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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 01-18-2013

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Captain Mike Havering
Source Location: New London System
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

[Image: 28lyrt5.jpg]

Well this was a mess.....

Right then today as I was undocking from Southamton with the Sutherland I got a message from Commander Folge telling me that there was apparently a Zoner Battleship with a few Transports in New London.
Using Illeagle Jumpdrives.

Taylor imediately engaged the Cloaking module, having heard that they where hauling H-3 it was only a matter of time for them to show up at Southamton. And they did, not losing any time we hung ourself on their tail and where rewarded with the sight of a Zoner Capital Sized ship.

After a long and tiresome talk they payed a Fine of 100 Million Credits to myself which I transfered to the BPA.

Since there hasn't been any spesific amount layed down in the Law I took the courtesy of levying a fine that resembled half of the profit that has been made on that day. Which was by their own disclosures 200 Million Credits.

And it was made clear to them that before they could return in any way with a Jump capable Ship they would have to have the blessing of the Crown first.

That would have been all.

Havering signing off.

...Transmission lost...

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Junes - 01-19-2013

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**Uploading data**

Source: Battleship Ark Royal
ID: Commander Layla Clay
Affiliation: Bretonia Armed Forces
Subject: Report

Good evening,

One would not expect Newcastle to become the center of action, however, today our forces were proven otherwise. Newcastle indeed became the center of action, and that was due to sudden interest of the Order in the ancient Nomad city within the Restricted Zone. With two squadrons we searched Newcastle, following strange interferences near the Nomad city picked up by Sunderland. And all of a sudden there popped up a handful of Order vessels within the Restricted Zone. They resorted to mere chatter in the beginning, and so did we. However, it is worth mentioning that there was a gunboat conducting scans of the Nomad complex. Unfortunately, it managed to engage its cloak and withdraw from the area before we could to disable it. That was probably the reason they got there; gather intel about something they needed from the city. Of course this could not be allowed, so we engaged them with full force once the second squadron had arrived. And that was when the fun and heroic actions commenced. In a tense and heated brawl next to the blinking and glaring Nomad remains our united forces managed to give them hell. The only one suffering critical damage was Commander Jeff Bloom whose ejected escape pod was safely tractored in upon the failure of his ship, after he had performed outstanding evasive maneouvers against the overwhelming forces of the Order terrorists. From there on it all went uphill. One Order agent was crushed by the patrol nearby, followed by the destruction of one of his fellows soon after. The third victim was another Order agent, flying an Eagle.
Whatever they sought in there, they had to pay a high price. Investigations concerning the Order's intentions at the Nomad city will be initiated soon.

Oh and, in order to ensure maximum performance and concentration next time, please prohibit Charles and Richard onboard the Thunderer to blast their symphonies across all frequencies during future engagements.

In service to the Queen and the Homeland,

L. Clay

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 01-26-2013

ID:Commander William Folge
SUBJECT:GRN fighters killed

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.
Today I am reporting the succesful destruction of a Royal Navy Valor,callsign Dauphine,which was first intercepted in New London orbit,then pursued and destroyed in Leeds system,in a smog cloud.
2 hours later,after receiving distress calls from Bowex traders about Corsairs pirating in Cambridge,I took the Gunboat Invictus and went to search those cannibals.Soon enough,I found them,and torched them using our superiour skill and armament.

[Image: Freelancer_2013_01_26_19_20_05_360.png]

[Image: Freelancer_2013_01_26_19_21_02_910.png]

[Image: Freelancer_2013_01_26_19_21_22_010.png]

[Image: Freelancer_2013_01_26_19_21_43_150.png]

[Image: Freelancer_2013_01_26_22_38_04_393.png]

[Image: Freelancer_2013_01_26_22_39_37_683.png]

[Image: Freelancer_2013_01_26_22_40_04_343.png]


RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 02-05-2013

-[Incoming Transmission]-
[Image: BAF_Logo.png]

Attention! The following members of the Armed Forces are promoted to a higher rank due to their long and continuing service:

- Tony Wolf, Alec Ransom and Susan Morrison - to Lieutenants.
- Ando Jack and Thomas Eliot- to Lieutenant Commanders.
- Jack Barnes and Henry Moore - to Commanders.
- Jeff Bloom - to Captain.
- George Richard Hall is promoted to Commodore, Headquarters Battleship Macduff- 10th fleet.
- Mike Havering and Ian Driscoll will be promoted to Admirals. (Adm.Dricsoll can remain in command of the 5th fleet while Adm.Havering will take the seat of 9th ArkRoyal fleet)

Congratulations to the officers. Your country is proud of you!
To all others, a lot more is to be done and in time a lot more are going to be promoted for their bravery.

Admiralty Headquarters, Battleship Harlow
Secretary of the Fleet Admiral.

-[Transmission Terminated]-

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 02-06-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= Low Encryption =-

Priority: Low
From: Commodore George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Macduff, Newcastle System
Subject: My New Headquarters

[Image: freelancergeorgerichard.png]

*The signal has a better quality. George seems delighted and relaxed. It doesn't mean he doesn't hate the incapable lower beings any more, though.*

Greetings, fellow pilots!
As it is obvious, I am not transmitting this from the Thunderer. I have already moved to the Macduff and I feel delighted and relieved. Except that the ship is not a flying tea party, a theater and a gallery at the same time, she is also clearly designed for battle and has seen many, but most of the holes are well mended, and the crew doesn't act as a bunch of indifferent, sloppy peasants. And the view... Newcastle is quite pleasant for my eyes, unlike the ugly smog clouds of Leeds. I have even found some time to relax looking at the landscape, finally in peace. The area doesn't seem to be very eventful, excluding a couple of small Gallic fighter squadrons scouting the system.
To summarize it, I shall probably enjoy spending time with my little fleet. Thank you for promoting me.
However, my new responsibilities have proven to be touching the edge of my current capabilities. I would like to stay at this place a bit longer, until I get more experience.
Until then, I shall take care that all the incapable lower beings are dealt with properly.


- Signal Closed -

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Ivan - 02-10-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS MacDuff]
[CommID: Lieutenaunt-commander Thomas Eliot]

Approx. on 11:30 I've been ordered to carry out escorting of large mixed Bowex-Daumann convoy coming from Rheinland to Stokes smelter with cargo of unrefined metals. I've joined to convoy in 10 minutes at Southampton shipyard.A After succesfully escorting part of convoy to the Stokes, I've returned to the Leeds orbit to find Kishiro transport of mr. Lee (Jet.Lee) passing by. After I stopped him and warned him Kusari transports aren't welcome in Bretonia, he treatened me with severing Kusari-Bretonia relations. I've however ordered him to land on Leeds; his cargo should be confiscated now, while he'll face legal consequences. Attachments: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Moments later, IMG battlecruiser Givy came into orbit of Leeds. I warned him capital ships are forbidden in Bretonia space, but he didn't pay much attention to Bretonia laws. He stated he was only transitting to the Omegas, so I let him go, however insisting he has to keep capital ships out of Bretonia and respect Bretonia law. He muttered something about player rules in response. Attachments: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
After this Leeds orbit was silent; after 10 more minutes of patrol I was out of fuel and landed on Leeds, ending my shift.
[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Ivan - 02-10-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS MacDuff]
[CommID: Lieutenaunt-commander Thomas Eliot]

Approx. at 2:00 today I've launched to patrol Leeds and found 2 suspicious freelancers, which were enforcing embargo restrictions on passing traders. As I didn't know under which license they were operating, I approached them. One of them was full of presumably nomad materials, even though after request he dropped 2 wilds (which were destroyed on site by me) and 1 human modified nomad blaster, my scanners still detected nomad equipment on his ship. Visually I noticed some of the most prominent features of nomad equipment, such as purple-blue colours, the details of such pieces of equipment being very small and hard to detect.
After finding out one of them still has a lot of nomad equipment, I ordered him to follow me to planet Leeds, where he'd be tested on anti-nomad scanners for infection. Freelancer tried to fool me by pretending he doesn't hear/he misunderstands me/he doesn't like Leeds, but I insisted on my demand. Unforutnately meanwhile GRN patrol came in, and as he pretended his engines were broken, I attempted to destroy his ship and pick up his pod, as his equipment was very dangerous to us and couldn't fall into GRN hands. Unfortunately then I found out he and he fellow were tricking me. To secure the only proof of his presumable infectee status, the nomad blaster, I rashed for the Leeds. There, I took the tradelane to the Derby and broke off from the Wilds and Gauls.
Basic scans of Wilds:
Wilde.Hass - 1 2
Wilde.McFadden - 1 2
Detected samples of unknown technology:
Wilde.Hass - 1 2 3 4 5 6

Chat logs: 1

I hereby request any authorized intelligence officer to contact me so I transfer the blaster to him immediatly.
[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 02-13-2013

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Admiral Mike Havering
Source Location: Battleship Ark Royal
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

[Image: 28lyrt5.jpg]

Right then something to drop here again. *chuckles*

We had a small skrimish with the Mollies earlier this evening in New London near the Dublin Gate.

It was mainly a Gunboat dictated battle.

The Mollies coming with their Merc Widow in a Bottlenose and one of their own out of scrap made ones.
With Blodwyn in a snub.

our side was going in with one Gunboat and 2 bomber and two Fighters.

They took down our 23rd Gunboat first, and then went for Admiral Driscoll downing his Bomber aswell before I was able to send supplies.

At that time the second bomber of our force disengaged the battle for unknown reason, probably restocking on missles and such.

But until he would return things had been taken under control since the HMS-Seaford arrived at the scene to assist us in the Battle,taking down both Gunboats in short order, after the 23rd had made some major damage already before being taken down.

Blodwyn got away with a bloody nose though, we didn't bother to chase him after he had jumped to Dublin, seeing it as a wasted effort.

After that the Seaford left the scene while the Capsule of the Admiral was brought back to the Suffolk save and sound.

After that we made a small sweep of Bretonia up to the Border to Liberty, but there wasn't anything going on so we returned to our normal dutys.

Which would be paperwork in my case. *sighs*

That would have been all then.

Signed: Mike Havering

...Transmission lost...

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Ivan - 02-15-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Derby]
[CommID: Lieutenaunt-commander Thomas Eliot]

(Report for 13.02)
Approx. at 2:30 today I've launched on emergency call by admiral Mike Havering. I've failed to come in time, as the reason for the emergency already dissappeared. I've met with admiral Havering (in Templar fighter) on Leeds orbit and proceeded to commence lane patrol. We've located 2 [P] pirates in Waran bombers extorting DHC transport. DHC was about to pay, but the criminals decided to destroy his ship and get out. Admiral Havering and me moved to engage. Attachment 1 They decided to split and escape, using cloaking devices of unknown kind. Admiral Havering and me splitted and went to their possible destinations. I've been using USI to track down movement of one of them through the Leeds and partially - London, but I've missed him. Instead, I found Colonial capital ship. Attachment: 1 I have warned him his case will be placed under review by Armed Forces Mid command, but he insisted his presense was justified as he was just "Passing by, and actually I fight Bretonia criminals more often then BAF done".
Meanwhile, admiral Havering ordered me to cancel interception and return to the Leeds, as his opponent was about to get lost in the Barrier. I've arrived too lately, as adm. Havering already jumped to Manchester, but I managed to find prison liner, probably boarded by the group of pirates we were fighting moments before ([P]). Unfortunately it cloaked too. Attachment: 1 I've returned to Leeds and moved to London to resume lane patrol, and surprisingly enough, I've stumbled upon that liner and one of pirates we were hunting down. Adm. Havering immediatly arrived and joined the fight. And again, we've missed them, even though we've damaged their ships severely, and the liner's hull was about to break. Attachment: 1 2

After that, Adm. Havering and I splitted. I continued lane patrol, then I met DHC transport in London at Cambridge JG and succesfully escorted him to the orbit of Leeds. Thankful DHC transport pilot decided to buy Bretonian war bonds. Attachment: 1 2
[End Transmission]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 02-21-2013

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Admiral Mike Havering
Source Location: Battleship Ark Royal
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

[Image: 28lyrt5.jpg]

Right I've been out with the Vengeance for once sweeping Bretonia.

Wasn't much going on until an IMG Battlecruiser showed up on my scanners in Leeds.
Not bothering to say anything why he was here he opened fire after I had asked him multiple times to hold.

Being caugt off Guard by this attack the Vengeance substained some damage, I managed to get back to Southamton though, while a Bounty Hunter named Aurra's Song flying a Gunboat kept the ship pinned.

Returning with the Allegiance the Ship was finished off fast enough.

Nothing more happened after that, or better said nothing significant enough to mention here.

Signed: Mike Havering

...Transmission lost...