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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - Snowstorm - 06-12-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Application

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Cheel Mayers
Age: 23
Subject: Liberty Navy, 46th Fleet Application

Qualifications: Ensign within the 1st Fleet

Why do want to join the Navy: Use my skills to protect liberty from inner and outer threats

Requested Division: Main Fleet

Cheel Mayers, an experienced fighter and bomber pilot in the Liberty Navy's 1st Fleet, she decided to transfer because of constant communication problems with clueless command. Frustrated by their inefficiency, she sought to transfer to another fleet in order to protect Liberty under a worthy commander. Recognizing her skills and dedication, she was she was looking to join another fleet where her expertise would be valued. Cheel's decision to seek a transfer marked a turning point in her career, as she continued her mission to defend Liberty with renewed determination and a fresh start.

Have you read the Laws of Liberty : Yes

//OORP Section (Mandatory)

(This section is necessary for your application acceptance)

How long have you played Discovery? : about 15 years (since 2008 or 2009)

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned, if so why : No

Please Answer these quick questions to make sure you are familiar with Liberty Law.

1.Please name 3 restricted areas in Liberty : Zone-21, Virginia, Alaska

2.Name 4 major big contraband items that are listed in Liberty Law : Cardamine, artifacts, slaves, kemwer & black market munitions

3.If you spot a ship carrying Naval Equipment (guns) what would you do if their ID is not Navy : Check for permission. If not, ask to remove equipment and issue a fine

5.You have stopped a Trader carrying Cardamine, what do you do with this individual and why : Inform about Liberty laws, force to drop the cargo, issue a fine. If not, destroy the ship,

(This section will not effect your acceptance in any way)

Rate your PVP capability 1 - 10 : 2

Rate your roleplay ability 1 - 10 : 5

Discord ID (PM if you want) : Snowstorm#1496

Lastly, what is your timezone : UTC+3

[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 06-12-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Application Response

[Image: FADM-KEMP-SMITH2.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Fleet Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith
Recipient ID: Cheel Mayers
Subject: Application Response

Ensign Mayers,

I will not pass any comments with respect to the First Fleet. However, Command has reviewed and considered your request to join the Forty-sixth Fleet and I am pleased to advise you that it has been accepted.

You will begin your Naval Career with the Forty-Sixth as an Ensign, given that you are laterally transferring from the Secondary Fleet. You will remain as such until you become situation and well established within the Fleet and to her Officers. This will also double as both a brief probationary period to assess suitability to the Naval lifestyle, as well as to ensure we can set you on the right path to enable you to effectively serve within her ranks. On suitable completion of your first After-Action Report (AAR), Command will review both your performance in the field and your report. Should both be satisfactory, you will be removed from your probationary period and likely promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.

Please report in to our Headquarters, Norfolk Shipyard in New York and advise the clerks that you're checking in and have been requested to be sent to see the Admiralty. From there, we will give you a brief introduction and tour of what will now become your home. Expectations and conduct of your duties and we'll get you outfitted so you can start out in the field. Further information on your assignment and orders will be given to you in person.

Welcome to the Fleet, Ensign.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Martin Kemp-Smith
Fleet Admiral
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - monmarfori - 06-25-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Application

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Miriam Sanders
Age: 45
Subject: Liberty Navy, 46th Fleet Application

Qualifications: Ret. Chief Technician at Norfolk Shipyard, captain of the LNS Starlight.

Why do want to join the Navy: As a Captain in the secondary fleet, she has loyally served Liberty for more than two decades now. She is considering an application to the 46th fleet after retiring from her position as Chief Technician, in order to secure her role the Navy has always done for centuries.

Requested Division: Main Fleet

Biography: Miriam Sanders was born on April 9, 785 AS to a working-class family in Planet Manhattan. She enrolled at the West Point Military Academy in 805 AS, and subsequently was assigned to the Secondary Fleet. Her activity for the next decade was unremarkable, until war broke out between Liberty and Rheinland.

There, she soon joined the nascent Secondary Fleet Core in 817 AS, and through her captaincy starting from the gunboat LNS Formidable to the battlecruiser LNS Reliant, she repelled many attacks from the Rheinland Military and some from pirate groups such as the Rogues and Hackers. There were setbacks, however, when the gunboat she was commanding was taken down by a wing of MND bombers in Texas. She managed to escape, and was transferred to the LNS Reliant, where she would gain captaincy in 818 AS.

After the war in Rheinland ended, she saw the impending Gallic invasion of the Independent Worlds. Deciding to opt for a non-combat role, she worked at Norfolk Shipyard, helping in the production of new Navy vessels that would repel the Gallic invasion of California in numerous occasions. By the time the war ended, in 827 AS, she was given the role of Captain of the newly-constructed battlecruiser, the LNS Starlight, but she still worked as Chief Technician. She now intends to join the 46th fleet after recently retiring from the position.

Have you read the Laws of Liberty : Yes

//OORP Section (Mandatory)

(This section is necessary for your application acceptance)

How long have you played Discovery? : Since 2011, then 2012-2013, then 2017-2018, then 2020-present.

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned, if so why : I was sanctioned before, can't remember how many times.

Please Answer these quick questions to make sure you are familiar with Liberty Law.

1.Please name 3 restricted areas in Liberty : The entirety of Alaska, parts of Virginia controlled by the military, and Zone 21 in New York.

2.Name 4 major big contraband items that are listed in Liberty Law : Artifacts and derivatives, Black Market Light Arms, Cardamine and derivatives, Slaves

3.If you spot a ship carrying Naval Equipment (guns) what would you do if their ID is not Navy : I would recommend asking them to halt to see if they are registered on the Liberty Government's database. If not, I shall advise the ship on proper licensing procedures and if the request was denied, to order the removal of offending equipment from the ship.

5.You have stopped a Trader carrying Cardamine, what do you do with this individual and why : Inform the trader of the Liberty Laws and request that the Cardamine be dropped, alongside a fine. Should the trader not comply, an order to shoot it down shall be given.

(This section will not effect your acceptance in any way)

Rate your PVP capability 1 - 10 : 6

Rate your roleplay ability 1 - 10 : 5

Discord ID (PM if you want) : Accordion#0686

Lastly, what is your timezone : 8 hours ahead of UTC
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 06-25-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Application Response

[Image: FADM-KEMP-SMITH2.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Fleet Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith
Recipient ID: Miriam Sanders
Subject: Application Response

Miss Sanders,

Command has reviewed and considered your request to join the Forty-sixth Fleet and I am pleased to advise you that it has been accepted.

You will begin your Naval Career with the Forty-Sixth as an Lieutenant Junior Grade, given that you are laterally transferring from the Secondary Fleet. You will remain as such until you become situation and well established within the Fleet and to her Officers. This will also double as both a brief probationary period to assess suitability to the Naval lifestyle, as well as to ensure we can set you on the right path to enable you to effectively serve within her ranks. On suitable completion of your first After-Action Report (AAR), Command will review both your performance in the field and your report. Should both be satisfactory, you will be removed from your probationary period and likely promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

Please report in to our Headquarters, Norfolk Shipyard in New York and advise the clerks that you're checking in and have been requested to be sent to see the Admiralty. From there, we will give you a brief introduction and tour of what will now become your home. Expectations and conduct of your duties and we'll get you outfitted so you can start out in the field. Further information on your assignment and orders will be given to you in person.

Welcome to the Fleet, Lieutenant.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Martin Kemp-Smith
Fleet Admiral
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - Leeon26 - 07-21-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Application

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Noel Tizona
Age: 28
Subject: Liberty Navy, 46th Fleet Application

Qualifications: Former Lieutenant Junior Grade of 46th Fleet. Have been a crewman in 1st for a short time.

Why do want to join the Navy: My destiny always has been to keep Liberty safe.. now it needs us more than ever and so I have to be part of a great fleet again.

Requested Division: Main Fleet

Biography: I'm still living a good life in New York. I've been on a lot of missions since I was no part of the navy anymore. I explored a lot aswell. Yet the call of duty brought me back and I'm more than ever happy to be here. Liberty needs to once again become a safer place.

Have you read the Laws of Liberty : Yes

//OORP Section (Mandatory)

(This section is necessary for your application acceptance)

How long have you played Discovery? : 2 years almost now

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned, if so why : No

Please Answer these quick questions to make sure you are familiar with Liberty Law.

1.Please name 3 restricted areas in Liberty : Alaska, Zone 21 (NY), partially Virginia

2.Name 4 major big contraband items that are listed in Liberty Law : Cardamine, Black Market Cargo, Artifacts, Slaves

3.If you spot a ship carrying Naval Equipment (guns) what would you do if their ID is not Navy : Ask them to change their equipment if they have no license for it. Same for ships.

5.You have stopped a Trader carrying Cardamine, what do you do with this individual and why : I'd tell the vessel the cut their engine, if it does, good.. if not CD and warn it. If it drops the cargo on demand I shall let it pass with a fine, if not, it shall be destroyed. Of course it needs to be informed about our laws in Liberty.

(This section will not effect your acceptance in any way)

Rate your PVP capability 1 - 10 : 6

Rate your roleplay ability 1 - 10 : 6

Discord ID (PM if you want) : Leeon26

Lastly, what is your timezone : UTC +2

[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - Kalhmera - 07-22-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: CPT-SHEPARD.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Rear Admiral Shepard
Receiver: Noel Tizona
Subject: Application response

Good evening.

Glad to hear your doing well, after speaking with the rest of the admiralty we don't see a reason to deny your request. You will retain the same rank when you left, Lieutenant Junior Grade.

With that being said welcome back your application is approved.

In service to the Republic,
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Alice Shepard
Rear Admiral
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - Peter. - 07-23-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Application

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Lincoln Parks
Age: 25
Subject: Liberty Navy, 46th Fleet Application

Qualifications: Mechanic, Spaceship weaponry

Why do want to join the Navy: Seeing all the unrest and chaos in Liberty, I want to become part of the effort in bringing order and stability.

Requested Division: Main Fleet

Biography: I grew up on my familys farm on Planet Manhattan, I joined in to help out in the chores as early as I could. My father passed onto me the values of honesty and integrity. It was an honest life of toiling there, but watching the stories and shows on Television I yearned for the stars and wished to own a spaceship one day myself. I decided to move to the Capital City to try my luck there as we didnt make a lot of money on the ranch.

Given my expertise around the farm and its machinery, I found a job at an equipment shop, and started to work there, although I made a lot more money, even an entry level spaceship requires years of savings doing this job. My time was good there as I became very good friends with the man I was working my shifts with. Turns out he aswell is saving up for a ship, we were discussing all day long what we will do once we finally reach the stars. He could afford one sooner, however he offered me that he will help me buy one faster.

A few days later I received the news that he was outnumbered by the Rogues in the middle of a tradelane. My heart filled with sorrow, and swore to myself that I will become a part of cleaning Liberty from these freebooters, to be a part of the solution. In this same instance I filled out my form and submitted my application to the Liberty Navy Enlistment Office.

Have you read the Laws of Liberty : Yes

//OORP Section (Mandatory)

How long have you played Discovery? : Very briefly in 2016, truly joined the community a few months ago

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned, if so why : Yes, back in 2016, when I didnt know the rules too deeply.

Please Answer these quick questions to make sure you are familiar with Liberty Law.

1.Please name 3 restricted areas in Liberty : Zone-21, Alaska, Virginia

2.Name 4 major big contraband items that are listed in Liberty Law : Artifacts, Cardamine, Blood Diamonds, Kidnapped VIPs

3.If you spot a ship carrying Naval Equipment (guns) what would you do if their ID is not Navy : InRP: I tell them to halt and proceed to check their ship IFF in our database to check if it has a license to carry it.
(List of approved special licenses on the forums)

5.You have stopped a Trader carrying Cardamine, what do you do with this individual and why : Call out to them to halt/cut their engines, depending on the urgency, then proceed to immediately fire a CD or disable the tradelane they are facing. Tell them they are carrying contraband, and order them to drop it immediately, under compliance, fine them for it, otherwise letting them know the failure of compliance leads to immediate termination.

(This section will not effect your acceptance in any way)

Rate your PVP capability 1 - 10 : 6

Rate your roleplay ability 1 - 10 : 6.5

Discord ID (PM if you want) : peter.5

Lastly, what is your timezone : UTC +1 (DST currently)

[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - Kalhmera - 07-23-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: CPT-SHEPARD.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Rear Admiral Shepard
Receiver: Lincoln Parks
Subject: Application response

Good evening.

Applicant Lincoln Parks your application to the 46th has been reviewed and approved by the Admiralty. You will start at the rank of Ensign.

With that being said report to our Headquarters at Norfolk Shipyard and inform the clerks of your arrival. They will process you. When applicable make sure to use the After-Action Report (AAR) when briefing the Fleet. Good Luck Ensign.

In service to the Republic,
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Alice Shepard
Rear Admiral
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - Morigan - 08-09-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Application

[Image: FullLogo_Transparent_NoBuffer_7.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Jack Smith
Age: 35
Subject: Liberty Navy, 46th Fleet Application

Qualifications: I was a good captain of Capital Ships, organized military operations using a jump device to move the fleet

Why do want to join the Navy: I've been playing as LNS for a long time ( LNS-Wickerton ), Crate 5th with my friend long ago, but now not he is leader, and i don't want to play as 5th member anymore

Requested Division: Main Fleet

Biography: I'm 35 years old Captain of Liberty Carrier LNS-Wickerton. I started my career in the navy many years ago as a fighter pilot, but there was a war with Rheinland and Gallia and I retrained as a Capital Ships Commander, participated in many operations of the Liberty Navy fleet.

Have you read the Laws of Liberty : Yes

How long have you played Discovery? : from 2012

Have you ever been sanctioned or banned, if so why : yes

3.If you spot a ship carrying Naval Equipment (guns) what would you do if their ID is not Navy : I will irp arest he and ask unmount and drop to space this guns and destroy this

5.You have stopped a Trader carrying Cardamine, what do you do with this individual and why : I will ask he stop engines, ask drop the cargo, destroy this cargo and irp will arest he

Rate your PVP capability 1 - 10 : ~ 5 or 6 i think

Rate your roleplay ability 1 - 10 : ~ 8 or 9 i think

Discord ID (PM if you want) : Serg17

Lastly, what is your timezone : UTC + 3

[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Recruitment - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 08-09-2023

[Image: Comp-1.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Application Response

[Image: Sam-Brown3.png]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: Captain Samantha Brown
Recipient ID: Jack Smith
Subject: Application Response

Mister Smith,

As ordered by Rear Admiral Maria Uhmen and on behalf of Command I unfortunately inform you that your request to join the Forty-Sixth Fleet has been reviewed and your application has been denied, as Command deemed the data you provided them with as lackluster and inadequate.

I wish to you the best of luck on your future endeavours.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Samantha Brown
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet