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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 11-29-2012

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Leviathan ]
[CommID: Admiral Charles Davis]
[Directed: Sir Admiral Firmus Piett ]

Establishing Video Uplink:

[Image: 4fB6D.png]

Admiral Piett good to see you back and around. You had me worried there,I still have a lot of questions that need answering but Miss Daala Already told me you wished to speak with me. Just give me a heads up on a time and location I'll be there.

Davis out.

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces Leeds Defence forces

[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 11-29-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Captain Mike Havering
Source Location: Leeds System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

Well today we had a mayor engagement against the Gauls again.

We got informed that the Gauls are massing for a big offensive in Edinburgh, we scrambled our forces and prepared for the worse.
The BPA had so it seems an operative in Edinburgh collecting data which was sent back to us.

After some it seemed like it was a ruse by the Gauls, since we waited and waited, just as we where to break of a lone Valor jumped to Leeds demanding that we would fight just with one Dunkirk against it.

Mad as it was the Redoubt and the Diamond, both Destroyers, engaged the Valor bitting it slowly down until the Westminster and myselfe arrived at the scene, not taking any chances the Destroyers pulled out and the Westminster finished the job.

Guncam 1

We pulled back to Leeds and waited there for a while longer while our fighterwing where handling the Gaian bombers that had though to make easy kills with a big engagement going on.
Unfortunately I didn't manage to get any spesific info on that since the Sutherland wasn't present at the time the Gaians struck.

Just as the last Ship of those so called "Green Terrorists" where destroyed did we get an emergency call that the Gauls had reasembled in the hopes of catching us on the back foot.

Trying to get our Capital Ships into a good battleline Goodman returned in the Invictus advising me to take the Dunkirks above Planet Leeds, not infront.
Heeding his advice since Capital Ship Battletactics weren't my strongest side we took the Dunkirks above Leeds.

We waited for the Gauls to come.
Our forces counted roughly
3 Battleships:

The Westminster
The Sutherland
The Vindicator

2 Destroyers:
The Invictus
The Redoubt

multiple Fighters... roughly half a dozen.

The Gauls showed their hand....
Trying to flank us by coming over the Leeds-New London line they came at the Westminster.

As we found out the Mollies came to support them, showing us that they go to whoever suits their bastard terrorist needs best in think they could ever get Dublin into their bloody hands.

*sighs* But anyhow their Forces consisted of approximately:

2 Valors
2-3 Cruisers one of which was a Mollies Cruiser.
Multiple Snubs.... mixed force of Gauls and Mollies

The fight was over pretty fast, their Valors and cruisers going in for the Westminster which evaded many shots and gave a good account for itselfe but was ultimately heavily damaged and taken out of the fight.
But in the time it took them to down the Westminster we destroyed both Valors and routed the Cruisers fast after that.

Just as it became apparent that the Mollies couldn't win they made a run for it like the cowards that they are.
We let them run so that they could live another day in shame.

Guncam 2, Guncam 3, Guncam 4

Our capital Ships returned to base after it came apparent that no more heavy gear would be brought to Leeds from the Gauls this night.
I myselfe left command to my 1. Officer for docking proccedures and jumped into my Guardian to help smoke out the remaining Gauls and Mollies Snubs that remained.

Guncam 5

After the engagement came to a close Ensig Walton and I did a short sweep through Camps....Cambridge I mean. *Mike curses under his breath* I need to stop calling Cambridge camps.

Anyhow Walton and myselfe sweept all of Bretonia, leaving the Omegas to Goodman and his loot.

I think that sums it up nicely, now finally to get out of this office.

Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 11-30-2012

[Image: AustinGoodman8.png]

Location: Cambridge Military Academy, Planet Cambridge
Subject: After Action Report
Encryption Level: HIGH

Complementing what was stated in Havering's report;

The new crew of the Invictus has taken it's first official combat tour with the engagement against the Royal Navy fleet in Leeds upper planetary orbit. We took shield damage but managed to withstand, eventually taking down an enemy cruiser.

The engagement soon spilled over into Dublin where Sabre Two and I chased down a Royal Navy Bomber, along with a Molly fighter which had ran from the fight in Leeds. The fighter was quickly dispatched of, and the bomber ultimately flew into the sun corona in an attempt to escape.

Once the last target was neutralized, we formed up in to two patrols. I took my wing (consisting of; Commander James Arland, Lieutenant Naomi Woods, and Ensign Lisa Jaeger) out towards Cambridge, then into the Omega region, where we again split up into two smaller squads to scan the rest of the system, aside from a couple of rookies who were quickly dispatched of, Omega-3 was practically quiet. We then moved into Omega-7, making our way to the Stuttgart gate and back.

We were planning on ending our patrol early once we got back to the New London system, though suddenly met the President of Universal Shipping, Mister Charles Bell who was captaining the [*USI*]Liberty.Bell[P], a Liberty mastodon transport.

Having nothing else to do within Bretonia, Commander Arland, Ensign Jaeger and I provided an escort for Mister Bell to Liberty space. The escort went smoothly until we entered California where we met some hostility from a lonesome rogue, of who was quickly dispatched of.

All and all, it was a good day.

Commander Austin R. Goodman, CC
Commanding Officer of the Invictus,
5th Fleet Headquarters, The Suffolk

Files Attached


[Image: baffooterv2.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 11-30-2012

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Leviathan ]
[CommID: Admiral Charles Davis]
[Directed: Front Lines ]

Establishing Video Uplink:

[Image: 4fB6D.png]

Admiral Davis here reporting the destruction of the Gallic Station Helmand,that was in our thorn for quite some time. In a join operation between Colonial units Gallic Rebels and the Leeds Defence fleet forces against the enemy station took place at 0359 hundred hours with a full success,how ever we could not capture the base with marine boarding parties because the base had heavy station defences and the Casserone was giving it support,that made boarding action impossible and suicidal.

So we decided to go ahead and blow the thing out. Enemy support was not that of a problem seems the losses that they took from recent battles weakened their security around the station. Making this op a walk in the park. Ladies and gentleman of the Armed Forces this is good but small progress we still have a long way to go. Keep up the fight

Attached files : 2

Davis out.

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces Leeds Defence Forces

[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Manticore - 12-01-2012


[Image: 3hdIn.jpg]

To: BAF Admiralty House
Subject: Report: Cambridge/Leeds Patrol
Encryption: High
Priority: Urgent


This is an urgent report regarding some trouble earlier.

Two battleship-class vessels were sighted and documented by myself in Bretonian space today, and neither was responsive or willing to follow the due process of the law.

The first and probably more flagrant and pressing violation was by a Rheinland Battleship which appeared before a mixed group of BAF, BPA, and Liberty forces in Leeds. As the senior officer present from our branch, I feel the need to notify you of this in case diplomatic action is required.

The vessel, RNC-Sitzen, flew near us in Leeds from the direction of Gallic space. The vessel did not respond to initial hails, but I was able to disrupt its cruise and force it to stop. Upon that time the BPA's Sergeant DaPilla notified the vessel of its illegal presence and demanded a fine of 2 million credits. He subsequently added a second 2 million credit fine when the vessel attempted to flee.

Instead, the vessel charged a jump drive and jumped out of the system, despite our best efforts to stop it. The jump drive's use and presence indicates to me that it was not simply "passing through", but instead was present under some kind of ulterior motive. I strongly suggest this vessel's presence be looked into as well as its reasons for coming from Gallic territory.

In addition, a Liberty dreadnought (ID: Minigun) was seen operating in Newcastle today by myself and Ensign Walton. Credit to Mr. Walton for being the first to find and identify the vessel.

The vessel, working in conjunction with a Samura-IFF Conference Gunboat (ID: Lisac), seemed to be operating against the Mollys, but did not respond to our hails and repeated efforts to gain its attention. With no means to do any serious damage to the ship, and with pressing matters elsewhere, we departed.

Hopefully appropriate action will be taken against these pilots and, if necessary, their respective governments.

Jaeger out.

<File Attachment: Relevant Guncams>


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-01-2012

[Image: euhshe.png]

[Image: jazady.png]

Ensign Lisa Jaeger,
You report reveals the ignorance of this rheinlander, commanding the RNC-Citzen. He is not only in violation for entering Bretonia space with battleship but also to use a jump drive in our space without the approval of the goverment. Next - he did not even paid the fines to the BPA officer. Considering all facts plus the guncams, which are an excellent example of the captain's violations:
I give strict orders that vessel to be destroyed if ever noticed again in Bretonia space.
In the meantime I will inform the Rheinland High Command about all this and request a good explanation about their actions.

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 97r2wg.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Telex - 12-02-2012


[Image: 2i25x14.png]

Identification: Thomas Gordon
Reciever: BAF Defence Intelligence Staff
Encryption: Standard
Source: Planet New London, New London System
Subject: Bowex Convey and Battle in New London

Good Afternoon,

First I would like to thank the Admiralty Board for the promotion. I am here to report about a Bowex Convey consisting of at least 9 Shire, a Percheron and a Bretonian Cruise Liner. The Convoy was escorted by the HMS Invictus under Commander Austin Goodman, Lieutenant Luke Walker, Lieutenant Naomi Woods alongside several Bowex escorts. The convoy RV'ed at Canterbury Station where, after a short delay, we began to move heading for Liberty. The Convoy was uneventful up until Cortez where we came across a Navy Dreadnought dealing with some pirates.

Arriving in New York the convoy halted at West Point to allow those who had fallen behind to catch up, the convoy then proceeded to Planet Pittsburgh where all convoy members posed for a picture. After all the fun, we headed for West Point where we came across to Rogues, CFH-Philip.H.Ansemlo and CFH-Richard.Price, not long after more pirates showed up LR-Suicidal.Tendencies and Vapor.Trail. An Outcast Gunboat also appeared, callsign Atila. During the confusion, we lost 2 Bowex ships to Reavers who were operating elsewhere in the system. Blank.Reaver then decided to show up at West Point.

We recieved backup from a Navy Battlecruiser, the LNBC-Louisana. First pirate to go down was the Gunboat, which decided to ram the convoy in desperation. The Louisana dealt with one of the CFH members, Richard Price and the Reaver was popped by Lt Woods. The remaining pirates either retreated under heavy fire from the convoy and were held up by Lt Walker and I. This allowed the Convoy to move into California. The Invictus had moved ahead to deal with a Rogue destroyer in California.

The Convoy made it successfuly back to New London, where the BPA reported several Corsairs near Planet New London, Bowex continued on to Scarborough and the remaining BAF forces moved to engage the Corsairs. Upon arriving we encountered Insp Thomas Page under attack by 3 Corsairs and a Gaian. Soon, the Reavers showed up including the Reaver which was dealt with in New York, the Reavers seem to be rather resourceful when it comes to replacing destroyed ships.

We destroyed the Corsair Bomber, Corsair-Honor_Benitez however shortly after my Templar was put out of action by Sangria Reaver. My pod was picked up by BAF medical crews after the battle and I am currently recuperating on New London. My injuries aren't that bad and I should be able to pick up my replacement Templar tomorrow.

[Attached Files: Logs ]

Thomas Gordon
Bretonian Armed Forces


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-03-2012

[Image: euhshe.png]

[Image: 2ekjfib.png]

Attention officers of the Armed Forces,
Her Royal and Imperial Majesty, the Queen, enlighten our path with new guidelines, which from this moment will be turned into an active orders.

-In first place, increase the patrols and security in the border systems with Liberty. Keep the way to Liberty clear - ensure the free flow of ships, men and goods.
-Secondly, The Molly terrorists will be hunted down and defeated. Give them no quarter. As of now,
no pirsoners are to be recovered from their forces.
-Thirdly, orders are given for system Leeds to start Guerilla Warfare . Hit and Run tactics must be accomplished against the invaders. You know the protocols - maximum efficiency with minimum casualties.
-Final order - all remaining civilian personnel from the stations in the vicinity of Leeds, will be replaced with military personnel for maximum security. The final waves of refugees will be escorted to planet New London. The remaining volunteers will be armed and trained.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear and signed by the Queen herself,
Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 97r2wg.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Manticore - 12-04-2012


[Image: 3hdIn.jpg]

To: BAF Admiralty House
Subject: Report: Reaver/Molly/GMS Kills
Encryption: High
Priority: Normal


Reporting in after another successful patrol today.

I initially went out with Commander Arland after reports of a Gaian in Leeds were received. Upon arrival, it had already been taken care of by our friends at the BPA. After jumping back to New London, however, the Commander, myself, and the BPA officer encountered a pair of Reavers, Blank and my friend Colorless.

We fought them, and the fight went extremely well. So well, that when Commander Goodman and Lieutenant Savoie reached the scene, the battle was clearly already in hand. The BPA officer finished off Blank, and I took care of Colorless once again.

We returned to base, where we encountered a couple of Mollys that were quickly chased off without a real fight. Later, Commander Goodman and I ran into another Molly (ID: Nattan"Blade"Robertson), interestingly flying a Hellfire Legion vessel. After an extended fight, he was also disposed of.

Finally, right before putting in, I encountered a hostile vessel near the Suffolk. Upon closer investigation, it turned out to be a Gallic transport (ID: passe_Vermin) belonging to the GMS. The captain tried to run, but I took care of it.

That concludes today's report.

Jaeger out.

<File Attachment: Relevant Guncams>


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sabre Command Centre - 12-07-2012

HMS Orion; Fleet Admiral's Eyes Only.

Fleet Admiral Piett,

I hope this message reaches you in good health. There has been some discussion within the ranks of the Sabre's and we've all concluded that the recently commissioned Dunkirk dubbed, the Orion, would come in handy for operational flexibility that the Sabre's can offer.

Naturally, we're requesting that the vessel be transferred into Fifth Fleet so we can deploy it within our operational zone, specifically having the vessel as a mobile staging ground within the border world territory between Liberty and the Colonial Republic. Going as far as launching operational strikes from the Orion into the Tau systems from Coronado, a sort of... pincer movement - if you will.

The vessel itself will remain near Bretonian space in the event that it's needed to quickly regroup with the Leeds Defense Fleet.

I'd like to mention that this request is tactically sound on multiple fronts. With added defense to the Colonial hold up in Coronado, as well as additional squadron support for transit lanes between Bretonia and Liberty.

Admiral, to deny this request is to lose the war, and that's the last thing we need.

- Sabre Actual