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The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - Printable Version

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The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Daedric - 02-27-2011

Victor was noticeable tense as he left the offices and made his way to the Bear's Cave. As he stepped off the lift he sighed to himself, "What the hell is going on?"

He entered the bar and looked to the back corner of the bar where the Coalition pilots had sat the night before, seeing the one his security teams had identified as Colonel Rhade he reached into his pocket and pulled out a credit card and approached the bar.

"Couple bottles of vodka if you will," dropping the card on the bar, "and a bottle of whiskey." Taking the bottles he made his way through the unusually crowded bar and stopped in front of the table the Colonel was seated at. Looking the Colonel dead in the eyes, "Colonel Rhade, may I have a word with you?" he sat the bottles of vodka down on the table in front of the Coalitioners, then gestured to an empty table nearby.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Aphil - 02-27-2011

A rather exhausted Rhade looked up, seeing Victor Cross. Rhade smiled. The last time he had seen the man was when he was awarded the Hero of the Revolution back in Omega-52...

"But of course Victor, what can I help you with?"

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Daedric - 02-27-2011

"It's been awhile, Colonel" sitting down and pouring himself a glass of whiskey, "I'm going to be straight with you, I owe you that." taking a sip of his drink he nodded to the other Coalition members, "Why are so many of you suddenly on my door step? I've a report saying there was a battle in Alberta today, and from all the rumors floating around on the station, you were at the head of the side that won, which doesn't surprise me. What does is the fact you were shooting other Coalition ships." Finishing off the rest of the glass in one gulp, he poured himself another, "Is there something I should know about?"

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Aphil - 02-27-2011

Rhade looked at Victor.

"I take it you aren't aware of the civil war?" Rhade sighed.

"A man by the name of Volkhan has seized control of the Coalition. He branded captured Katz and he was set to stand trial for failure to the people. General Alvarez had a different idea, and using the CPW-Jackal... One of the ships we lost today, actually, he managed to rescue Katz. Myself and a wing of fighters were ordered to destroy the Jackal, but instead we joined forces with it and escorted him here."

Rhade took a gulp from his bottle of Vodka.

"Katz was in dire condition, you see, the only hope was for General Alvarez to surrender himself to the Liberty Navy so that they could treat Katz. As for the skirmish, Volkhan didn't like the idea that there was a resistance group, and the Xenos betrayed our location, so they sent a task-force. We won, but we lost the Jackal. Which was a rather large hit to moral."

"That basically brings us where we are now. They know we're here, and we need to relocate soon before they send an even bigger task-force to wipe us out."

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Daedric - 02-27-2011

After Rhade brought him up to speed, all Victor could do was stare back at the man. Picking up the bottle of whiskey and taking a few gulps, "You know your presence here endangers hundreds of people; myself included." Taking another gulp from the bottle, and hesitating for a moment "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Victor could feel Rhade's blood begin to boil, "Calm down Colonel. I'm not sending you to your death." Leaning closer to Rhade and handing him a datapad, "Take your men and equipment, go to the location stored on this datapad. You'll find your sanctuary there." Leaning back and finishing off the bottle of whiskey, "You put yourself in harms way on our behalf once, I'll be damned if I'm going to turn my back on you now."

Standing up and bracing himself on the table, "Leave someone here to collect any men loyal to you and we'll move them to that location on our supply ships. Don't transmit those cords on any frequency, OSI has too much invested into that thing."

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Aphil - 02-27-2011

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Rhade's blood began to boil, didn't Victor realize what was at stake?

As Victor continued, however, Rhade calmed down and even smiled.

"I knew I could count on you Victor. Thank you."

With that, Rhade stood up, ordering people around him to prepare themselves for a relocation.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 02-27-2011

Another morning dawned on Freeport 14. Lev made his way down to the bar. His dark mood from the night before still lingering. Walking into the Cave, he went through his normal morning routine. Hit the fan, clear out the stale air. Water the plants. Smoke a bowl. Wax the hardwood bar and tables. Smoke a bowl. Do the liquor order. Do the food order. Smoke a bong. Hit the fan and clear out the smokey air. Unlock the side entrance for the staff to arrive. Hang out in the office till opening.

Lev was hoping today would bring more relaxed customers and more fun times then the last few days had brought.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - nunchakus - 04-02-2011

A civilian shuttle arrives at Freeport 14. As the vessel landed and passenger doors slide open, Ibrahim Malikk steps outside the steadily and took a deep breath. "You've been promoted, you now have a corner office, a sexy secretary, a company credit card for hookers, open access to the condos on Curacao, and clearance to respond to messages directed at OSI", the words uttered by Victor still sounds vividly clear.

"Guess I've finally made it this far." thought Victor as he exhales. His new office was still going on a renovation so he still uses his old quarters until all is settled. "Lets hope,for the best", he muttered to himself. He was not really familiar with the corporate business but he did learn a thing or two from his late grandfather back in Pennslyvania. After dropping off his luggage, Ibrahim went strolling around the Freeport and until he reached The Bear's Cave. "Hmm, looks familiar" as he steps into the joint.

Looking around tha bar, he saw his transport crews, greeted them and exchange a few words with them before having a set in front of the bartender. "Hey Lev, wire the expenses of my crew to my account and give me a cup of black coffee if you will. By the way, how's business? Heard you got quite the company last month."

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dratai - 04-09-2011

A person huddles in past crewmen and spacers of freeport fourteen. They looks sick, tired. The dark pattern under the currently unidentified person's eyes could at first glance be confused as tattoos or cosmetics dripping down cheeks from excessive crying, before one realizes it's a mix between signs of illness and an eeriely discolouration.

Androgyne, and wrapped up in one blanket after the other coat. covering themself up in an attempt to not be seen for their physical afflictions.

A while later, the person appears, reaching up, tip-toeing to reach the last required stretch to tap Malikk on the shoulder. While referring to the person as a he or she is equally viable, when you're a freak of nature, and sterile, either doesn't really count for much. The creature, mostly human, but sporting a smooth, yet rectangular, white texture over most of their face, as well as completely green eyes- rolled back and forth on their feet, from heels to toes and back. One hand resting in the other hand's palm as it waited for him to turn around. "Ibrahim Malikk, I presume?" An almost bird-like tone of voice uttered, followed by a bit of wheezing, familiar in its lack of physical strenght, from a recent video communication shared between the two.

"I.. You were interested in hiring me for my skillset?"

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - nunchakus - 04-09-2011

Before Ibrahim got up to go back to his office, an OSI crewmen pointed out that a particular person of which he was interested in has just arrived. Ibrahim got up and walked towards the man. Reaching his hand for handshake,"Ah, welcome welcome. I've been expecting you, the name's Ibrahim Malikk, and you are?"