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The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Printable Version

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RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Piombo65 - 09-24-2016


ID: Ar Sogan
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Order Terminated.

Greetings, brothers and sisters

Another victory on Omicron Delta front. All is started by my patrols ones all started with my usual patrols on Delta when I spotted a Order Osiris around Dabadoru Station. Before I scanned him for looking for any crucial informations that could explain why Order are more active out of omicrons, but seeing that he hadn't anyhing I called reinforcements with destruction order. It's arrived the WV-Nemesis and we've managed to destroy the enemy vessel near Dabadoru Station. The end.

-A. Sogan
Guardian, The Core


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Tureis - 09-24-2016


ID: Kuno Jowarski
Location: Dagger Outpost, Omega-55
Subject: SCRA-Order Reconnaissance

This is Jowarski reporting in. I've recently made an incursion into Omicron Mu to update on base positions and report on any fleet movements occurring. While there were no notable movements I did come across a station inside the Nebula, it showed up on sensors as "Thabit". I originally kept a distance in order to see if I could find any comms that were unencrypted or at a low encryption. All that came up is a channel playing music, I decided to record it as I've never really heard anything quite like this. I figured this channel must've been coming off a bar radio; I tried seeing if I could tap into anything else, but unfortunately no luck.

I decided to head out towards Dagger Outpost afterwords, the song coming from Thabit sounded like tongue used by the Coalition. While up to this point I've never made direct contact with them, I've heard the tongue on Gran Canaria before. From Dagger I got reports of a new instillation maintained by the Coalition out in the system and went to check it out myself. I'm actually amazed this thing is still standing; it has no defense turrets installed, and there was an extreme delay in the fighter wing response. Before I came in close for a nice shot of the station, I also started tapping in for unencrypted comms, and this one seems to have had another unencrypted bar radio.

As far as I can tell, Thabit is under Coalition control; or at the very least, contains an SCRA prescience aboard. I'll keep monitoring for any developments, and I'll see if I can't find out where Thabit is getting supplied from (I'm assuming contracted Zoners, if the SCRA is holding it).

At any rate, this concludes my report. Jowarski signing off.

-K. Jowarski
Initiate, The Core


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Implosion - 09-25-2016

Incoming Video Feed
Source: Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Henry Price
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 7.0
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents

Guildkeeper Price, reporting for duty!
At long last, I have managed to return the Battleshark back home.
I have been tasked to protect Mr. Daniels, but my mission was a complete failure.
We have lost the former guildmaster' signal and we could not find his vessel.
His ship, the Overlord, vanished along with it's escort craft.
Two mantas and two morays, gone.
I'm positive they were not destroyed, as we were gaining the upper hand on our ambushers and the
Overlord was dishing our heavy damage to the outcast craft when the Destroyer
suddenly blasted it's engines to full power and left the immediate area.
That was almost an year ago. The Mako I'm commandeering took massive damage and although
we had won the battle, we were left stranded on the edges of known space.
Only Mr. Daniels knew why we were there and he kept the information to himself quite viciously.
The survival of our crew is because of pure chance. Most of the battleshark's free space was
packed with food, water and other supplies. We knew it was going to be a long mission,
but no one had planned for that long.
No one had planned for an ambush this far out. Although we forced the enemy to retreat,
our ship was left with heavy damage and a broken back.
The main frame was cracked and twisted in more places that I care to admit.
This meant we had no chance of pushing it through a jump hole.
I sent the majority of the crew back home with the shuttles we had on board and
kept only a skeleton crew on the Battleshark. Only volunteers. People who knew we might never come back home
We would drift the ship towards Delta while blasting the pulse engines every once in a while to save fuel.
In time, we reached Delta and we were picked up by a Core patrol.
That was a month ago. Incidentally that's how long it took to get the 'Shark back in shape.
She's reinforced, upgraded and ready for combat!
And so am I, one year later, ready to once again serve the Core!
Price, Out!

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Piombo65 - 10-04-2016


ID: Ar Sogan
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Corsair eliminated.

Greetings, brothers and sisters

I, the WV-Tangra and some secondary fleet pilots (Composed by 2 Makos, "Ombre.Hivernal" and "La.Faucheuse" and 1 snub, "Bin.exe2") were collecting some alien resource when It appeared an enemy CNS, named Bahama that was flying with an AI ship, named Tau-66. I don't know what's happened yesterday but that CNS was boasting again the Tangra, and this tell me that this last would be disabled by that CNS, but as I say: "Actions have consequences!".
So the Tangra has cloaked to surprise him while we had distracting him. The plan succeded and we managed to destroy that Corsair ship. The Tau-66, after little resistance wanted to retire and he's escaped to Planet Gammu. There have been contacts of another Corsair ship but it's immediately retired. Also today another victory to the Core!

I couldn't have time to capture various guncam screens but the one of the Tangra has made a great work!

-A. Sogan
Guardian, The Core


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Implosion - 10-06-2016

[img float=left] [/img]

Incoming Video Feed
Source: Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Jack Daniels
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 7.0
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents

Right, where do I start this...been a long time since I had to do actual bloody paperwork. But, here goes.In the last few weeks, I've been pushing the engineers to get the old ladies back into shape fit for a dance. So far, the Tangra has been fully upgraded and it's back into action. I'm currently working on the rest of the fleet. Inspections everyday, making sure progress is going steady, a whole load of bossing people around. On the bright side, we get to use those things every once in a while. The following guncam footage is proof enough. I'm sure you all know about it, but no matter how many times I see it, it does not get old. It's good to see we can swallow our pride and work shoulder to shoulder with an enemy, in order to deal damage to an even greater enemy. It almost brings a tear to my eye. Almost.
Speaking of our dear Aux, I've had a chat with one of theirs and I still wonder why we broke up in the first place. Then again, different ways, different motives, different people. Everyone with his own unique set of skills and preferences. Free will is everyone's right.
But, enough about that. I'll be wrapping this report and getting back to work.
Daniels, over and out!

Video Feed Lost
Terminating Connection

RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Piombo65 - 10-12-2016


ID: Ar Sogan
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Auxesia and AI eliminated.

Greetings, brothers and sisters

Unfortunately we have to deal with an enemy worse than Corsairs, Order, Outcasts and AI... the renegades, the traitors! False brothers who stab behind you! The auxesia are an example!
My colleauge Bin.exe is escaping from Omicron Kappa, while, as mentioned from him.. "There's an Auxesia and a Artificial intelligence that are talking"... yes... talking! And the auxesian target is, unbelievably, the Ediolon Wraith! I thought to see that traitor of Sapphire Raven, but he escaped and triggered another Auxesian fighter. They (also the AI fighter, that collaborates with the auxesia) want to destroy my colleauge. I called reinforcements because we couldn't let escape them after that I saw. The reinforcements arrived just in time while we started the engage and we managed to kill him!

Here's the audiolog:
-A. Sogan
Guardian, The Core


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Reeves - 10-16-2016


ID: Aidan Reeves
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Earning my colors.


Second day on the job, I got stationed out of Yaren and so I decided getting acquainted with Omicron Delta's surroundings would be the smart thing to do. And got acquainted I did! Stumbled upon some kind of complex in the clouds, all unknown signatures and no known data from our reconnaissance wings on the databases. I've attached a few gun-cam pictures below, refer to those for visual aid.

In either case today's patrol was largely uneventful save for that personal discovery, unsure if it's common knowledge to the Core or not regarding the Complex's existence. Getting close did seem to tick off the local nomads, they sent out some of their bigger mind-nodes. And when in the seat of a Marlin, taking those on didn't seem like a good idea, they wouldn't leave the vicinity of the Edge Nebula though, safe to say there was nothing to stop me from returning to our hangars.

-Aidan Reeves
Guardian, The Core
Attachments: |X| ; |X|


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Reeves - 10-19-2016


ID: Aidan Reeves
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Fools a-plenty.

Tidings fellow Brothers and Sisters,

I had the honor of conducting a patrol and training routine with Guild Master Daniels. We had a few training exercises within Omicron Rho which concluded pleasantly enough.
Before which we encountered one of those order sympathizing incompetent Crayterians in Omicron Minor, thinking they most likely owned the place. Attached below is the audio log for this incident.
He ultimately saw the lack of point in trying to tussle with a wing of the Core's finest and turned to leave with his figurative tail between his legs.

The second incident involves a potential infestee posing as an agent of the Marinenachrichtendienst as surprising as it is to both pronounce and have the fortune and / or misfortune of uncovering this information.
He defied our direct orders and tried to bypass our two-man blockade to gain access to Rho, we sent him to the Gods for further penance. We concluded our patrol back at Yaren, thereby ending the spree of stupidity that needed to be dealt with for one assigned patrol.

As a relevant side-note, I am more than willing to accept and do in-fact look forward to any upgrades I may receive from our clinic.
In service to the Core.

-Aidan Reeves
Guardian, The Core


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Reeves - 10-21-2016


ID: Aidan Reeves
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Fools a-plenty - Follow-up

Tidings fellow Brothers and Sisters,

I'm submitting another report of my findings during yet another scouting trip of a system under our great Empire. If you'll refer my last report, specifically the first incident log, the Crayterian pilot we managed to briefly interrogate stated something about an Outpost in Omicron Lost, so naturally I followed up on this information, choosing to begin my flight path by circling around the nearest object fit for orbiting a station, the only thing potentially capable of sustaining such an object would be the singular gas giant within the system, my hunch proved on point and I verified this supposed depots existence to not be mere Crayterian incompetence.

They were here at some point. Clearly these individuals operating under the label of the '17th' have some interest in this depot, potentially contemplating a full restoration of it, though I remain unsure of their ultimate interest in it, for at the moment it's barely worth the scrap that currently holds it together. Attached below is the necessary visual evidence, exact stellar location within the Lost system is Bravo 3, just above the Gas Giant in geo-stationary orbit.

-Aidan Reeves
Guardian, The Core
Attachment: |X|


RE: The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Piombo65 - 10-30-2016


ID: Ar Sogan
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: Orders terminated.

Greetings, brothers and sisters

Today I report another victory on Order front. More we kill them, more we're approaching to the reconquest of Dabadoru station, the destruction of the battleship Apophis and at last... the end of the Order.
In this whole day, I was tracking an Osiris class that appeared from Omicron Minor Jump hole during my ordinary patrol. That ship escaped to Freeport 11 and I lost him when an AI caused problems on my squadron (I was with Aidan Reeves). I hadn't time to record any materials for this.
But this evening I managed to track again that Osiris that it's trying to gain some nomad materials (1).
We stole "his" targets (Totally we gained 15 Nomad gunboat remains) and meanwhile it escaped. We refound that with another Osiris and a Bomber. We had 2 Makos and a Marlin (2). They wanted to fight. Result? All died! We won without losses (3) (4) (5)!
This is the Audiolog
-A. Sogan
Knight, The Core