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Gallic Permits - Printable Version

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RE: Gallic Permits - Kruger - 01-01-2014

[Image: i2mb.png]

Guten Tag Kingdom of Gallia,

Since our last request we are shipping more and more ores into Galia. But because we have many criminal organisations lurking around every corner we have to find a sollution for our employees. I want to say we found it in the Jumpdrive technology. We want to use this to jump in and out of the Lyonnais system to sell to Montbrison Storage Facility and/or Roanne Production Facility.

We want to register 2 Elbe battleships under the signs for this purpose. The Wurttemberg and Tirpitz.

Payment Receipt

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Helene Schmidt

[Image: eepo.png]

RE: Gallic Permits - The Gallic Union - 01-01-2014

[Image: 220px-Flag-gallia2.png]

Bonjour Pierre Martin,

thank you for your recent communication. The current status of your application is shown below.
Your permit

isbeing processed
is rejected
needs further information
is approved

Regarding the proposal for base named Gallic Mining Industry the following information would be appreciated

1) a more specific location (private comms is appropriate if needed)
2) what other commodities would a mining base need to store?
3) why are weapons platforms needed in a base at this location?
4) clarification of the Gallic Military Forces mentioned


Greffier en Chef

RE: Gallic Permits - AirDOG - 01-01-2014

Bonjour sir,the requested informations has been sent to you.
We're waiting for your decision.
Best Regards,
Pierre Martin.

RE: Gallic Permits - The Gallic Union - 01-01-2014

[Image: 220px-Flag-gallia2.png]

Bonjour Gallic Mining Industry

Thank you for the clarification the current status of your application is shown below.

Subject to the following :-

Please note: You must adhere to all appropriate laws and regulations.

Some of your planned builds will produce items that on many ships in Gallia will be classed as illegal. Transgression of the law will result in full enforcement, possession of this permit will not mean the law will be waived.

Only two defence platforms set to delf-defence are permitted.

It would be expected that any inspection will only find mining supplies and the essentials for maintaining and running your ships.
Your permit is now

being processed
is rejected
needs further information
is approved and logged here.


Greffier en Chef

RE: Gallic Permits - Johnnie-Lapierre - 01-01-2014

[Image: Logo.png]


Je, Johnnie Lapierre, have recently aranged for Gallic Matal Service to activate its engines and move to Planet Bourges perimeter.

After a long time, Gallic Matal Service has arrived in the perimeter of Planet Bourges and is now in the orbit of the planet at a distance of 15 kilometers.

Everyone is invited to stop by at our party and drink good quality ale! Don`t forget to feast from our great rations cooked by great chefs that cooked van recipies.

Au Revoir!

[Image: Footer.png]

RE: Gallic Permits - The Gallic Union - 01-01-2014

Crypter Doppel Buch Rechnungswesen[Image: bvsu.png]

From: The Office of the King
Submitter: Thibaulit d'Allemange
Recipient: Helene Schmidt

Bonjour mademoiselle Schmidt,
in principle we have no real problems with your request, however there are some flies in the ointment.

Since the granting of your export permit the Rheinland authorities have blocked your payment citing tax problems and asset roll-back as the reason.

We trust this situation can be easily clarified prior to moving forward with the Jump Permit application.


Thibaulit d'Allemange
Kingdom of Gallia

RE: Gallic Permits - Kruger - 01-02-2014

[Image: i2mb.png]

Guten Tag Thibault d'Allemagne,

Thank you for pointing this out to me, i have sent another payment for the trading license. We hope this will receive your banks today.

Payment Receipt

Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Helene Schmidt

[Image: eepo.png]

RE: Gallic Permits - The Gallic Union - 01-02-2014

Crypter Konto Gelöscht[Image: bvsu.png]

From: The Office of the King
Submitter: Thibaulit d'Allemange
Recipient: Helene Schmidt

Bonjour Helene,
thank you for rapidly clearing up the matter, administrative duties can sometimes be a chore. Your application has been passed to the appropriate office for processing.

In essence it is granted but will have a few caveats attached, nothing I daresay you would not expect.

I hape you find your visits to Gallia both enlightening and profitable.

Best wishes

Thibaulit d'Allemange

Kingdom of Gallia

RE: Gallic Permits - The Gallic Union - 01-02-2014

[Image: 220px-Flag-gallia2.png]

Bonjour Kruger Mineralien

the current status of your application is shown below.

Subject to the following :-
Please note: You must adhere to all appropriate laws and regulations.

The named vessels shall no leave the Lyonnais system when in Gallia.

You formally contact EFL before using Roanne Production Facility.

Your permit

is being processed
is rejected
needs further information
is approved and logged here.


Greffier en Chef

RE: Gallic Permits - djordje_petrovic - 01-04-2014

---Transmission link established---

Sender : Ted Prescot
Location: Freeport 1

Greetings respectable representatives of Gallic trade/base permission department. I am requesting on behalf of zoner freeport 101 in omega 9 system to establish
- official trading relations / export permit
- license for hyperjumping

By our willingness to trade we would like to introduce Gallic products in southern Sirius. As our proposed enterprise grows more it would consist of more and more commodities.

For this first phase we are interested to import wine and tobbaco, as we think those products would best represent gallic way of live , cultural habits and spread a good message to all southern Sirians about Gallia and its honourable place among Sirian houses.

So we request jumping rights to Ille de france system c7 emty sector would be excelent entry point. IF you have some predestined jump coordinates to offer we would please you to reconsider that our barge ship is quite heavy and not suited for prolonged routes.

We are interested in status of chateau gontier freeport in Maine ? Can we zoners dock there if we decide to conduct bussines in Maine ? Of course with consent of Gallic Junkers.

We have started some initiall negotiations with GMS and mesie Lapiere several months ago. With this license given we can patch up more gallic coorporations and give them deep outpost where they can jump and trade from, but this is colaterall information.

We have 2 aquilon carriers able to jump and our flagship supertransport Tiberia - whose captain takes commanding responsibility for convoy and proper behaving and obeying Gallic space regulations in front of Gallic authorities. Our rehauling operations will be supported by local transports.

If those terms are acceptable please send us feedback and acoount to contribute for this apply procedure.
With respects - Ted Prescot, administrator of freeport 101 omega 9 system