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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 12-22-2012

---Incoming Transmision---
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[Image: robertdzeferson.jpg]

-Video Link Successefully Connected-

Ah good day. First of all, as always I would like to thank HQ and Admiral Piett for promoting me into Lieutenant Commander. It is great pleasure and honour to get such rank. Now where to begin in my yesterdays adventure, so to say.

Launched my vessel of Paladin class from Manchester system into Liberty. I decided to pay a visit to our allies, and it seems they were glad to see me. We had some discussions made and conversations that were very interesting. I met Judges that were from great assistance, and for the others, they were nice too.

The main conversation I was having was with one of the Judges named Yohance. We were talking about Bretinia's situation in war. It was very interesting to hear opinions from people that are not currently involved in that war. And it seems they have some interesting ideas how to push our enemy back into the hole they crawled out of.

And one more thing but this is classified. I will not write that here, and I hope you will be interested in what I have to present to you, HQ and Admiral Piett.
So if you are interested, and I hope you are because it can be of greatly assistance in this war, and with it we can WIN this war, contact me as soon as possible, and I will send you the file.

Well that would be all from my adventure in Liberty. They were surprised from my presence because no visits them or ask them how they are doing, and they were thank me for it. So I suggest we tighten our relations to Liberty and pay them more attention. I know its hard to do so when in war, but we need to look out for each other.

I think this is good and easy to understand.
Sincerely yours Lieutenant Commander Robert Dzeferson.

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Roter Engel - 12-22-2012

:::Incoming Transmission:::

Comm ID: Ensign Susan Morrison

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting the Gallic Royal Navy in front of Planet Leeds. They were already engaged in a battle with some secondary pilots of the Bretonia Armed Forces and one pilot of the Ronin. I decided to help them against the Gallic menace, before they'd manage to shoot any of our pilots down.

Our enemies seemed rather disorganized and we had it quite easy to damage their ships. Two of them were shot down before their remaining forces began to retreat.

Death: GRN|Ansel.Xavier was put out of action by Nottingham (Gun)
Death: GRN|ONI-Gryphon was put out of action by [Ronin]Ryouchi.Kokuri (Mine)

They left us with a single Valor battleship in front of the planet, which immediately caught the attention of some Council cruisers. It didn't take long before the Council attacked the Valor and I provided CD support to prevent the battleship from escaping.

It was nice to watch this beast exploding, hope to see that more often in the future.

Valor down

That's all for now. Ensign Morrison out.

:::End of Transmission:::

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 12-22-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...
[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Standard BAF
Subject: Events on a saturday afternoon

Afternoon Officers of the Fleet.

Just now, under the command of Captain Havering, we have completed a Bretonian-wide Patrol. Together with Commander L.Clay and Lt.Cdr R. Dzeferson we swept across Bretonia. Very uneventful I should say considering the times we live in. Perhaps everyone would like a peaceful Christmas.

Wishful thinking on my behalf... it turns out Aliens do not know of such things. During our practice round a nomad turned up! Given our policy towards the Aliens we could not let it go far... The Alien put up quite a fight and took out Dzeferson. Most likely an error of judgement on his part. He wasn't the only one who made one. The Alien jumped back into the tradelanes of all things, I might have known better! At Canterbury we were able to lock down the lanes and keep the nomad there, and thus Commander Darrow turned up and made short work of him.

*sips his tea*

Aliens... what were they thinking?

For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Commander Jeff Bloom

.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 12-23-2012

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Very High Encryption =-

Priority: High
From: Captain George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, Southampton Shipyard, New London System
Subject: Battle Report

[Image: georgerichardhall.jpg]

*He is tired and a bit disappointed, but he still tries to look proud.*

Good day. This is captain George Richard Hall speaking.
Yesterday's evening, about an hour after the training in Salisbury, the Gauls chose to perform a minor invasion of Leeds system. Their fleet was consisted of two Valors and three cruisers, as the scouts have reported.
We have taken some time to gather the counter attack fleet of similar size, but we have managed to do it. The meeting point was Southampton shipyard and everything seemed to develop as planned.
While I was giving orders, approved by Charles' experience, a lonely destroyer vessel called us for help. Apparently, she was then in Leeds, probably one of the patrol ships. I decided to speed up the process, so I ordered the whole fleet to move towards Leeds jump hole, located in Southampton debris field, for I knew the Gauls were aware of the gate and could make us an ambush.
As soon as we had reached the hole, we sent a scout inside. Here's the core of the story - the Gauls were waiting us there! Like some fool, or a traitor, has told them we'll use it! Alas, it wasn't a traitor, but a fool it was, and I was the fool.
Earlier, when we had gathered, I ordered everybody to head to Leeds jump hole, unaware that the captain of the destroyer which was already in Leeds will do the same. The destroyer was chased to the hole, leading the whole enemy fleet there.
As I heard we can be ambushed at the hole, I have ordered the fleet to move to the gate. Amazingly, the whole Gallic fleet has also started to move there, while I was totally unaware why the devil are they doing so!
Luckily, they had already gotten far from the hole when we started to move to the gate. Thus, we had used the hole and found ourselves in Leeds. Apparently, the Gauls have either spent all their fuel by now, or got terrified by our fleet's size, or were simply wishing for some wine. They have ran away, leaving one Valor behind, which has probably lost orientation in a smog cloud. A part of our fleet, consisted of HMS-Vindicator, a battleship, BAF|HMS-Pestilence, a destroyer and BAF|HMS-Redoubt, also a destroyer, has separated to chase the Valor, while BAF|HMS-Thunderer and BRF|HMS-Ranger have headed to planet Leeds, to guard it in case the Valor heads there. The chasing fleet has destroyed the Valor, with HMS-Vindicator delivering the fatal shot. The destroyer which was chased has disappeared somewhere, but I found out the ship is alright later. I would consider it a victory, although a minor one, but also a lesson, which we could use in future.

Our Forces:
BAF|HMS-Thunderer (battleship) - flagship of the fleet, unharmed;
BAF|HMS-Pestilence (destroyed) - led the chase, unharmed;
BAF|HMS-Redoubt (destroyer) - helped Charles teach me a combat lesson in Salisbury, unharmed;
BRF|HMS-Ranger (destroyer) - unharmed;
HMS-Vindicator (battleship) - delivered the last shot to the lonely Valor, status unknown;
The.Newcastle (destroyer) - caused some disarray, survived.

Enemy Forces:
2 Valor class battleships - 1 destroyed, the other one withdrew;
3 Obstinate class cruisers - withdrew.

Oh, by the way, we had a moment of weakness once in the campaign, after exiting the hole. Our forces have divided disorderly, but fortunately, we have managed to use all of our logistics ability and coordinate the whole action well and successfully. I advise planning which part of forces will separate before starting operations.

- Signal Closed -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 12-26-2012

---Incoming Transmision---
---Opening Video Feed---

[Image: ltcdrrobertdzeferson.jpg]


-Video Link Successefully Connected-
Good day,

Now after few days I finally got time to write a report.

After launching from Southampton I looked up for anything suspicious in the area and I did some small patrol. Nothing interesting happened so I was going back to Southampton and there I saw it. A small bluefish lurking around. I decided not to let it go wondering trough our system. So I took care of it. Here you go.

After that one I continued my patrol and I sighted a Wilde and one more K'Hara member. Here you go.

]After that I wasn't hesitating I attacked that thing and it was a very long fight. I drained it and it drained me. So I was out of CD and it was on its edge to die. But on his luck, he escaped, but I will find it one day or another.
Well that is mostly it, so LtCdr. R. Dzeferson out.

---Terminating Transmision---
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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 12-26-2012

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Captain Mike Havering
Source Location: New London System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Going on the Daily Patrol over Bretonia Ensign Tony Wolf acompanied me and we made a quick sweep of Bretonia, nothing unusuall was rather quiet.

In Cambridge I encountered a Sair Gunboat with the name Argonus who was blatantly atttacking an Armed Forces Gunboat infront of my eyes.

With Ensign Wolf on his way with a bomber I engaged the Sair, though as Wolf arrived I got to see that it wasn't enough to take that bastard down, so I dissengaged and told Wolf to keep that Gunboat pinned down until I could return with our own Gunboat the Indefatigable.

Sadly as I arrived at the scene Wolf was already taken out floating in his Escape Pod, with that Sair taking down two Officers of the Armed Forces there was no other way but death for him.

Attached Data

That would have been all.

Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 12-26-2012

---Incoming Transmision---
---Opening Video Feed---

[Image: ltcdrrobertdzeferson.jpg]

-Video Link Successefully Connected-

Ah just another day at the office, so to speak. Captain Mike and Ensign Susan were along with me today.

First I got call that Sangria.Reaver is camping outside of New London planet. I took my ship and went to see what is that all about. She asked for some more pilots to join us so I took Sir Mike and Susan along with me. We got some nice conversation but I had to go soon.

I got call from our Liberty allies and I went there without hesitation and I wanted to give them needed support. When I got there I saw multiple contacts on my radar, 2 Wilde and 1 Nomad ship. I engaged on sight, but before we were able to take them down, Liberty ship fell down to their infested guns. Then one of them got hurt.

So that would be all. It was not so busy day but still wasn't so easy too. With all due respect LtCdr. Robert Dzeferson.

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 12-27-2012

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: High
From: Captain George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, Southampton Shipyard, New London System
Subject: Battle Report

[Image: georgerichardhall.jpg]

*He looks angry with all the incapable lower beings.*

A disaster! A catastrophe! A work of diligent Bretonian hands, to be overpowered by some Gallic rubbish! This is outrageous!

*He calms down, angrily rising his look.*

Incapable lower beings.

I heard two of our destroyers got literally obliterated by two Gallic cruisers. An utter disgrace! Not an utter defeat, however, if I tell you what has happened after. I hope.
By one of those alarms clearly made not to be ignored, I was called to save Leeds system from a Gallic invasion. The situation was terrible - our forces were completely scattered around the system. The first thing I've seen when I entered the system was a lonely battleship from the secondary fleet, H.M.S. Counter Strike, quietly waiting at the gate to be struck. I have ordered every capital vessel to move to planet Leeds and protect it. The defense was almost ready when I got a distress call from the Counter Strike. The ship was ordered to be at Leeds, but she didn't come, although we waited for her for a fairly long time. The poor, incapable lower being probably got stuck in a lane, or didn't even understand what I was talking. She was, of course, overpowered by two Valors and a cruiser. However, our forces were already on their way when it happened, so we came quickly and absolutely annihilated the very souls of our froggish invaders.

Our Forces, First Battle:
2 Destroyers - disabled;
A few snubs - status unknown
BRF|HMS-Diamond (destroyer) - came when the two destroyers were already disabled, disabled a cruiser.

Second Battle:
BAF|HMS-Thunderer (battleship) - lost all nanobots, shield batteries intact;
BRF|HMS-Diamond (destroyer) - status unknown, survived;
HMS-Counter.Strike (battleship) - disabled;
Ship.Happens (Colonial cruiser) - status unknown, survived;
A few snubs - status unknown.

Enemy Forces, First Battle:
RNS-Rapiere (cruiser) - survived;
RNS-Circaete (cruiser) - disabled.

Second Battle:
RNS-Rainbow~Dash (Valor) - disabled;
RNS-Destructeur (Valor) - disabled;
RNS-Rapiere (cruiser) - disabled;
A few snubs - status unknown.

When it had all ended, I was called to Cortez system, where something of foul nature was happening. However, when I was near Southampton, my "trade lane dock" button has malfunctioned. For some reason, there were two "trade lane dock" buttons. At the first moment, I was happy the Charles thought of placing a spare one. At the second moment, when I pressed it, I heard a loud bang. Charles has explained me that it was, actually, a cargo hold depressurization button. The Thunderer had to spend a few hours in Southampton, repressurizing. Why would somebody have a cargo depressurization button tagged as trade lane dock button, it is unclear to me. It's Charles who we are talking about, after all. A deranged old goat, as I called him before.

- Signal Closed -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 12-30-2012

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: High
From: Captain George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, Near Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Port Talbot Saved, Battle Report

[Image: georgerichardhall.jpg]

*He is smiling, probably the second time in his life. It won't be mentioned what has happened the first time.*

I... Am alive! Port Talbot, too! The bulk of our fleet, as well! I can't say that for those savage Corsairs, incapable lower beings! It didn't seam this... Miracle will happen at the start, though.
Yesterday's evening, we've gotten a distress call from Port Talbot. They were under attack by an enormous Corsair fleet. We have squeezed out all ships we could, but, unfortunately, that wasn't a lot, since our fronts also needed them. Two battleships, one destroyer and a few snubs have gathered at battleship Norfolk, Cambridge system. We weren't ready, but we had to be swift, or not to be at all. Thus, I have ordered an attack.
A scout from the police had reported that the other side of Snowdown jump gate is clear, so we proceeded into the system and arrived there safely. Then we had formed and headed to Port Talbot, full of hope.
However, as soon as we had exited the fog, we saw what we have hoped we won't - if it wasn't the whole Corsair capital fleet, if it wasn't most of it. Namely, we have entered into firing range of four Legate class dreadnaughts, two Osiris class battleships and a Praefect class cruiser. Without a single word, the Thunderer was fired at by two Osirises, a Legate and a Praefect, preventing her from entering an effective formation. H.M.S. Vindicator, the other battleship, was also attacked, and quickly destroyed. In order to be effective at least as a stealth assassin, I have flown the Thunderer into a nebula full of large ice asteroids, what has luckily made all the Legates get stuck. Unable to move, nor fire flaks, one was dealt with by our and joined IMG and Coalition bombers. However, I still had two Osirises after me. When one decided to help her forces, the Thunderer's hull was simply too battered to perform a charge maneuver over the single Osiris which has remained chasing her. Covered by a destroyer, I withdrew to Norfolk, Cambridge system, where I resupplied.
However, when I used the jump gate to Snowdown again, it malfunctioned. All contacts with our and any fleet were lost and I have found myself on the opposite side of Snowdown, close to Omega-7 jump gate.
While the Thunderer was cruising towards the battle, which has moved close to Aland shipyard in the meantime, I could nothing better, but ask Charles to cheer up our soldiers by his string quartet, which was emitted trough the whole system. It also certainly annoyed those savage Corsairs, incapable lower beings. If they ever heard of Haydn, they would probably think it's some sort of food grown in Rheinland. I have also eaten a sandwich, by Charles's recipe. It wasn't very abominating, I must admit.
Anyways, when I had reached the remains of the Corsair fleet, I saw it's now made up of only one Legate and two Osirises. While the Osirises were far and were chasing an IMG battlecruiser, the Legate was at the tail, making her an ideal target. I've put a few mortars into it, but by then the IMG vessel was already destroyed. Our bombers have then disabled an Osiris, though. So, I was now chased by a raging Legate and a remaining wounded Osiris. Until our bombers have downed her, as well, I managed to score a few hits on her. Now, only the Legate and a cruiser have remained. Normally, I would let Charles charge the Legate and then finish off the cruiser, but now the Thunderer was too damaged for both. Fortunately, a Red Hessian battleship had appeared to help us and we quickly downed that defiant dreadnaught. In all that mess, the cruiser has managed to run away.
As I said at the beginning, I am alive, thanks to the Hessian. Port Talbot is saved, as well as the bulk of our fleet. Rule Bretonia, as Charles would say.

Our Forces:
BAF|HMS-Thunderer (battleship) - survived;
HMS-Vindicator (battleship) - disabled;
HMS-Scarborough.Fair (destroyer) - survived, outstanding escort service;
Some snubs - only a few were disabled;
Two (2) Coalition capital ships (class unknown, one deemed a destroyer) - one disabled;
IMG battlecruiser - disabled;
Red Hessian Jormugand class battleship - unharmed

Enemy Forces:
Four (4) Legates - all deemed disabled;
Two (2) Osirises - all seen disabled;
A Praefect class cruiser - escaped;
Some snubs - some disabled.

Also, I've had a problem with Charles's transmitter after the jump gate malfunction, but it is alright now. The Thunderer is also fixed, although only her main hull and systems. I will head her to Southampton today, for more serious repairs.
Port Talbot is also fixed and resupplied by Bowex. My brother, William, who works there, told me the station is alright.
Also, when I wanted him to play with his quartet, I have let Charles out of his cage. I can't find him now. I've searched the whole ship, including the tea storage room. It was even easier to search for him there, since the room was empty. He wasn't inside, though... I'll order them to check the whole ship when we reach Southampton. I just can't wait to mock somebody.

- Signal Closed -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 01-02-2013

[Image: euhshe.png]

[Image: 2ekjfib.png]

We have received information from Southampton Shipyard that several hundreds of ships were recently build. With the increased cargo deliveries from Liberty, the shipyard reports indicate that we are able to further booster the production of ships from class gunboat and destroyer. Same reports were given by the bomber factories on New London that dozens of Challengers are going to be build per day.

The Armed Forces High Command agrees we need more men to command our newest vessels. Sadly most of our old and experienced captains are already deployed on the field. Because of that we have to use emergency measures.
An Auxiliary Fleet will be formed. All Academies over Bretonia will have to send their best officers, trained to be captains, in Salisbury for quick briefing. These newly promoted officers will command our recently build ships and assist the high ranked Captains with everything they can. Secondly, all independent captains will be double tested and trained in Salisbury and if they prove to be ready will be sent to assist the Auxiliary.

Once trained and with permission - all Indenepdent captains and young officers will be re-assigned to the Primary Fleet of the Armed Forces, under the supervision of Vice Admiral Charles Richard Hall.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear,
Sir Firmus Piett
Fleet Admiral of the Armed Forces

[Image: 97r2wg.png]