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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 01-03-2013

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Captain Mike Havering
Source Location: Cambridge System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Right then another Report on my Side.

I launched from the Norfok in Cambridge taking the Vengeance a Destroyer out for a Patrol.

At first I tested my weapons setup and was using the Norfolks Long Range Scanners to oversee most of Bretonia.
I then got a Transmission from a Trader that there was a Pirate in Leeds but no giving more information.

Just as I made my way to Leeds Lieutnant Jaina Clark started her routine aswell and we joined up over Planet New London.
As we made our way to Leeds we found a Corsair Gunboat with the callsign "Antabus" sittting on the Lane between Southamton and the Leeds Jumpgate, just as it saw us it tried to make a run for it, which failed.

As we interrogated that Sair Captain Johnson came out aswell.

Being rather nice Clark escorted the Sair out of Bretonia while Johnson and myselfe made our way up to Leeds which was empty of any Pirates.

Then we got an emergency call that a big Corsair Battlegroup consisting of multiple Gunboats and a Cruiser where heading for New London.

As the Fleet was assembling I had to dock the Vengeance on New London with what it seemed a Targeting Malfunction.
Luckely enough it was fixed fast enough for me to join our Fleet before the engagement started.

With 3 Destroyers 1 Gunboat a few Snubs on our Side and 1 Cruiser 3-5 Gunboats and snubs on the Corsair Side aswell we engaged the Sair just outside of Kensigton.


Bretonia and Allies, loses:

Death: BAF|HMS-Niagara died
Death: BAF|LtCdr.R.Dzeferson died

Corsairs losses:

Guncam 1
Guncam 2
Death: =GR=_ART was put out of action by BAF|A-HMS-Ranger (Gun)
Death: ECG|Capt-Bosvark was put out of action by BPA)Ins|T.Page[SRD] (Gun)
Death: ECG|Col-Cannabis was put out of action by BAF|LtCdr.Luke.Walker (Gun)
Death: Antabus was put out of action by [M]-Eochaid (Missile/Torpedo)
Death: was put out of action by BAF|HMS-Pestilence (Gun)
Death: CNS-Dada died

Other Participants that Died in the Battle:

Death: [M]-Raging.Whisky was put out of action by =GR=_ART (Gun)

After their Gunboats and Cruisers where destroyed or about to the Sair snubs made their way back into their lair.
The SCRA and Mollies looked to it that they weren't seen for long after the last Sair was finished.

With Inspector Page and Lieutnand Commander Walker left we saw to it that the Sairs didn't linger around in Cambridge.

Just as Walker and myselfe wanted to dock on the Norfolk for repairs and other things *chuckles*, a Gaul Gunboat came up the lane.

A Gaul so deep in Bretonian space is frankly a shock, but luckely it was taken out fast by Walker so that it couldn't get any infromation back to his Frogking.

Guncam 3

That would have been all.

Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 01-05-2013

::Incoming Transmissin::
::Target: Armed Forces HQ::

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Excuse me Admirality, I know how busy you are keeping everything in place, putting up plans of high importance for The Crown and Kingdom but I've got a little petition for you. It came to my attention that Ensign Jack Ando is having this rank for over an year. He wasn't in active service all the time but overall, he can sum up over 60 hours of flying. He is also a competent soldier with good knowladge of Bretonia's Laws and participated in enough battles against gauls and cannibals to get more than the basic experience some higher ups, if I can tell .. lack.

That's why I am kindly asking you to promote Ensign Jack Ando to the rank of Lieutenant. It is very important to keep our structure organised and based on personal performance by the way.

I hope I didn't bothered you too much sirs,

Wayne Johnson signing out.

::Closing Transmission::

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - andreo009 - 01-06-2013

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...
[Image: baftransmissiont.png]
ID: Jeff Bloom
Encryption: Standard BAF
Priority: Medium
Subject: Saturday-night attempts to intercept

Good morning Officers of the Fleet.

Yesterday evening, the Herculean and its crew were on standby. After receiving a report about Wilde in Manchester, we launched at once. We were joined by Commander Folge and Lieutenant Atwood who bravely took on the Wilde near the Cortez gate. Unfortunatly their babbeling about an open war with Rheinland and upsetting the BIS in their operations, proved a good diversion as the two of them managed to slip away one by one into the darkness of Cortez. A pirate named Hass also showed up but was considerably damaged by Commander Folge and later Lieutenant Atwood as it tried to flee.

No rest for us yet as another report came in: a destroyed transport in Leeds, Benitez boarding party. I hurried back to the frontline in Leeds where several contacts were found near the Stokes lane. It soon proved that these were the Corsairs we were after. In an attempt to sabotage their operations I went immediately after one of their freighters. We managed to damage it but after a fruitless pursuit it slipped from our fingers. The buggers were quite organised! they had a snub in place to disrupt me every time I gave chase. In Dublin things were escalating as well, another group of Wilde were seen in the system.

The Mollys had launched a gunboat and several snubs to deal with them, Atwood was observing as Folge was trying to gather more reinforcements to deal with Corsairs running about. As I jumped into Dublin my chances turned when I managed to entrap another transport form the Corsairs. This time one filled with MOX-fuel. It had to be stopped at all costs. Eventually in Leeds I managed to give it the decisive blow after it had begged not to be halted. I rarely heard such pleas from a Corsair, I don't think the Corsairs raiding Cambridge have ever shown much mercy to us! At any rate, I secured what was left of the fuel and left it on Planet Leeds along with the remainder of the transports crew.

During the chase I also received a clearance request from an SFC| transport captain to enter Leeds. Due to Ion interference I was unable to reach him, but I did manage to send in the BRF|HMS-Diamond to secure the supply lines.

As I launched from Leeds I was joined by HMS-Windrush, a police cruiser. Who arrived in perfect timing as a Gallic cruiser appeared on the scanners. The cruiser put up quite a fight and damaged the Windrush. But then! out of the blue, a Council Battleship opened fire and made short work of the Cruiser. I felt sorry for the Gallic lads on the cruiser, they had lost all fight in them. Most of their crew survived miraculously and were taken into custody by the Windrush. I take comfort in the fact that they now have a better fate then under the command of their superior officers.

The Mollys in the meantime, managed to drive the Wilde to Newcastle. We called the Lieutenant back and formed up on Captain Johnsons wing. After a short soundoff we also got to see one of our new assets: An LABC it is called if I'm correct. Dashing ship, I hope she and her crew will serve us well. The Wilde were gone... I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of them in the future.

This should conclude yesterdays events. For further reference to the veiled threats of the Wilde I would like to refer to Commander Folge who was leading at the time.

PS: I would also like to second Captain Johnsons petition, Ensign Ando has always shown exemplary behavior and has a fine service record. I do believe a higher rank will suit him.

For the Armed Forces
[Image: 264pxbaflogo.png]
Commander Jeff Bloom

.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Roter Engel - 01-07-2013

:::Incoming Transmission:::

Comm ID: Ensign Susan Morrison

Today we got some reports about Corsair and Molly activity in the Dublin system. I went there to check it out, well, it was a mess to be honest, they were somewhere in the area around Battleship Hood. Since nobody cared about a little BAF Ensign, I simply started to shoot the Corsairs, trying to remove the more dangerous enemies first. The Corsairs ran after a while and I just watched the Mollys fighting them off.

Then the really interesting stuff happened, some Reavers came across the area, and they, of course, started to shoot me. But it was okay, they underestimated me, guess they think that every single Ensign is easy prey for them. I got some help after a while from Lieutenant Atwood, and together we managed to get rid of the Reavers.

Blank.Reaver down
Frost.Reaver down
Dark.Orchid.Reaver down
Silver.Reaver down

That's all for now, Morrison out.

:::End of Transmission:::

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 01-08-2013

ID:Commander William Folge
SUBJECT:GRN fighters killed

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.
Today I have nothing to report,just the death of 3 GRN snubs,who were killed near Leeds Orbit.I caught them all by myself,one by one,and squashed them for daring to venture into Bretonia.

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 01-09-2013

::Incoming Transmissin::

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[Image: andyroddick390044l.jpg]

Captain Wayne Johnson reporting:

Yesterday, me and Commander Folge were doing a patrol inside New London system. Between Southampton and Planet New London we encountered a large corsair squad formed of two Imperator gunboats and a dozen of snubs. The cannibals were really hungry so they didn't bothered with preparation, they wanted to serve us "fresh". I asked immediately for help in Bretonia's broadcast channels and a BMM surveyor assisted us. Unfortunately, Folge was disabled by a mine so we retreated to Planet New London. There, Lt.Cmdr Dzeferson tried to help us but failed. After that, Commander Robinson went on board a bretonian gunboat but unfortunately a corsair cruiser, Decimatator arrived from nowhere so he couldn't hold on for too long. The destruction of the gunboat was worthy anyways as the cruiser was destroyed shortly after. Finally, Jeff Bloom and two more armed forces independents, K.Pox and Nottingham went to assist us. Now, even outnumbered 2 to 1 and with no capital ship assets managed to turn the tides of the battle. The gunboats quickly got destroyed then more snubs followed. After an hour, a BHG fighter offered to help so we hired him. K.Pox's ship was destroyed in the fight and the bounty hunter ship docked for repairs. After 1 more hour we managed to pull back the aggressors.
Here is a battle statistic.

Allied Forces

BAF|Cpt.Wayne.Johnson - Templar
BAF|Lt.Cdr.J.Bloom - Guardian
Nottingham - Templar
BMM-Bard.Black - Surveyor

BAF|Cdr.William.Folge. - Paladin
BAF|Lt.Cdr.RBig Grinzeferson - Guardian
K.Pox - Templar
BHG|Gunwald.Larson - Manta

Hostile Forces

Detoxicator - Corsair Cruiser
Antabus - Imperator
Sparky - Imperator
Miguel[TBH] - Titan
Andre'|Sails - Crow
Corsair-Franco_Benitez - Titan
ECG|Bgrd-Ghringo - Titan
[CC]Carlos-Ximanez - Titan
CN|'Dada - Marauder
ECG|Cpt-Justicero - Titan
ECG|Lt-Cata - Titan
Miguel[TBH] - Titan

Valeria-Estavez - Centurion

Uploading Visuals >>> # # # # # # # # # ## ##
Wayne Johnson signing out.

::Closing Transmission::

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 01-11-2013

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comms ID:Ensign Tony Wolf***
***Transmission Opens***

[Image: thehungergamespresident.jpg]

Greetings Defense Inteligence Staff. It's about time i made my first patrol report. I appologize for the delay, family needs keep stopping me from accessing my Nueral Net terminel.

I began two days ago by linking up with Lieutenant Commander Dzeferson.

We then headed straight for the Omega-3 Jump Gate. Upon reaching Freeport 1 we found a camara frieghter sitting outside the station being shot at. Strangely enough he didnt try to move out of the stations firing line, and proceded to allow himself to be blown up. I assume that Freeport 1 still has him after retrieving his escape pod. We then passed by Port Talbot, showing no hostile forces, only a Trainee Bounty Hunter on scanners. We then headed for Douglas Station, but after passing, showing no contacts, I recieved a message about corsairs in system from the Bounty Hunter, location 4D. Upon arriving however, scans gave no indication of any Corsair, Hostile, Neutral or Friendly forces in the area. Upon this we headed for Aland Station, again with no forces of any type on scanners. We then headed back to Cambridge and made our way to the Omega-5 Jump Hole, to find that the corsair base, "Puerta del Diablo", is still standing. It then proceded to shoot at us, confirming the suspicions that it is still fully operational. Upon reaching the Edinburgh Jump Gate, we encountered a Lynx Patrol, swiftly dealt with by the Battleship Derby, but the Gate was otherwise clear. Upon Reaching Planet Leeds, I, unfortunatly had to take leave of the Lieutenant Commander, so he decided to end the patrol there.

I hope this first patrol is sufficent for you Officers, and i would like some feedback regarding the sufficiency of this report, and if you want any changes or updates for future reports. I look forward to flying again, and wish you all the best.

Ensign Tony Wolf, signing off.

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AlphaWolf215 - 01-12-2013

***Incomming Transmission***
***Comms ID: Ensign Tony Wolf***
***Transmission Opens***

[Image: thehungergamespresident.jpg]

Hello again my friends, and comanding officers. Something i have just dealt with that i would like to bring to your attention. A Zoner Corvo class cruiser was found sitting right at New London planet. this was a worrying sight, so after many chances of asking it, myself and the HMS-Vindicator proceded to destroy the vessel. I bring this to your attention as perhaps you can try to sort the matter with this captain, as i was told he also did this in New York in Liberty. Hopefully this captain will be educated.

Ensign Tony Wolf
Bretonian Armed Forces

Attached Files:

***Transmission Closes***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 01-15-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Medium Encryption =-

Priority: Medium
From: Captain George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, Leeds System
Subject: Rogue Privateer

[Image: georgerichardhall.jpg]

Good day. This is captain George Richard Hall speaking.
Overall, nothing special today. I've done some patrols, shot a few Gauls and finally taken that vulgar nude painting out of the Thunderer's meeting room. It's not a mating room, for God's sake.
Unimportant little events aside, I've also caught a Bretonian privateer, apparently rogue. A bit before that, I've gotten an SOS call from some ALG vessels. The same ship has destroyed one of theirs somewhere near the trade lane between planet Dover and Cambridge jump gate, New London system. I managed to intercept it and halt it near Stokes station, Leeds system. We've both had a rather unpleasant speech, but I've gotten the captain's confession of the previously said act. He's also mentioned something about Rheinland trading with Gallia, but it was clearly some quickly made up rubbish.
I'm sending the files.

Files Attached:
#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #.

I've done some research and I saw that the privateers are not totally exiled, but only mildly. I hope I'll be able to arrest this bugger without losing command over my ship.
Oh, and by the way - I've found Charles. Long ago already. Apparently, he went to our tea storage and the tractor beam has just... Packed him into a container. His absence has allowed me to remove that lowbrow picture, though.

Over and out.

- Signal Terminated -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 01-18-2013

ID:Commander William Folge

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.
Today I don't have much to report.I have powered up my ship in Leeds system and went on a patrool through New London system.I was warned by a Liberty Navy expeditionary ship that there was a GRN presence in New London,so I went in to investigate.It didn't take long till I found the said ship,it was a poor little Lynx with a cloaking device,unfortunately for him he didn't have enough fuel to power it.I engaged it head on and literally tore it apart in less than 2 minutes.It surprises me how weak these gaul fighters are,I've been slaughtering them mercilessly and they are unable to even dent my ship.Still,there are lots of gauls to kill,so only good news for me I guess *smiles*


[Image: screen46.jpg]