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BHG| recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Padu - 10-31-2013


RE: BHG| recruitment - Padu - 10-31-2013


RE: BHG| recruitment - Padu - 11-02-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Rebel--
-Ship Details: 1 Manta, but in future I want to buy a Orca and a BHG bomber

Rebel was born on Planet New London, his parents are Arthur Nicchols and Marie Bendsworth. Arthur Nicchols is known in Chelsea as a bartender in a little but tiny bar, wich exists about 5 generations.
As the only heritage of Arthur, Murdoc decided in early years that he surely would not continue his fathers' business. He wanted to be the first "rebel" of the family and skipped school mostly twice a week.
With the age of 14, Murdoc started practicing Bass with the idea of playing in a band. He saw that he had got the talent, so he invested more time into his new hobby; school moved slowly back out of his mind.
After one year of practicing hardly, he signed in for a Band, leader was Jeremiah "Jared" Hopkins and on the guitar was Yakumi "Yuki" Nagamo. The band never had big success, just some smaller gigs.
However, Murdoc and his band members have sliden into the dark drug scene of Chelsea, whereas Murdoc mostly didn't consumed many drugs, he became alcoholic.
After being a couple of years in New Londons' drug scene, the Bretonian Police started a strike against this fast growing up culture.
Because the situation of those three became too dangerous and many of their friends were even cought by the Police, Murdoc and his friends decided to leave the Planet.
They took all the money they had, even Murdoc took a few credits from his father, and invested it into a Clydesdale.
They did diffrent jobs, traded and fought, explored and traveled through the Bretonian space of Sirius. After they made a few million credits, they bought themselves a heavy bomber and explored the Omegas.
In their early years as a small Bounty hunting trio in a GMG Bomber, they made much new contacts and friends, but also enemies, mostly Corsairs and Red Hessains.
Because of his fighting skills, it revealed that Murdoc became the Captain of his crew. Rumors say that Murdoc Nicchols, even if he's inebriated, hits his aim in 9 of 10 shots.
The crew made a lot of money in Omega-41, mostly on Freeport 5. As a result of their earns and their good Reputation to the Bounty Hunters Guild, the crew bought themselves a Bottlenose in Omega-56 on Capetown Station.
With this strong ship, they explored even Nomad systems and went all the way through Sirius. As soon as they passed Alaska, they come to an end in New York, Manhattan, the Planet where anything is possible.
In the bar they read an advertisement of the Bounty Hunters Guild, wich made Murdoc thinking. He wanted to sign in for the Guild, because every single pilot he meets thinks he's in it through.
So he sends this message to sign in for the BHG, with the mind of having more sense in flying through space and contributing his part to an higher organization.



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RE: BHG| recruitment - Scumbag - 11-02-2013

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TO: Rebel
ORGIN: Deshima Station; Shikoku.

I am sorry Rebel but after reviewing the test you took as part of the BHG application i am forced to refuse you entry to the Guild. You can try again when you have learned enough about us and how we work. I suggest flying an independent ship for a couple of months and familiarize yourself with everything a bounty hunter should know.


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RE: BHG| recruitment - phairdy - 12-03-2013

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--CommID: Jaxx Dandy--
-Ship Details: Civilian Shuttle

Jaxx here, i'll keep it simple. Been a rather simple guy so here we go. My origins? i was born on the planet New London. Father was a startraveler so i heard about his fascinating stories about the universe. Studied at the new Cambridge university for advanced electronics science. Didn't work out though, because i dropped at the end of the 5th year. Afterwards i met a woman who would later become my wife, which died in an accident. Since then i felt like i had nothing to lose. Because i always wanted to venture out in the solar system i figured it would be the best if i made some cash next to it eh?

as for me, male, 28 years old.


Jaxx Dandy

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Mímir - 12-03-2013

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--CommID: Darren Jones--
-Ship Details: VHF

My name is Darren Jones, age 27, and as long as I can remember I have wanted to become a fighter pilot. Growing up I watched Holovids with fighters and fights from all across Sirius, and I knew that one day that would be me. After graduating technical college, I took up a large loan and went to the best figter academies outside of any Navy. I passed with flying colors, and since then I worked as a Freelancer out of Barrier Gate Station.

I own a Sabre but I want to sell it and pilot some of the most advanced ships of Sirius instead - and take on better paying jobs. Rumor has it that the Guild gives its member ample opportunity to pilot advanced ships from the Houses you guard. I'd like that chance.

You take care of the paperwork too, right? I like that, gives me more quality time in my ship.

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Shudragon - 12-05-2013

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--CommID: Malachi--
-Ship Details: Bottlenose, Sea Serpent

After a long career of operating as a fighter pilot for the Outcasts, a trader, and even a miner, you could say I'm a renaissance man. I've gotten fed up, repeatedly, with people trying to take what they haven't earned. Scum of the tradelanes need to be eradicated. And who doesn't mind the money? If you ever have need of a good pilot looking for some retribution, I'm your man. Too many times I've been berated, harassed, or otherwise cajoled by pirates and their like, it is definitely needed.



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RE: BHG| recruitment - Fatal1tyBD - 01-20-2014

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--CommID: Aries
-Ship Details: BH Orca.
Born: Planet Manhattan, New York
Age: 18

My name is Aries. At the moment, im living on the charity of friends. Before that i worked for Inter-space commerce as a transport pilot. One day, making the run through Magellan three Outcast fighters appeared from nowhere, demanded a toll and cargo, and blasted my ship once they got it. I spent nearly a week floating, badly injured and alone in an escape pod, floating in space. when i was finally recovered by a freelance shipper, i hadnt eaten or drank in three days, and my shattered ankle had deteriorated badly in the zero-gee environment. Doctors say ill never walk in full gee again. But I can fly just fine. Get home and IC lays me off for losing three million in cargo, and my ship. So i figure i go to the Bounty Hunters, after all, payback is grand, and payback that pays is even better.


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RE: BHG| recruitment - King Owl - 02-05-2014

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--CommID: Adam.Black--
-Ship Details: Manta VHF

My name is Adam, and i have been born on Plante New Berlin. I came for a bog familly where the tradition says that the men are hunters and protectors and the women are house keepers. I have recieved my first Sea Serpeant at the age of 14 and the first kill was made in that day. My familly has been allways in contact with bounty hunters around Sirius.Now today i decied to join the Bounty Hunters and take the familly job at the next level.I am not thirsty for bounties but when something is pointing m e, it will be done , nice and painless


Adam Black

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Atday - 02-15-2014

[color=#FFFF00]---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: freerider--
-Ship Details: Sea Serpent, Hammerhead, Manta, Bounty Hunter bomber, Bottlenose, Orca

After the explosion (at least this is what they told me) in my flat on planet Erie, i found myself in a hospital bed, not remembering anything from my previous life. Maybe that's a good thing, i have the felling it is.After my recovery I fell drawn to your couse and am therefore applying to the bount hunters guild. Hope to be of service!


Dan Juvan