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Rheinland Military Message Dump - mayu20 - 12-22-2010

----Stand By----

FROM: Fw.Otto.von.Marck
SUBJECT: Patrol report #15

Guten tag!
Today I've started my patrol in New Berlin with fliegers Sasha Reginleif and Carl v Manstein. First we went to Stuttgart system were we found a Junker Transportor and we asked him what was he doing there. He's atittude was reaaly anoying. Then we went to Omega-7 for a quick patrol but that Junker followed us asknig us why we were investigating what he was doing in Stuttgart. I told him to to at 3k from the Kruger station Elbich and he complyed. Then we went to the mining fields but we found nothing there. We went in omega-3 system and then back in omega-7. There we found a Phantom bomber with his frieds. I let the fliegers paly with them, one of them got his ship destroyed and we got his escape pod the other ran away since we were out of CD. After that nothing was to report. I must say that the Fliegers were acting very good in this patrol and i have greate expectations from them.

The Junker Transportor
GunCam 1 form the Omega-7 fight
GunCap 2 from the Omega-7 fight
GunCap 3 from the Omega-7 fight


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vrabcek - 12-23-2010

***Incomming transmission***

Source: Leiche Franz, agent
Subject: Mission report
To: Rheinland military high command

Guten Tag

Our mission, scouting the enemy territory and trying to sabotage as much we can, was succesful.
Our forces was made just out of me and three valkyrie vessels. We managed to sneak through the enemy border, propably undetected and were close to the New York jumpgate. There we met a handful of suprised libertonians. We knew that this is our chance to strike and so we did. We eliminated one after another. Their forces kept comming so we were forced to call also for reinforcements. With our technology and numerous superiority we could defeat everything what stood in our way.
The Valkyries and also the forces who backed us up there made a good job. The libertonians lost many ships:

[Image: 44220384.jpg]
[Image: 29424242.jpg]
[Image: 85010221.jpg]
[Image: 89386510.jpg]
[Image: 82489838.jpg]
[Image: 14598681.jpg]
[Image: 23358634.jpg]
[Image: 94188287.jpg]
[Image: 20129627.jpg]
[Image: 46276835.jpg]
[Image: 16750477.jpg]
[Image: 60354962.jpg]

We managed to take down: 2 Dreadnoughts 2 carriers , 1 Assault battlecruiser, 2 gunboats and some fighters
Our casualities were minimal. We obtained the updated datas about the defence points of the enemy and also we managed to destroy this force what was heading to the front.

Meine Damen und Herren at the end i would like to say good job to every man and woman out there.
We did it for the Kanzler, for our future for people.

God bless the Gottkanzler!

***Transmission terminated***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - ChillerMiller - 12-23-2010

---Incomming Transmission---
Sender:Vivien Schmitt

Guten Tag, Schmitt here

We received reports about several AGS vessels in the stuttgart system, so Admiral Voelkel and Vizeadmiral Weissman formed a group together with me and Valkyrie pilot Ehler to look check if the report is true.
It didnt take a lot of time, untill we found them.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn and AGS-U|Max.Hoelz.
The Admirals tried to convince them that they have no chance and that they will get a better treatment if they surrender. They got their chance but they refused this offer and so the Valkyrie pilot and I were ordered to destroy them.
We focused on Hoelz and together he was destroyed very fast.
[Image: RM3-1.jpg]

After that the Admirals ordered us to stop and gave the remaining enemy another chance to give up.
I've recorded their conversation:

Quote:[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Good.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: damm
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Fraulein...
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: You got yourself into some serious crisis here.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: ja?
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: seems so
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: You now have a chance to give up.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: ja?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: We will not hurt you if you do.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: but no Vierlande for me, ja?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Consider a chance to live again... Fraulein.
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: the kanzler has shown much mercy to people who realised their mistakes...
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Vierlande is just a purgatory.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: A temporary stage.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Towards forgiveness.
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: the gottkanzler is a great man...
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: He is.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: no Vierlande for me, herr
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Not all prisoners get treated so.. legendarily, Fraulein.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: better to get mein farm back to live happy again
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Consider the fact that you would be the prisoner of two Admirals.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: thats the problem...zwei admirals
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: And our prisoners are given proper attention, aren't they Weissman?
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: not even a femele one
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: of course....
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: the system is perfect...
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Maybe you could get acquinted with Admiral Malte, then?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: She is a female one after all.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: is she still alive, herr?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Alive... alive...
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Certainly.
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: mein gott....of course she is...
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Her whereabouts are something however, that I will not disclose here.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: But trust me, we are probably more forgiving than she is.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: never saw her in sometime now
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Consider this a second chance... Fraulein.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Surrender and be spared.
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: she is busy, there is a war raging should know that...
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: ja ich know...just that i fight for mein family farm
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: You can get another chance to have your own later on, I hope you realize.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: There are more opportunities in life than mere farming.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: However, what you do now is revenge.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Revenge earns nothing.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Forgiveness on the other hand, is a virtue.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: but the Synth food is ruining the atmosphere on the can we get it back than?
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: but acting in a plain revenge is not gut at all....people make many mistakes they regeret lately...

[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: We are willing to forgive, are you willing to forget?
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: not to forget...nein...
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: But to forgive?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: What do you gain by getting killed here, Fraulein?
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: when they leave the planet...ja
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Your father will just lose more...
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: He will lose his daughter.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Which is more important than some mere farm.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: mein father is proud of me
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Proud of you going head on against four military vessels?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Dying for revenge?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: To fight no gain, material or verbal?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: By you dying here, Synth Foods will just say "oh another rotten scum is gone. One problem less for us."
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: if necessary...ja...why live this life if not with better conditions?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: You're living on some rock in some nebula.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Is that a good condition?
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: nein...we just want our farms simple
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Well then.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: That will be your final word, Fraulein?
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: This is your last chance to find forgiveness.
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: ja it is
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Sad.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Ehler, Schmitt. Feuer frei.
[RM]Fw.Vivien.Schmitt: Jawohl
[RM-V]Heinrich.Ehler: Jawohl
AGS-L|Marlene_Hepburn: for Stuttgart
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: For Stuttgart.
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: *sighs*
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: *Sighs.*
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: That is what you get all the time, Weissman.
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: indeed....
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: They are so brainwashed, so blind.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: They are willing to throw their life away... for nothing.
[RM]Adm.Alec.Voelkel: Nothing.
[RM]Va.Gunter.Weissman: exactly...

[Image: RM4-1.jpg]

She got destroyed very fast, however it is a shame that she has chosen the wrong direction...

That is all for now

---End of Transmission---

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Amelia:Zoa - 12-27-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[source..........Sasha von Reginleif]

[opening message]

Guten Tag,
First I would like to appologise for my late reports, but these days I had transmission sending problems. I am placing my 3 reports now:

1. "Nuclear Devices"
In my 2nd patrol duty, after appointed as a flieger from the Chancellor's fleet, I was with Carl von Manstein in New Berlin system, when we have received report about a trader with multiple nucklear heads on board. I have established the transmission with the target, her name was Alice Olivia. She is a member of the Bretonian trading group [Convoy]. Me and Carl reached her near Bonn station, where she sended me her license documnets for check. I couldnt let a trader , even well protected as she was, to continue her trading route without been protected, imagine what could have happen if she get herself killed, so we have escorted her to Omega 7 Jump Gate. She said she can handle from there, so we have returned to our normal patrol duty.

2. "Failure"
I was with Carl von Manstein on my 4th patrol duty. Rheinland space was calm and we didnt had any reports about pirates, smugglers or rebels. Our final destinations was Frankfurt and Munich, so I made full scan of Frankfurt system, while Carl handled with Munich. When we have returning to New Berlin, we have encountered a Bundshuh ID-ed target. Carl informed me it was the Leader of that faction- Volksritter. He started to talk with us about politic , but in short, he wanted to destroy our ships without kill the pilots,some kind of ideology to do damage to the goverment itself. He jumped on Carl and 5min later , somehow, Carl got hited with razor I think, because he was very surprised how can that happen , while his batteries and nanobots was nearly full. I was standing alone with my enemy. He started to ask me, why am I fighting for Rheinland, why have I chose that side and such questions. We had a long fight together, but I was not prepared to fight a pilot with his skills. Somehow he bribed the police officers nearby so I was outnumbered . It seems the good politic knows how to use his tongue. After 20-25 min later My ship was badly hited and i had to eject. The eject system was not working, I thought I could die , but the pilot blowed my reactor core and took me on board, before my ship got wasted from the chain reaction. He said he wont kill me, and then I fall unconscious. I was waked up near Planet New Berlin in my escape pod and minutes later the patrols taked care of me. I will not forget that fight and that man....and how I have failed.

3. "Classified: Nomad remains in Rheinland"
I was just finishing my patrol, scaning ships from different cross points , when I found an order pilot named: Ulrich Riedel. He was 15 k away from the planet Hudson . I moved near him and he started to flee. I have mengaged to intercept him and scan his cargo. Then I was surprised he had "them" , on board. 3 dead "remains" he said. I didnt know what to do , he had even a Nomad classified guns. So I asked him to leave Rheinland space and if possible not to use the trade lanes, because the civilians may see him and what he is carrying on board. So we moved together from Frankfurt to Hamburg and then to Hudson Jump Gate. He said he have job to do in Bering's battlefield , where no civilians will go. He said that he is sent on classified mission from the order and wont give me more information than I know.

[closing message]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dejavu - 12-30-2010

[Image: 220px-Flag-rheinland.png]

Source: Mecklenburg Station, Office 203.
From: Albert Keller
Subject: Battle Report from New Berlin.
Recipient: Rheinland Military High Command

Guten tag,
Today was a very successful patrol. It started when I had reports of a Corsair Gunboat in the Omega 7 system, I launched my snubnose and proceded to the system. On arrival there I found no Corsair Gunboat, I did however find a Hessian which after a bit of conversation decided it best to go home rather than to fight a member of the Rheinland Military.

After this I proceeded to the New Berlin system for a standard patrol of the system. I proceeded around from Bonn to Planet New Berlin. Once at the planet I heard a strange transmission from an Outcast warship. Trying to head it off I went to the Hamburg Jump Gate. I waited there until Vize Admiral Puttzkammer came into comms where I was ordered to the Frankfurt gate. Before I could reach the gate however a Polize officer informed us that the vessel was a Destroyer and it was holding position at 12k range off of Planet New Berlin.

I was ordered to stay out of sight so stayed down at the middle of a lane till I was needed. When called in I proceeded to the vessel's location. Seeing that our forces were engaged already I stepped in and helped out.

All of my SNAC shots were successful except one, my targeting computer failed for the smallest of moments so the shot veered off course. It was a shame but couldn't have been helped. The vessel was destroyed and our vessels returned to Planet New Berlin with a job well done.

Image One
Image Two
Image Three

[color=#99FF99]Oberfeldwebel Albert Keller

[Image: RM1.png]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dejavu - 12-31-2010

[Image: 220px-Flag-rheinland.png]

Source: Mecklenburg Station, Office 203.
From: Albert Keller
Subject: Battle Report from New Berlin.
Recipient: Rheinland Military High Command

Guten tag,
Today was another successful patrol, it started with with myself launching my Fafnir from Planet Hamburg and checking on the frontlines there. Everything seemed to be holding steady, I did however find an embargo breaker who complied to everything I said... Which was a large surprise as they normally protest.

After this I headed to the New Berlin system where I had been tipped off to the presence of a Liberty Navy Gunboat somewhere in the system. I did my rounds on the trade lanes but could not detect it. I had just passed Bonn station when what did I see? A Liberty Navy Gunboat undocking from the station... I pursued it and asked it to stop many times, it failed to comply to my demands. As soon as it entered Hamburg I cut the lane and proceeded to engage it at will. It went down with no trouble at all.

Data Capture One
Data Capture Two

[color=#99FF99]Oberfeldwebel Albert Keller

[Image: RM1.png]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Amelia:Zoa - 01-02-2011

[Incoming Transmission]

[source..........Sasha von Reginleif]

[opening message]

Guten Tag,
I am placing my 2 reports now:

4. "Suspicious target"

Today I launched from battleship Westfallen, and moved to patrol duty in the following systems: Hamburg, New Berlin and Dresden. In the orbit of the Planet Hamburg I have found a Defender-class fighter from the Liberty Navy , it was one there recruits. He docked on the orbital station and then on the planet itself , while I was giving him clear orders not to. When I have informed him, that he is under arrest and will have to be interogated because of suspicous actions, he desided to flee. I gave him my 4th final warning, and since he didnt want to listen me I had to destroy his ship. It seems ,from my oppinion, that Liberty is trying harder and harder to explore our border system: Hamburg , probably they are planning somethimg...again.

Ship Information:
-Ship Info Card
-Enemy destroyed

5. "Dresden, day 3: Burn out"

In my third day, doing missions in Battleship Altenburg, Hessians probably had noticed my presence there and decided to check what is going on near our controlled sectors. While I was killing Hessian bases, assasinating some of there wing leaders and fighting swarms of angry pilots all around Dresden, I have encountered some members of [RF]. I never heard of RF , but it seems its new hessian band. They were looking all over the system for me, because I have seen them for a blink ,while using lanes or insulting me in system transmission. Once I've finished my last mission for this day, I have noticed been followed by [RF]Vladimir_Lenin. He used a cruise distruptor to stop me, after intercepted my way back to Battleship Altenburg. He instantly shoot my shields down without a single word, and after I have continued slowly on my way to the battleship, he challenged me , to fight him or dock. I would accept the first challenge , If he was alone in the system. One RHA Cruiser was there too, and one , impressively, IMG Gunboat Class vessel, from [RF]-hessians. named "Cloud Miner". I must add here, that gunboat was using some kind of a teleporting technology and was nearly impossible to hit in the upcoming battle. I have contacted [RM]GM.Guntram.Koehler, and after short information about the situation , he headed to my position. Once he arrived we opened fire on the enemy IMG gunboat, while Vladimir assisted it. Minutes later a Hessian Cruiser arrived and opened fire on us too, but the long range guns of Altenburg forced him to keep distance. Impressively the IMG gunboat disapeared in the middle of the fight with a cloacking device, but in meantime one of Mandalorian Mercenaries arrived in order to take a bounty placed on military pilots. The battle was even, we nearly took Vladimir 3 times (because he have been given a nanobatteries and some shield batteries 3 times). Some more [RHA] Arrived minutes later: Cristian.Hesser, Peter.Schubert. and Zak Kanus, and some reinforcements for us too : Military-Kolt.Merkel, and ~VH-White.Tail[MP]. In the meantime, Vladimir was given 2 more times nanobots. I desided then to give them 3 times a barrage from Altenburg, so I closed in range, just to scare them a bit. Minutes later Vladimir was destroyed but 3 more new hostiles arrived. I appologize, I dont have there names, but my ship camera was badly damaged.Instantly after one of them engaged, was shot down by Gm.Koehler's guns. The MM~ had to disengage , same as other 2 RHA, so the battle was even and I was ordered to return to Altenburg imediately. After the doctors took care of my wounds , which was not that bad, I heard from general major Koehler, that the battle ended, and enemies are in full retreat. Here some screens from my guncam, before it was shot.

Ship Information:
-Enemy 1
-Enemy 2
-Enemy 3
-Enemy 4
-Enemy 5

[closing message]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Amelia:Zoa - 01-03-2011

[Incoming Transmission]

[source..........Sasha von Reginleif]

[opening message]

Guten Tag,
I am placing my 2 reports now:

6. "Freelancer-Smuggler"

Finnaly, I have finished my missions, given from the commander of the Battleship Altenburg in Dresden for 4 days and I am proud to carry our Guard Identification. Hours later, while I was patroling New Berlin system, I have noticed a Liberty Police freelancer , who had on board 1 box of illigal artifacts and some Diamonds. I have asked him to drop them imediately, but after three warning messages from my side, he desided to flee and lately to open fire on me. I have dealt with him fast and destroyed his cargo which floated in space.

7. "A Rude boy"

In the late end, of my duty day, I've found a lone Hessian, named Mustapha Mond, near Brandenburg Border Station. We had some minutes, filled with Mustapha's angry and very rude speeches. For him there is no such thing as woman, and such "creatures" dont have emotions, even if they carry the cold steel of rheinland military discipline. Assure of his future success to kill me, he opened fire on me, I dodged his angry shots and the battle happened. I must admit he had good targeting, but the lack of mines concentrations played a bad moments for him. I have successfuly blowed 3 mines in his face and nearly defeated him. Then he desided to stop using his Mines Fury moves, and concentrated on weapons only. I have menaged to take him down in the end but he was a worthy opponent.

[closing message]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - ChillerMiller - 01-09-2011

---Incomming Transmission---
Sender:Vivien Schmitt

I've hear reports about a little plague of libertonians in the Hamburg system so i went out to check that. It didn't take long time to find those bugs, 2 bombers chasing a GB.

Image 1

The GB was heavily damaged so i engaged the bombers to protect it.

Image 2

They were pretty much stupid to come without a fighter escort. The GB made the final shot on the first one.

[Image: RM16-1.jpg]

I started to work on the second bomber, he had no more chances for a victory.

Image 3

He tried to escape but i got him...

[Image: RM18-1.jpg]

---End of Transmission---

Rheinland Military Message Dump - SpaceTime - 01-09-2011


[color=#000000]Source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin
Submitter: Carl von Manstein
Recipient: 88th Rheinwehr Brigade Command
Subject: Liberty Navy Offensive
Encryption: Medium

- uploading image -
[Image: ulFrm.png]
- uploading successful -

Guten Tag, Das ist Flieger Carl von Manstein of the 88th Rheinwehr Brigade.

This a report about the recent offensive of a massive Libertorian fleet which marched to the heard of our nation, Planet New Berlin.
Everything started when we picked up an emergency call about numerous Liberty Navy forces in Hamburg System. So we headed there and along the way we picked several Rheinland Federal Polizei elements in order to boost our numbers.

In Hamburg the scanners didn't pick up any LN ship. Some minutes later we were informed that the Liberty warships have been spotted in New Berlin, so the main forces headed back and only some Polizei officers were left behind because they found a lone LN ship. In New Berlin, Vize Admiral Gunter Weissman was directing the operazion.

He ordered us to search for the LN forces and when we find them, we should immediately transmit their location. So our forces were spread in many areas and mostly near trade lanes. Suddenly a WRF vessel picked up the location of 3 LSF Agents. Der Vize Admiral ordered them to stay and fight the agents while the rest of the vessels were still looking for the main LN fleet. I assumed that Oder Shipyard might be their logical target, so I searched Planet New Berlin from many sides. Some minutes later a massive Libertorian fleet was in front of my Wraith. I quickly transmitted the exact location of the hostile fleet, their numbers and their types.

Afterwards the enemies headed towards the Planet New Berlin. Luckily, we were able to assemble some bomber wings - even though we were still heavily outgunned in capital ships - the battle became a massacre. In the end of the battle, some RF forces assisted us but their help was minor. Here is some evidence of the battle.

[Image: lnforces.jpg]
[color=#000000]The LN main fleet

[Image: rmforces.jpg]
[color=#000000]The outnumbered RM capital ships

[Image: bluemessages.jpg]

In our side, the casualties were insignificant and limited to secondary fleet pilots/captains. Before our departure for Strausberg, I detected that a small debris field was created by the destroyed Libertorian capital ships. My suggestion is to send some ALG Golems and clean the area. Finally, I am willing to answer to any further questions you might have. This week my unit will be based in Battleship Strausberg.

Flieger Carl von Manstein, signing off.