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Re-Working - Ryummel - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:
[Image: Transmission.png]
A strong young man speaks


After much thought, the Renegades have come to a conclusion that we will both agree to I believe.

1: The Renegades will not use Council technology against the CR or the IMG within Tau space. It shall be used against enemies unrelated to the Council.

2: Renegades will not engage in hostilities in the Tau systems while vessels tagged [C] are present.

3: If the Renegades OR the Council is questioned on the means by which the technology was acquired, both sides will deny knowledge on how it was obtained.

4: Allow my brother, Alan Write, to take a look at the requested technology blueprints, so he may configure them to our Pirate vessels in the far corners of space. A place known as Rheinland.

Along with this we offer 100 million credits to show our support to the fight against the Royalists. You have but to tell me where to send it...

Transmission Ends
So basically, you break the first two terms but the fourth term magically allows this super-human to reverse-engineer the tech in matter of one week. Okay.

Re-Working - why_so_serious - 10-07-2011

First: We dont/ didnt use Council tech in Taus.
Secound: yesterday i was near Java. Some IMG bombers engange me (at the end i think it was nearly 6 bomber and 5 fighter. Yes Vito 11 against 1 maybe more didnt have the time to count them) so a bit later came a Council Ship. What shall I do? Run away? Never...

Some days ago. I saw a battle IMG and Coucil against OCs. I didnt engange! Suddenly the coucil BS said "Look a Renegade" and spawns missles. After that I engange the IMG...

I know the term and i didnt broke them!

Re-Working - Veygaar - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:So basically, you break the first two terms but the fourth term magically allows this super-human to reverse-engineer the tech in matter of one week. Okay.

' Wrote:Here is where you are thinking that losing our tech was part of some agreement, which it wasn't. Saying that we suddenly lost our tech is OORP on the Council's side. I am more than willing to accept a consequence within Role Play.

Anyone can say on the forums "Boom your ship is dead, I planted a bomb in it and you just didn't know." But no one will go with that. Same with a tech deal that DID NOT involve some sort of tech rigging, until the opposing faction decided they suddenly wanted it.

After speaking over with the leader of the Council faction, though, they are willing to RP with us and deal with the whole thing. How it will turn out? I don't know. The thing is, they can't suddenly have mystical control over the tech they already gave us. Which was acknowledged by the Council after speaking with their leader on Skype after all this stuff went kablewey.

That whole com channel post is pretty much oorp (the one by Pancakes). The Council should have never said our tech was magically gone in the first place. It was an overreaction on both sides.

Re-Working - Jacques Brissot - 10-07-2011

Quote:I would like to point out, the day we made the 100million on Corsairs, the first hit (earning us 83 million in 1 hour) was made by only 3 of our GB's and 1 bomber. There was 4 of us in total, WE WERE GETTING GANKED. (at one time a OC bs came and helped us kill 2 of the 4 BS's that day in theta, but other then that it was us).
We try to keep things fare, it's not like we outnumbered the Corsairs that day, we literally had to fight 2 BS a Cruiser 2 GBs and like 3 snubs all at once, just us 4. We worked hard and got out lucky.

Remember me that day ? Huan.Veron... i was only one in front a skiros your 4 gb 1 bomber and one fighter later came coca cola OC dread (who was several time goes to FP and restock self and you all)
... you all chase me i think 10 min and screaming "make him dock dishonored him!!! " and shoot me with all weapons that you have, missiles, snac, razors.. but i didn't dock... and you say you were ganked? ...

Like Vito say : "you lost all respect like a RP group" ...

Re-Working - Dashiell - 10-07-2011

I fear I have to chip in here.

It started out fairly decent. the Renegade bit, I mean. But it's been going downhill fast. I've seen some pretty shameless ganks from your side (4 / 5 missle spamming gbs on 1 Pret, on multiple occasions) and the rp of your group is, eh... yeah.


Then there's the non stop cap 8 gb spamming, on several occasions even a cap 8 OC dread came along (wtf?).
and then running to dock as soon as you can't outgank your 'enemies'.

I'll be blunt: it's gotten major crappy.

Re-Working - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:[10/3/2011 8:59:54 PM] Caleb Levesque: can i take our groups council tech beyond Taus?
[10/3/2011 9:05:37 PM] Michael (Zelot): whatever, your merc ships can go anywhere.

Got any green text to back that up? No? Well then, guess how far that'll get you.

The Merc and Pirate IDs are both generic, and as far as Zelot's other post goes, that pretty much means you have to keep your Brigand Gunboats within Brigand (or generic Gallic) ZoIs, which means no invading Gamma or other such nonsense.

Also, I don't know what you're talking about when you say you were ganked, as far as I am concerned, 10 v 3 (your lot being the 10, and me, Dash and Fran being the 3) is not you being ganked, rather the exact opposite. Just in case you're wondering what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the fight 3 days ago when your lot and a bunch of Outcasts, including a Dread, came to Gamma, and ended up with you screaming "MAKE HIM DOCK! SHAME HIM!" at me, then docking your own ship while getting beaten by Corsairs in Theta, at which I lol'd greatly.

And given the other recent posts in this thread, as well as the general feeling from people I've spoken to, I'd say that you really need to get your act together.

Re-Working - Stygian - 10-07-2011

Quote:The Merc and Pirate IDs are both generic, and as far as Zelot's other post goes, that pretty much means you have to keep your Brigand Gunboats within Brigand (or generic Gallic) ZoIs, which means no invading Gamma or other such nonsense.

Thats actually incorrect. Zelot's post is concerning Gallic Civilian tech. He just worded it poorly and the post is taken out of context quite often. There is a thread somewhere in the rules section where this was discussed. Or maybe the Reaver feedback or creation thread.

I'm not defending the poor behavior exhibited by this faction at times. Just thought I would clear that up.

Re-Working - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Thats actually incorrect. Zelot's post is concerning Gallic Civilian tech. He just worded it poorly and the post is taken out of context quite often. There is a thread somewhere in the rules section where this was discussed. Or maybe the Reaver feedback or creation thread.

I'm not defending the poor behavior exhibited by this faction at times. Just thought I would clear that up.

Ah, well then I think said poor wording should be replaced with clearer statements.

In any case, I think it's all just a rather poor excuse to just go around shooting stuff with minimal RP, especially given that this group has little to no traits that set it apart from any other generic wannabe terrorist group. Though most of the previous attempts at that kind of faction didn't stoop quite as low in the abuse of game mechanics in order to metagame, or use quite such ridiculous ship/tech combinations (Merc IDed Pirates flying Brigand Gunboats with Zoner and Council weapons... Lol).

Also, I don't think I've seen any response to the issue of using the Pirate ID as a primary ID, while trying to claim bounties with Merc IDs, which is prohibited by your primary ID.

And finally...

Quote:We try to keep things fare


Re-Working - Pancakes - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Also, I don't think I've seen any response to the issue of using the Pirate ID as a primary ID, while trying to claim bounties with Merc IDs, which is prohibited by your primary ID.
And finally...

They are not official, nor trying to be - thus, they don't face the prohibition.

Re-Working - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:They are not official, nor trying to be - thus, they don't face the prohibition.

Well if a faction is looking for feedback, that generally means only one thing, they have ambitions to one day try for official status, as doing that requires people liking them and understanding what they do and why they do it. If they just wanted to stay unofficial for ever, there would be no need to care about what others think, so long as the rules are obeyed, and hence no feedback.

I'm pointing out that while they get away with behaviour like that while unofficial, all it serves to do is further lower the general opinion of the faction, as it is something that more respected factions are expected not to do.