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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Havok - 12-07-2012

[Image: bafx.png]

Subject: Report

Good Day Chaps,
I responded to reports of Gallic fighters in Leeds. I launched my Templar from the Planet and immediately picked up the foe, along with some Liberty Navy Officers and Friendlies on scanners. I headed to the battle site and lent my assistance in the fight. After a rather lengthy snub vessel brawl, i was able to destroy Two (2) Gallic Fighters with the assitance of the friendlies. The rest of the Gallics fled to Edinburgh and were chased down while i returned to Planet Leeds for repairs.

DiMarco Out.

Fighter1 Down- X
Fighter 2 Down- X

[Image: baffootert.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 12-12-2012

[Image: Aeryn.png]

Comm ID: Aeyrn Langley, Lieutenant Commander
Location: Her Majesty's Ship, Venona - Southampton Shipyard
Subject: Venona Command Staff
Encryption Level: Medium


This message would've reached the Defense Intelligence Staff sooner, though Commander Goodman wished to wait until the maiden voyage of the Venona had actually commenced.

However, it seems that Commander Goodman is currently indisposed of and his current location is unknown. As acting CO of the Venona, I feel the following transmission is necessary.

Venona Command Staff Wrote:
[Image: BAF_Logo.png]

This document has been complied and presented to the Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff by authorization of Lieutenant Commander Aeyrn Langley, Fifth Fleet. This document includes the names, ranks, and position of the command staff serving aboard the newly instated Liberty Siege Cruiser, dubbed the Venona.

Command Staff
  • Commander Austin Goodman; Commanding Officer - Armed Forces
  • Lieutenant Commander Aeyrn Langley; Executive Officer - Armed Forces
  • Lieutenant Regis Wallace; Navigation Officer - Liberty Navy Transfer
  • Lieutenant William Young; Communications Officer - Liberty Navy Transfer
  • Ensign Jacob Campbell; Helm - Armed Forces
  • Chief Warrant Officer Aleesha Morris; Chief Medical Specialist - Armed Forces
  • Chief Warrant Officer Malcolm Zondler; Chief Engineering Specialist - Armed Forces
  • Lieutenant Colonel Paige Butler; Security Chief - 531st Royal Marine Detachment

CREWMEN / MARINES / TOTAL CREW: 250 / 100 / 350
ARMAMENTS: Classified
DEPLOYMENT: Classified
FLEET: 5th Suffolk Fleet

Combat Readiness

Lieutenant Commander Aeyrn Langley
Executive Officer of the Venona,
5th Fleet Headquarters

Files Attached

[Image: baffooterv2.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-12-2012

[Image: euhshe.png]

[Image: mv5bv4.png]

Lieutenant Commander Aeyrn Langley,

Its good to see that "Venona" is fully armed and ready for battle. Your crew members database is excellent. Considering your status I belive the ship is ready for its first mission.
The Siege cruisers are our new tools of war to bring against the invaders from House Gallia. From what we know these vessels exceeded their reputation as excellent anti capital ships. I am eager to see them put against the GRN and witness the results.
Quote:Your mission will be to destroyer 1 Valor-class battleship and 2 Obstinate-class heavy cruisers. You have 5 days to track down and eliminate these targets. If you succeed, report immediately with the collected results.
This mission may sound as simple for your crew but I am not expecting a failure which is why I am assigning it to "Venona". Complete it and you will be rewarded.

As for Commander Goodman, I would like to receive information about his last known location. Is he considered as M.I.A. or he is just on a personal mission of his own? I hope he will be found as soon as possible for I want him to lead Venona in the above mission.

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 97r2wg.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 12-12-2012

[Image: Aeryn.png]

Comm ID: Aeyrn Langley, Lieutenant Commander
Location: Her Majesty's Ship, Venona - Southampton Shipyard
Subject: Venona Command Staff
Encryption Level: Medium

Admiral Piett,

Commander Goodman was recently shot down in the Leeds system. Other than that, I only know that he was able to eject from his ship. But none of our patrols have located his escape pod. I'd assume the worse, but given his track record, I'm sure he'll be alright.

As for current orders? We'll carry them out without any hassle. Expect the targets requested to be destroyed. Now, I do have to ask, Admiral... is this with or without support of additional ships?

Lieutenant Commander Aeyrn Langley
Executive Officer of the Venona,
5th Fleet Headquarters

Files Attached

[Image: baffooterv2.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-12-2012

[Image: euhshe.png]

[Image: mv5bv4.png]

Lieutenant Commander Aeyrn Langley,

It's disturbing to hear these bad news about the condition of Commander Goodman. I will order an additional reconnaissance team to be deployed in the vicinity of system Leeds to boost the efficinecy of this rescue operation. Sadly nothing else can be done at this current state. We can only hope Goodman will exceed our expectations about his experience and will contact us soon.

About the mission - try to be extra caution and use an escort for backup in case you gona need it. I am not sending your crew to a suicde mission so use any support if necessary. The board is eager to read about the success of the LSC against the enemy Valors and heavy cruisers of class Obstinate. Try not to...disintegrate their ships too fast. Remember - you are on a ship testing operation which means - the results will be of great importance to our warfare.
Collect all the data you can during these encounters and report every advantage and disadvantage of the LSC once all targets are eliminated and the mission is complete.

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 97r2wg.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 12-12-2012

[Image: Aeryn.png]

Comm ID: Aeyrn Langley, Lieutenant Commander
Location: Her Majesty's Ship, Venona - Southampton Shipyard
Subject: Venona Command Staff
Encryption Level: Medium

Very well, you can consider these vessels as good as destroyed. We'll do our best to bring them down and return in one piece. If there are any other orders before we leave the dry-dock, please inform us, Admiral.

Lieutenant Commander Aeyrn Langley
Executive Officer of the Venona,
5th Fleet Headquarters

Files Attached

[Image: baffooterv2.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Telex - 12-16-2012


[Image: 2i25x14.png]

Identification: Thomas Gordon
Reciever: BAF Defence Intelligence Staff
Encryption: High
Source: Planet Leeds Leeds System
Subject: Patrol in Leeds : Gallic Assault in Leeds/Dundee

Good Evening,

I began my day with Ensign Beaumont and I decided to patrol Leeds knowing that the Gauls like to test our defences, well, it seems the Gauls weren't our only problem. At Planet Leeds, we came across a Freelancer piloting an Eagle, callsign Ur_Maa. I ordered him to stop for inspection, he refused and activated the trade lane to Stokes. Beaumont and I pursued him to the Tau-31 Jump Gate whilst he repeatedly ignored orders from both myself and Ensign Beaumont to stop. Near the gate Beaumont managed to get close enough to scan him. Turns out he was hauling 14 units of Cardamine. As he ignored our orders to halt several times, I ordered Ur_Maa to be destroyed. In his infinite wisdom, the Freelancer fled through the Jump Gate.

Ensign Beaumont and I pursued and engaged him in the vicinity of the Jump Gate. The Freelancer was destroyed in short order and his illegal cargo destroyed. WIth that, Ensign Beaumont and I returned to Leeds.

[Attached Files: * * ]

Not long after this incident, I came across another odd sight at Stokes. Two Transports carrying Nuclear Devices with Bowex Transponders coming in from Kusari. Callsigns: G-Logistic:Controller and Optim. Both of them were unaware of Bretonian Law regarding such cargo and pleaded ignorance, whilst at the same time begging me to let them continue to Graves Mining Station in Dublin. I refused and I recieved back up with the HMS-Vindicator, Captain Storm commanding. We issued a demand, that both traders drop their cargo and asked them to leave under the War Material Section of the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law. They, however, though they were in a position to demand that we let them proceed with the cargo. The trader Optim took this opportunity to illegally dock on Stokes. The other trader, G-Logistic:Controller also tried to run but was destroyed by the HMS Vindicator.

[Attached Files: * * * ]

Shortly after this, I recieved intelligence that a Gallic Fleet was gathering in Edinburgh, clearly in preperation for an attack upon Leeds. Ships were scrambled and a sizeable fleet was gather in orbit of Leeds, with new Siege Cruiser HMS Venona, Lt Cdr Langley commanding alongside the HMS Vindicator, HMS Redoubt, HMS Thunderer, HMS DIamond and HMS Furious. We also had several bombers and fighersfrom the BAF and BPA and friendlies from the Colonial Republic and the Council. Not long after a Gaul appeared on scanners, Marcell Chevalier. Of course, he couldn't resist spouting the usual drivel. Then another Gaul appeared, only it was a Kusarian who was clearly part of their Foreign Legion. Interesting that the only efficient part of the Gallic Royal Navy is the one made up on Non-Gauls.

As the Gallic Fleet in Edinburgh was taking it's time. We got into an awful long discussion of which I won't bore the DIS with, however, I will extract a certain bit which was interesting.

BAF Battle Log Wrote:[19:13:53] BAF|Lt.Thomas.Gordon.: Funny how you describe Gallia as "more suitable". A country which massacres it's people is more suitable? All on the whims of a bloated and corrupt King?

[19:14:25] GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: Interesting, that's what the council told you?

[19:15:29] BAF|Lt.Thomas.Gordon.: Again, spoken like a true idiot. I've seen the footage from New Paris. Gruesome, but let's not forget. It's more "suitable".

[19:15:46] GRN|Marcell.Chevalier: How could you seen it, monsieur?

[19:16:03] BAF|HMS-Venona: Langley: It was all over Sirian news, frog...

[19:16:20] BAF|HMS-Redoubt: Arland: Publicly broadcast footage is hard to miss.

[19:16:24] BAF|Lt.Thomas.Gordon.: Don't you know? The footage was smuggled out of your hellhole of a Kingdom and broadcasted on the news.

As much as I hated to burst the man's bubble. He didn't deny the aforementioned massacre happened. Clearly speaks volumes about the character of those who serve in the Gallic Royal Navy. That they condone such barbarous acts. Well, nevermind. After a very long wait, we recieved further intel that the Gallic Fleet decided not to attack us head on in Leeds despite reports suggesting they held the upper hand sheer firepower.

Instead, we recieved distress calls from the 12th Fleet in Dundee. The Gallic Fleet was spotted in Dundee heading for the Newcastle Jumphole. Elements of the Fleet RV'ed at the Battleship Yamaguchi when severe Ion storms hit the system. Causing near enough the entire Fleet to lose power. Including my Challenger's life support. Fortunately, my pilot's suits backpack Life Support kicked in and after a few minutes power was restored to the ship. However, the fleet was scattered and comms couldn't be restored. Some of the Fleet managed to RV at the Yamaguchi and myself with the HMS Thunderer, Diamond and Vindicator scouted the Dundee system for the Gallic Fleet. We found no trace of it, cleary the Ion storm had scattered their fleet as well, or they had just ran away, either is plausible

We proceeded back to Leeds through Edinburgh, which was risky but we encountered no patrols and the Battleship Villeneuve's guns were offline allowing us to pass through the Leeds Jump Gate untouched. WIth that, I continued on to Planet Leeds and docked to make this report.

Thomas Gordon
Bretonian Armed Forces


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - l3wt - 12-16-2012

From: Commander James Arland, 5th Fleet

Recipients: Armed Forces Admiralty staff


Location: Battleship Suffolk


Upon learning of Commander Goodman and Lieutenant Savoie's capture at the hands of the Gauls, I and my fellow Sabre pilot - Lisa Jaeger - launched from Suffolk in civilian craft, in an attempt to infiltrate Gaul space, and track down our missing pilots for a rescue operation. We did not have to travel far - we detected the vessels Commander Goodman's tracking beacon (the planting of which I have to thank Ensign Jaeger for) was emanating from, two Gaul fighter-class ships, (Lynx and Serval) and gave pursuit from Edinburgh as far as Languedoc.

Upon finding them in Languedoc, I issued a demand for the release of our pilots. Apparently, due to some internal strife, the Lynx had severely damaged the Serval, disabling its engines. The pilot of the Serval, one Amelie Lesage, offered to come peacefully, having Commander Goodman on board in moderately wounded condition. Her sister, by the name of Claire Lesage, who had attacked her and also held Lieutenant Savoie (in a gravely injured state) was not so cooperative.

I told Claire quite simply that if she did not comply, we would disable her ship, kill her, and retrieve our missing pilot the hard way.

She took exception to that.

However, she bit off more than she could chew, in the end. After a long, grueling two-on-one fight, we successfully disabled her craft, forcing her to eject along with Savoie.

As her sister pleaded for Claire's life, we did not kill her and instead tractored in her pod, along with Savoie's, taking the Gaul pilot captive. We extracted from Gaul space with no further incidents, with Amelie Lesage's Serval in tow.

We brought the enemy pilots back to the HMS Suffolk for safekeeping, and their fates have yet to be decided. Due to the mitigating circumstances of Amelie Lesage voluntary capture, I would like to request that she be treated fairly.

Goodman and Savoie were brought to the New London Regional Hospital and are recuperating as we speak.

A good day's work, all things considered.

Arland out.

-Photographic evidence-

End of Message

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-16-2012

[Image: euhshe.png]

[Image: 10ql7v5.png]

Good job Commander Arland,
Finally we are aware of these pilot's fate and that their lifes are no longer in danger. Still I would like to remind you and the Sabres about the final orders of the Queen:
Quote:-Thirdly, orders are given for system Leeds to start Guerilla Warfare. Hit and Run tactics must be accomplished against the invaders. You know the protocols - maximum efficiency with minimum casualties.

There must be no exceptions. We cant allow to lose our men or expose them to danger by sending them on such missions. All missions behind the enemy lines, or in short in Gallic space, are forfeited due to security. The Sabres may turn their gaze on the Border Worlds, where their attention may be required.

Now is the time to strike the invaders in Leeds with full force
and preserve what is still in our control.

Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 97r2wg.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 12-17-2012

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Low Encryption =-

To: BAF Intelligence Staff
From: Poor Charles Richard Hall
Subject: Pick up my pod already, for God's sake!

*While the image is absent, the sound can be heard, although it is poor quality.*

My sandwiches are gone! Tea as well! Also the ship! Even... Oh, curses. Oh, bloody hell. We have lost a battle. I have lost it. Let me tell you what has happened, but, please, pick my miserable pod up already, and give me some tea!

*Charles breathes out, causing some snow in the sound. Then he quickly breathes in.*

There were hundreds of them! There were twenty Valors, ten cruisers and countless bombers! Alright, two Valors, one cruiser and a few snubs. They were sitting in front of Leeds, causing breathing problems to the population below every time they open their unwashed armpits and drunken mouths! However, our defenses were weak at that time and only I, with my battleship, and two bombers were present. The Thunderer was not even outside the planet. I had no choice, but to desperately get out of the dockyard and try to defend my home. When the bombers told me the Valors had gotten a bit further from the planet and turned it their scabby, green backs, I got out and started shooting at the closest one, which was equipped only with missiles as heavy weaponry and was moderately armored. The other one was far and I was afraid of this one's forward gun, so I just charged it, for it was probably my only chance. However, like some otherwordly power has cursed us, the other one, which was far at the start, has turned as soon as the one engaged by me had started losing. When she had gotten in range, the Thunderer was simply overwhelmed. There she is, separated in three miserable parts, what was once a great warship! Tug her to Southampton, I beg you! Repair her, I implore you! So I can rain down my vengeance to those who have caused me suffer!
Oh, and pick up my bloody pod already, for God's sake!

- Transmission Ended -