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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 10-23-2012

[Image: AustinGoodman8.png]

Location: Cambridge Military Academy, Planet Cambridge
Subject: RE: RE: Formation of the Suffolk Sabre's.
Encryption Level: HIGH

Thank you Admiral.

I'll be contacting these individuals shortly to inform them of their new designations, fleet assignment, and security protocols. Once that's out of the way, we'll begin immediate training operations.

We can all learn a thing or two from Ensign Savoie... she's practically an ace already.

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.:=Transmission Terminated=:.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-23-2012

[Image: 2rnhkwl.png]
[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Admiral Aleski,
With your new assigment as Commander of the 5th Fleet, I belive you will be the right person to finish something I was about to start.
Here, read this report and once you are ready - begin the interrogation of Ensign Sophie Savoie. She already proved to be an excellent combat pilot and so far there are no elements of suspicious actions.
Nevertheless we must be careful and if possible - any information you can gather from her could be useful for both our defenses and tactical improvements against Gallia.

I leave this matter to you. Contact me once the process is complete.

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 2eztfyc.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Deneth Aleski - 10-25-2012


PRIORITY: Standard
ENCRYPTION: High - Visible to recipient only (Protocol 5-TR)
IDENTIFICATION: Admiral Wilhelm Deneth Aleski
TARGET: Fleet Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
SUBJECT: Interrogation

Understood. I will contact you when I'm done.

Admiral Wilhelm D. Aleski
CO 5th Suffolk Fleet
Force Commander of the HMS-Suffolk


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 10-25-2012

::Incoming Transmissin::
::Admiralty eyes only

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Commander Wayne Johnson speaking...

Yesterday evening I've received a pretty bad transmission from a Kusari Naval Forces destroyer, The Takao under command of Takeru. It was really strange to be contacted by a house not long ago we had a war it. I told him to spoke it out and he said it's about a bretonian gunboat found in core of Kusari space, "Mandy". Also, it seems it's identification card was of a freelancer, meaning that most probably it is a stolen ship. I don't know where is all this kindness coming from, but Commander Takeru told me he'll personally try to retrieve the gunboat and bring it back to our lands. Ohh, also he told me he fought in the ex Imperial Army... I can take this both as a good or bad thing...

::Uploading data fragment:: #

That's all for today. Wayne Johnson out. Rule Bretonia!

::Closing Transmission::

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 10-26-2012

Incoming transmission.

From: Lt. Commander James Arland, 5th Fleet - Sabre-2

To: Armed Forces Admiralty

HIGH - Protocol 5-TR

This afternoon, while we were operating out in the Taus, some very interesting news reached us. We - that is, Sabre-1 and myself - decided to pop in and check on some privateers - and their information was valuable, indeed.

In Tau-23, there is a Gallic base, recently constructed, if the Privateer information is correct. It is located approximately 35k below the plane, near the Indochine Outpost and the Tau-31 jump gate. It is nigh defenseless as of right now except for a shield generator, something that might change soon if this is left unchecked.

Photographic evidence embedded.




The decision as to what to do about this is of course left to you, Admirals, but we theorize that it may be possible to convince other entities in the area hostile to Gallia into destroying this base for us.

Arland out.

End of message.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 10-28-2012

[ Transmission lost]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Deneth Aleski - 10-29-2012

[Transmission lost.]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 10-29-2012

[ Transmission lost]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 10-30-2012

[Image: AustinGoodman8.png]

Location: Cambridge Military Academy, Planet Cambridge
Subject: Council Dunkirk.
Encryption Level: HIGH

Admiral Sir Piett,

I was recently informed by Admiral Aleski that I should be sending a transmission to Council leaders to apologize for... what exactly? Their incompetence? Their lack of ships being deployed on the field? I'm sorry, but until they actually prove themselves to be the effective fighting force they want others to see them as, they won't be getting any respect from me. We're in this war together, they can sure as hell pitch in.

Furthermore, with the security clearance that I have and that of Admiral Aleski's, I've looked around and... couldn't find any information or technology trade between our forces and the Council forces.

Yet... they apparently have a Dunkirk in their armada?

If our allies are stealing equipment - especially on the scale of a Dunkirk - behind our backs, or without the Admiralty Board's knowledge... then we might want to reconsider who our friends really are.

Worst of all? The vessel appears to be named after me. We can't have that kind of gratitude going on around here... especially if I'm still alive.

You might want to look into it, Sir, and soon. Before people get the wrong idea...

The image has been uploaded from Sabre-1's tactical gun camera.

Lieutenant Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
Commanding Officer of the Invictus,
5th Fleet Headquarters, The Suffolk

Files Attached

[C]-CLN-Goodman Image

.:=Transmission Terminated=:.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 11-06-2012

[Image: AustinGoodman8.png]

Location: Cambridge Military Academy, Planet Cambridge
Subject: DIS Emergency Meeting.
Encryption Level: HIGH

Admirals and fellow pilots,

I'm not sure if everyone here is blind, deaf, or caught up in their own little worlds, but let me break it to you.

We're losing this war.

Our current tactics of attrition have worked against the Kusari, and their invasion, yes. But that was when we actually had a fleet that practically matched the Kusari fleet. Now? We're down to thirty - no - twenty-nine Dunkirks with the Harbinger in for repairs.

We're now facing a new enemy with advance ships, decades of isolated war - civil war, extreme nationalism, and fresh troops. We simply cannot win a war by fighting like we are now. Not even with supplies and extra ships coming from Liberty.

Since my reassignment back into the Armed Forces, and immediate deployment to the York. I have seen extremely questionable tactics from various members within the primary, secondary, and tertiary forces. The most questionable and not tactically sound order, was given by one of our own Admirals.

That order? To hold the line against impossible odds, no retreat, no surrender. We had absolutely no reinforcements of any kind on it's way, and to top it off? The Admiral was advised by all members of his squadron that retreating was the proper course of action.

Want to know what happened when we followed that order? The Admiral's ship was shot down, my ship was shot down, then another one of our ships was downed. Only one person in that engagement actually managed to return with his ship intact and not in an escape pod. That man? Lieutenant Commander James Arland. This means he disobeyed a direct order from an Admiral, and should be demoted to Lieutenant or shot by a firing squad. However... he wasn't.

There is obviously something wrong with our current Admiralty Board. If they're ordering us, and knowingly doing so, to our deaths by telling us to fling ourselves against an endless wave of Gallic and Mercenary ships. You do not win a war, especially this one, by denying yourselves your most precious resource.

That resource? Manpower.

The 5th Suffolk Sabres were originally organized to effectively carry-out strikes against both Gallic and Corsair targets, and to do so in a flexible manner. During the week of their operation, they managed to effectively carry-out these strikes, without any losses at that. However, certain members of the Admiralty fail to see the actual purpose of the Sabres, and want them as a suicide fighting force of elite pilots - to be thrown out on the front-lines against near impossible odds - expecting victory.

At the current rate, with the current tactics and by-the-book attitude our current Admiralty has, I can see us losing the war in space by the end of the year.

Our tactics need to change, and as one of the Armed Forces most seasoned - recognized - pilots. I request - no, I demand... an emergency Defense Intelligence Staff meeting to address these current issues.

This is better than my alternative request. Of which, I will not state until it's blatantly necessary.

My fellow pilots, I hope you'll support either my views, or this emergency DIS meeting, as I hope the current Admiralty will follow through and actually listen to one of their most senior pilots.

Lads, and Lasses, it's time to throw out that old book, and rewrite a new one.

Lieutenant Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
Commanding Officer of the Invictus,
5th Fleet Headquarters, The Suffolk

Files Attached

[Image: baffooterv2.png]