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Extraordinary equipment registry - Printable Version

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RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Broken Wings - 10-29-2023

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Dr. Isabella Saito
Location ....... [MFE]~Broken.Wings, Freeport 1, Omega 3 system
To ...................... Rheinland Permit Office
Subject .......... Application for Special Permit.

Hello Permit Office

My name is Dr. Isabella Saito, I am the Head Psychologist working for MFE. Yesterday I was on the way to a Patient on Freeport 1 in Omega 3 and came across one of your Patrol ships. The Capitan of the [RM]RNC-Roon Informed me that the Light Cloaking Device that I carry for Protection would Require a License from Rheinland.

I know now that these devices are seen as Critical in House Space. But I am in need of this Device to Hide from the Dangers of the Borderworlds if Necessary. I Mostly Operate in the Border worlds, but sometimes the Fastest Way to one of my Patients Leads through the territory of Rheinland. I do not intend to Use the Device on Rheinland Teretory and would only do so in the most Dire of Circumstances when my own or the Life of a Patient is at Risk, and there is no other way to protect our Life.

I hope that you Grant me a License to Carry the Device as it would otherwise mean that I had to take Long Detours to Avoid Breaking the Laws of Rheinland. The Capitan of the [RM]RNC-Roon Told me i should Tell you about the Conversation we had. a Com Log is attached to this Comunication.

Isabella Saito,
Head Psychologist, [MFE]
Capitan, [MFE]~Broken.Wings
Med Force Enterprises
Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Broken Wings - 11-03-2023

Boosting Signal

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Broken Wings - 11-08-2023

Boosting Signal

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 11-08-2023

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Frau Saito,
While the Borderworlds are indeed a dangerous place, other more mundane methods exist for safeguarding your journey, such as security escorts and hazard insurance. Therefore, your application to mount a Cloaking Device while on Rheinland territory is denied. Unfortunately, the recommendation of one Kapitan is not sufficient reasoning for allowing potentially dangerous technology into Rheinland space.

Kind regards,
Susanne Huber

Home secretary

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 11-11-2023

[Image: pXBXn0P.png]
Source: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-OKW-0UT-TB-GVC3U
Submitter: Großadmiral Alfred Henze
Recipients: Ministry of the Interior; Ministry of Defense
Subject: Article 2, section 3.4 exemption request on behalf of Dr. Saito

Guten Tag, esteemed representatives and colleagues.

I have recently been in contact with Dr. Saito, who was quite animated about the denial of her request. After a brief interrogation of her antecedents, I believe an alternative proposal may be more in line with the checks and balances which are usually present for such requests.

For one, the vessel Broken.Wings will not be permitted to carry that batteries necessary to power the device in Rheinland space. Naturally, the registration of this vessel in the network of my colleagues from the Polizei would allow for simple oversight of any attempts at purchasing such equipment.
Furthermore, I have personally requested that Dr. Saito teach a seminar on counter-interrogation and propaganda to any interested parties within the intelligence community. I will be sending my adjutant to attend these workshops, and he is a man that has managed to ingratiate himself in many a conversation. If there is evidence of any wrongdoing, he will find it. Besides the pretext to closely interact with the crew of this vessel, I am also genuinely interested in the outcomes of the seminar, which is why I have made it a requirement toward making this communication.

If the above checks are insufficient for the Department, I also propose a two-month probation, beginning from the first re-entry into Rheinland space by Broken.Wings. If any reports about the misconduct of the vessel or its kapitan reach our ears within this time, we can decide on the best course of action. In this eventuality, a complete blacklist of the vessel is not out of the question.

Alfred Henze
Großadmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: BAksLYE.png]

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 11-21-2023

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Großadmiral Henze,
I hope that the outcome of your discussions with Herr Steube and my own superior have provided you with adequate reasoning behind our denial of this request. While it is regrettable that you may lose the expertise of an experienced border worlds clinician, this must be weighed against the security of all Rheinland space. If you wish to appeal this decision, Frau Lechner has instructed me to clear any amount of time in her schedule that you may require.

Kind regards,
Susanne Huber

Home secretary

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - MacRory's Irregulars - 12-06-2023


[Image: fvj6rkZ.png]
[Image: O85Djka.png]

From: MacRory's Irregulars
To: Extraordinary equipment registry
Point of origin: Freeport 6
Subject: Jump Drive licence
Encrpytion key: few9qws|d

To whom it may concern,

In accordance to Rheinland law, sections §2.3. and §2.3.4., MacRory's Irregulars would like to request a licence for a Jump Drive Mk.IV equiped on board of [>MRI<]Drake's Fortune. This equipment wont be used inside Rheinland's borders, except for extremely dire circumstances, since the ship's area of operations will be in border words, but given the nature of said regions the ship might be forced to traverse through Rheinland's space when transiting between Border Word Regions.

One of the reasons for that will be the ship's role in safeguarding the convoys of metal shipments sourced from outside house space meant for Daumann Heavy Construction.

The license form is attached to this message.

With regards,

Finnean MacRory
Coordinator of the Irregulars


RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 12-10-2023

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Herr MacRory,
A recent amendment to our laws no longer requires you to apply for a Jump Drive equipment license in this registry. However, we would bring your attention to Article 2, Section 3, regarding the usage of this equipment in Rheinland space:

§2.3.7. Usage of Jump Drives, Beacons/Matrix's and Survey Modules within the borders of Rheinland require prior notice to the government. Failure to notify the government will result in a fine of no less then 100.000 SC or the destruction of the vessel.

Kind regards,
Susanne Huber

Home secretary

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Stoner_Steve - 12-22-2023

[Image: 2HWZL55.jpg]

To: Home Secretary Huber, Rheinland Government

Subject: Extraordinary equipment registry

Encryption Strength: Normal

Good Afternoon,

My name is Kenji Ryuu, Captain of the Amaterasu Kusari Liner, Golden Phoenix Casino. I am writing to formally request authorization for the Golden Phoenix to utilize a cloaking device while transiting to and from Rheinland space.

The Golden Phoenix has been meticulously transformed into a luxury casino experience, offering entertainment and hospitality to Kusari passengers seeking a unique and exciting voyage. We anticipate high demand for travel in the upcoming year from Planet New Tokyo to both Planet New Berlin and Planet Baden-Baden. Catering to passengers' desire to experience the vibrant sights of Rheinland and the rumored beauty of Baden-Baden's beaches.

We understand the potential concerns surrounding cloaking technology and its potential for misuse. We want to assure you that the Ryuu family and the Golden Phoenix Casino have no intention of utilizing this device for any illegal activities. The safety and security of our guests, as well as the respect for Rheinland regulations, are our top priorities.

As a demonstration of our commitment to transparency and responsible usage, we are prepared to implement the following safeguards and monitoring protocols:

Real-time data sharing: We are willing to share real-time data from the cloaking device with the Rheinland government, allowing for continuous monitoring of our location and activities.
Strict activation protocols: The cloaking device will only be activated under specific circumstances, such as during pirate encounters or hazardous conditions. We can provide a detailed list of activation protocols for your approval if requested.
On-board Rheinland security: We are open to having a Rheinland security officer stationed on board the Golden Phoenix during its transit through Rheinland space. This officer will have full access to the ship and its systems, including the cloaking device.
Openness to further concessions: We are committed to working with the Rheinland government to address any concerns and implement additional safeguards as necessary. We understand the importance of building trust and are open to any reasonable measures that ensure the safety and security of your citizens.

We believe that the Golden Phoenix Casino can be a valuable asset to Rheinland tourism, offering a unique and exciting experience for travelers while adhering to the highest standards of safety and transparency. We are confident that our commitment to responsible cloaking technology usage will address any concerns and allow us to contribute positively to the Rheinland economy.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to your response and the opportunity to discuss this matter further.

--Shipmaster Kenji Ryuu
Golden Phoenix Casino

...standby. Checking packet...
...packet successfully sent.

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 12-27-2023

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Herr Ryuu,

Your safeguards have been reviewed by Grossadmiral Henze of the military and Herr Steube of the Ministry of Defense, and have been deemed satisfactory. Therefore, your application to operate a cloaking device within Rheinland space under the conditions specified is approved. Please ensure that you cooperate fully with any representative of the law in the case of inspections, and keep your designated neural net node open for data sharing requests.

Kind regards,
Susanne Huber
Home secretary