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Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Ayatolah - 07-30-2014

  • Character Name: Bjorn Olafsson
  • Current Rank: Leutnant
  • Requesting Promotion to: Oberleutnant
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • 6 more reports in message dump, 18 total <Link> <Link> <Link> <Link> <Link> <Link>
  • Convincing at least 2 Rheinland civilians to believe in our cause (proof via message dump) - 3 total <Link> <Link>
  • Posted biography of character on the forums/wiki <Link>
  • At least 2 confirmed assists in the destruction of hostile capital ships <Link>
  • Fighter combat test with a Major (or above) of the Red Hessian Army. Passed, Hauptmann Draay has the details
  • Approval of Red Hessian Army revolutionary council. "awaiting, 1/2 agreed for now"

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 07-30-2014

Transmission established...
Source: Vogtland base, Dresden system
ID: Diplomat Gotthold Ludewig

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]

Guten tag, herr Olafsson. Oberkommando overviewed your actions as Leutnant and you made him proud. He beilives you're ready for more responcibility aswell as more power. Hereby you're given rank of Oberleutnant.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Vredes - 08-11-2014

  • Character Name: Vredes
  • Current Rank: Flieger
  • Requesting Promotion to: Gefreiter
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • 5 more reports in message dump[[Link 1]] [Link 2] [Link 3] [Link 4] [Link 5]
  • Convincing at least 1 Rheinland civilian to believe in our cause [Link]
  • At least 1 confirmed kill of Rheinland lawful or Corsair fighters/bombers [Link]
  • Proof of fully set up bomber, with the appropriate ID and IFF [Link 1] [Link 2]

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 08-13-2014

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Guten tag, herr Hoffman. You've served Ideals of Volksrevolution well and I'm ready to promote you to Gefreiter.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 09-14-2014

Transmission established...
Source: Vogtland base, Dresden system
ID: Diplomat Gotthold Ludewig

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]

Guten tag, mein herren. After a close watching, Oberkommando decided to honor 2 warriors amongst our ranks, who proved themselves as gifted pilots and talented leaders. Vredes Hoffman, you're now Leutnant. Bjorn Olafsson, welcome to the elite, you're now as recognised, as our best field commanders - Siegfried Draay and Raoulf Bartels, therefore you're worthy to be Hauptmann of Red Hessian Army.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Alexander - 12-13-2014

  • Character Name: Olaf Schmertz
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Fliegel
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • Requirements for promotion to Flieger:
    2 reports posted in message dump
    Proof of fully set up fighter, with the appropriate ID and IFF
  • Setup odin [Link]
  • First Message Dump [Link]
  • Second Message Dump [Link][

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 12-13-2014

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay
[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Guten tag, herr Schmertz. You've impressed us enough to promote you to Flieger of Red Hessian Army.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Curtain Jerker - 12-28-2014

Character Name - Friedrich Riese
Seeking promotion to - Flieger

Afternoon everyone. I am seeking promotion to Flieger

Here's my info:

Patrol Report #1: #1610
Patrol Report #2: #1611

Set up ship:
Odin with guns
Hessian IFF
Hessian ID

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 12-30-2014

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: xubHBpu.png]

Guten tag, herr Riese. You're now Flieger of Red Hessian Army. Make the Oberkommando proud!

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Riess - 01-06-2015

::Incoming Transmission::
[Image: bartels_fin.png]

Effective immediately, promotion requirements within Armee were changed.
Every member of the force with rank below Hauptmann is requested to familiarize himself with updated requirements and reevaluate his standing:
[RHA] Rank Structure


It was asked if deeds used for promotions count to future requests. The answer is NO. Each deed required to promotion may be brought up only once, however this matters only for deeds actually brought up.

This means that if you have rised trough ranks by smuggling Blood Diamonds and documenting your deliveries, but in same time you have collected hefty sum from collected tools, you may bring this fact up when it actually helps you, instead of in next promotion request.
::Transmission Terminated::