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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Charo - 02-15-2011

"I would have to say that I am th-.."

He then notices the officers donning gas masks, and sighs

"Vell, I must be doing something right"

He picks up the mask form the table, donning it.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Vrouw - 02-15-2011

He kept his breath, making sure not to breath a single bit of the air. Although his natural, human instinct nagged at the back of his mind, told him to run - to find some way to preserve his own life, like an animal. He kept himself in his position, looking straight forward.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Tabris - 02-15-2011

Ben frowned when he heard the message, opening the drawer of his desk Ben pulled out a Gas-Mask, slipping it over his face he activated it and pulled out his TT-33.

"Sorry, but it seems the Commissar has gotten trigger-happy." he told the man sadly, knowing that the gas would kill everyone without a mask, a pity, he was starting to like the Kusari man.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 02-15-2011

Mendel leaned down, tapping the man on the nose with the barrel of his pistol.

"Thank you for coming out, better luck in the next life..."

He straightened up and moved on, as the chemical began to chew its way through lung tissue...

Coalition Recruitment Thread - aznremix416 - 02-15-2011

The alarms started to blare. Lee suddenly heard the quite serenity of his office turn into a terrible chaos that erupted all over the Station. The Coalition officer whistled, pulled out his pistol, and started to load rounds in the gun.

He put down the pistol on the table within arms reach and continued reading.

The Gas started to hit around the area in which Lee was situated, and he could see all of the unfortunate applicants running around, choking, and gasping for air. But all that was lingering in the atmosphere was the horrific gas.

One applicant bursted in the room, his face and flesh burning.

Lee, without looking away from his book, shot the applicant 2 times in the head with mercy. At least the boy died quickly.

The sounds of chaos erupting all around Lee dampened as he was sucked into his readings.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-15-2011

Major Thacker heard the call for Code Teal over the intercom. He calmly walked over to the storage case that held the emergency gas masks. When he opened it, however, he saw that somebody had removed the masks and hidden their personal stash of vodka in it instead.

Panicking now, as the gas was starting to pour out of the vents, Robert took a deep breath, held it, and ran for the docking bay as fast as he could. He managed to pull himself into a shuttle just as his lungs began to burn. After he sealed the shuttle and cycled it's atmospheric system to clear out the gas, he removed the standard issue atropine and obidoxime autoinjectors from his pocket and jammed them into the meat of his thigh as he was taught in training.

Somebody was going to die for their stupidity as soon as he got out of his standard after-exposure checkup from medical.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - DarthBindo - 02-15-2011

Ian stood and marched over to the Commissar, his voice muffled by the mask.
"Permission tae put the incompetents out of their suffr'ing, sah."
Gorram, the Coalition knows how to get things done.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 02-15-2011

Mendel passed the door to Warner's office, looking at the asian man he had whacked with a cup...

"Ohh..." he said, sounding sympathetic... "This stuff doesn't react well to cuts... Ben you might want to...."

Too late, the recruit exploded like a water balloon, splattering goo everywhere.

"Ahh well," Mendel said with a shrug, wiping goo from the eyepieces of his gasmask, moving on.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Vrouw - 02-15-2011

He pulled back the sleeve of his jumpsuit, checking a digital clock. It was a counter. Only three minutes now. A hope nagged at the back of his mind, his thoughts. He was hoping he could make it. He could hold his breath for quite a while. Although he wasn't as good at holding his breath as some of his fellows he had fought with, the fact that he had breathed pure oxygen for most of his life as a 'reward' for piloting ships and living in space stations helped.

He could hold his breath for up to eight minutes, and he hoped that the gas would kill anyone who couldn't before he could no longer hold it. The first real sign of emotion would show on his lips; determination, and some panic. Like an animal that thought it could make it away from a predator. He wanted to live, to prove himself to the Coalition. He was going to fight for his life, even if the 'fighting' was simply him holding his breath.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Total.Absolution - 02-15-2011

Marshall got up quickly at the order, squinting to see where the woman went. After sitting into a chair, he heard alarms ringing around. He raised an eyebrow, and looked around, noticing the vents. Instinctively, he began to hold his breath, hoping he was wrong about a chemical coming through said vents.