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Extraordinary equipment registry - Printable Version

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RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 03-25-2023

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Incoming Transmission

[Image: HoJg5HC.png?1]
Sender: Dieter Schneider, Registrierungsbüro
Recipient: Kapitan Sherman, Mind.Infiltrator
Subject: Hyperspace Matrix Permission

Date: 25/03/830

Kapitan Sherman,

Rheinland has evaluated your request to operate a hyperspace matrix on your vessel within House space, and deemed it unsatisfactory. Thus, the application is denied. We recommend communicating with representatives of the Technocracy of Auxo to secure official representation and attached permissions.

[Image: HoJg5HC.png?1]

Dieter Schneider
House of Rheinland

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 03-25-2023

[Image: mW2h6O3n.png?width=997&height=499]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: HoJg5HC.png?1]
Sender: Dieter Schneider, Registrierungsbüro
Recipient: Technocracy's Science Directorate
Subject: Hyperspace Matrix, Cloaking Device, and Cloak Disruptor Permissions

Date: 25/03/830

Advisor Zerveas,

Rheinland has evaluated your request to grant vessels belonging to your group the right to operate the listed equipment within House space, and deemed it satisfactory. Thus, the application is granted. Please note that informing local lawful elements of your activities in-system is both expected and encouraged.

[Image: HoJg5HC.png?1]

Dieter Schneider
House of Rheinland

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Dr. Richard Batsbak - 05-02-2023

We go where others turn around

[Image: 4xLfzzyI1KnYKuNUhs70--13--3ypue.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at_max]
Dr. Richard Batsbak
From : Dr. Richard Batsbak
To : Registrierungsbüro
Subject : Extraordinary equipment registry
Encryption level : Medium

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Hereby I would like to re-apply for the right of possession and use of the following equipment in the Rhineland:

Callsign of the ship(s) or identification tag: All transporters, liners and gunboats/gunships with the "DSR-" tag

Name of the captain of the ship or organization´s representative: Me, Dr. Richard Batsbak, as the organization´s representative

Ship/organization´s ID papers and IFF code: Freelancer and Freelancer

Desired extraordinary equipment: Cloaking device

Purpose: Safety measure during our expeditions

Additional notes (recommendations, history with Rheinland or authorities, etc): We would only use these devices for self-defense, just like the cloak we were granted on the DSR-"Horizon".

Callsign of the ship(s) or identification tag: DSR-"New_Horizon"

Name of the captain of the ship or organization´s representative: Me, Dr. Richard Batsbak, as the organization´s representative

Ship/organization´s ID papers and IFF code:Freelancer and Freelancer

Desired extraordinary equipment: Jumpdrive

Purpose: Field testing of our prototype

Additional notes (recommendations, history with Rheinland or authorities, etc): We would use this device in a save distance to Planets and other installations. We think 25k away should be enough.

Callsign of the ship(s) or identification tag: DSR-"New_Horizon" and DSR-"Observatory"

Name of the captain of the ship or organization´s representative: Me, Dr. Richard Batsbak, as the organization´s representative

Ship/organization´s ID papers and IFF code:Freelancer and Freelancer

Desired extraordinary equipment: Hyperspace Survey Modules

Purpose: Field testing of our prototype

Additional notes (recommendations, history with Rheinland or authorities, etc):We would use this device in a save distance to Planets and other installations. We think 25k away should be enough.

In the event that this request is not granted, we would be more than happy to work with you to find an alternative solution that would allow us to test our equipment.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to your response.

[Image: T5PDjYy.png]

Captain of the research vessel "New Horizon"
Administrator of the "Arnsberg Research Institute"

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 05-14-2023

[Image: mW2h6O3n.png?width=997&height=499]
Incoming Transmission

Sender: Dieter Schneider, Registrierungsbüro
Recipient: Dr. Richard Batsbak
Subject: Extraordinary Equipment Registry Request

Date: 14/05/830

Dr. Batsbak,

Rheinland has evaluated your request for a license to operate the equipment you outline, and has come to an agreement, with certain restrictions. Your application to operate jump drive and hyperspace survey modules is granted.

However, your application to operate cloaking devices is denied.
While we understand the value of your research, the security of your operation can be completely assured by our military, police, and intelligence forces.

Dieter Schneider
House of Rheinland

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Gabriel Hunter - 06-09-2023

From: Gabriel Hunter
To: Rheinland Government
Subject: Extraordinary equipment registry
Encryption level: MAXIMUM


Callsign of the ship(s) or identification tag: FLC|Serenity.Ascendant

Name of the captain of the ship or organization´s representative: Gabriel Hunter

Ship/organization´s ID papers and IFF code: Freelancer and Freelancer

Desired extraordinary equipment: Jump Drive

Purpose: We do not intend to use this equipment while on Rheinland territory, we just ask for permission to have the equipment mounted on our ship while on Rheinland territory.

Additional notes (recommendations, history with Rheinland or authorities, etc): We have a long-standing relationship with the Rheinland military, as can be proven by our record, relationship that was built by our successful completion of dozens of missions in the interest, and under the employment, of the Rheinland military. We would like to continue to honor that relationship.


Callsign of the ship(s) or identification tag: FLC|Serenity.Ascendant

Name of the captain of the ship or organization´s representative: Gabriel Hunter

Ship/organization´s ID papers and IFF code: Freelancer and Freelancer

Desired extraordinary equipment: Cloaking Device

Purpose: We do not intend to use this equipment while on Rheinland territory, we just ask for permission to have the equipment mounted on our ship while on Rheinland territory. Naturally, if said equipment were to benefit or, say, expedite, the completion of any mission in the interest of the esteemed Rheinland Government, we would, naturally, with the approval and at the request of the aforementioned, make good use of our equipment.

Additional notes (recommendations, history with Rheinland or authorities, etc): Same history as the above, proven by our record.

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - TheKusari - 06-28-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=450&height=450]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Office of Extraordinary Equipment Registry, Rheinland Government
Subject: Extending our license

Hello there, Rheinland Government.

I have to admit, I do not find myself flying through Rheinland all to often, however the times I do wish to traverse through your space, I would like to do so freely and legally, the same goes for the rest of the Starfliers vessels that have grown over the last few months.

My message today is requesting an alteration be made to the current license we hold for Jump Drives and Hyperspace scanners. If our company as a whole may be certified and licensed to operate within your space, rather than our "Bustard"-Class ship which may be recorded down on your registry. I am happy to provide any documents, payment and supplementary information to make this change happen if possible.

As Always, Godspeed

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - TheKusari - 07-22-2023

[Image: starfliers_logo_ship_only_no_bg.png?widt...eight=1500]

Resending Previous Message To Recipient
As Return Transmission Was Not Received
Awaiting Signal Reply...

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 07-22-2023

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Sehr geehrte Herr Vicci,

After review, the Empire grants you the extension of your licence regarding the Bustard-class civilian carrier, tagged '\S/'NX-01, to all '\S/'-tagged vessels. Starfliers' ships are now free to operate jump drives and hyperspace scanners within Rheinland sovereign space, on the condition that the use of gathered coordinates remains internal to Starfliers company; and that gathered coordinates must be shared with Rheinland authorities, and not be sold to any party.

Kind regards,
Susanne Huber
Home secretary

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - TheKusari - 07-23-2023

[Image: leon.png?width=450&height=450]

Leon Vicci, Starfliers
To: Susanne Huber, Home Secretary, Rheinland Government
Subject: In Agreeance

Susanne, thank you for taking the time to go over my request. Please do pass on my gratitude to your superiors for approving this. I agree to the terms you have sent over.

As a way of giving back, I will instruct my teams to gain a scan of the New Berlin System and every system directly connected to it, in case the Military has not had an appropriate time to gain this information for themselves. Please do provide me a private channel to share this information, if you are in a position to do so.

As Always, Godspeed

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 10-21-2023

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Herr Hunter,
After interviewing multiple Rheinwehr officials, we unfortunately could not confirm that your relationship with them is anything but "casually professional". Therefore, your application to mount Jump Drive(s) or Cloaking Device(s) while on Rheinland territory is denied. In the future, we first recommend contacting individual Admirals of the Rheinwehr in order to secure their recommendation regarding your plans for these devices.

Kind regards,
Susanne Huber

Home secretary