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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 10-08-2010


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Westfalen[color=#33CC00] Hamburg System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FF0000]High, port RM-CH-MC-1488-F.


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Agent Ansgar Freyberg, Rheinland Marinenachrichtendienst.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol report database.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Full-scale Liberty scout report.

MND scout report, directed to the Rheinwehr High Command.

Agent Leiche and I have been tasked to check the validity of the nav maps we got out from Willows' crew and the Valkyries from McDowell. We were to scout the systems named "Texas", "California", "Ontario", "Alberta" and "Yukon", in that order. Little did we know we'd find more than we bargained for, finding an entirely new system with an entire fleet of unknown vessels within.

We got our sensor systems rewired on Schatten, so we would detect gravitation anomalies more easily, to the expense of our long-range comms devices and commenced our operation.

Immediately after hitting Texas, we met another MND Agent, Agent "Honk" on a return from his mission, flying a republican bomber as cover-up. I assume he will give a more detailed description on his mission profile, as we had no time or need to interrogate him of anything but the enemy patrols' whereabouts, so we continued to California.

[Image: rm44.png]

We picked up tremendous amounts of comms traffic in California, most of it was inaudible, but we figured as much as someone was being pirated while we were flying through the area. We locked in the supposed coordinates of the jump hole to Ontario while avoiding the trade lanes and installations, our data was only 10 clicks off, the new information should be up to date.

Upon making a jump, our next waypoint was "Alberta", this time the jump hole coordinates were correct, only the fact that there was a Navy base right near it was a bit off. We circled a desert planet we had no imminent intel of undetected, but near the jump hole, the naval base deployed a wing of Executioners to intercept us. Using their lack of preparations and the surprise we created, we made our way to Alberta with dodging the incoming patrol ships on both sides, taking cover in an asteroid field nearby.

[Image: rm45.png]

[Image: rm46.png]

We made a swift and clean escape to the final jump hole, leading us to what is currently named "Yukon", an empty system with a sole base inside. Since we weren't immediately shot at, I assume it belonged to a non-Liberty organization, but we didn't make contact.

[Image: rm47.png]

[Image: rm48.png]

[Image: rm49.png]

It was pretty obvious that Liberty patrols were gathering behind us once we were spotted already, so we couldn't go the way we used to enter. All thanks goes to our enhanced sensor device, spotting another, fainter anomaly nearby, which we had no idea of.

Out of the frying pan, more like. Immediately after coming out of the hyperspace tunnel, I was hit by a pulse cannon or a razor, losing my shield immediately.

I couldn't count how many destroyers were firing at us, but we adopted evasive maneuvers with Leiche, only to be swarmed by an entire wing of bulky, yet painful fighters. Luckily, there was a jump hole just ten clicks away from our position, guarded by another pair of destroyer-class ships, which I immediately kept referring to as Maelstrom, seeing that the esteemed miss McDowell appears to be in command of a similar class.

[Image: rm50.png]

[Image: rm51.png]

We made our jump, but suffered moderate damage... I have no idea where that took us, as immediately after leaving the system, we were greeted by a Naval Forces patrol vessel. I assume we got to the northern borders of Liberty. Upon analyzing system lane positions and station data... or the lack thereof, we made the conclusion that we were in the Galileo system, indeed a northern border world.

[Image: rm52.png]

Having charts of the system's sole jump hole, interestingly enough located right in the middle of an irradiated dark matter field, we could make our way back to Liberty.

We couldn't continue with mapping Colorado, New York or confirming any other jump holes, since our systems have already received critical damage from both the radiation and the projectiles we took from the patrol ships of the unknown organization we met in the uncharted system. My right engine was operating at 30% capacity and had to divert all my power from the weapon systems just to keep my ship flying. Leiche had his comms jammed, the only way for us to interact was to gesture from cockpit.

Via Colorado, New York debris fields and Texas, we made our way back to Rheinland undetected. I lost the video feed I recorded due to the radiation, but I do have the jump hole data and managed to salvage some pictures, though not a fluent feed.

[Image: rm53.png]

Regardless of the heavy risk and damage we received, we miraculously managed to avoid any larger-scale Navy patrols and collect relatively accurate information. The location of most jump holes have been confirmed and updated, I dare say this was the biggest and most successful MND deep-space covert reconnaissance conducted in the past few months.


Agent Freyberg, MND.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 10-09-2010


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-CH-HC-1488-M.


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]All Rheinland Military patrol vessels.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Updated operation directives.

Achtung, Soldaten!

I do believe most of you have heard of the announcements and read the bulletins as well as the updated neural net manuals, but the time is here for a brief reminder regarding three updated policies we more or less have to follow.

First of all, the list of updated Omega policies.

This one, you definitely know about as it has been pinned onto the announcement board of every barracks door. However, the fact that the Omega-3 sector is more volatile than expected has not been noted anywhere. The Corsairs are to be found in the area in larger concentration than previously expected and not only they are numerous, they're also well-trained. Yesterday, a patrol of ours was ambushed and chased off, luckily with no Hauptflotte casualties. Use caution and don't be afraid to call for reinforcements, either from at home or the BAF. Also, some traders and miners will show a tendency to question about the reason for your presence, feel free to refrain from replying.

The shipping regulation on military goods is in effect since yesterday, so I doubt the news got to most of you.

In summary, confiscate every piece of light arms and military vehicles you see being hauled by non-Rheinland shippers, with force if necessary. We're entrenching ourselves for the defense of Hamburg on the ground, export is limited from now on. Deliver any military material you can confiscate to the Westfalen, we're organizing the deployment to ground from there. Also, be on a lookout regarding this regulation, it will probably cease if the Liberty onslaught does as well.

Last but not least, we got a heads up from the ZTC regarding some of the Zoners going rogue.

Who or what exactly, we don't know, all we know is that they are responsible for civilian assaults in Kusari. This directive is brand new and is to be issued here; treat every single Zoner vessel, especially combatant ones with utmost suspicion until the issue is resolved. We can never know when they'll smile at us then shoot up a Republican ship as we're out of range. Supply ships may be used by the terrorists as well, so feel free to question and turn around Zoner transports, again use force if necessary.

Viederstand, Soldaten.


Admiral Alec Voelkel.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - mayu20 - 10-09-2010

----Stand By----

SUBJECT:Patrol report #6, Battle report#6

Guten Tag!
Today 9.10.818 I've started my patrol in ze Hamburg system and found an transportor full of engines components. I've told him to stop but he didn't comply to my orders so me and Hf.Henzl Kreuzchen destroyed him. His name was Flo, with an Freelancer ID and no IFF. Short after that we gathered to go in Texas system. After a long fight we have been outnumbered and we have been forced to pull out and return to Rheinland. Later we have encounter an verry large number of corsairs in stuttgard system witch i can't tell how did end up because i've been damaged verry badly and i had to pull out running in flames. I must say that i don't know when i will be able to patrol again since my wraith is verry damaged and ze repairs could last.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Garuda - 10-10-2010


From Planet Hamburg
Subject: Late Report


I like to the say the day was successful. One of my best days.

The Libertorians are so funny, gather ten thousand forces for a handful ships.
But during operation we had a huge chaos. Nobody followed or undestand the orders correctly.
After jumping to the Texas System, the problem was still in our group.

Anyway, the Enemy had the same problems. Chaos Chaos.

and this by a Military Operation.


That was a Scimitar.

Ja, with the Antimatter Gun.

Report over.

-----MESSAGE END-----

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 10-10-2010


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinwehr Korvette Hansa,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00]Medium, port RM-CH-MC-1488-F.


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Hauptmann Michael Wittmann.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol report database.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Report of 10.10.818.

Wittmann reporting.

While being on patrol around Berlin, I got tipped off by some bounty hunter speaking in an unusual language, reporting a Volksfront fighter dangerously close to New Berlin. Me and a suddenly appearing Gefreiter, Kai Heilner headed out to assess the threat, soon spotting the mentioned fighter sitting near the trade lane.

In a minute or so, two more of the terrorists appeared, one of them being the highest ranking Volksfront party member known, Daniel Boehmer. Little could I hesitate with such a level of threat being in Berlin orbit, I gave the Gefreiter orders to open fire.

[Image: rm54.png]

The opposing force was rather well trained, clearly we were facing the Volksfront's elite, so we had to involve a Kruger patrol vessel offering his aid. During the engagement, I was a preferred target of the enemies, there was at least one of the enemy force constantly shooting me with more or less success.

[Image: rm55.png]

The outcome was a complete victory. After taking down one of the Bundschuh members and severely damaging the other two, one near to destruction, the enemy force retreated. The Kruger vessel got hit, but I compensated the repair costs by transferring two million credits to the account of the pilot.

[Image: rm56.png]

Regarding Heilner; I was generally satisfied by his combat performance but noticed him being too autonomous. It was partially beneficial that he started selecting targets, given that I was under constant fire, but at the end he started protesting for me ordering him to let the hostiles flee. Being in doubt that I could convince him of the necessity of my orders, I redirected him to Admiral Rall. At least the Moselle will be cleaned by someone else today.


Hauptmann Michael Wittmann,
Rheinwehr Kreuzer Abteilung 101 "Seydlitz".


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - mayu20 - 10-11-2010

----Stand By----

SUBJECT:Patrol report #7, Battle report#7

Guten Tag!
Today 11.10.818 I've started my patrol in ze New Berlin system with ze [RM-RNC]Rendersburg and we find an pirate so i took him out as you can see on my ship camera ( ). Later, I and [RM-RNC]Hansa and Flieger Renate Sterl take care of an Corsair Gunboat in ze stuttgard system. After zat me and herr Hm.Hans Putzkammer wet to ze Frankfurt system to watch for ze military vehicles smugglers and we found one his name was Giju_Marks. After many requests to drop his cargo he have opened fire. Ship camera( , , and ze extermination message: )
Later after zat we gathered at Hamburg for an assault on Liberty space ( ). In there we have encounter verry week forces at first but they had to show up in ze end.After ze lider of ze Assault party, Hm.Hans Putzkammer,were shooted down, he told Fl.Karl Hoch to take ze lead, Short after ze Flieger was shooted down two, so i took ze command of ze fleet. Me and Ge.Dominik Merths took out ze gunboat LNS-Wasatch ( ), carrier LNS-Sierra as you may see here: , ) und ze LNS-New England but sadly my bomber were touched by one of ze pice of ze falling and decomposition ship. But At least i took it with me. Extermination message: .


Rheinland Military Message Dump - GhostFace - 10-11-2010

~~~Incoming Transmission~~
Feldwebel Viktor Niklovach
Location: Battleship Koblenz

Priority: High
Report #: 15
Subject: Patrol Led(Hamburg), Battle(Frankfurt)

*Coughing out blood* pains me to report this but today in das Frankfurt system. I received an emergency broadcast from Herr Putzkammer to assist in defending das system from zhe Volksfront. Es took me a while arrive at the sight, but I had made es. Upon mein arrival Herr Putzkammer was soon shot down, and Grefrieter Marck and I continued fighting. We were soon joined by another Feldwebel, Herr Lindau. The fight was a stalemate for quite some time, till they got the shot on das Grefrieter and shortly after him Herr Lindau. Apparently under Dennis Koberstein of das Volksfront, his herren were ordered to stand down as he, honorably dueld me. Es was a gut fight, but he ship flunked out on him and I took the opportunity and disintegrated es. Unfortunately I couldn't withstand the still fully charged other two piloten and was shot down, but escaped safely.

[Uploading Guncam Recordings...]






Photo Image 1
Photo Image 2
VF Destruction

Rheinwehr Militar

Volksfront Piloten
-VF)*Identity Lost*

Before this engagement, I had recieved a propaganda messege from a LNS-Defiance vessel. Requesting support, Herr Kruezchen joined me, and under his permission had led zhe patrol. Unfortunately, while it was a short patrol towards the northern sector of das Hamburg system, we found no remains of zhe supposed propagandist. That was when I recieved the emergancy alert from Herr Putzkammer...Believe zhis puts me eligible for an promotion ja?

Patrol Shot

~~End Report~~

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 10-11-2010


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Border Station Ulm,[color=#33CC00] Stuttgart System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FF0000]High, port RM-CH-HC-1488-H.


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]RMHC, MND Directorate.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Capture of a possible Wild entity.

Geehrte Damen und Herren,

While doing a routine sweep of Omega-7, me and Hauptfeldwebel Kreuzchen stumbled upon an eerie construct, one I immediately recognized to be a part of the organization known as the "Wilde," seeing that I have had several encounters with vessels of similar make.

It appeared to have been made of twisted metal, wiring and strange alien matter, apparently composing the ships's weapon systems. I failed to figure out how it kept itself in space nor how it was supposed to move as the vessel appeared to be entirely abandoned, merely a derelict devoid of all life. I summoned some more ships to clear the area of civilians and Hessians in the meantime, then crewed up the Seydlitz with scientists and MND personnel and called it down to the derelict's position.

[Image: rm57.png]

We tractored the wreckage and towed it to Rheinland. In the process, Hauptfeldwebel Kreuzchen went mad and started attacking the construct, Major Drum got a panic attack and fled to Ulm where she fainted, Gefreiter Heilner got swept away by an ion attack and Weiss turned around to check on the whereabouts on all three pilots, during which Major Drum's Wraith blew up, along with an attacking Red Hessian.

[Image: rm58.png]

While trying to wire ourselves into the construct's comms, which we named 'Apparition' for the time being, the Seydlitz also lost its comms systems, losing contact with Weiss, as well as the surviving members of the wing in the meantime. As soon as we were in contact again, we came to hear of Kreuzchen and Heilner under attack by three Mandalorians, but Weiss re-assumed escort pattern regardless.

[Image: rm59.png]

We towed the Apparition to Berlin, wherein a Volksfront fighter spotted us. Weiss disrupted the ship before it got into range, then occupied its attention by making it think he was going to regroup with the Seydlitz, while the derelict was safely taken to Frankfurt.

Upon reaching Schatten, the station took command of the operation and the Apparition alike. The construct was seized and a research team has been developed to work with it. I devised a cover-up story for the pilots regarding a Red Hessian test drone and only Weiss actually got to see it being taken to Schatten. Let's hope there will be no complications regarding people knowing too much...

[Image: rm60.png]

Also, I'm a bit worried that the construct may have had psychic or otherwise manipulative emissions. I'll order everyone who was in contact with the thing to partake in mental examinations, I sincerely hope this encounter didn't make Drum's already troubled state any worse.

I'll entrust the further steps of the operation to the MND and the rest of the RMHC. I hope one of my wingmen will also decide to report on what other issues we had to deal with this faithful evening.


Admiral Alec Voelkel.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ultrabear - 10-11-2010

Encryption: Medium.
Location: Battleship Karlsruhe, Planet Stuttgart orbit.
ID: Flieger Karl Hoch.
Subject: Patrol 1

Patrol 1
Date: 20/9/818
Directly after mein application to the Military was accepted, I was ordered to the Straussburg for a patrol. I was greeted there by Admiral Voelkel alongside two other Fliegers. Vee vehr sent on patrol in different directions, I myself to Planet Stuttgart. It remained fairly inactive for approximately 30 minutes, until ein Junker came zroo. Upon shcanning his ship I found he had ein Militär Pilot in his hold. I forced him to hand him over and warned him of holding our Pilots in his hold for ze future. I was able to return ze pilot safely zu ze Karlsruhe but just as I was going to get back to mein patrol I was ordered to rally with ze fleet in Hamburg. I vass informed vee vere initiating a raid on Liberty.

We proceeded into Hudson and met no resistance throughout the system. As we approached the Texas Jump Gate, we were contacted of their numbers and location by an undercover MND agent in Texas. We held up until he ensured the gate was clear and then, our great fleet moved through. Once we were all gathered, we headed about half-way to Planet Houston, where we set up camp. It would be another 25-30 minutes until the battle actually started. Although outnumbered 1-3, we managed to hold our ground for a long time.

However their numbers started swelling as we gradually became picked off, one by one. As many casualties as we had inflicted upon them, they made up for in new arrivals. In the midst of it all, I was separated from my unit when three fighters came down on me. My evasive manouvers brought me closer and closer to Planet Houston until finally I was only about 1000 meters out of the Mississipi's range. By this point, the only ones in our great military left standing were I and a Gefreiter. He was made short work of by a couple of fighters, leaving me the last man standing. Realising this, I dodged like I'd never dodged before. In a matter of no time, I had a total of 8 fighters, 2 bombers, 3 gunboats, 2 siege cruisers and 2 battleships ALL trying to destroy me. After 15 minutes of shooting into open space, they were getting frustrated. They called in 3 more fighters, but it made no difference.

However, after another 5 minutes of crazy dodging (and a kill, surprisingly enough!) my ship was finally torn to shreds by a passing Battleship patrol. Luckily though, my escape pod launched me off right on time, giving me yet another day to fight for Rheinland. In my opinion, not a too-bad first day.
My total kill count: 4

Flieger Karl Hoch, signing off.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Jaffa - 10-12-2010

Sending Data to: Rheinland Military High Command
From: Hauptfeldwebel. Wenzel Kreuzchen
About: Patrol report #26

'€¦video on screen'€¦
[Image: picture-RM-Fw-C-1.png]

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

Report from 12.10.818 A.S.
Herr Heinler meet me at Battleship Strausberg. I got order to regular patrol in systems Frankfurt and Munich. In the Frankfurt system we checked the surrounding area, bases and planet Holstein. We found no enemy contacts there. After few minutes we were in Munich. My primary objective was Orbital colony in this system. Commander of the Regensburg reported no hostile contact there in last 5 hours. Planet Nuremberg and Ingolstadt base reported everything okay. Last patrol area was the Orbital colony. We were there in 2 minutes, checked the area and investigate the basic systems of the colony. Everything was in order. Supreme commander of the Orbital colony confirmed that. In Munich was everything in order.

When we came back from Munich, Heilner spotted one enemy ship moving near Holstein. His IFF showed Outcasts. We followed him up to Taunusfeld asteroid field, where we lost him, but after few seconds we found him. It was a pirat,... but his ship was very weak. It was a flying wreck. Herr Heilner requested permission to destroy this damn wreck, and I confirmed. This pirat was poor man. When Heilner opened fire on him, he engaged me. Heilner destroyed the Pirat in 10 seconds. Frankfurt system was clear, and again safe.

Location: Frankfurt, Munich system.

Incoming visual data:

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End of report.