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Keepers - ryoken - 02-21-2011

' Wrote:I also see it as retarded... if the nomads were so high beings who are able to mess with your mind, then they will be able for sure to speak all the languages that humans speak... even stupid persons like me are able to speak 2-3 languages....
The rest is cheap talk and the fancy stories..........

Even i agree a little bit with this,And i never agree with anything. In SP Nomads talked through humans,and had no problems at all being understood. All the mumbo jumbo is not Nomad speak,but KEEPER speak. The nomads like us dumb humans would have a universal translator or such. Maybe it would be choppy speach,but still would make sense.

Keepers - Pingu! - 02-21-2011

Right, so you connect that people are ragequiting disco mostly because Nomads are not open to public? Great.

Quote: The more you limit,or show favortism to any group/groups the more people will rage,and quit.

And oh, come on, what damn limit. Getting back on topic for a change, morph status was greatly improved, since long time I used to have morph. Now they can even dock to Nomad bases. If that's not good change - then I don't know what is. Only thing that stops them from being 'real' nomads is not having guns - but since this is roleplaying server... If someone truly wants to roleplay, no guns are needed. And Nomad Trial ID does not prevent you to RP way you want. Very simple. If you want guns - work hard enough to get in Keepers. It's not that hard nowdays, anyway.

Keepers - ryoken - 02-21-2011

' Wrote:You're no longer sounding like a madman Ryoken, your arguements are more reasonable and make sense.

Wow i am making sense? Dam,i must have been out of game to long. Time to go back in,and kill brain cells.:crazy:

Seriously. thanks for that. I know alot of times i come off badly,but it is hard to express how you feel,or think over the web,and most times i am taken wrong.

Keepers - Govedo13 - 02-22-2011

' Wrote:Over nerfing equipment is never the solution. It just means no one uses it and it becomes a waste of space.

The Scorpion is the problem, not the guns themselves.

How the hell is the GB the problem?
It is a ship with good stats- checked.
It have access to overpowered weapons- checked
The people who fly it promise to restrain themselves using only some of the overpowered weapons- checked.
This people didn't done what they promised to the dev team and let them down- checked.
So the problem is in the people not in the GB or in the Guns.
The easiest solutions in such situation are:
1: To hard-code the hard-points so the GB cannot mount more then promised of the guns.
2: To nerf the Guns.
3: To nerf the GB.
(sarcastic) 4: To remove the people (/sarcasitc)
So like I said cut the cheap talk. If I were you I would try to say sorry, it is much better then throwing the moot arguments around.

Keepers - ryoken - 02-22-2011

' Wrote:Right, so you connect that people are ragequiting disco mostly because Nomads are not open to public? Great.

See what i mean? I in no way meant that. But that is how it is taken. I meant the more limits,the more people quit. The less open things are to "EVERYONE" the less fun it is to "EVERYONE" and soon these people quit,and a select group/groups is all that remain.
There was 2 other freelancer servers that went that way. As soon as you hit a certain level you "HAD" to choose,and join a faction. Both of these are long gone,and both were dam good graffix,and play wise.

Keepers - alphadog - 02-22-2011

' Wrote:Not everyone is a fan of current nomad-like talk. I've only seen one epic and the rest was mostly meh and spammy.
But it is part of the Lore which got the nomads playable in the game in the first place.

' Wrote:I also see it as retarded... if the nomads were so high beings who are able to mess with your mind, then they will be able for sure to speak all the languages that humans speak... even stupid persons like me are able to speak 2-3 languages....
The rest is cheap talk and the fancy stories..........
Why lower yourself to such a primitive form of communication, when you're used to a far more efficient way of communicating.

Current nomtalk isn't ideal, but considering we RP as an alien, through text-based chat, we're doing a pretty good job I'd say. How would you change it?

' Wrote:I still think people are under rating the intelligence of the player base in Discovery. Not everyone will run to get a Nomad if made availible.
You should see the amount of people PM'ing me about Keeper recruitment. Barely able to speak english, couldn't understand a single piece of the Lore, or didn't bother trying. I wouldn't want those people playing as nomads, because it would ruin the entire uniqueness of nomads.

Keepers - Exile - 02-22-2011

' Wrote:Nomads are evil and want to kill humans.

/official position.

Keepers - Das Wilde Wesen - 02-22-2011

Kingvalliant Wrote:quote
Bloody hell, where'd that come from? I swear I've killed that section of our faction status multiple times.

' Wrote:Um, Scorpion is considered as a Wilde vessel, not a nomad one.
Yep, and Wilde are naively nomads, not Rheinlanders.

' Wrote:I also see it as retarded... if the nomads were so high beings who are able to mess with your mind, then they will be able for sure to speak all the languages that humans speak... even stupid persons like me are able to speak 2-3 languages....
That's because you're a human, and a human language is easy for a human to understand. Nomads are aliens, and have a completely different thought process, brain anatomy, methods of communication, and goals. So it's going to be vastly different from human thinking.

' Wrote:Soon it will be faction lancer,and Invite only to play at all,and then death like many server's before it
Nomads have been restricted player faction only since I arrived here 2.5 years ago, it hasn't killed the server yet.

Keepers - BaconSoda - 02-22-2011

' Wrote:*ahem*

Just to point that out.

Well, you're right, such a rule doesn't exist now. It was at one point that no Wilde ship were to exceed 50% Nomad Tech, and I remember one day lamenting about how I could not figure out how to setup my Phantom LF, at which point Wesen pointed out that the 50% human restriction had mysteriously fallen off the faction status. Ended up using Hornvipers, but at the time, it was expressed: do not use more than 4 Nomad guns on the Scorpion (or anything else really).

Keepers - ryoken - 02-22-2011

' Wrote:Nomads have been restricted player faction only since I arrived here 2.5 years ago, it hasn't killed the server yet.

Before that the ships were open to all,and they were not abused(except the odd lolwut,but that goes for any ship). Then suddenly their were KEEPERS,and WILD and no one were allowed to use them,even though sold still in Kappa. Then another update,and they removed from planet cause people would mount Nomad gear on corsair,and order ships(which made sense they were not getting the DO NOT USE thing)

I am seeing disco over 4 years of playing slowly becoming less,and less open. Some was needed,and for the good of the server,and RP,and some not.

IE limiting faction gear to that faction only i think was great for RP. But restricting ship's,and weapons to a select few only that are admin aproved i find favortism,and nothing more or less. Discovery advertises as a fully open server to all where you can fly,and use anything you want within RP,BUT....AND I REPEAT...BUT! special ships,and weapons reservered for a select few approved by admins.