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RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Printable Version

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RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - SparkyRailgun - 04-24-2012

If the sanction was poor, allowing this thread to stay open is filing for bankruptcy.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Vladimir - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:Hessians must not have anything to do in Cambrige like AD already sayed Here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>The Hessians and Corsairs are fighting a bloody war down south of here in Omega-5. They are battling for control of the Border Worlds between Rheinland and Bretonia. The Hessians are expanding -- and that brings them into the Corsairs'€™ Artifact shipping routes to Bretonia. </TEXT><PARA/><TEXT> </TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>

You could try reading before you post.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Redon - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:Another step from fun to hate...sad enough.
It's not such great lose, if its CAU 1-5... In other way its....(lost of bad worlds).
I'm talking about at least one CAU8 and one CAU7.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Jeremy Hunter - 04-24-2012

Leme clear up how much was lost.

1.8 billion credits.

See that number?

Amounts to 2 Cap8s and a cap5. Let's not even go to the amount of respect for some players, and even the admins.

This sanction was handled badly, the attitudes of Corsairs and veteran players is appaling, and you know what?

I've had LNS group with [HF] because their friends and wanted to chat. I never saw a sanction, and the rest of the LNS were hunting said [HF].


RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - McNeo - 04-24-2012

Maybe they will think twice in the future then. Congrats to you folks who successfully mined for fish. If only I could've been there, my bank is getting low.

And I never saw [LN] and [HF] players group up to shoot at something. To talk, yes it's happened, but to shoot something and coordinate, never. Well, except in Connecticut.

And, I'm pretty sure vanilla lore says that the Hessians prey on Omega shipping without discriminating between Rheinland and Bretonia. I'm also pretty sure that the territorial war between the Hessians and the Corsairs is a fight over the lucrative and sparsely protected shipping lines, in addition to it being a connection to Bretonia for the Corsairs' artifact trade.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Lonely_Ghost - 04-24-2012

Quote:1.8 billion credits.

I hardly belive, that max lvl base costs such money.

Quote:And I never saw [LN] and [HF] players group up to shoot at something. To talk, yes, but to shoot something and coordinate, never.

Then you havent been in Texas, when RM raiding it. Once we had [LN], [HF], AGS vs [RM]. If server havent died, [RM] would win.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - McNeo - 04-24-2012

Were they in group with each other?

If not, then it's exactly like the time when AGS, [RM] and [RHA] all shot at [LN] when we were raiding Hamburg.

If they were grouped however, I'd like to know who it was (in the [LN]) so I can have a chat with them.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - JayDee Kasane - 04-24-2012

' Wrote:You could try reading before you post.

you could try to read as well. or at least post more then 1 sentence
Anyway, I dont remember Hessians destroying Corsair ship that smuggle Artifacts into Bretonia, or Junkers that smuggling with Artifacts more farther into Liberty. Only space when Hessians should actually try to harm Corsairs bisness are Omega 5. But by Lore Corsairs presense near Cambrige JH in O5 and in other side of it are too strong for Hessians.
And if you will fly around Cambrige you will not see Hessians there. Exept maybe area near O3 JG. So there is no way Hessians can hunt Corsairs on their way to New London. All you trying to do is making Hessians be allowed to act in Bretonia, which is not a Hessian main goal. Mollys could try, but not Hessians. Corsairs are not going to Stutgart to stop Blood Diamonds smuggling, right?

but you know what? its pointless. you cant speak more then one small sentence or bring more proof that could actually make sense. I suppose this ''discussion'' is over. you not the one who can support this kind of talk or you just dont want to show this kind of respect to others

Hessian/BAF players: accept your punishment and dont do same mistakes again. I dont see Corsairs are crying too much about lost base, why you cry like all your ships are deleted? if you lost your CAUs/Weapons its your fault. you made Corsairs lost base and they made a revenge. dont you thought that you cant pass throu Corsair ZOI unspotted?

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Snak5 - 04-24-2012

I once invited XA- into [LN] group to shoot Rheinlanders. Joe quickly told him to leave and later I got explanation why this couldn't and should't be done. :nono:

Don't do it folks. Also, this is a game. Take it easy, money can be earned, ammo replenished.

RE: The sanction of the Hess/Bret Combined Forces BattleGroup - Lonely_Ghost - 04-24-2012

Quote:If they were grouped however, I'd like to know who it was (in the [LN]) so I can have a chat with them.
Sorry, dont have screens of chat list...

Anyway, lets note what wasnt right.
a) Hessians joined groupe with BAF. IF they would not do this, there would be no sanction.
b) Hessians came to Cambridge, but instead of shooting BAF after they killed Sairs, they decided to kill the base. Hessians had to sit in Omega 5 and shoot all corsairs comming to Cambridge.