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BHG| recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: BHG| recruitment - SnakThree - 03-16-2014

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: James Carter --
-Ship Details: Manta, Bounty Hunter Bomber

I went to the schools and finished those with mediocre grades. Went to work for small time company, which shipped some local supplies in Liberty up untill I got fed up with bad conditions, low salary and overall boredom of life. This is where my mistake happened. I was convinced by my coworker to join up with Rogues on few raids targeting some transports. Good and easy cash he told me. Sure, who would not be interested in it? But the damn thing went sideways when LPI showed up and scared off Rogues. I and one other guy was caught up with and put under arrest. Since it was my first crime, Liberty's court went easy on me, and I was jailed for five years. Half of the sentence passed and I was released for good behaviour. But having a record means your choices where to work is limited. So what one can choose better, than to take part in the hunting of lowlifes, who might be ruining even more lives of naive adults. So here I am, applying for a job.


Jason Carter

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Scumbag - 03-16-2014

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TO: BHG applicants
ORGIN: Deshima Station; Shikoku.

Mister Carter you came to the right place, the Guild is open to all who want to renounce the life of crime. All the other applications have been procesesed. Gentlemen welcome to the Bounty Hunter Guild, may your aim be true and the bounties plenty.


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RE: BHG| recruitment - Tazyn - 03-22-2014

Incoming transmission

NameBig Grinane.Shermann
Com IDBig Grinane.Shermann
Ship details:Moray Bomber

Like many other Bounty Hunters,I was a pirate once,I did smuggling,pirateing,hacking,all of these stuffs,but why someone turning against his own kin?Couse the money?Couse I burned out?No!Couse I've been betrayed!
I was raised with them,I loved them as brothers and sisters I belived the propaganda and lies about the tyrant goverments and evil corporations.
HAH!I was a fool!But the treatchery of my former brethren was enlighten me,revealed ther true nature.
My love turned into cold hate!

Thats why im here now,I got the chance to restart my life and take vengeance on the Criminals.I want to join you to cleanse the sirius system from them,to purge them all,and for the money of course for so much money.

RE: BHG| recruitment - Impyness - 03-25-2014

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Thomas Ryley--
-Ship Details: Bretonian gunboat, Orca gunboat, IMG gunboat

Ever since I was a small child I had wanted to serve, to protect. Rather than enroll in the Bretonian military when I came of age I instead decided that my desire to rid the galaxy of criminals did not belong to any one house. For this reason I wish the chance to prove myself in the BHG in its war against crime. I'm also quite poor and need the money.


Thomas Ryley

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Pammy - 07-20-2014

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: INSERT YOUR NAME--Braeden Chappell
-Ship Details:Manta

Since I was 12 years old, my parents, who were used to be bounty hunters, had taught me the skills of flight and combat in order to make sure I would survive in the beautiful and dangerous universe. I respected them, so I learnt and practice really hard every day. When I turned 20, like other children, I left my family to live on my own. As their wish, I came here to join you, the Bounty Hunter Guild.


Braeden Chappell

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RE: BHG| recruitment - VinitS - 09-25-2014

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Arthur Blade--
-Ship Details: Funky Looking BottleNose *i love it* & a Mighty Manta

Born in New York System, yeah can't say a base or Planet because my parents were being smuggled into liberty in a Pilgrim Liner. Landed on Planet Manhattan. Lived in a slum. Worked as a Ship Cleaner in one of the cities. The Owner let me fly one of his ships sometimes. I LOVED THE THRILL. Got my 1st Startflier at the age of 17th *god i have worked for that day and night*. Worked as escort for Freelancers *No corporation hiring a newbie*. The day when i saved a DSE convoy, they recognized me. Worked for all the big three, after sometime it got boring, shooting at same Hackers & Rouges. I want more thrills. Joining BHG will expand my horizon.


Arthur Blade

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Just.Dave - 09-26-2014

[Image: BHG_Banner.png]
---Incoming Transmission---
TO: BHG applicants
ORGIN:Sheffield Station

Well Well look like I'm in charge of the paper work and boy do i hate it. So let me begin here and say that there is some work that is need to be done so if you a paper push call me.

Oh and next up this is for Dane.Shermann, Thomas Ryley, Braeden Chappell and Arthur Blade if your still want to join up send me you contact or the bar's number where you spend most of you time and money and we speak about your role and duty if you wish.

Last we are opening up our doors again and are still looking for fresh blood/body



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RE: BHG| recruitment - MetalPheonix - 03-07-2015

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Matthew Pheonix--
-Ship Details: Unavailable-


[Image: ewan-mcgregor.jpg%3Fw%3D374%26h%3D550]

Afternoon, Gentlemen.
You wanted a backstory I suppose. So I'll give it. *He Lifts up his Cuffs*

White Collar.

It's funny how a couple of rough-housing buffoons can ruin an otherwise perfectly executed three-year scheme. My father was a business man, he worked his way to the top of the Corporate Food chain, he put me through the best schooling imaginable, loved me, and spent as much time with me as he possibly could. He was the greatest father imaginable. Until I realized he was vetting me for corporate espionage.

You see, my father's fortune had begun to dwindle below several hundred million credits, and "poverty" was so close to him, he had no choice. *Rolls his eyes*. I went to the company anyways. Skip three years and I'm visiting my father. I'm now a medium-level corporate manager at his rival's firm. He calls the police and claims I'm extorting him on behalf of the other corporation, he set up several fake neural net transmission, and data logs to frame me. I spent 4 years of my life in prison for this man. Once I got out he refused to see me, much less answer a holocall. Skip 3 more years, I have a new identity and I'm focused on getting rid of my father's fortune.

It was an elaborate plan, that required years of work, and a completely altered physical appearance. I foolishly aligned myself with a couple of thugs, in the last few steps in my plan. They quickly turned my scheme into an opportunity to line their pockets they attempted robbing the bank we were retrieving my father's safety deposit box from. They proceeded to shoot a family of two children and a father, who were withdrawing money for a trip to visit their mother in California. Just as an example. For a couple thousand credits in a safety deposit box. I lost it, not only had they ruined my plan, they made it their own. I violently, so so I'm told, beat the nearest man until the police arrived and incapacitated me, the other got away after watching me in bewilderment, and subsequently OD'd later that week on an experimental drug.

So here I am, a couple of months later.
In prison again.

I need to get away from this life, and being from Planet Houston, I've always idolized the hunters. I can't deal with more corporate drama, no more financial breakdowns, or sneaking around or fake ID's. I need something more simple, something I can actually accomplish. I'm hoping you've got a place for someone like me among your ranks. If not, eh,
I'll try not to lose any sleep.

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RE: BHG| recruitment - Alchemist - 08-06-2015

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Jeremy 'HURRICANE' Waterson

You don't like greetings, I know. So hello and straight to the point.

I never liked governments. Maybe it's because of my overprotective parents. Or maybe because I am who I am. Every time I hear someone screaming i.e 'God save the Queen' or 'Vive Imperio del Corsario' or some similar sh..I mean nonesense.. my first reaction is to take formers head and to crash it against bar's wall.. Especially if because of that 'Queen', 'King', or whatever emeperor or president is there people goes berzerk and slaughters each other. And many times because of my attitude I ended up in prison after I succesfully silenced one or more to loud those self-calling 'patriots'...

But it doesn't mean I don't like profits comming from those wars. Oh, believe me: I do. And I exploit those possibilities over and over again: as a weapon smuggler, as a mercenary or as a simple freelancer looking for opportunities. It also doesn't mean that I have something against killing. Yes, I do not like to be shot at and killed as a consequence. And yes: I used to kill very often and usually get payed for it very generously. I'm only skeptical about fact that the same guys who now run the governments, yesterday were the same kind of scumbags as they order to kill today. But really: who cares? As soon as they pay well it doesn't matter. Maybe tommorow I will be payed me for shooting at them..



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RE: BHG| recruitment - Dimon - 08-06-2015

It's an old and irrelevant thread. Requested to be closed by OP to cause the confusion.