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141| Internal Channel - Printable Version

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RE: 141| Internal Channel - Savi - 10-03-2012

::Incoming Transmission::
::Encryption: PK141TF2IC::
::Opening Message::
::Updating video uplink::
::ID: Colonel John Freud::

[Image: radu-mazare-montaj.jpg?width=400]

Good evening warriors of humanity.

I am proud to bring you some exciting news. Today, me and some other independent division lads went on a visit to that Omi Iota hole. There we've found by surprise The Aether base back on it's toes and two fat jelly so called maraduks sieging it yet again! They had some potent weapon platforms defending them, but soon they had to retreat to Iota, because my bomber was fortunately dodging too well... Then the firefight began:

Allied Forces

141|John.Freud. - Skhemet
The.Grunt - Order Corovo
Sun.Core - Osiris ( heavily damaged)
OCV-Grollbringer - Osiris ( heavily damaged)

Hostile Forces = > all hostiles removed

K'hara|Ouroboros - Maraduk
K'Hara|Shadaki - Addad Bomber
K'Hara|Ninlil - Maraduk

So... we didn't started too well. Sun.Core tried to avoid the weapon platforms and get into a good position to shoot Ninil. Still... that mothership had a real punch and without a perfect positioning, our Osiris was heavily damaged. Then, GrollBringer attempted to take on Ouroboros but with a very poor tactic: tank, tank, tank. Fortunately, Grunt was slim and fast, so in some time, it did his job, spamming cerberus like mad, while I was kept dodging and tapping my "Launch Supernova" button. Ahh, forget to mention I had 6 nomad buggers on my arse. After first Maraduk became pwn, Grunt proceeded to the other one and their Addad was stuppid enough to get close and got instantly killed. Then, everything worked flawlessly, all hostiles removed and we rolled it out on fifth gear in order to avoid reinforcements.

That's all boys. Good night, sleep well.

::Closing Encryption::
::Signal Lost::
::Closing Transmission::

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 10-03-2012

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Commander Davids speaking.

Gut work from all of you so far. Keep it up, so the nomads will not have time
to breath.

In the meantime I have to make some announcments to you.

First is the start of Project Defibrilator. Overwatch has set up ein frequency with
all needed information about it. I want all of you to act accordingly.

Project Defibrilator

At the moment the Dark Symphony has been stationed in the proximity of
Thebes to enhance the guards. It would not hurt if some additional patrols
near it would be accomplished by you.

Now ein other topic.
The One Four One command has monitored the recent activities within the
taskforce. And this has led to the following promotions:

Jim Tanaka, you have worked hard within our unit. Consider yourself ein full agent. Well done!

Aaron Lemuria, you have also fully integrated yourself into One Four One.
You are hereby promoted to the rank of agent as well.

With great pleasure I hereby promote Achenar Kado to the rank of veteran agent.
You have shown integrity and sense of duty within One Four One.
The Command has agreed that you deserve this rank.

Congratulations agents!

Davids out.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - 141 High Command - 10-03-2012

Nervermind, double post.

RE: 141| Internal Channel - andreo009 - 10-05-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...

ID: Jim Tanaka
Encryption: High
Subject: Convoy 12/1004

Good morning sir, I'm reporting about last nights orders.
As I left the ready room last night, I was suddenly called to the main hangars on Akabat. The docking master told me they had found a pilot for our new transport. Guess who...

And so I signed in and got to meet the crew. But there was little time for introductions sadly and we got on our way. The convoy leader was waiting in orbit... After forming up we got on our way, destination: classified. We were soon joined by Veteran Agent Outer who scouted the route before us.

Our route took us through Kusari, via the Blood Dragons bases. Unfortunatly that wasn't our destination... I would have loved to meet one of them and talked about how they pilot and how... ah right ... ahum *coughs* So... that wasn't our final destination... We headed on, towards the Taus and eventually towards the home of the Zoners. I must say that Shasta Orbital Skyhook is one impressive station! and uhm... We didn't stop there either.. I got a little impatient and asked but the convoy leader wouldn't say a thing! He wouldn't even let me take pictures! So much for a sightseeing trip.. luckily I managed to take a small one with my personal camera. Can I keep it for my scrapbook sir?

But yes! back to my report. Our convoy moved on into Council space, after sending some small transmission packages. At last we arrived in Bretonia and convoy lead spilled the beans: We were heading for the Mollys. At Belfast we stopped and took on Ship Hull panels. Quite a lot of them actually!

Once loaded we took a slight diffirent route back to confuse anyone who might be following us... It proved successful and we finally got safely back into Order space. I dropped off the panels at Alexandria shipyard. My onboard engineer said that they are for the Thebes. How come that guy knows more then me anyway?

In the end I headed back towards planet Akabat. According to agent Outer the last one there had to buy tonights drinks... I surely wasn't last! haha! .... or... was I? Escort pilots...

Signing off

Agent "Slicer" Tanaka
.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 10-09-2012

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
To all One Four One agents, this is ein top priority message!

Yesterday we had to witness that the Order and our allies, the Obsidian Zoetic,
have been betrayed by unknown forces.
Target of the unknowns was Star.Fortress, which resulted in the base being
overrun and most if not all systems taken over.
We suspect Guild Core forces behind this vicious attack.

Due to the fact that some of our agents were able to hide and halt
the attack long enough, capital vessels Dendera and Icarus could get
close enough to let their marine forces board the station.

But only temporarily.

In the end, the station was lost to the unknown hostile forces, but at least
our marines were able to save some of Star Fortress' more valuables during
the retreat.
Meanwhile combined Order fleet of One Four One, Cerberus, Order Primary
and Order secondary forces was gathered to tear down the station
before it could be used against us.

The result was rather swift. Star Fortress has been destroyed.

* * *

Ein sad day for all of us.

Meanwhile Project Defibrilator is still going on. I want you to secure it at
all costs. With the loss of Star Fortress we cannot fail with Defibrilator as well!

Davids out.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - andreo009 - 10-29-2012

....Incoming Transmission....
...Opening Channel...

ID: Agent Tigra
Encryption: High
Priority: Regular
Subject: Intervention in Omicron Lost

Evening, tonight I took place in my bomber and just as I was about to launch I received a transmission from HQ. Hostile contact in Omicron Lost. Well... sure beats a long night of patrolling.

I undocked and suddenly there he was! Not the hostile... but Commander Davids no less! He was aware of the situation and we soon headed out. Omicron lost... haven't been there yet... in my short time in the Order.

Arriving in Lost we found a 77th Bounty hunter dreadnaught named ICV-Forlax and an AI cruiser with nomad remains on board hovering over what appeared to be a Zoner base.

Everything remained calm, the zoners were trying to negotiate the terms of their new base and I was trying to light a smoke, until a second marker went off. A Guild Mako entered the area, no doubt the 77th called for backup.

Abandoning the zoners negotiation attempts we turned to the Mako, Space.Runner, that had to answer for earlier brutalities. Unfortunatly they managed to form up and keep us at bay. That was at least, until The.Nina and a Corsair Osiris showed up. We directed the Nina towards the Mako as it breaked and ran off. Then we, the bombers, engaged the 77th. Halas the Nina turned towards the 77th as well and due to a miscommunication the Mako got away.

Soon the Forlax cloaked and ran away as well, leaving behind their AI and its precious cargo. But amidst the fire it cloaked and got away as well!

Conclusion is that they got away, with a big repair bill no less, but got away... *curses* cloaking tech... The upside is no one got harmed or planted in the hospital. The.Nina reported no casualties or wounded. We'll get them next time. Right now i'm on Meskhenet checking why that torpedo launcher jammed on me.

As for the Zoner base... They can keep it!

*lights a cigarette*

Agent Rachel "Tigra" Laughlan
.Decryping Complete.
..End of Stream..
...Closing Channel...
....Transmission Terminated....

RE: 141| Internal Channel - SMI-Great.Fox - 11-11-2012

[Image: 2a4xs3.jpg]

A few things to report.

There was an unauthorized entry into the Mu system, when 141|Outer and I jumped into the Zeta system on another report, we stumbled across a pair of RoS pilots. They stated they were on a recon mission, but despite the tense talks, nothing bad had happened.

We also came across a freelancer Bretonian Lux liner in the system after receiving a distress call. The vessel was moved to Delta without incident.


[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 11-12-2012

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Davids hier.

Agatha, you are not the only one, who sent ein report about the reapers
in Mu. Elements of Hemuset-wing spotted one near Akabat and was
escorted out of the system back to Zeta.

And hier it becomes interesting. One of them stated to have seen a
Bowex convoy in Delta, probably heading for the Palau Ice cloud.
Nun, I do not need to tell you what this may mean, correct?
* *

So, I advise all of those that are still in Omicron Zeta, to have ein look out
for any Bowex vessels in Delta. We need more evidence regarding this

Davids out.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 12-03-2012

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
Colonel Freud, Commander Davids hier.

Due to some other business that has drawn mein attention hier in Omicron Mu,
I am sending you to our fighter and bomber squadron in Gallia and take lead of it.
Sefegiru is already there and will assist you in any way she can.

Remember, if Fallen Grace fails, it means Gallia will become ein slave to the
nomads. And no one wants this to happen.

Purge the infested with fire, Colonel.

Davids out.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: 141| Internal Channel - Sapo - 12-04-2012

[Image: 141header.png]

-ID- Mark Guerra

Greetings, this is Ensign Mark Guerra reporting on yesterday´s incident in Omicron Zeta.

After an almost uneventful supply run to Akabat, Commander Davids received information of Nomad activity in Omicron Zeta. We boarded our Sekhmets and met up in Zeta near Meskhenet Station. By the time I arrived Commander Davids was already there with Edward Baine, a Secondary fleet Agent. Once regrouped we began our search for said Nomad.

Our first destination was Phoenix Space Port. We encountered everything quiet and no response to Commander David´s hails. Eventually we met a Phoenix Zoner, Jonathan Roberts, but he had not encountered any Nomad presence.

Commander Davids the decided we would continue our patrol along the edge of The Pohnpei Nebula and down towards the Omicron Delta jumphole.

Having encountered nothing on our scanners, Commander Davids decided, much to my dislike, to enter The Pohnpei Nebula. We finally encountered the Nomad pretty much "on" the Omicron Iota jumphole and well defended by those <censored> weapons platforms of theirs.

By this time we had been joined by another Secondary fleet Agent, shipname PAS. After a brief discussion and a risk analyses due to the weapons platform´s proximity, Commander Davids decided we should engage, and so we did. Not more than 15/20 seconds into it we all understood something to be wrong. The Nomad was not returning fire. We seized our fire and moved away from the platform´s range. Here we attempted to "communicate" with the Nomad, something that I thought went rather...badly, to be honest. At one point it seemed the thing actually asked us if it could enslave us but perhaps this is for the OSD to analyze, I had no idea of what to make of this.

At this point Commander Davids wanted some answers but suddenly 2 Secondaru Fleet Corsair Capital Ships appeared. It seems the Nomad got scared and jumped back to Omicron Iota, being followed closely by the 2 Corsair Vessels.

By this time, and having been joined by another Secondary Fleet Agent shipname Underdog, we jumped through but they were gonne and Comander Davids decided not to risk anymore so we moved back into Zeta and eventually MU.

Unfortunately all I was able to obtain were 2 rather poor guncams and the comms logs, which I have "cleaned" up for easier analyses.



[03.12.2012 20:15:50] K'Hara|Syeira: *~ 'This one'....feels....'Light-less'....within...(curious)~*
[03.12.2012 20:16:11] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Guerra, we are jumping to Zeta now.
[03.12.2012 20:16:20] 141|Mark,Guerra: Copy Sir, Im there already
[03.12.2012 20:16:20] 141|Enrico.Davids.: I suggest we meet at Meskhe..what the...
[03.12.2012 20:16:30] Edward.Baine: damn forgot about them

[03.12.2012 20:19:18] 141|Enrico.Davids.: We have freelancer with a nomad remain aboard. He refuses to drop it
[03.12.2012 20:19:45] 141|Mark,Guerra: We are authorized to use force here.
[03.12.2012 20:20:48] Death: JR_BD was put out of action by 141|Enrico.Davids. (Gun)
[03.12.2012 20:20:54] K'Hara|Syeira: *~ 'Light-least'...extinguish....(anger)..(!)...~*

[03.12.2012 20:20:55] 141|Mark,Guerra: Guerra reporting for duty Sir
[03.12.2012 20:21:27] 141|Enrico.Davids.: What the...alright, gentlement, looks like we have nomads around.
[03.12.2012 20:21:43] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Head to Meskhenet for rearming and then let us find that nomad
[03.12.2012 20:21:50] 141|Mark,Guerra: Affirmative Sir, scanning
[03.12.2012 20:21:54] Edward.Baine: rgr that
[03.12.2012 20:22:14] Traffic control alert: 141|Mark,Guerra has requested to dock
[03.12.2012 20:22:55] 141|Enrico.Davids.: In space again.
[03.12.2012 20:23:01] 141|Mark,Guerra: As am I
[03.12.2012 20:23:19] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Nun, we will first check out the Phoenix Space Port.

[03.12.2012 20:23:28] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Follow me.
[03.12.2012 20:23:30] 141|Mark,Guerra: Affirmative
[03.12.2012 20:23:35] Edward.Baine: roger
[03.12.2012 20:24:10] Edward.Baine: 3 BD dragons in MU
[03.12.2012 20:24:19] Edward.Baine: what are they?

[03.12.2012 20:24:29] 141|Mark,Guerra: // Blood Dragons
[03.12.2012 20:24:48] Edward.Baine: are they enemies to us?
[03.12.2012 20:24:55] 141|Mark,Guerra: // no, allies

[03.12.2012 20:24:55] 141|Enrico.Davids.: //just doing missions. and no , they are allies
[03.12.2012 20:25:08] Edward.Baine: ty for info
[03.12.2012 20:25:09] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Station ahead.
[03.12.2012 20:25:14] 141|Mark,Guerra: I see it
[03.12.2012 20:25:31] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Phoenix zoners, Commander Davids hier. Come in...
[03.12.2012 20:26:14] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Phoenix zoners, Davids hier. Anybody available?
[03.12.2012 20:26:20] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Hmm.
[03.12.2012 20:26:27] 141|Mark,Guerra: Looks too quiet
[03.12.2012 20:26:33] 141|Enrico.Davids.: I don't like that.

[03.12.2012 20:27:06] 141|Enrico.Davids.: *scrambled* Phoenix zoners. This is....ander *scrambled*

[03.12.2012 20:27:36] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Ah, at least one zoner out hier.
[03.12.2012 20:27:39] (\^/)Jonathan'Roberts: Greetings
[03.12.2012 20:27:47] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Gut day, Herr Roberts.
[03.12.2012 20:27:55] 141|Mark,Guerra: Greetings
[03.12.2012 20:27:55] Edward.Baine: hello
[03.12.2012 20:28:05] (\^/)Jonathan'Roberts: Hows It going today ?
[03.12.2012 20:28:27] 141|Enrico.Davids.: We are on patrol at the moment and it looks like there is nomad presence around.
[03.12.2012 20:28:29] 141|Mark,Guerra: Hmm, He seems oblivious to the threat, what is going on here??
[03.12.2012 20:28:34] Edward.Baine: have you seen some nomads perhaps?
[03.12.2012 20:28:54] 141|Enrico.Davids.: The Phoenix know about the dangers here in Omicron Zeta.
[03.12.2012 20:29:06] K'Hara|Syeira: *~ 'Hive'....'metal kind'....seen by....'This o...Us'...(purpose)...(?) ~*
[03.12.2012 20:29:13] (\^/)Jonathan'Roberts: Ah, well I havent really paid any attention to it, but there was 3 warnings on the comp ...

[03.12.2012 20:29:22] (\^/)Jonathan'Roberts: Scratch that, make that 4
[03.12.2012 20:29:40] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Four? Damn.
[03.12.2012 20:30:01] (\^/)Jonathan'Roberts: Seems they are abit active today
[03.12.2012 20:30:01] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Better warn your gunners on your spaceport. Just in case.

[03.12.2012 20:30:14] (\^/)Jonathan'Roberts: Ah yes, we will. Thank you
[03.12.2012 20:30:20] 141|Enrico.Davids.: We will continue.
[03.12.2012 20:30:22] Edward.Baine: where could he be?
[03.12.2012 20:30:34] (\^/)Jonathan'Roberts: Good luck on your patrol, and safe journeys
[03.12.2012 20:30:36] 141|Enrico.Davids.: That's our job to find out, Baine. Let's roll.
[03.12.2012 20:30:44] 141|Mark,Guerra: To you too
[03.12.2012 20:30:47] Edward.Baine: you too sir
[03.12.2012 20:31:25] 141|Enrico.Davids.: First of all we will fly at the edge of Popei nebula.
[03.12.2012 20:31:33] 141|Mark,Guerra: Copy
[03.12.2012 20:33:14] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Anything so far?
[03.12.2012 20:33:18] 141|Mark,Guerra: I hate this nebula, always feel like Im being watched from within
[03.12.2012 20:33:28] 141|Mark,Guerra: Nothing on scanners
[03.12.2012 20:33:38] Edward.Baine: nothing sir

[03.12.2012 20:34:20] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Hmm, I am not tempted to fly into Pompei that for now.
[03.12.2012 20:34:50] 141|Mark,Guerra: Shall we do that as a last resort? Please? *smiles*
[03.12.2012 20:35:16] Edward.Baine: he is probably there
[03.12.2012 20:35:40] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Seems like we have no other choice.
[03.12.2012 20:35:50] 141|Mark,Guerra: Apparently so
[03.12.2012 20:36:01] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Okay, set course into Pompei.
[03.12.2012 20:36:15] 141|Mark,Guerra: I came in through Minor jh and didnt pick him up either, but...
[03.12.2012 20:36:17] Edward.Baine: course is set
[03.12.2012 20:36:30] 141|Mark,Guerra: In formation

[03.12.2012 20:38:43] Edward.Baine: spooky place
[03.12.2012 20:38:46] 141|Enrico.Davids.: And here we go.
[03.12.2012 20:38:54] K'Hara|Syeira: ~Strong vision flashes everyone~ {Sight of Order station getting torned apart by Light beings}    *~ (feeling)...(?)~*
[03.12.2012 20:38:56] 141|Mark,Guerra: Yes, I really hate this place
[03.12.2012 20:38:58] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Let's see if ther...okay, got something.
[03.12.2012 20:39:07] 141|Mark,Guerra: On scanners Sir
[03.12.2012 20:39:09] Edward.Baine: contact

[03.12.2012 20:39:29] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Scanning...
[03.12.2012 20:39:47] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Lost direct contact. After it!
[03.12.2012 20:39:58] PAS: hi i'm order you need help?
[03.12.2012 20:40:12] 141|Enrico.Davids.: To all units, nomad entity sighted in Pompei. Watch out!
[03.12.2012 20:40:15] 141|Mark,Guerra: if youlike, come

[03.12.2012 20:40:29] PAS: sector?
[03.12.2012 20:40:35] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Looks like it is going for Iota, agents.
[03.12.2012 20:40:36] 141|Mark,Guerra: Iota jh
[03.12.2012 20:40:45] PAS: k
[03.12.2012 20:40:49] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Commecning scan again...
[03.12.2012 20:41:07] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Crap, a rather big fish.

[03.12.2012 20:41:31] K'Hara|Syeira: *~ 'Ours'....light-least....(curious)...(anger)...(?)...~*
[03.12.2012 20:41:32] Edward.Baine: we can kill it
[03.12.2012 20:41:41] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Irras are fast. So watch out.
[03.12.2012 20:41:52] PAS: i fly a bomber
[03.12.2012 20:41:58] 141|Mark,Guerra: ok

[03.12.2012 20:42:04] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Verdamned.
[03.12.2012 20:42:12] 141|Enrico.Davids.: I cannot get ein closer look at it.

[03.12.2012 20:42:49] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Watch the turret fire, agents.
[03.12.2012 20:43:10] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Guerra, what do you think?
[03.12.2012 20:43:28] 141|Mark,Guerra: Dificult with all this incoming fire Sir
[03.12.2012 20:43:35] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Indeed.
[03.12.2012 20:43:55] K'Hara|Syeira: *~ 'This one'....(confusion)....'Light-least'....(danger)....(?) ~*
[03.12.2012 20:44:03] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Baine, could you get a closer scan?

[03.12.2012 20:44:51] Edward.Baine: I did sir
[03.12.2012 20:44:52] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Looks like we got some backup.
[03.12.2012 20:45:00] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Your opinion, Edward?
[03.12.2012 20:45:02] PAS: hi
[03.12.2012 20:45:02] Edward.Baine: he is well armed
[03.12.2012 20:45:14] 141|Enrico.Davids.: That for sure.
[03.12.2012 20:45:15] Edward.Baine: maximum armor sir

[03.12.2012 20:45:38] Edward.Baine: but we could take him down
[03.12.2012 20:45:39] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Anyway, we have ein opportunity hier, and I say we should not waste it.
[03.12.2012 20:45:46] 141|Mark,Guerra: I agree
[03.12.2012 20:45:53] Edward.Baine: one alien less in system
[03.12.2012 20:46:05] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Agents, load your weapons and then let's go in.

[03.12.2012 20:46:17] Edward.Baine: roger
[03.12.2012 20:46:19] 141|Mark,Guerra: Ready
[03.12.2012 20:46:20] K'Hara|Syeira: *~ 'This one'...feels no....metal within...(?)....~*
[03.12.2012 20:46:26] Edward.Baine: engaging nomad's

[03.12.2012 20:46:34] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Allright zhen. Target is locked. Weapons are ready. I am going in.
[03.12.2012 20:46:36] PAS: ready

[03.12.2012 20:48:26] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Strange
[03.12.2012 20:48:27] K'Hara|Syeira: *~ 'This one'....not want....~* {Order squadron of bombers ceases fire upon Light beings}....(confusion)...(Selfdefense)...(!)*
[03.12.2012 20:48:35] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Hold it agents.
[03.12.2012 20:48:44] 141|Mark,Guerra: He is not fighting back Sir
[03.12.2012 20:49:01] 141|Enrico.Davids.: That's what I mean
[03.12.2012 20:49:07] Death: Judge-Hunter was put out of action by John.Rapp (Gun)
[03.12.2012 20:49:14] 141|Mark,Guerra: Do we continue to engage?
[03.12.2012 20:49:20] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Negative!
[03.12.2012 20:49:31] 141|Enrico.Davids.: I want some answers first.
[03.12.2012 20:49:55] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Agents, I suggest you keep a safe distance for now.
[03.12.2012 20:50:21] 141|Enrico.Davids.: What is going on hier?
[03.12.2012 20:50:38] 141|Mark,Guerra: Im confused Sir, Ive never seen anything like this
[03.12.2012 20:50:48] Edward.Baine: me either

[03.12.2012 20:51:04] 141|Mark,Guerra: Do you think we can "talk" to it?
[03.12.2012 20:51:19] PAS: we let him
[03.12.2012 20:51:23] PAS: ?
[03.12.2012 20:51:34] 141|Mark,Guerra: yes, do not fire, wait
[03.12.2012 20:51:40] PAS: k
[03.12.2012 20:51:42] 141|Enrico.Davids.: "Talking" isn't the right term for this. "Communicate" would fit though.
[03.12.2012 20:52:14] 141|Mark,Guerra: Well, Ive never had to comunicate the one of them, they usually try to obliterate me

[03.12.2012 20:52:27] K'Hara|Syeira: *~ 'This one'...feels...(satisfactory)...'Light-least'...(Danger)...(?)...'This one'...(?)
[03.12.2012 20:52:30] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Welcome to the club
[03.12.2012 20:52:49] 141|Mark,Guerra: What the heck was that!
[03.12.2012 20:53:23] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Not sure, though in its case I would feel better with no one trying to harm me.
[03.12.2012 20:53:23] Death: Judge-Hunter was put out of action by John.Rapp (Mine)
[03.12.2012 20:53:41] Edward.Baine: must go agent's
[03.12.2012 20:53:46] Edward.Baine: see you around
[03.12.2012 20:53:49] 141|Mark,Guerra: Makes sense, if it even feels anything
[03.12.2012 20:53:51] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Understood, Baine.
[03.12.2012 20:53:56] 141|Mark,Guerra: Copr Baine
[03.12.2012 20:53:59] 141|Enrico.Davids.: I think we can handle this.
[03.12.2012 20:54:00] 141|Mark,Guerra: Copy*

[03.12.2012 20:54:11] Edward.Baine: safe skies
[03.12.2012 20:54:18] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Farewell for now.
[03.12.2012 20:54:19] PAS: bye
[03.12.2012 20:54:49] 141|Enrico.Davids.: I am still confused...
[03.12.2012 20:55:04] 141|Mark,Guerra: May I try something, probably stupid but...
[03.12.2012 20:55:15] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Speak it out, Guerra.
[03.12.2012 20:55:16] 141|Mark,Guerra: Try to talk to it directly
[03.12.2012 20:55:28] 141|Mark,Guerra: Hey Nomad, you understand me?

[03.12.2012 20:55:31] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Nun, we can give it ein try.

[03.12.2012 20:56:25] 141|Mark,Guerra: Well, it doesnt seem to respond
[03.12.2012 20:56:30] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Looks like.

[03.12.2012 20:56:46] 141|Mark,Guerra: I have no idea what to do now Sir, I wasnt trained for this

[03.12.2012 20:57:05] K'Hara|Syeira: {Light-being flying away from Order squadon without fire being exhachanged..}...*~ 'Ours'...enslave...(sound)...acceptance..(?)
[03.12.2012 20:57:06] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Hmm, if Lancing was around, or anyone from the OSD.
[03.12.2012 20:57:09] PAS: what ship have you?
[03.12.2012 20:57:30] 141|Enrico.Davids.: We have Sekhmet bombers.

[03.12.2012 20:57:42] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Eh...what?

[03.12.2012 20:57:53] 141|Enrico.Davids.: En...slave?
[03.12.2012 20:57:57] PAS: it's good enought to take down him
[03.12.2012 20:57:57] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Us?

[03.12.2012 20:58:20] 141|Enrico.Davids.: More contacts inbound.
[03.12.2012 20:58:22] PAS: torpedoes armed
[03.12.2012 20:58:25] 141|Mark,Guerra: Ohh what the...
[03.12.2012 20:58:32] PAS: ? or snac
[03.12.2012 20:58:41] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Aha...corsairs.
[03.12.2012 20:58:47] HellsReach: Greetings
[03.12.2012 20:58:52] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Aren't you ein bit far away from Gamma?
[03.12.2012 20:58:58] HeavensFall: Perhaps

[03.12.2012 20:59:02] 141|Mark,Guerra: Did that thing ask if it could enslave us??
[03.12.2012 20:59:12] 141|Mark,Guerra: Greetings friends
[03.12.2012 20:59:13] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Possibl, Guera.

[03.12.2012 20:59:26] HellsReach: we can take out this nomad problem of yours
[03.12.2012 20:59:26] 141|Enrico.Davids.: In that case, we should just have go on with torching it.
[03.12.2012 20:59:38] K'Hara|Syeira: *~ 'This one'...feels...'Ours'....near....(fear)...(!)...~*

[03.12.2012 20:59:43] 141|Enrico.Davids.: No need for this, corsairs. The Order can handle this problem.
[03.12.2012 20:59:53] HeavensFall: As you wish
[03.12.2012 21:00:04] HellsReach: Roger that
[03.12.2012 21:00:17] 141|Mark,Guerra: Ahh, so it feels fear and off it goes
[03.12.2012 21:00:20] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Ah. it's gone?

[03.12.2012 21:00:29] 141|Mark,Guerra: It jumped
[03.12.2012 21:00:33] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Damnit, it still did not answer mein questions!
[03.12.2012 21:00:37] HellsReach: ITS HERE
[03.12.2012 21:00:42] HellsReach: in iota
[03.12.2012 21:00:42] 141|Enrico.Davids.: After it, I want mein ansers!

[03.12.2012 21:01:43] 141|Mark,Guerra: // I couldnt quite understand what he said
[03.12.2012 21:01:54] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Jumping
[03.12.2012 21:01:59] 141|Mark,Guerra: copy
[03.12.2012 21:02:20] 141|Enrico.Davids.: No hostile contacts.

[03.12.2012 21:03:03] 141|Mark,Guerra: // order bomber
[03.12.2012 21:03:07] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Hmm
[03.12.2012 21:03:10] Underdog: //yes?

[03.12.2012 21:03:31] 141|Enrico.Davids.: We are too few in this nomad fortress hier.
[03.12.2012 21:03:41] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Agents, I suggest we get back.
[03.12.2012 21:03:41] 141|Mark,Guerra: // Dont engage the nomad, we need some answers first
[03.12.2012 21:03:48] Underdog: roger

[03.12.2012 21:03:59] 141|Mark,Guerra: Copy Sir,

[03.12.2012 21:04:39] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Jumping to Zeta again.
[03.12.2012 21:05:08] 141|Mark,Guerra: Those platforms ...
[03.12.2012 21:05:17] 141|Enrico.Davids.: *chuckles* I know what you mean.

[03.12.2012 21:05:41] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Watch the turret fire, PAS.

[03.12.2012 21:07:15] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Let's return to Mu...
[03.12.2012 21:07:19] 141|Mark,Guerra: Nice shot Sir
[03.12.2012 21:07:26] Underdog: thank you

[03.12.2012 21:07:37] 141|Mark,Guerra: Very nice

[03.12.2012 21:08:04] 141|Mark,Guerra: In formation Sir
[03.12.2012 21:09:01] Underdog: //maybe some 5M missions? seems like fun for bombers
[03.12.2012 21:09:12] 141|Enrico.Davids.: //hmm, sure, could be funny.

[03.12.2012 21:10:41] 141|Mark,Guerra: Im still thinking, did it really ask us if it was OK to enslave us?!? *shakes head with a smile*

[03.12.2012 21:10:58] 141|Enrico.Davids.: At least it..."sounded" like this.

[03.12.2012 21:12:30] 141|Enrico.Davids.: Guerra, I suggest you set up ein report about this incident. I have to reconsider some things.
[03.12.2012 21:12:47] 141|Mark,Guerra: Yes Sir, I will get it done ASAP

[03.12.2012 21:14:18] 141|Enrico.Davids.: //let's meet in Mu, at Taba.
[03.12.2012 21:14:26] Underdog: roger

[03.12.2012 21:16:32] Traffic control alert: 141|Enrico.Davids. has requested to dock
[03.12.2012 21:16:36] Traffic control alert: 141|Mark,Guerra has requested to dock

[Image: End.png]