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Memorial thread - 13CentKiller - 12-29-2011

' Wrote:Hyperion, and 50centkiller(he still here sorta). The two that brought me into Disovery life and UoG while I began trading my first 30 mins ingame.
Wooh! 50CentKiller has 37 more cents than me! He must be awesome!

I miss the UoG as well as Puck.

Wolfpack98 - Never could beat him in a fight
Nightfall - Amazing digital artist
DBoy - All round cool guy
1Josh13 - Fun to talk to
Mal - Made me keep a dictionary close to me in case I had to RP with him at any point in time.
Turkish - Cool guy
BestFlyererHere - One of my many online buddies
Ace67 - Was always fun flying along side Ace;)

All good blokes:)

Memorial thread - Hiddyyy - 01-12-2012


You were a funny, incredibly nice guy, and someone I found very easy to talk about anything. I remember those days when I talked hours and hours to you over skype about my life, and yours. Words can't describe how much I owe you for helping me in everything. Without you I'd have never had the courage to do the things I did. Thanks to you, I'm what I'm today.

But on top of that, you were a great RP'er. I can remember those countless times I've RP'd with you. And I must say, you're one of the greatest RP'ers I've ever seen.

I can't ever thank you enough for everything, those fun nights chatting, playing, or just talking about the meaning of life. Thank you Jam. You're by far, the closest friend I've ever found from the internet.

I'll miss you.

Memorial thread - Sarawr!? - 01-12-2012

I miss Seth Karlo.

He helped me out a lot when I first joined, and he was a cool person in general once I got to know him. Even though I only kinda sorta got to know him.


He was fun.

Memorial thread - Bloody Reverb - 01-12-2012

Zion Bergmann "matusko"
Good guy. Awesome RP...
I remember what he sayed to me:
"Pro ships are for pro's....we are lets fly starfilers and be like pro's....."
I hope i will meet you one day back
PS: I still have your BS :3

next one...
Tehnoob aka Nooblattela
Havent seen him year and half ...he helped me when i was newbie. Some money, Basic RP training, entering Disco Forum.....If you read this ....thx for all!

Zaza.....i think i dont have to say much :laugh:
50% more RP in Alpha when he was online

And one good guy
Peter (sensored) :D
Tried to make need time and money to run it
Shame you get bored..hope you will fly in space again.

Memorial thread - Junes - 01-13-2012

' Wrote:Jam

Seconding everything you said.

He was a uncomplicated, ever funny guy whom you could talk about anything at any time. I don't think there's any other person I've talked to as personally as with him. Mutual understanding of RL problems, sharing of philosophies or other fundamental things, all this were very enriching chats I will miss.

Due to him I made a big leap in RP, I dared to RP further and more profound with my characters. Sometimes we just logged ingame for docking on a station/on a planet and RP for hours. Those are hours I can remember well and will probably never forget.

Thank you for everything you did.

Memorial thread - Chev - 01-13-2012

It's sad that there's some community members that won't see .86...

Anyway, apart one member I don't need to mention here, I miss Divine. He was a bit strange guy, however, all conversations and RPs with him was something special every time.

Maybe someone knows how he is now?


... maybe... he just changed his account name while I was away?

Memorial thread - darkxy - 02-10-2012

for god sake, this thread reminds me of a graveyard

Memorial thread - pchwang - 02-16-2012

To Virus. A damn good man.

Memorial thread - Lucky Luke - 03-12-2012

' Wrote:Jam

But on top of that, you were a great RP'er. I can remember those countless times I've RP'd with you. And I must say, you're one of the greatest RP'ers I've ever seen.

I'll miss you.

Jam, or Johnny as he is also called, is truly missed here too! Johnny left Disco a few times actually. I trolled him a bit when he said he would leave Disco, and that 9th january would be the last day. But here we are... 2 months later, and no Johnny. It's kinda empty now. He often said that he missed the times when we were noobs, and were mining iridium in Kansas. Back then, it didn't matter what ship or IFF you had. You could mine with anything. And we did... :lol:

There were four of us. Mud (Johnny's brother), Clay (Johnny), El@y (Elay) and Ronnie_Rayburn (Me). We stuck together, and had great fun. Johnny and his bro got in to BAF early on. I suppose they both realized that Michael & John Mud weren't the names they were looking for, so the chars Michael & John Clay were born. Michael left Disco when he went to university, and was only here sporadically after that. Johnny went on to become Admiral in BAF. He was in several other factions too, and as pointed out by others... His RP is Excellent!

His RP was good whether he was doing serious RP or just lulzy RP. I remember when he named his Storta, "Eduard.Khil's.Flagship", and trolled around in Theta. Great fun! It was: "*sings* trololololo-lolo-lolo", all over the comms. Another time we were on our Nomad Morphs, and his RP was inspiring.

I sure hope you return some day, and that I'll still be here then. And drag your brother with you. We'll go mining in Kansas again!:DWe all still chat on Skype, but it's just not the same. Miss ya, bro! *hugs*

Memorial thread - Haphestus - 04-18-2012

Pieguy. You helped me heaps when i was a nub.