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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 08-27-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Daemon Steele
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok - Omega-52 System

SUBJECT: Civil Defense Mobilization

Priviet Premier Katz,

I have taken command of the reservists stationed at Sevastopol Depot. We currently have a squadron that consists mostly of Bombers with a handful of Insurgents. Some of these reservists aren't very skilled but we'll be conducting drills together. I have my men set up around the Omega-50 Jump Hole with enough mobility to relocate anywhere in the nearby area should it be required. Nothing gets in or out alive without our say so. I await the reports from the other Squadrons in order to better our patrol routes and tactics.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 08-27-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: SCRA
Comm. ID: Sub-Lt. Enrico Alvarez
Priority: Low
Subject: Civil Defense

---Communications Opened---

[Image: enricoalvarez.jpg]

Salud Hermanos!

I have been placed in charge of the Emergency Evacuation of the Civilian Population of Volgograd City to the half completed emergency shelters deep under the surface of the planet.

[Image: raudonasis.jpg]

The living conditions are far from ideal, hermanos, but the people are making the best that they can, and understand when I ask Excusa for the state of them. The people of the Coalition are used to being under assault by the evil powers of the Capitalist Alliance.

[Image: f5b67_doomsday-cults-bunker_MhZNk_5638.jpg]

Some have turned the tunnels into makeshift homes, some of them quite comfortable... We are finishing installing power generators and bringing life support systems online as we go. I do not want to think, mi amigos, about a protracted siege, but we are ready for the short term.

[Image: 75808_doomsday-cults-bunker_5_9EztQ_5638.jpg]

Reports indicate that Premier Katz has been moved to the Mc-Bunker on Zvedsney Gorodok, where he, and elements of High Command can co-ordinate our defensive strategy, but all of that is far above my paygrade, si?

For now, I am preparing the evacuation, and once complete I will report back to frontline duty to defend our home from these invaders.

For the Revolucion!

Sub-Lieutenant Enrico Alvarez out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 08-27-2010

[Image: 2wrotqq.jpg]

Comm ID: Commandate Ben Warner.

Subject: My Comrades

"My Comrades, I am speaking to you from the bridge of the Karl Marx, as you go about your preparations for battle know that I am watching and what I have seen has made me proud.

My Comrades, there are some in the Coalition who say that I like battles, well than my Comrades, let me assure you of this, I love battles. I love assaults, I love Pincer Attacks, Swarms of fighters and bombers trying to destroy each other and our own coming out victorious in the name of the Coalition, my heart swells with pride as I observe a pair of Insurgents hitting an enemy Gunboat over and over again even though it seems hopeless...And I also love it when foolish Corsairs get large egos and attempt to infiltrate our home just for the pleasure of fighting our elite Combat groups and realizing that what they have done is foolhardy.

My Comrades, I want you to enjoy your battles with those who oppose our way of life as I do, I want you to smile when you hear their screams of agony and terror as their ships are dropped from the lights of Sirius like a breath of air snuffing out a Candle. Comrades, my brothers and sisters of the glorious Sirius Coalition, I want you to know War and it's little glories and pains as I do, I want you to experience the heart-pounding rush as your ship bears down on a foolish pilot who openly opposes our Revolution and show him that there are things in Humanity's memories that should never be forgotten.

Attention All Ships of the Coalition, this is Commandate Warner speaking with your standing orders.

My beloved Comrades; Burn them to ashes."

-End transmission-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Turkish - 08-27-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Mao
LOCATION: JianXi - Omega-52 System

SUBJECT: Classified

[Image: Profile_Mao.jpg]
Comrades, I bring you a progress report.

Work has just begun on confirming the status of all supply caches and depots across both Volgograd and JianXi, we estimate we are nearing 20% completition.

Ontop of this we have also confirmed the deployment of Coalition Marine forces is underway throughout most urban centres of both worlds. Deployment to the more unkempt and wild locales will begin shortly after that. I cannot confirm the status of Marine deployments aboard Zvezdny Gordok however.

Furthermore the Hanoi is in process of monitoring all long range transmissions it is capable of intercepting while calculating various positions troops could be deployed from orbitally. I can only hope these actions are exactly what we need them to be brothers.

For the revolution.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 08-27-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: The Havana

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, Comradas!

The CPW-Havana was damaged in this morning's encounter with the blue scourge in Omicron Delta, but with some speedy spot repairs, she is able to leave FP-11 and make best possible speed to location Foxtrot-Tango-Uniform.

Once we arrive we will engage our cloaking system and lurk on the very doorstep of our enemies, conducting the remaining repairs that we need to restore our combat capabilities...

However, we will not be still.

I have on-board this vessel two dozen anti-planetary nuclear missiles, each of these weapons has been targeted upon sites of strategic importance to our enemies, and our hand will hover over the button. If the Bounty Hunter dogs breach the line, and lay siege to one of our capital worlds, I am authorized to launch a retaliatory attack on the Bounty Hunter home system, the likes of which will assure that any of our deaths are matched by an equal number of theirs.

I know, hermanos, that this appears to be our darkest hour, but we are firm, strong and united in our common goal.

They tremble now, at the sound of the Havana's silence.

We will prevail, hermanos, for the Revolucion!

Alvarez out!
The Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Magoo! - 08-27-2010

[Image: paddypng.png]

>> Loc: In and around the fifty-second Omega
>> Re: Defenses!


[Image: SCRAPNG.png]

So here I am, I'm back again! Safe upon the shore. Ish... Well... Safety is relative. Making it safe, at least. Anywho!

I reported to Grid 185 of planet Jiang Xi to oversee the deployment of the defense forces in, around, and pertaining to Sector 21/37. To be frank, defenses here are lack luster. Of course there isn't much to protect 'round here. I scoped out maps of the local area and really the only thing worth noticing was a small series of caves nearby inhabited by various forms of animal-types.

We have three squadrons of MiG-44 Atmospheric Defense Fighters for the whole of nearly three hundred square miles with various small outposts scattered hither and yon. The extent of the land defense capability of the Grid is the 28th and 56th Citizens Cavalry brigades and the 11th Citizens Defense. Most vehicles are the CE-111 Mobile Defense Platforms, with moderately balanced flak and anti-armor ammunition in the event anything actually gets on the ground. The infantry are... Well... *clears throat* They need some work.

The water tower at Outpost 2-6 needs repairs as well.

Moving on!

The residential areas of the planet seem to be adjusting well to the emergency. And... I guess I found where most of our cavalry went. Ehm... Where they should be, of course! Volgograd!

[Image: tanks-in-moscow-13-1.jpg]

Protecting the people. Quite diligently as well. The planetary capital seems particularly adapted... Ehm, obviously, I suppose. Flak cannons and SAM sites can be seen in abundance on the roofs of various buildings and every structure above ten stories has been evacuated along with the surrounding block to avoid casualties from building collapse in the event of attack. Unfortunately, most of the city falls into this category, including the structures surrounding the primary avenues of the metropolis. Evicted citizens have been successfully relocated to bunkers for the duration of the emergency.

Well! Onto the next site, sah's.

Paddy Holly,
Signing out.

-Long live the Revolution!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 08-27-2010

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Commissar Yuveraj Khan
Priority: HIGH
Subject: The Anvil and the Hammer
[Image: khan.jpg]

---Communications Opened---


Your tactical Commanders have a plan for dealing with the BHG that are amassing to strike our beloved motherland. It falls, therefore, to you, elements of the Fighter Corps, and loyal SCRA fighter pilots, to be ready when the Hammer strikes the Anvil!

Each pilot is required to outfit a Coalition Revolution Class Bomber, to be stationed at Zhukovsky Station until further notice. This bomber is not to move without orders from a member of High Command. They are to be armed with SNAC weaponry.

Training will commence under Lt. Commander Scott on the Coalition's fearsome battle tactics using these formidable weapons.

The Bounty Hunters were spotted by intelligence units of the Maquis operating a sizable capital fleet. As such, we can surmise that they will use a similar force of arms to breach our inner sanctum. I want them to rue the day they ever laid the keel for a Mako, Comrades! We will burn them all!

The Premier will give a speech shortly, and deliver an ultimatum to the Warriors of Capitalism, ordering their withdrawal in the face of the superior might of the Coalition's SCRA! That is you, gentlemen, and as such you must stand ready to be shining examples to all out there.

I will be conducting an inventory shortly on our bomber class vessels, and compiling a list of those that fail to comply with my orders.

This is WAR, as the Commissar at your back, I suggest none of you falter!

For Katz, the Premier, Comrades!

Khan out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 08-28-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: ZDF Awards

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud Comradas!

A number of our pilots have been awarded medals by the Zoner Defense Force for actions in the defense of Freeport 11. Myself and my crew included.


Special Dispensation is awarded to the pilots involved so that they may wear these awards with their uniforms.

It is as I said We will prevail, hermanos, for the Revolucion!

Alvarez out!
The Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Doc Holliday - 08-28-2010

Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Planet Gran Canaria, Omega 49
To: Premier Alvin Katz

Greetings, Premier,

My people have taken my words to heart. Today, one of my men, Raphael Sidhe, flying the [TAZ]Puca, delivered engine components, ship's hull panels, food and pharmaceuticals to Zhukovsky Station for distribution. The following logs were provided:


3570 Food Rations
3570 Pharmaceuticals
3570 Engine Components
1788 Ship Hull Panels

And if that wasn't enough, Med Force One is in an undisclosed location to provide medical aid and food as it's biodomes can sustain a large population. I have given the location to you via secure channel.

This is the first in what I believe will be many more goods.

Ambassador Holliday

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 08-28-2010

[color=#33CC00]To: SCRA High Command
Comm. ID: Doctor XiaoBei
Priority: Medium
Subject: the XKR-151-B

---Communications Opened---

[Image: Xiaobei.jpg]

Commandante, Premier, esteemed members of High Command.
Pilots, and rank and file of the SCRA

I present to you the XKR-151-Beta

[Image: Insurgent.gif]

I know for some this fighter has been long over due, correcting the mistakes of my predecessor and KSD took considerable time. However studying the Odin class starfighter under battlefield tests, has seen fit to birth us a whole new generation of star fighters.

I hope, now, that the mistakes of the past will be undone, in favour of a continued fighting resolve, and an indomitable iron will backed up by Coalition Steel!

I know we are in a time of darkness, where morale is low, but it is my hope that the unveiling of this new fighter class to our men and women on the front will remind them that all is not lost, in fact, the Coalition grows stronger by the day!

For the Revolution, and the new Great Leader!

Doctor XiaoBei
Mykolaiv Director of Coalition Research

---Communications Terminated--