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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - pragun - 04-08-2009 >>>Incoming Transmission<<< ID : XA-Matthew.Shields Over the course of the last few days i've been flying around in my small, but agile and "quick to bite" little Starblazer. I 've spent the time learning the Xeno way of life. The Starblazer, it seems, is a lot more lethal than it seems in able hands. I have flown around with the real XA gents, helped XA-Sunbeam in a raid and raided NY with the help of XA-James.Crenshaw. We managed to ddo a lot more damage than anyone could ve imagined. If it be allright with my seniors here, i would like to call myself "XA-Sawscale" , named after this viper which so closely resembles us xenos. Alloww me to post an excerpt from a very old, earth-book... "Bites from Echis (scientific name for the Saw Scaled Viper) species probably result in more deaths than from any other species. The genus is recognized as medically significant in many tropical rural areas. They may be small, but they are very aggressive, quick to strike and possess an extremely virulent hemotoxic venom." Matthew Out. >>>Transmission Ends<<< Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Mayhem - 04-10-2009 ****Incoming Transmission**** Comm systen open To: XA Command From: James Crenshaw The past few days i have been flying the Xeno way of life in a agile Starblazer. I have been in many fights and raids and met many XA Seniors and members. My first fight was, with the help of fellow XA member Mathew Shields, against a Outcast Bomber. Both of our Starblazers showed that they weren't a joke and we managed to scare away the Bomber. I Have flown many times were i have assisted in Raids in New York and helped Sunbeam in stopping those foreigners wiithout meeting us Xenos first.I also had a meeting with those Squids who call themselves keepers, and i managed to kill one. I am now settling into the Xeno way of life and hope to become a usefull assest for the Xenos. I have not yet decided on Callsign. Comm system closed ****Transmission closed**** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - darthbeck - 04-12-2009 incoming transmission greetings. its john again. i've been very busy with my eagle. however, my gun camera has been broken for the past few months. the techs just got it fixed yeterday. i then encountered a junker transport. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAnBj6AU9C8 killed him. it took me a while, but i got him in the end. i've been having fun, doing things like attacking embassy's, killing traders, klling police, almost killing traders, and getting blown up. but i have not gotten badly injured yet. pitviper. out. wait. im at ouray base.... why dont i just come and deliver this in person......oh well. end of transmission Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - zeinstruktor - 04-14-2009 Incoming transmission... Source: Jim "Ringneck" Blaine Had a fine run today in Colorado, managed to stop a transport carryin' goods for automated mining operations! http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...or/screen86.jpg Had a little chat with the fella, and he seemed a nice enough guy who was just extremely gullible. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...or/screen88.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...or/screen89.jpg Until he started accusin' me of being an "alien" or something... I had enough by then and shot the ship down. Managed to get some alloys for us back on Ouray, as well! http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...or/screen90.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...or/screen91.jpg ...Transmission terminated Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - johnedwards - 04-16-2009 ---Incomming transmission--- ---Opening comm channel--- ---Recording Message--- T'day was one o' dem days that ye be reflectin' on with mixed feelings... I prepared meself a new bomber t'day ta counter the rise o' trade in ours precious libty... Shortly after I took me fighter out fer a lil' spacewalk 'cause dere was junker activity in de system an' dere was some hogosha involved aswell... One o' dem junkers managed to get 'way from me by usin' de libty lawfull bases as cover... De second one wouldnt show 'is face an' was appearantly hidin' out on denver... immagine a junker piece o' filth defilin' my place o' birth! As furious as dis made me dis stinkin' rat wouldnt fight me an' stayed docked so dere was nothin' I could do! De hogosha fortunantly was all to willin' to leave libty. A lil' later Ringneck reported in an' we set out together ta liberate libty! We soon encountered 3 tradin' vessels headed to new york an' halted dem just outside de lane. Whilst talkin' to dem a piece o' junker filth arived. We decided dis would be a good show fer dem traders too an' entered battle... His fat ship was soon taken down by a masterfully placed blob o' antimatter fired by Ringneck. With dis inconvenience out o' de way we continued with dem traders. After sum' talkin' dey were obviously no' interested in hearin' ours reasons nor motives so we handed 'em their choice... Thinkin' we would be takin' all o' it dey were preparin' ta die rather den handin' it over so we proceeded to engage... Unfortunantly dere was some confusion an' we managed ta kill only one o' dem, even though it was de largest un' it was still a disapointment. After a lil' patrollin' we picked up chatter from sum' particulaly violent naval fellers. Dey was tossin' threats an' tryin' to lure us by insultin' us fer quite a while... we decided ta steer clear o' dem since dey's not our primary objectives nowadays. However dey intercepted us at de pueble-NY gate trade lane an' we say battle was innevitable. Antonio Backus an' Galen Anderson were all geared up ta fight us... I rushed back to ouray ta pick up me fighter as Ringneck had a lil' conversation with 'em. After gettin' back Ringneck opened fire an' we were engaged. The battle was long an' exitin' unfortunantly Ringneck was still flyin' his bomber an' he was takin' a lot o' hits. Eventualy I had ta give 'im my bots ta keep 'im alive. Thin's started lookin' grim untill Galen who had been damaged severely over the duration o' de battle sudenly ran into his own wingmans mine. *sigh* dis is what ye get when ye send out rookies to do a dangerous job... Almost right after Galen died a navy lass named Christina joined in de fight. Bein' heavyly battered allready Ringnecks engines collapsed an' his ship was inevitably shot down. Luckyly he managed ta steer his pod clear from de fight an' avoid bein' captured. Sudenly de fight was down ta two versus one. Havin' already lost my bots I sustained pretty heavy damage in a short period o' time. But then in one pass I managed ta jam a mine right into Antonio's face an' his ship went up in flames. After a short an' intensive battle with Christina I suffered fatal collateral damage from my own mine hittin' her ship an' my ship went down. Luckyly the blast covered my podd swifltly cruisin' away from de scene. One o' dem plenty patrols picked me up an' brought me back safely to Ouray. All in all dis day was a day o' mixed feelings. Dem navy wont get 'way with dis kind o' stunts as easy next time! Sunbeam out! ---Encrypting message--- ---Sending message--- ---Transmission terminated--- Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - zeinstruktor - 04-18-2009 Incoming transmission... Source: Jim "Ringneck" Blaine Now today was a fine day indeed. Loaded up my shiny new bomber with a full-debilitator loadout, and found that it cuts through shields like butter. Me and Sunbeam over here managed to stop so many trade vessels, my guncam wasn't able to capture them all! First, we stop a Borderworlds Transport carrying a full load of Neon, bound to those filthy teabaggers in Kusari. He cooperated, dropping the cargo. He even considered donating to our cause, until some bugger Po-liceman came along an interrupted him. After we convinced the bugger to scram, the trading vessel seemed to be quite interested in our cause. This could be a message of hope, that our news is reaching the masses. Eventually, he left with an empty load and a bitter smile. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...r/screen115.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...r/screen114.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...r/screen116.jpg Next, a "Kujira"-class whale managed to slip into our hands. The captain was being very irrational, and tried escaping. It soon took two Antimatter shots to the hull, vaporizing the ship completely. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...r/screen117.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...r/screen118.jpg Then, after a couple more trade vessels who all cooperated, a Navy warship appeared on our scanners. It was identified as the LNS-Equilibrium. It tried to persuade us to leave, but we all knew we had the upper hand. The captain quietly maneuvered the lumbering ship to the trade lane to Pueblo, muttering under his breath. Oh, how I wanted to see that thing go BOOM... But we had greater matters to attend to. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...r/screen119.jpg A couple moments later, a Junker vessel comes within range, carrying 2000 tons of scrap metal. Suffice to say, we did not give him any chance to escape, and it was soon destroyed. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s115/ze...r/screen120.jpg Many more trade vessels were stopped, and some even looked at our cause with an open mind, so it was quite a productive day for the Knights. Victory after victory, that's how we're going to show these bastards we mean business. ENCRYPTED MESSAGE FOLLOWS::: I'd also like to note, it would be in our interest to allow all Jupiter Guild [\JG/] Mercenaries unharmed passage through our space. They've been particularly useful in the past, giving us locations on convoys, lawful ships, and the like. One saved our hides today, warning us of an incoming Navy battlefleet. ...Transmission Terminated Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Bruteforce - 04-29-2009 ---Incoming transmission--- ---Opening comm channel--- ---Recording Message Body--- Greetings friends, I finished my first day as a Xeno, good 8 hours that gave me a fulfillment, that I never felt before while working, I'm doing something good, something that matters, working for a higher cause. My day began with me getting the other Xenos to not hate me, had to destroy some little liberty navy ships. Pretty easy work. After that I went to buy my hawk and equip it. I continued on my task to get accepted into the rows of the Xenos, killing junkers on a spree. With every kill my hate grew. Not enough that they are petty Slavers, but they have their crappy scrap ships, that wont do any damage, but wont die either. I shoot at them for minutes, without them dying. What a boring and tedious work. After that I found something better to do. Bounty Hunters, they had made some small outposts and weapon platforms in Pennsylvania. Boy that was fun seeing them blow up. While doing my work a civilian was broadcasting some messages into the system. I don't exactly remember how we got into the discussion, but we had a pretty intense discussion about the failure of Liberty. I think I disturbed his view on the universe quite a bit. Maybe he will even think of supporting our cause. I'm proud that even another Xeno that happened to be in the system was acknowledged my little speech. Later me and XA-Keelback, where still doing missions to get accepted into the guard. He picked up a civilian somewhere that was very interested in being a Xeno. We warned him that our live might not be for everyone, but he was still interested in being a white knight in a sea of corruption. I gave him some of the credits I earned that day and we did some more missions together. On the last mission I began to get tired, and started making mistakes. tt was a bounty hunter base near our base in Pennsylvania, I managed to destroy it, but the weapon platforms and all those ships, I was not fast enough to react and my ship didn't survive them, luckily Keelback and out little civilian friend came and took revenge and picked my pod up. My sacrifice and the success of the mission was enough for both Keelback and me to get accepted into the guard. The civilian friend was tired and docked at Erie to take a nap. But the both of us still had to go to get the Identification, we left Pennsylvania to go to -Base Name Encrypted-, there we got our new Identifications and get rooms to sleep. I dreamed about all the great things that happened on my first day as a Xeno, I dreamed about my hawk and the eagle I will probably soon have. I really never had such meaningful 8 hours in my life. After I rested well, I'm now writing this report. It might seem a bit childish, but I'm indeed grateful and astonished of the Xeno way of life. I know that I'm small, but now I can matter. I didn't matter as a student on Erie, nor would have I mattered as a scientist in the Manhattan Institute of Technology or a Citizen of Liberty. But now I do. I'm a Xeno and we will bring the change. ---Signing Message XA-Brian.Brain--- ---Encrypting message--- ---Sending message--- ---Transmission terminated--- Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sand_Spider - 04-30-2009 A faint transmission signal picks up on Ouray base's radio waves... *Static* This is. . .. repeat, *static* Sam Willis, reporting in. Seems.. .. ... myself..*more static.* Ship's banged up, can't seem to. . .. .. my own. Been busy lately, which *static becoming more frequent* haven't.. .able..... ..... *static becomes unbearable, causing the signal to become lost.* "Damn it!" Sam swore. He attempted to get some sort of signal again, but it was no use; he was stranded in the Badlands in his severely damaged Crow. He only hoped that no Rogue patrols would find him whilst he tried to repair his engines outside of the craft. Saying aloud to himself, Sam rambled "What kind of Knight gets himself stranded in a place like this? Man, Jack isn't going to be happy once I turn up after a few weeks abscense.. What will Glenn think, as well? Aww, things just aren't going my way at all lately.." Sam continued to think aloud as he made repairs to his dying ship.. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Elsdragon - 05-02-2009 - incoming transmission from hacked comm line XA-Robert.Lee here. And I have grave news, Cryer has developed a mind control drug!This will not stand! I will raid every Cryer train from here to magellan, And no go*d***** Corprate bas****'s will stop me! They are being funded by the IND as well! This transmission is below for all to read Recorded communication Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Bruteforce - 05-08-2009 ---Incoming transmission--- ---Opening comm channel--- ---Recording Message Body--- Another Victory for the Xenos, I got promoted and I call myself Lachesis now, the Thread of Life, ancient books of earth tell stories about this snake, one of the longest. I sure hope that my thread of life is going to be as long as that snake. After that I bought and equipped both an eagle and a roc for myself. Both are now docked at a safe dock and am writing my report: I completed my duty with a small but in my opinion quite important step today. I was just training with this new technology on my Roc, called Supernova Antimatter Canon, at first I was freighted. Such a horrible and cruel technology. Never meant for anything good, just to slaughter many lives. I did some research on it and found some rumor that the Order might have developed it. I know that their mission is important, but I ask myself why they released this technology to the masses. Its to powerful for ordinary humans to carry. I was very dazzled and it took me some time to learn to use it. I have still a huge amount of respect from it, but I see the potential. Its a weapon that shifts the balance enormously, it doesn't matter how much money the corrupt Liberty navy, police or the security force have. Everyone is equal in front of this cannon. I still have problems wielding it successfully, but I am improving. Earlier I received a distress call from a Xeno reservist. He was being attacked and threatened. I immediately started my Roc to come in aid. We met a Liberty Gunboat. The Gunboat was clearly not respecting the laws. The Xeno was the victim, but he wasn't judged by his doings, just by his affiliation. I saw a tactical opportunity in this. It would hurt the corrupt liberty government to loose a gunship. It was well equipped rebuilding it should take quite some time. We engaged him, he didn't have a chance against our force, even though he was better equipped then us. Those blue balls, 4 of them hit him then a mighty explosion, it filled my heart with warmth. I did something good. The Captain evacuated and I didn't care, my work was done. Next I went back to Ouray to fill this report with a happy smile on my face. I matter. ---Signing Message XA-Brian.Brain--- ---Encrypting message--- ---Sending message--- ---Transmission terminated--- |