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Rheinland Military Message Dump - CrossBones - 11-15-2010

Accessing Rheinland Military Secure Comm Channel...
Authorized by Adm. Voelkel
---Incomming Transmission---
Comm ID:Hans Wolfgang.
To: High Command

I used my free time to patrol the Hamburg System as often as I can, as a Rheinlander is my obligation to defend our system at any cost.

A few days go on a routine patrol I noticed a LN vessel in Bearing, a RFP officer suggested that we should take a closer look to see what was going on. To our surprise we met RNC-Mannhein engaged in a conversation with said LN vessel. At first we thought a battle might start but to our surprise we were told to leave, because there was a high truce negotiation between Rheinland and Liberty. As I'm not aware of any negotiation I refused to leave, since that the LN vessel was near the Hamburg gate. We then were told, if we didn't leave we would be shot at, which happened a few seconds later by both, RNC-Mannhein and the LN-Dreadnought. To preserve our ships and our lives we left under fire. RFP and I got separated and we lost our communication, I just hope he made back safe to Hamburg.

My question here is:
Is there such truce talk between us and them. if so we must be informed.

Could be that we are dealing with a case of high treason.
I was also asked if I knew what had happened 14 years ago, I said yes, That was the year that the Wild was born. That did not make any sense to me.

Unfortunately all evidence of that event was destroyed while we fled under fire

Hans Wolfgang.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - mtjsmith - 11-15-2010

-Incoming transmission-
Name: Maria Schneider
Location: Battleship Moselle
Subject: First patrol
[Image: mariap.png]

Hello fellow pilots, I've already met a few of you - but I'm just um.. saying hello here. I was asked to put some info on my bio about my past. It's been a tough few years but um.. please speak to Ludwig. He's such a nice guy.. He helped a lot.

I've managed to sweet talk the Recruitment officer. He's given my a parking space for my wraith and my own room. It's small, but it has a bed, a desk and my own toilet/shower room. After sharing with scum on a junker slave liner.. this feels like the Kanzler's palace itself.

My first patrol was.. very messy.. to say the least.. I don't know if I'm suited for fighter combat yet. There were these... purple things.. trying to get into my head and.. I freaked. I felt these feelings before when I was a slave.. It was disgusting.. horrible..

It's been some day actually, Ludwig has told me to go get some sleep. Probably for the best, the door has a lock on it! No-one can get me in here, this is the most secure I've felt in years.

-End Transmission

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Korny - 11-16-2010

Incoming Transmission
ID: Fischer, Christian
Location: Battleship Moselle
Subject: Battle Report
Video Feed: [color=#33CC00]Online

[Image: chrisfischer.png]

'Nabend meine Herren. I'm just coming back from duty, it hasn't been too much of a challenge though.

I was called to a situation in Bering, it seems there's been a little squad of Libertonian warships, including several gunboats and a Battlecruiser as I've heard. I've been a bit late, most of the threat already fled back to Texas. The remaining Libertonian forces've been three gunboats as far as I could tell. I was ordered to escort one of the, LNS-Assault1, to Vierlande, since he's "surrendered". Funny thing, I reached the Gate back to the fatherland, and that son of a dog disappeared. He got away at Freeport 2. I could react fast enough to pursue him. He had a little advance, about seven clicks away from me, Fraulein Schmitt and the Pressburg.
[Image: pur.png]

I've been able to make him cut his engines, with simple talking. Promising things you don't do later, the "We'll let you live"- trick works all the time, really. So he stopped, and we were able to shoot it to pieces, it was as simple as it could get !
[Image: keel.png]

I got told that the other, remaining gunboats were able to get back to their corrupt home-nation, what a pity, their gunboats make such nice lights...

That was about it for today evening, Fischer signing off.

[font=Impact]<div align="right]End of transmission

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Korny - 11-17-2010

Incoming Transmission
ID: Fischer, Christian
Location: Battleship Moselle
Subject: Battle Report
Video Feed: [color=#33CC00]Online

[Image: chrisfischer.png]

Guten Morgen, Fischer again here. I was called once again, this time out of bed though, but hell it was worth it.

There was, yet again, a situation. This time it was Hudson, at Atka to be precise. Me in the Wraith, the Schmiedehammer and the Leipzig encountered several Libertonian forces there. There was even an Admiral of the Liberty Navy there, as I've heard...Herr Anderson, or something. Anyway, the others were a Siege Cruiser, a Gunboat (those seem to be quite common nowadays) and two fighters. The fighter pilots ... well, I'd rather prefer to call them weekend-pilots since their piloting skills were pretty much insignificant. therefore it has been easy for me to fulfil my orders, to keep the fighters off the Kreuzer.
[Image: wowow.png]

Our Kreuzer dealt with the Siege Cruiser just fine aswell, the gunboat fled unfortunately. But all in all it was a rather successful morning, we've been able to secure the Atka parameter for now, an important checkpoint in Hudson.

This be all for now, Fischer out.

[font=Impact]<div align="right]Transmission ends

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DeathSpirit - 11-18-2010

[Image: schoon.png]

.:Reading Data:.

To: Rheinland Military High Command
Priority: Normal
Subject: Patrol Report

Guten Tag Pilots,

At my Patrol together with the Flieger Karl Muller we headed to System Dresden after we checked Dresden we returned as we arrived the New Berlin Jumpgate where 3 Hessians and 1 VF) appear.
After a While one Rheinland Police man appears to assist us but a couple of Hessians too.

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So after too much Hessians appear, I ordered the Pilots to fall back to System New Berlin, after we jumped the Flieger engaged the Hessians, I wondered why but I decided to help him.
As I fought against Bruna Hessler after I long fight she see that she haven'€™t any change so she flees.
As the fight against Bruna was over many other Military Pilots and Police Pilots

All Pilots get the order to engage the Other Hessians. As a Hessian Cruiser appear we got order to Fire on him, the Cruiser try to Flee he flees to Dresden where we could destroy the Cruiser.

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After a long fight in Dresden we got help by a Cruiser but he gets destroyed. Also we could Destroy 2 Hessian Bombers and the 3 one flees into the Nebula. At all I must leave the fight because my fuel tank goes low.

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Status of Fuel Tank:

[Image: screen15i.jpg]

Signed Laura Schoon

[Image: schoonend.png]
.:Connection Lost:.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - ChillerMiller - 11-22-2010

---Incomming Transmission---
Sender: Gefreite Vivien Schmitt
Location: Battleship Westfalen

Guten Tag, Gefreite Schmitt here

First of all i want to report about yesterday's succesfull strike against hostile forces, who were attacking Raubling Station in system Munich. Their forces consist of:
Red Hessian Army [RHA]
Volksfront -VF)
Arbeitergewerkschaft AGS

The Rheinland Federal Polizei joined on our side and we were separated in 2 different wings. One led by Admiral Rall and the other one led by Leutnant Kreuzchen.
It was a long battle in which we took out most of the enemy forces.
[Image: RMEvent1.jpg]

Next time they will think twice before attacking one of our bases.

The next day i was on a patrol led by Hauptmann Wittmann.
On that patrol we chased some terrorist Gunboats accross the Omega 3 system but they managed to get into bretonian system. I bet it was some of these damn anomalies.
However on our way back we encountered a Corsair Cruiser in Omega 7.
The Hauptmann ordered its destruction and it took some time but we were able to scrap that ugly thing.

After this we went to Hamburg and waited for some reeinforcements to launch our Hudson mission.
We patrolled the border system and we were spotted by Liberty forces.
I was a bit surprised why they send some Dreadnoughts after some wraiths but well we managed to take out one of the Dreadnoughts while the other one could escape heavily damaged. During that battle a LABC and a GB joined their side, however not for a long time, because they were easily destroyed by our fighters.
Of course we managed to take out all the escort fighters.

[Image: RMBattleHudson.jpg]

After the last one of them died we returned back home to enjoy the victory

---End of Transmission---

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Landers - 11-23-2010

Dr. Nicholas Pottgen, military doctor
Source: Field hospital, Battleship Karlsruhe
Target: RMHC
Subject: About Feldwebel Joachim Landers

Guten tag, it's Dr. Nicholas Pottgen.

At first, I must report that the Feldwebel is totally healthy. When we receive him, he was fainted. When he woke up, he said something about "The light" and "The mission". Maybe the RMD know what does it mean. He has got high temperature, but it goes down 5 minutes after he woke up. He's mind is unharmed, but we still don't know how can he survived that.

There's nothing else to report now, I have sent you a letter from the Feldwebel.

The letter:

Guten tag, it's Feldwebel Landers.

I'm all right. I wanted to write my report about that flying "thing". It was really fast, but it's shield and hull is weak enought to destroy it in seconds. But there's an other thing. That "blue fish" is able to link his mind to another lifeforms mind. It's hard to explain. I felt horrible pain in my head, when the "blue fish" damaged. The only tactic againts it: destroy it before it establish connection between his and our minds. I can't remember more, I fainted and I woke up in the field hospital. That's all I have to report now.

Joachim Landers, Feldwebel

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 11-23-2010

[color=#FF0000]=[[color=#FF6600]Transmission lost]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 11-23-2010


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FF0000]High, port RM-CH-HC-1488-M.


[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.

[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinland Military High Command, MND Directorate.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Observations of extra-terrestrial entities, 11. 23. 818.

The following report is highly classified and any unauthorized access to it will be dealt with a capital punishment, filed strictly for the eyes of the MND and Rheinwehr leaderships. What we witnessed may be a crucial milestone in our research of the so-called "nomads" or their ability to communicate, collaborate and conduct combat.

Upon undocking from the Karlsruhe, I came to witness a strange contact moving around the area, little time did it take to classify the entity as a spatial life form of an alien origin. It was circling a Kujira-class transport, apparently one functioning as a mobile research vessel under the command of professor Vic Steiner. I have to assume the interest of the scientist was the life form, though I can't tell which ship attracted the other.

[Image: rm68.png]

As soon as Gefreiter Helge and Feldwebel Landers arrived, I proceeded to stir the civilians away from the area, including the professor and her vessel who flew back to Stuttgart orbit. After scanning and collecting relevant information regarding the aerial life, I gave orders to Landers to engage the entity, which was also an accurate measuring of the alien's combat abilities.

As it appeared, the entity had no armaments, but was rather agile, I'd say much more agile than our Wraith-class fighter chasing it. Its shielding was relatively weak though, whenever Landers hit him, the xenomorph lost a considerable amount of what appeared to be a regenerating shield on it. The most surprising observation still is the fact that it had no projectile-based weapon systems.

Little could we foresee the consequences of our actions though. Landers stopped firing and little afterwards burst out in some trauma, screaming and howling in his cockpit, yet managing to create literate sentences. I ordered Gefreiter Helge to dispatch the threat, during which Professor Steiner, still in Stuttgart orbit with his mobile lab, noted the theory of us hurting the nomad potentially harming the Feldwebel too. He suggested there was some sort of telepathic link between the two as well. Of course, I rejected his theory at first, but as he offered to get Landers out of his cockpit and ferry him to Freiburg to receive medical attention in exchange of us ceasing fire, the pain of Landers ceased as soon as we disengaged, proving the professor right.

Landers passed out and was taken back Freiburg, during which I kept an eye on the alien contact. During that time of absence did I notice that the entity... may actually be able to communicate. Out of carelessness, I used my comms to insert taunts into the channel, to which I... received reply in the form of voices... inner voices of a sort. No, it was not a mere assumption or a though of my own, I literally felt something digging into my head, inserting alien thoughts there.

[Image: rm69.png]

The Kujira-based laboratory soon returned, along with Helge. Our next steps were to lure the xenomorph away from Stuttgart space, given that neutralization failed. The professor attempted communicating with the life form, calling it "Being" as if it was its name, to which it responded with following the sizable vessel as it drifted away. I instructed the professor to steer his ship to Omega-11, where radiation may have killed the alien, but as we got to four or five kilometers away, the entity flew back to the abandoned ship of Feldwebel Landers. Apparently, it developed some fanatical attraction for the Wraith, or maybe Landers himself once he knocked the soldier out of action. From that point on, we failed at moving the any further.

[Image: rm70.png]

Eventually, I deployed the repair ship Heimkehr and tasked it to tow the abandoned Wraith into the Karlsruhe. In the meantime, Gefreiter Helge was exchanged by Gefreiter Schmitt on watch, the area around the operation also getting more and more intense with the presence of other vessels, even though we blockaded commercial traffic.

The Heimkehr towed in the Feldwebel's vessel, surprisingly enough the xenomorph relentlessly followed the empty hull. It kept circling the battleship even as the Wraith disappeared into the Karlsruhe's docks after triggering a landing sequence. As it hopelessly tried avoiding the shelling of the battleship, Professor Steiner yet again tried establishing contact with the entity. Triggered by that, the alien left towards New Berlin, pursued by MND agent Trauer and a wingman of his.

[Image: rm71.png]

It took me a few minutes to get into space and then pursue the target to Berlin, where I found the agent and his wingman, as well as another MND agent with a Phantom-class light fighter already attempting the destruction of the said vessel, or whatever it is. Alarmed by our previous experiences in regard of provoking these post-terrestrial fliers, I tried interfering with the combat, too late to prevent the retaliation.

This time, it materialized in the form of an additional two spatial blue-code specimens emerging from a nearby asteroid field, one of them, a slightly larger being, with projectile-based weaponry equipped. During the combat, I witnessed something never previously seen, also figuring out the role of the apparently unarmed entities. As the fighter, the one with the plasma weaponry, took apparent damage, its partners kept recharging its defense system, apparently a carapace of a sort, to the expense of their own integrity. Similar to what they call "nanobot sharing" in normal space warfare.

[Image: rm72.png]

[Image: rm73.png]

The combat lasted for about quarter an hour, during which Herr Schubert, the previously mentioned MND Agent in his Phantom was shot down. After that, the three contacts made an escape for the sun, each heavily damaged either by the sacrifice of their outer hull for their leader, or being damaged by the tachyon-armaments of the MND wing.

It is unknown whether the figures were melted away by the Berlin star or actually survived, it is for certain though that no more reports of unidentified flying organic life forms were reported in the past few hours. Kommissar Nussbaum of the Bundespolizei also contacted me about another pilot potentially affiliated with the "Wild", of course I gave him the standard tale of those being rogue Rheinwehr pilots on the field. No need to cause a stir and paranoia within the already shaken Bundespolizei, due to Putzkanner's death.

[Image: rm74.png]

[Image: rm75.png]

The reports of Feldwebel Landers and Agent Trauer should follow up soon, as well as a message from Nussbaum.


Admiral Alec Voelkel.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Manuel Smith - 11-24-2010

[Image: MartinIncomingTransmission.png]
[Image: RMMNDcharacter.jpg]

23/11/10 - REPORT 1

[font=Arial Black]TO: High Command of the Rheinland Military
FROM: [color=black]Rheinland Military Marinenachrichtendienst Agent Martin Trauer, Planet New Berlin


[font=Fixedsys]It was my first day where I've seen the called ''Nomads''. It was an risky action. Seems that the ''Nomads'' came from the Omega Systems. The first time they was in Stuttgart at the Battleship Karlsruhe. At the moment where I was 8 kilometers away from the battleship Karlsruhe, the nomad were able to escape to New Berlin. Losing the ''nomad'' of the eye was a huge mistake on my part, because if it succeeds a ''nomad'' to come to planet New Berlin, we have a huge problem. I had some problems in this mission but with the help of Agent Jan Schubert, Agentin Gloria Sternenschein, Flieger Andreas Reisinger and Horst Schlemmer we completed the action succesfully and who did good work too was Admiral Alec Voelkel. He controlled the Tradelane from Bonn to the Stuttgart Jumpgate because I restricted them. It is really to dangerous for civilist's to fly in this area if ''Nomads'' are there. My wingcamera did awesome work. I got 2 from 3 Nomads of the pictures. The wing camera made a video too.

''Nomad'' 1
[Image: nomadk.jpg]

''Nomad'' 2
[Image: nomad2.jpg]

I spotted a third ''Nomad'' too, but I don't got a picture of them. He or IT was to fast. What amazed me very much was the speed of these vessels, the agility and size. But on most surprised me the weapons and mines, if one may call it mine. I do not know exactly what it was. For a missile it was too slow, but it was to fast for a mine. My wingcamera got one of them:

unknown mine
[Image: nomad3.jpg]

Seriously, looks THIS like a mine? I think no. I've seen much in my young life, but that stole me all words. We will need very much time to understand their technologie completely. I hope one day we are able to damage a ship of them so strongly that it is completely incapable of acting, is no longer a threat, we can secure it and bring it to a lab. Jan Schubert had much luck. We saved him and his escape capsule, early enough to ensure. His ship was destroyed by ''Nomad 1'' . Agent Schubert had just an Phantom light fighter class. So what do that say us? He should change this ship to a Wraith ship class. Perhaps its possible to find the wreckage of Jan Schuberts ship. It might be possible that it found traces of the nomads. At the time, where we fought against this ''Nomads'', I'vereceived strange frequencies. They were difficult or impossible to decipher.

Jan Schubert is for the next days or weeks in a hospital of Planet New Berlin. So I'll be alone with Frau Sternenschein. *chuckles*

We will do our best to find wreckage of Jan Schuberts destroyed ship.

Martin Trauer over.

[Image: MartinTransmissionTerminated.png]