Epic tunes? - Zavier - 07-20-2010
One for Joe.:)
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 07-20-2010
At the Drive In - Metronome Arthritis
Epic tunes? - Kazinsal - 07-20-2010
Three of my favourite Rush songs, live, from the A Show of Hands concert.
Rush - The Spirit of Radio
Rush - Tom Sawyer
Rush - Closer to the Heart
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 07-20-2010
OK Go - This Too Shall Pass
Awesome video.
Epic tunes? - Chenzo- - 07-20-2010
' Wrote:The band is called "Noisia" & the song is "Lost Cause" the info is on the page & has an itunes link:crazy:
Anyhoo, Radiohead- Kid A
awesome, thanks mate:D.. ALSO, ccheck THIS..
Tango have realeaced a new advert.. here's the link for it:
and here's the link for thisAWESOME DnB track:
Epic tunes? - Chenzo- - 07-20-2010
Something just as awesome and epic, but a differant genre...
Breaking Benjamin- Diary of Jane
Epic tunes? - schlurbi - 07-20-2010
Tommy Bass - Take It Easy
Epic tunes? - Marburg - 07-21-2010
American TV being what it is, I flipped it on tonight & got smacked square in the mouth by Gene Simmons' Family Jewels...& surprisingly enough, I liked it more than I thought I would
It reminded me of how rockin' KISS used to be & I thought it might be kinda cool to invite a little tangent for people to follow on if said people so wish to be good sports about it.
Post some songs from the first concert you ever attended in your life.
My Mom took me to go see KISS in 1979 when I was nine & it still remains to be one of the coolest memories I hold in my head to this day.
God Of Thunder
Goin' Blind
Shout It Out Loud (This was the venue I was at 3 years later)
Christine Sixteen
Hard Luck Woman
Epic tunes? - Cyberanson - 07-21-2010
4ss kickin' Punk Rock from Austria:
Surfaholics - Nine Point Seven
Epic tunes? - Domjan - 07-21-2010
Lets Get ****ed Up - Start Trouble