and this hesitance is reflected in their overall standpoint towards combat. It is my humble commendation that this organization should be marked for straightforward assassination, as their ineptitude in combat can be exploited to our advantage. With a coordinated strike against their snubcraft, we can cripple their operations and leave them reeling. Coordination may not even be necessary to take out these lapdogs, and they may be easily caught off-guard and taken out with a single strike. Furthermore, during one of my recent encounters with the Hunter lapdogs in Pennsylvania, I caught them in the act of carrying a specific Nomad material. With quick thinking and strategic maneuvering, I was able to disable their target and acquire the material for further analysis.
My personal experience with these Hunter lapdog organization has led me to the conclusion that they are genuinely incapable of mounting a serious threat to anyone. Their regular failures to inflict any significant damage to my lone fighter, even while utilizing a gunboat, serves as a proof to their lack of qualifications. I have disabled them on numerous occasions without encountering any significant opposition, further highlighting their inferiority. It is their persistent refusal to acknowledge the Lane Hackers' overwhelming superiority, despite being humiliated in each encounter, that truly underscores their inadequacy.
I have uncovered that these lapdogs had openly stated their objectives as being contracted by the Liberty Government to sabotage any underworld activity that could pose a threat to the Government. While their stated mission may seem honorable on the surface, it is clear that the Liberty Government's inner corruption has contaminated them to the point of signing contracts with those who know little of their apparent job. It is a travesty that the Liberty Government would entrust its safety to those who have repeatedly demonstrated their lack of strategic acumen. Such short-sighted and ill-advised decisions are a reflect to the inner turmoil and moral decay that have beset the Liberty Government.
It appears that they have somehow fabricated a modular installation in Pennsylvania that serves as some sort of their distasteful headquarters. The dreadful state of this modular installation that reflects the incapacity of these hunters, is truly atrocious. Their logistical efforts have been noted in Bison class transports, mainly conveying materials intended for modular installations, and these transports were frequently observed heading towards Pennsylvania. The construction of this headquarters serves as a clear indication of their long-term intentions and objectives, and it is advised that the Hackers remain watchful, even though it's not wholly necessary.
② ...upload.process.initiated...Data.Pack.detected...Spyglass.Network.receiving.data...
Code: Organization: Hitman Agency
Neural-Net Desigation: Hitman-
Affiliation: Bounty Hunters
(1) Sabotage of underworld elements.
(2) Establish lasting headquarters in Liberty Space.
Hired by: The Liberty Government
Combat Threat Level: LOW