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where are the pirates? - Printable Version

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where are the pirates? - longcat0 - 11-27-2007

Well, out of the 20 of so traders I try to pirate, around 10% decide to pay the tax, the rest would of rather die seeing as there is no penalty for them if this happens. You just appear again, with all your money and a little cargo is lost. There's a huge lack of RP there if you'd rather die than pay up a pesky sum you can make again in just 1 trade run, so I'd suggest there's some form of penalty for traders that get killed by pirates, like not letting them trade for 1 or 2 hours in some kind of RP rule. So they'd be forced to pay up or stop with the trading for a set amount of time, if they, in fact die from pirates.

where are the pirates? - Fellow Hoodlum - 11-27-2007

Just a little note gentlemen, if we catch anyone making extremely unreasonable demands on traders, just so
they can blow them up 'terrorist stylie' ... We will be a tad upset. Been down this road before, and it didn't
end prettily.
Hard to be either a pirate, or a terrorist in a starflier ... Get the drift.
Play fair, or don't play at all please.


where are the pirates? - Dab - 11-27-2007

' Wrote:@ Dab: Good point Dab ...

But I wouldn't press for a 30 second rule. If traders knew they would live for 30 seconds after the demand, they'd just run and dock somewhere. And you'd have pirates type the demand 2 systems away and follow them till they caught them. Yes, give the trader time, but do not make a rule for this. If we go this route, we should make a 30 second rule for the trader where he would have to shut down his engines till everyone had a chance to type all their demands and responses. That's not RP.

This is why I added 'or moves.' This way, you say halt, the trader halts. He thinks he has a free 30 seconds, he goes to cruise sequence, now he is free game, whether its been 30 seconds or not. He sits still, the 30 seconds allow him to respond. If he never stops, the pirate is free to blow him up.

where are the pirates? - 13CentKiller - 12-01-2007

Thats how I role... :cool:

I usually give them 10 seconds after disrupting them, but I state they have 10 seconds to reply...

I have no problems...around 60% of all people I pirate pay up...Because they know they will get splatted if they don't, and their cargo is worth to much to loose and they are so far into their rout that they know it will mean another boring 10 minutes traveling again to get back to zero...with money lost...See what I mean? 9 times out of 10 the trader cares about the traveling....I know if you pirated me at the start of my rout...I would say No you will have to catch me! But if I was half way through my 20 minute rout....I will pay what ever you want. It is cheaper in the long run. And all the silly traders still can't see that. All I can say to them is "Do the math!"

If you target profitable routs where the profit will make more than you pirate, they are also more likely to pay. If the rout makes em 10 mill and they are level 70 or 80, the trader is more likely to pay up rather then just sit there and wait to be slaughtered. :P So if you use all the strategic ways to pirating, your more likely to make a buck or two rather then spend 300k on disruptor's and other missiles back at your base :sleep:

Sorry I caught this thread late, but I thought it was necessary. :D

where are the pirates? - Vape - 12-01-2007

well i just created a pirate so i can start now:)

where are the pirates? - kuvacz - 12-18-2007


(Hi Telicaster, we already had the "pleasure" of getting known to eachother tonight.)

Maybe it could be a wise solution to limit the demandable taxes relating to the chars level.

As I see taxing more as a part of RP then as a serious way to make cash
I'd recommend something like the following list suggests:

Traders level / cargo - max. demandable ammount of credits:

>40 - No tax / 0 - 200 cargo
>40 - 50 / 100K / 200 - 400 cargo
>50 - 55 / 250K / 400 - 750 cargo
>55 - 60 / 500K / 750 - 1400 cargo
>60 - 65 / 1 mill / 1400 - 2600 cargo
>65 - 70 / 1.5 mill / 2600 - 3300 cargo
>70 - 75 / 2 mill / 3300 - 4000 cargo
>75 - 80 / 2.5 mill / 4000 - 4500 cargo
>80+ / 3 mill / 4500+ cargo

Also it was possible to have the tax related to the cargo hold of the pilots freighter
as money can be transferred easily to keep the char as low as possible, this prolly
would be even more fair then just having it related to the level.

Another point are those 10 sec - pretty short, it should be about 20 - 30 sec.
waittime before a pirate can attack b/c many players on here are no nativespeakers
and need a lil longer to figure out what's going on.

Or they're writing to other players in pm or whatever, there are many reasons
why a lot of players can't react in such little time.

Exception of course if someone tries to escape.

If the trader had used F1 the remaining 30-40 seconds still will last to ensure


Another , at least for me unsolved, problem is that it doesnt seem to be clear how often
a trader can be taxed per day, and/or space of influence.

It already happened to me that a pirate taxed me in Kyuhsu, another one in New Tokio
and finally a 3rd tried the same in Honshu, of course I didn't pay and slipped away, but
this behaviour is ridiculous and easily gets annoying.

But maybe I just haven't studied the rules well enough to know all about that subject.

Give it a thought.

Cheers Kuvacz /aka Knockout

where are the pirates? - MB52 - 12-28-2007

To me it depends on alot of factors for what I'll do if a pirate attacks me...

1- if a pirate shouts halt as soon as he sees a player enter the same system as him, by looking at the list (cheating), he gets nothing no matter what. Generally I can ignore him and just go on as normal.

2- if I can escape, I will try, make him earn his worth. (most give up fast)

3- if the cash demand is excessive... I am not likely to pay. (Like being told to give 3 mil, when I have a whole 200k to my name?)

I don't think the demand should be based on level. The only way to find out someones level is to use the out of role play player list, which is basically cheating.

Maybe ship size/worth of cargo? Obviously a load of water is not worth as much as a load of Diamonds.. etc..

where are the pirates? - bluntpencil2001 - 12-28-2007

Looking at the list isn't cheating...

where are the pirates? - Jwnantze - 12-28-2007

no it isnt. It is called long range scan.

where are the pirates? - HellRaiser - 12-28-2007

isnot there a rule already madeup thaty states: traders that have been taxed and killed(if refused to pay) Have to leave that system/trader route for a sertain amount of time >?