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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Magoo! - 08-11-2010

[Image: paddypng.png]

>> Loc: In and around the fifty-second Omega
>> Re:
{No input}


Although it is perhaps redundant, I shall recount my experience as requested by the bold leader of the expedition, Comrade Warner prior to our return. It is as the others have said, beginning with the soldiers of the Coalition descending upon a Corsair cruiser christened Montezuma. His hull was repaired numerous times, but no number of nanobots could hide the damage to his pride! What-ho! Unfortunately, we could not sink the beast before their Titans began to nibble at Miss Angie's ship who, to my recollection, was our local bomber.

Then the conflict quickly furballed, the Corsairs steadily gaining reinforcements but never quickly enough to replace the first batch of smitten foes. Precise record of the kills has been detailed, but as I recall there were a total of five kills, with only the loss of Miss Angie who had to exit the conflict for reasons unknown to a muck-sponge such as myself. Two kills were to my name (technically) in cooperation with Comrade-Mister Daemon Steele!

Thus, in conclusion and on a note of finality, thank you sah's for the Halo of Valor! I shall wear it with the utmost pride!

Paddy Holly,
Signing out.

-Long live the Revolution!

-Post Script,
01001110 01100101 01110111 00100000 01110000 01100001 01100111 01100101

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 08-12-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: Hybrid Combat Trial Report

Priviet Comrades,

First of all, I'd like to bring to your attention this communication I recieved. (1 2 3 4 5) They're self explanatory and I only included them as a reference. Now, onto the important part. As part of our co-operation with the Red Hessians we've been granted Three Odin Very Heavy Fighters. I myself was allowed one of the three. I took out the Odin on Combat Trials around Sirius. I'll show the results first and then give you my personal account.


Corsair Praetorian (1 2 3 4)

LSF Guardian (1 2)

Navy Executioner (1)

Navy Avenger (1 2 3)

LSF Gunboat (1 2 3)

Now then, let me begin my account. Almost immediately after I retrieved the Odin from Freital I encountered the HAF Praetorian. We dueled and the Odin performed flawlessly giving me complete domination of the battle. The LSF Guardian was encountered when myself and Jayce Brooks in the Social Credit were in New York. I dominated the fight but had to back away from the base due to heavy capital patrols. The LSF called it quits and was impressed by the Hybrids performance. The Executioner was following myself and Ethan Scott while we were in New York. We brought it away from Manhattan where I quickly destroyed it with a well placed Mini Razor. Unfortunately, it happened so fast that I didn't get any scans of his vessel. The Navy Avenger was actually a Liberty Navy Captain out of his capital ship. I dueled him while Ethan watched and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the Hybrid showed complete and utter supremacy during that fight. The LSF Gunboat attacked myself and Ethan with little word so we annihilated it. Again, showing the prowess of the Hybrids we dominated that battle.

Conclusion: The Hybrids showed complete and unchallenged domination of the battlefield. The Hessians ships with our Weapons Technology allowed for unparalleled performance in battle. I'm truly eager to see the next generation of Coalition vessels that incorporate Hessian technology.

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 08-13-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH


[Image: truth.png]


We proudly bestow upon Captain Ben Warner the Hero of the Revolution merit. His heroism, bravery, loyalty, and dedication to our cause has proven him worthy of such an award. Let his acts pave a path of glory for the rest of us and inspire us to aspire to him.

Do not falter, or fail the Great Leader!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 08-13-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

I was ordered by Captain Warner to prepare my Hybrid for combat. I did so and a sizable group of us proceeded to run Combat Trials within Omicron Gamma. Unfortunately, my Guncam malfunctioned often during these trials. I believe radiation from Omicron-41 damaged it. There are a few gaps in the records but I managed to get the bulk of the data recovered. First, we encountered an Eagle whom decided it would be a good idea to attack all five of us present at the time. We tried to get him to turn around and leave but he decided to attack. We defended ourselves and I destroyed him with a well placed Mini-Razor. We then encountered an Imperator belonging to the Corsairs. It fired without warning at us so we destroyed it.

Sadly, my Guncam went off during our trip to Omicron-Delta, fortunately multiple people were with me including Captain Alvarez in the Havana so they can verify my account. After we had destroyed the Imperator, myself and Ethan Scott went to Omicron-Delta to check up on things. When we arrived in Omicron-Kappa we saw an Order Recon Cruiser and what appeared to be an Artificial Intelligence harvesting Nomads. The A.I tried to take our cargo but myself and Ethan merely flew away. The A.I pursued but was dissuaded by a Zoner Juggernaught stationed at Freeport 11. What followed next was quite strange. We encountered a massive Nomad. It was of the Marduk Variant. Once the Havana and all our forces arrived we proceeded to attack and destroy the Nomad and a newly arrived Nammu Variant. Unfortunately, an isolated Ion Storm temporarily disabled my ship and it was then that the A.I we had encountered before attacked me. Fortunately, my ship was recovered by the Havana before my ship suffered heavy damage and my comrades annihilated the A.I.

With the threat in Delta removed we proceeded back home. Fortunately, the packet of data of our return flight was retrieved from my Guncam. We encountered a Outcast Tridente in Omicron Gamma and we were ordered to destroy it. We did so with brutal efficiency. This Guncam is interesting for two reasons. One, because of the explosion and two, because it's the only Guncam so far to capture all three Hybrid Odins in action. Upon the destruction of the Gunboat, Captain Alvarez of the Havana informed Ethan Scott, Henry Murphy and myself that we were now part of the Elite Red Squadron. I was assigned the callsign "Red-2" with Scott being assigned "Red-1" and Henry "Red-3". I'd like to thank the Captain for his trust in us. Once all that was done we returned home and we relaxed with Vodka in hand.

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lance_Uppercut - 08-13-2010

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm. ID: S. Webb

To our Red cohorts:

I must say that last night's Delta encounter was nothing short of remarkable. I will personally be overseeing the analysis of our wide-band recordings, and will pass the information along to your scientists.

We of the Thoth are supremely relieved that our Coalition guests and ourselves survived the encounter largely unscathed. Mr. Steele, my best regards go to you as you pick up the pieces from that rogue AI's attack.

In the end, we are both fortunate and relieved that the SCRA was in the area at the time of the attack. Without the strength of the Havana, we would have certainly lost a lot more than Mr. Steele's fighter. Though I do wonder if Coalition presence, in particular, had something to do with the very unusual and lengthy encounter. Perhaps something to do with your unique radio frequencies. Of course, we will forward our findings along.

As always, it is with great pride and pleasure to defend humanity together. Thank you.

Capt. S. Webb, Order Secondary Fleet
Resheph-class Reconnaissance Cruiser "Thoth"
[Image: 35bd02f.png]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 08-14-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

I left Omega-52 and proceeded to Gallia. I was under orders to establish communications with the Council. Fortunately, there was a Council Admiral in Gallia so I established contact with him. My recorder wasn't working at first, but I managed to get it fixed. We were interrupted by Royalists who I believe took a scan of my vessel. They didn't gain any useful knowledge however considering my Hybrid is not standard equipment and neither is my Weaponry. We left to Reunion to continue our chats. I've attached the log for your review.

Quote:RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Basic necesseities such as food, medicine, and water for the people that require it..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Alright. I fixed the problem with the recording equipment.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Just to recap for the recording, I'm here with Admiral Arthur Levesque in Gallia.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I just asked the question of "What do you need?"
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Anyway, sorry for that.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Please, continue.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: As I...
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Incoming contacts!
GRN|Maurice.Delavoux: What a surprise!
GRN|Blaise.Mersenne: Maintain the recon perimeter
GRN|Maurice.Delavoux: To think we'd have found you in your own space. Ou, monsieur.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Not what I wanted..
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Porteur!
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Cut the lane..
RdG|Apt.Johnn.Porteur: Oui?
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: *He frowns* These are the Royalists I assume.
GRN|Maurice.Delavoux: Oui.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Oui.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: The scum of Gallia.
GRN|Maurice.Delavoux: Non. You are the scum.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: At least I don't bow to your pathetic childish Prince.
GRN|Blaise.Mersenne: WE are the ones that will maintain the Order in Gallia
GRN|Blaise.Mersenne: Non, monsieur. You are to bow to His Majesty.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: You? Hah! Don't make me laugh. People are dying on your planets, and you do nothing.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: We'll need to move elsewhere. No doubt they have reinforcements inbound.
GRN|Maurice.Delavoux: People don't die on our planets. They die in your territory.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: They'll maintain contacts on us.
GRN|Maurice.Delavoux: Because the Maquis kill them.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Wrong, Madame..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: True.
GRN|Blaise.Mersenne: The only ones who murder His citizens are the Maquis terrorist you associate yourselves with
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: To each his own.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: The Maquis vowed venegance against the crown for losing their loved ones.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Killing civilians is indeed wrong. But if it makes them happy...alls fair in love and war.
GRN|Maurice.Delavoux: And they reign a bloody campaign.
GRN|Blaise.Mersenne: Oh? And so they take their vengeance out on defenseless citizens?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Monsieur Steele..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Da?
CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: SAED-55-"Astrum.Viator"
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: They're attempting to attack one of our closest allies here in Gallia.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: A splinter group of the Council.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: The Maquis I assume?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Oui.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: I shall let you know that the Maquis have killed civilians before...but we try to protect the people.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: The Royalist themselves are indeed the true enemies here.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Noted. I don't have any orders to establish contact with the Maquis, just the Council.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: So I noticed.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: And what of the people on Marne before the uprising?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: You royalists did nothing for them.
GRN|Maurice.Delavoux: We have everything we need.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Scans of your doubt.
GRN|Blaise.Mersenne: RTB, we are done here.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Sadly for them, this isn't standard tech.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Pointless. What I'm using is not Coalition Standard.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: We call them Hybrids. This is One of just Three.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: The Royalists are morons to begin with..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: *Chuckles* Da. They are.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Royalists don't exit Gallia, do they?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: They have spies..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Most likely. What about Reunion, is that area secure?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: As long as Junker transports don't pass by. Oui. It's secure.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Lets head there. Less chance of interuptions.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Oui.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Mind you, jumping while in formation with this minefield is a bit...
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Costly.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: No doubt it'd be unsafe. I'll follow shortly after you.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Mine Fields of this magnitude arn't seen often.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Theres two..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I haven't been to the other one yet.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: It's near royalist controlled space, and Outcast controlled space.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Corse, clear the area immediately.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: *He Frowns* Outcasts.
LaBrise|Contrebandier: *raises an eyebrow* That was rather rude mon ami
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Rude, oui. Necessary, Oui.
Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: *sighs*
LaBrise|Contrebandier: We will remember for next time the ships stop at marne
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: *Sigh* Is there no privacy in Gallia?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Only onboard the stations it seems.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: So, where were we?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: I was saying, the people require basic items, food rations, water, anything..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Military Wise, what do you have and what are you up against?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Our numbers are slim.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: We have a capital ship build up in Champagne, but we do not use them against the enemy for multiple reasons.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I assume one of the reasons is limited resources?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Oui.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: That's an issue the Coalition has as well. It's why we fight guerilla style. Kind of like yourselves.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Our forces are use to fighting frontal battles..we had to change our tactics to minimize casaulities.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Perfectly understandable. You fight on your terms, not theirs Da?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: We try to fight on our terms.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: If I can give a rough estimate..
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Theres about three of them for two of us.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: The same goes for the number of their capital ships amassing in the core worlds.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: That's quite a difference on a large scale.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I see. That's problematic.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Oui. It is..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Alright, so you require supplies? Anything else?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: We've tried requesting assistance from the major houses in the Tau region without much success..
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Transports.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: I have a feeling that we'll need to evactuate Quillan and Marne soon..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: *He Frowns* The imending Invasion would be problematic.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: More then problematic actually.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: The way I see it, you'd need a new home Da?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: We've been contacted by the Queens Privateers regarding information on a..planet out of the way.
Black_Storm: yes
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: In a system, out of the way.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: However, those talks were quickly left quiet..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I see.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I'll bring that to the attention of the High Command then.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: I would like for the liberated people to be moved off of the planets in case the Royalists wish to launch two invasions..
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: and that's something I will die for.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: That is commendable.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Alright, Supplies and Transports. Now, I don't suppose that in return, you could provide us information on Royalist Movements
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: and Tactical Capacities?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Bernard is in charge of intelligence..
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: But knowing him, he would say it's not a problem.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Excellent.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Now, I spoke to Sordeau before but I'd like to hear about the Councils Short-Term and Long-Term Goals.
CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: redwingisdead
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Our long term goals are simple, removing the power from the crown and liberating the people and instating a free Republic,
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: if you will.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: And Short Term?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Establish alliances with Sirian factions in exchange for resources, and holding the Royalist fleet at bay.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: What other factions have you been in contact with?
Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Bretonian Government, Kusari Government, Rheinland Government, the Colonial Republic, Privateers, and..the Zoners.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Out of those, it was only the house Governments that didn't heed our warning..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Da. The Governments are quite incompetent. They don't see danger until it is too late.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: With our forces dwindling, it'll be to late.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Alright, I've asked plenty of questions. Is there anything you want to ask?
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I figure if we're going to work together then it's best if we know more about each other.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: I have none to ask at the moment, Monsieur.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Very well.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: I should mention...
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: There is another group, a task force in the Councils name.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Led by a General Quenneville.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: *takes a deep breath and sighs.*
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: This taskforce opened up on a civilian transport..killing three..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I assume their goals differ from yours?
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: *He Frowns*
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: The man that opened fire on the transport itself died two days later in the hospital.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: They, the Taskforce, ruled it out as a weapons misfire, while my men were investigating into it.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Bomber weapons don't randomly fire off like that..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: A simple misfire wouldn't destroy a transport.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Oui. We said the same thing..
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Damage it, perhaps.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Hell, maybe even one Transport, but three?
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Three civilians onboard the transport.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: // No, I misunderstood that. Risregard the above.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: // xD
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I'll inform the High Command of that.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Merci.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Ah, I've recieved word from the Commisrat
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: The Premier sends his best wishes and wants me to inform you that we'll be preparing Combat Operations to assist you.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: However, he asks that in return we're given access to one or two of your bases in Gallia.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: I was wondering when this question was to be asked.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: We'll grant you docking rights here at Reunion, planet Quillan itself, and Macon station in Burgundy.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Perfect.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: It'd be rather hard to conduct operations without a base. Considering we're nearly half way across Sirius.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Oui. Makes perfect sense.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: Well, I believe that covers everything.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I'll make my report to the Commistrat and I'll try to be back as soon as possible.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: *nods* Very well. Send your Premier our best wishes in return.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: I will. As you Gallians say it, Merci.
SCRA|Daemon.Steele: And as the Coalition says, Dasvinaya.
RdG|Aml.Arthur.Levesque: Au revoir.

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nosferath - 08-14-2010

[Image: transmission2.png]
<Incomming Transmission>
<Source: Sevastopol Depot, Omega-52 System>
<Comm. ID: Alexei Eristoff>

Priviet, Comrades!

For the ones who don't know me, I'm Alexei Eristoff, new sub-lieutenant of the Revolution.
I'm descendant of Gavriil Eristoff, old Captain, I don't know how he died. When I was 7 months old, my mother forced my father to let me leave Omega-52 and go to Bretonia, supposedly to "learn away from an envirnonment which wasn't the right one to grow up a child". It was a lie. She wanted to keep me far from my origins. She told me few things about the Sirius Coalition, but it was enough to realize I wanted to join the Revolution. Now I've grown up enough to join you. Yesterday I was finally recruited, and after that, I was immediatly given a task: To loop Sirius.

I've now completed my task (evidence is in a link below, containing a camshot of each system, except for Omicron Kappa, 72 and Theta, which I forgot). I also met a member of the LaBrise, his ship name was Fromage. He said something about a message sent to Us, telling the LaBrise needed our help. He escorted me through Gallia, teaching me about the horrible way of government they currently had, the oppression they had to live with, and the hard life of a mid-worker in Gallia. I was sucessful escorted to Champagne, and I was given 10 units of Prometheum. I showed my gratitude and kept my way.

When I reached Omicron Alpha, I gave me some time to pay a visit to the Hispania and draw on it a sickle and a hammer, as a reminder to those Alliance scum.

I brought the Prometheum to Mykolaiv, hoping it's useful to Our Cause.


Dasvidanya, Comrades!

<Transmission Terminated>

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 08-15-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

Today I exited Omega-52 and met up with Captain Warner and Commander Brooks in the Trotsky and Social Credit respectively. First we encountered a Corsair Imperator named Fausto. It was the same Imperator we had met before that wouldn't come out of a Freeports NFZ. We quickly annihilated it and then we turned our attention to another Imperator. It was destroyed rather quickly as well. We then encountered a Bounty Hunter that was destroyed by a mortar from the Trotsky. We proceeded to Stuttgart to find a reported Outcast Dreadnought when we found a Gunboat we had just destroyed pirating a trader. Of course, we opened up on the Corsair and destroyed it. Myself and Commander Brooks went ahead to scout for the Dreadnought while the Marx took up a position and was ready to assist. We found it hiding in a Gas Cloud. The Karl Marx moved in but was heavily damaged and had to retreat. With only myself and Commander Brooks we began to take it down. Unfortunately, a Red Hessian Cruiser that assisted us with the last bit of armour on the Ranseur got the marking shot, however Captain Warner can attest to the skill of both myself and Commander Jayce. We were then asked by the Red Hessians to assist against Liberty Forces in Hamburg. I arrived late so I only recorded a Liberty Gunboat being Destroyed by ourselves and our allies. Once the Libertonians were eliminated we hoofed it out of Hamburg before the Rheinland Military brought their attention on us. We arrived back in Omega-52 and that is where I'm writing my report now. FOR THE RED DAWN!

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 08-15-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH


[Image: truth.png]


Today, the pilots Jayce Brooks and Daemon Steele have proven their worth against superior odds. We proudly award them the Crimson Hammer for their devotion and tenacity in the face of a foe far superior to their own forces. We admire your dedication and skill as pilots within our ranks. Let your actions inspire the ranks of our Revolution.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 08-17-2010

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Captain

Subject: New Campaign

"Gentlemen, with the return of Captain Alvarez to active duty we can begin our newest campaign as discussed via S.K.Y.P.E. protocals, all Pilots are required to read their "Havana Rising" Manuals and to pay close attention to subsections II and III regarding Assault Techniques and proper procedure of accepting the enemy's surrender.

Let this be a big step in our war, which each and every one of you has waged with all your hearts and souls for the sole purpose of the betterment of the Coalition. Gentlemen, I know the odds are against us in the eyes of Sirius, however I believe that each of you are veterans after being tempered in the fires of war, making you equal to one hundred Navy Pilots of the Houses, thus the enemy stands little chance of surviving an encounter.

So this message is to all Coalition Combat Pilots in the 'Havana Rising' campaign; Gentlemen, unleash the dogs of war upon them."

-end transmission-