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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - dr lameos - 12-02-2008

[Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander George Harrington]
[C-Ward, Florence Nightingale Infirmary, New London]

Well unfortunately I've taken a bash to the head so the pretty nurse, although she had a beard and a very manly voice, said I've got concussion or some other ridiculous notion or other.

Anyway due to all the Tigers, I was a bit concerned about Tigers wandering about at first, big teeth and claws, but they seem fairly tame, if a bit rowdy. Commodore Mainwaring was also in the ward for rest and treatment the only remaining bed was the one sir Roger Brinkley had recently left, due to all the commotion today they hadn't time to clear it and he's left it in quite a disgusting state, so please please pull a few strings and get me out of here!

So a bad show today and several of us needing rest, but at least we won! Oh wait... I don't remember very well, my memory's a bit jittery, Commodore... or Commander... or Captain Mainwaring seems to think we lost. He's madder than I am surely! We wouldn't lose to any noodle-munchers!!

Harrington, wanting to return to active duty ASAP, I'm fine honestly, out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 12-04-2008

Comm. ID: Admiral Sir Andrew Stuart, Privateer

---Initiating Transmission---

Well, we took some damage there, but did at least four times as much in turn, and got some valuable intel!

Firstly, we destroyed a shipment that claimed not to understand our language. That wasn't the main event though, as we passed into New Tokyo, and were engaged by an Explorer class of gunboat, [Kusari-Guard]-TAU. We took her down easily, but somehow they managed to get identical ships and crews out, as our scanners showed, a grand total of five times!

We destroyed four of the gunboats, however the fifth was accompanied by the silent, probably due to mental retardation, [KNF-K]Jade, a Catamaran bomber, who was able to take advantage of the wearing down effect that mass-produced gunboats have, inflicting critical damage on the Queen's Ransom.

I would like intel to look into possibilities that the Kusari have access to cloning technology and replicators, as evidenced by [Kusari-Guard]-TAU.

-Stuart out

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Grin - 12-05-2008

Action Report

To: The Admiralty
From: Captain Mainwaring


Myself (in the Gunboat Warspite) Captain Nelson and a Mandalore went into Dublin space to tackle a MR vessel seen there.

We couldn't make any contact, so we began to patrol towards The Hood, looking for contacts. The Mandalore moved down towards the O-49 Jump hole to search.

We were first engaged by a Gunboat (the Galway) and a bomber. However, I made a complete hash of the engagement by allowing myself to be drawn into the dangerous asteroid and mine field in that region. I found myself unable to maneuver, beset by the non-elite ships that turned up, mines exploding and asteroid collisions. Another GB (Stanley Grainne) that joined in proved too much and my ship was so badly damaged that I, and my crew evacuated.

As far as I know, the second gunboat downed Captain Nelson, the Mandalore was brought down by the Galway.

This was a clear breaking of standard regulations governing the use of cap ships ie: Do not enter asteroid fields to engage unless forced to. I take full responsibility for this decision.

I await your judgement

Captain Aubrey Mainwaring

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - dr lameos - 12-05-2008

[Comm ID: George Harrington]
[Re: Action Report by Captain Mainwaring]

I too was involved in this battle, regretfully I too was at fault. I got the call to scramble and unfortunately due to circumstance I was delayed by a queue at the Jump Gate. I arrived at the scene of the battle momentarily after both Captain's vessels were destroyed. Had I arrived sooner perhaps we could have had more chance to be on the offensive, and gained the upper hand.

After a short fight, due to being outnumbered, outgunned and heavily damaged, I chose to flee back to safe ground before it was too late, the mandalorian, having lost his weapons tried to follow, but was dishonourably destroyed during his plight. I managed to pick up all the escape pods on my way, so many of them i had to tow them with my vessel.

The mandalorian had received a severe concussion and some shrapnel through his shoulder, but scans indicate he should recover quickly. As to the others, after a strong tea we're as right as rain, although our ships are undergoing extensive repairs.

You should not judge Captain Aubrey harshly for this, I believe it was due to circumstances beyond our control that this fight was lost.

Lieutenant Commander George Harrington

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 12-06-2008

::::::::::::;Incoming Transmission, Lt. Blake Owen;:::::::::::::::::::::::::

Greetings chaps,

Yesterday the LNS Indiana came into New London for some official and diplomatic paper signing. While the formalities where being preformed, a smuggler and a Lane Hacker Gunship entered the system. We managed to chase the buggers out of Bretonia, but they both had the nerve to attack again! We caught the smuggler after a dramatic chase from Dublin into Cortez. The smuggler was issued a 2500000 credit fine for smuggling and disrupting trade lanes, then let go. Next, the Hacker attempted to steal the documents on the Indiana as we escorted her to Liberty space, but fell to a supernova. In short, one smuggler caught, one criminal capitol ship destroyed, and one diplomatic process completed.

On a different note, thanks to all who got me promoted and issued me a bomber, can't wait to watch those Kusars fall to its firepower.

:::::::::::::::::::;Owen out.;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - AdamantineFist - 12-06-2008

----------INCOMING MESSAGE----------
Re: Action Report
Sender ID: Commander Neville Hughes
----------MESSAGE BEGINS----------

Well, 'ello. Seems today was a busy day. First off, I undocked from Planet Cambridge to discover that a fight was goin' on between the MR and us, but we 'ad enough men on it, so I proceeded to patrol Cambridge. On my way through the system, I found a Corsair by the name of Valentine. Rather simple fellow, I fink, seein' as 'e didn't notice me commin', even after I 'ailed 'im. I sent off a few shots and 'e started runnin' and dodgin', but it seems 'e was in a bomber. So, 'e gets to go on the "Killed Under Ten Seconds" list. I 'ave conirmation of the kill attatched.

The, I was flyin' around wif the rest of the men after the fight wif the MR was won. I was flyin' around New London, and low and be'old, a prison liner paked to the brim wif counterfeit software! I gave chase, but neither me nor my wingman 'ad a cruise disrupter, and it seems the 'ood sided wif the transport. So, we were forced to break off pursuit.

After some more waitin' and patrollin', I notices some SCRA blokes in Cambridge, and I just knows there's gonna be trouble. So, I 'eads over wif some men to go give those blokes a good taste of Bretonian tachyon. They managed to get into New London, and we fought 'em near the Kensington->Cabridge JG tradelane. Seems our ships were unnecessary, as those incompetents actually managed to kill most of their own ships.

All in all, a rather eventful day, I'd say.
----------MESSAGE ENDS----------

----------ATTACHED IMAGES----------

----------TRANSMISSION ENDS----------

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - joshua - 12-06-2008

As I undocked, i was told we were having a battle with the MR soon, and i got to go. After a long time, and many close calls, we destroyed them. there were 4. I think 2 ran and 2 were destroyed. I heavily damaged one in the battle, and he finished himself off with his own mine. Ghost Face was killed by me, but he was the last one left. After the battle, we went to New London, where there happened to be some SCRA scum. We killed all 3 of them very quickly. I almost got one, then someone else got the kill. I'd say this was a very successful day for the BAF and anyone else involved.{Edit} Forgot to mention that before all this happened, there was a BAF Vs KNF furball. I took out one, but was destroyed later on.

PS:no pics of them, but i hope that doesn't matter much.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 12-07-2008

Incoming transmission: Lt. Blake Owen, Cambridge

I'll try and be quick about two recent engagements outside of Planet Leeds. Yesterday, two Mollies, an Outcast, and a Hacker gunship attacked Leeds. My self and several Tigers scrambled, but I arrived latest. The few White Tigers we had fell quickly, while a directionally confused Molly slammed into her own mine. The gunboat was too much for me, though, and my Templar was destroyed. The following day, I encountered a Lane Hacker gunship orbiting Leeds. He refused orders to stop and even fired on a Mandilorian Mercenary. With his help, I knocked down the gunship's shielding. He surrendered, but then opened fire on me while I was escorting him away. Despite this underhanded tactic, he feel to my supernova. Odd that the Hackers and Outcasts would attack when we aren't technically enemies. Anyway, I'm late for tea time.

-Owen out.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 12-07-2008

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID:James Hobart
To:The Bretonia Armed Force
Subject:Weekly report

Hello, this is James Hobart reporting. This week wasnt so intense like my first one, and most of my time I spent socializing with my family instead of watching numerous deaths in space. I spent Saturday and Sunday at exotic destination called Hawaii with my wife (Victoria Hobart), and my newborn child (David Hobart). This expensive trip was paid by my first salary as a Bretonia officer. Enjoyment ceased with my return. I got a message from Liberty that a certain guy seeking safety in Bretonia, Corsairs as a matter of fact; called Mexican Power is wanted for numerous criminal activities. There was little time to react since he was already in Manchester, and His destruction was high priority, after playing hide and seek with me I found him in Dublin while stealing gold from Graves asteroids. His Greed buried him there among his gold.

That night was very exhausting for me due to some private affairs with my wife, and I barely woke up the other day. I was very sleepy, even tea and coffee couldnt wake me up, but where drinks didnt succeed Corsairs did. The moment I saw that cannibal my hart pumped stronger, and my brain woke up. My hands instinctively grabbed the stirring controls and I was ready to fight, but I gave one chance to that corsair, which he used to curse while trying to catch me alive. His Brethrens found him dead in his escape pod.

For the next few hours I wondered what should I buy for my child, but as always that peaceful period of time was interrupted by system alert. It was a Corsair pilot once more, probably trying to catch food. But this time luck was on my side and I am here thanks to it.

But it wasnt over yet, dangerous and psychological case Shade was located in Bretonia. What to say about him, he committed numerous felonies including blackmail, kidnapping, even an assault on Bretonia Officer. Although that Tuesday seemed tough I consider it very luck for me. I myself dont know how I killed him, and His pod wasnt found, its like I destroyed a ghost. All in all I got a medal that day from Admiral himself.

Wednesday began with a warning that a few drunken Mollies are molesting BMM ships. As an answer to that warning, patrol squad was dispatched immediately to solve this problem. One rebel ship was destroyed and other one slipped cowardly through our weapons and ran.

Thursday, I slowly began to wonder where is that powerful Kusari Fleet. To be honest I havent seen them for ages and it seemed like they gave up. I was wrong off course, all that time they were planning a large scale assault. A Kusari Destroyer and Chimera attacked planet Leeds. After long and hard fight main problem, Destroyer was destroyed, how ironical. Destruction of escort from then was just a matter of time. This victory couldnt be achieved without magnificent flying capabilities of Commander McKenna and Mercenary Jake Logan.

Special Supplement: Caught Smugglers

Inconnu, Balau Zoner pair caught while smuggling slaves, although at first sight I though those ships are part of ZAS project, my opinion was soon changed when I was engaged by them. They managed to escape and were allowed to dock with Hood. Sadly out of my authority.

Doirmea Junker caught while smuggling Pirate software, he also managed to escape and hide somewhere in Omega 5 system, once more out of my reach.

Kathir caught while smuggling pirate software, his trace was lost somewhere in Mollies Asteroid belt.

R.Hunter Caught while smuggling pirate software, once again after long chase he docked with Battleship Hood

Signed by:James Hobart

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 12-09-2008

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart
To: The Bretonia Armed Force
Subject: Arrestment of Walter LeBlanc

As soon as i reported to duty, my superior officer directed me to Dublin system. The reason was Walter LeBlanc, known revolucionary pilot, whos been a suspect for multiple crimes, incluidng the murder. My instructions were to find and capture him alive, using any means neccessary. Finding Walter was the easy part, since one of our patrols got destroyed by this criminal. Walter decline to surrender peacefully, so i used force. Relativly short, but bloody battle ended badly, for Walter. His ship was blown into million pieces, and he ejected. I immediatley started searching for his pod, and managed to find it shortly. Walter, even though he was pretty banged up, ressisted. It wasn't easy craming him into the cargo hold. I had to use my fists multiple times, just to calm him down. After that, i headed to the Newgate prison, with the escort of Gary. It was a long ride for Walter, but after a few hours, we spoted Newgate. We docked and took Walter to his cell. After a short questioning, in which we tried to determine who does he work for, the prisoner was too badly hurt, so we put him in his cell bed. The questioning will continue as soon as he is able to talk again.

Complite log:

Signed by:James Hobart

...End Transmission