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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 09-05-2010

TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander - Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: Blue Squadron "The Trolls"

I am pleased to report that the first flight of the newly created BLUE SQUADRON also nicknamed "The Trolls" was a complete and utter success. We held complete and unchallenged domination in the field. Our enemies either cowered or were killed.

It is amusing to note the following: [Image: screen1nb.png]

It is also amusing to note he and his so called force was annihilated 10 minutes later without a single Troll Loss.

The kill count off the top of my head is as follows: 5 Snub-Craft, 4 Gunboats, 2 Heavily Damaged Dreadnoughts.

We also made many of our enemies flee at the very sight of our forces. Seven Revolution Bombers in the hands of competent pilots would be an absolutely terrifying sight. I recommend more sorties with the Troll Squadron in order to bring fear into the enemy.

I would also like to take this time to thank Captain Alvarez for the promotion to Lieutenant Commander. I won't fail you.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 09-06-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace
SUBJECT: Hispania Memorium

[Image: truth.png]


On my authority, and on behalf of the Commissariat,

I award the Eagle's Eye to Lieutenant-Commander Steeles. It is rare to see such exceptional shooting, and Captain Alvarez was much satisfied at the destruction of the target in question.

For every other pilot in Blue "Troll" Squadron, if you complete your current campaign, and Captain Alvarez is satisfied with your performance, you will earn a Unit Citation from the Commissariat!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aes_Sidhe - 09-06-2010

*****incoming transmission*****
Comm ID: [TAZ]Aes_Sidhe
Location: Unknown
From: Raphael Sidhe
To: Premier Katz
Subject: Humanitarian Help
Encryption: HIGH

Kallisti Comrade!!!

Like You probably heard we have situation here in Baffin and I personally was put on position Deputy Commander in Baffin by Doc Holliday....

Unfortunately that means that Stream of humanitarian help delivered to O-52 gonna dry for a while... Yesterday was my last delivery and till we solve our problems I'm afraid that this was a last one for a moment.

Here You have Image Proof of deliveries.. Hopefully that's gonna be enough to fill Your basics needs for a next few days...


[Image: screen178.jpg]

[Image: screen180.jpg]

[Image: screen181.jpg]

[Image: screen182.jpg]

Sumary of this delivery is:

Superconductors: 3570
Tobacco: 4970
Meds: 4970
Food: 4970

As soon As we resolve our troubles in Baffin and deal with Bounty for Our ship OUR transports start making regular deliveries again...

Hopefully I Gonna drink Vodka in Mikolaiv soon Agai.

Kallisti and 23's

Raphael Sidhe out

*****transmission lost*****

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-07-2010

[font=Garamond]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: Blue Troll Squadron

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, Comradas!

Hermanos, I have glorious news concerning victories on all of our fronts.

I would sing their praise, mi amigos, but there is no need. Pictures paint a 1000 words they say, and these are enough to make a book!

[color=#000099]Blue Troll Squadron
[Image: ogre.png]

[Image: Havana.png]

Not to be out done, the CPW-Havana moved in to support the BT-s by pulling down a rogue AI cruiser under the control of the Joker, and running a second one back to Primus where the Diablo-machines belong!

We will continue to press the assualt on our enemies and teach them the price of there complacency!

For the Revolucion, mi comradas, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-07-2010

[font=Garamond]To: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: [color=#CC6600]Medium

Subject: Orders

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, camaradas!

Comradas! I have new orders for all pilots operating on our fronts across Sirius. Priority Targets are as follows:

-LR tagged Capital ships - Five Points per Pilot Present*
-LR tagged Gunboats - Four Points per Pilot Present*
-Slave and Cardamine Traders - Four Points per Pilot Present*
-LR tagged Bombers - Three Points
-LR tagged Fighters/non tagged Rogue vessels - Two Points
-Other Hostiles of any kind - One Point
*If all cargo is Dropped, same points apply to all pilots.

Extra points shall be given for High Ranking Enemy Pilots, extraordinary individual actions, or excellent group tactics, as appropriate. Fighters shall not deploy in groups less than three.

For those of you who do not remember the "Points" system, I'll give you a brief rundown. Essentially, pilots fly in groups, seeking and destroying priority targets, or forcing the drop of slaves and cardamine. The pilots who rack up the most points (and kills, usually) shall find themselves showered in honours, or at least given some extra Vodka. Occasionally, a pilot will be promoted on merit of these competitions.

It is each pilots responsibility to keep an individual track of both their number of kills, and the points they have acquired on this campaign. As you'll notice, the priority targets are the LR-, should they venture into our Zone of Operations, Slavers, and Cardamine dealers. All other targets are secondary, but still important. Prove your kills, or they'll not be counted.

As a small incentive, the first pilot to bring back a guncam footage of any of the targets worth two points or more shall win the [color=#CC0000]ROGUE ERADICATION Campaign Star

For the Revolucion! For the Red Dawn!
That will be all, pilots.

Alvarez out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 09-07-2010

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Commissar Yuveraj Khan
Priority: HIGH
Subject: The Hispania Monument
[Image: khan.jpg]

---Communications Opened---

Comrades of the Fighter Corps!

I am troubled by the numerous reports of our pilots taking the solemn pilgrimage to the Hispania Memorial with the intent to deface it with Graffiti!

This is a testament to where we came from, a record of the Wise, and Gallant, honourable and bold! The names of your forebears, equals and our greatest heroes are recorded there... it is not a place to write racial slurs, or for you to deface at a whim!

When you make the trek to the Hispania you should take the time to stand in awe of those that came before. To look upon the greatest achievement of our past, and our continued survival.

We are here because they were, honour them!

See that it is done!!

For Katz, the Premier, Comrades!
Khan out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Kisai - 09-09-2010

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Sub-Lt Cassandra Daisuke
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok
Priority: Low
Subject: To The Hispania

[Image: daisukek.jpg]

---<Channel Open>---
Commandante Warner went through basic fighter training with me, I passed successfully, and he told me that I was to go to the Hispania and write my name.
I left through the Omegas, and passed through Omicron Eta to get to Alpha. There I weaved around the Gas Giant and wrote my name on the old wreck.

[Image: firstmd.jpg]

I tried to head back to Eta to leave, but an Outcast Destroyer attacked me. So I destroyed it right back. It dropped a small crew and some fuel.

[Image: firstmd2.jpg]

But then Doc Jameson attacked, with a Sabre named Martinez, so I fled through the Nomad Worlds. It was a dangerous trip, but I met some nice Order who led me to safety and let me restock on the Battleship Isis.

- Cassie

---<Channel Closed>---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 09-09-2010

[Image: 2wrotqq.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Commandante

Subject: Me.

"Gone Fishin'"

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Kisai - 09-09-2010

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Sub-Lt Cassandra Daisuke
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok
Priority: Low
Subject: I broke my ship

[Image: daisukek.jpg]

---<Channel Open>---
Today I went out searching for Rogues, but I found an Outcast Gunship instead. I attacked it when it pirated on the lanes. I also found an Outcast Sabre and blew it up.

[Image: secondmd.jpg]

Then I went to California, and a Rogue shot at me, I tried to kill him, but he won.

[Image: secondmd2.jpg]

Now I think I should get my ship fixed.
- Cassie

---<Channel Closed>---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 09-10-2010

TO: All SCRA Assets
COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Daemon Steele
SUBJECT: After-Action Report

It has been a while since I flew in my Insurgent. Preferring to make the Odin my ship of choice in regular combat routines. I decided not to get rusty flying the Insurgent since I may need it one day when my Odin is unavailable. I performed pre-flight checks and found that everything was perfect, thanks in part to our technicians. I began launching from Zvezdny Gorodok. Almost immediately I received word that Elder Espi was alone in Omega-5. Espi and myself have fought on various occasions and I figured it would be good practice to fight him while piloting my Insurgent. I set a course for the Omega-5 Jumphole and found him not far from Cadiz. I challenged him to a duel to which he accepted, so we proceeded to the Hammen Hole. I took a Scan of Elder Espi's vessel right before combat broke out.

The Insurgent performed extremely well, despite its well known flaws that are being rectified in the newest model of Coalition Ships. I am pleased to report that a well placed mine destroyed Elder Espi, hopefully damaging the moral of the Corsair forces. Unfortunately, a Corsair Task-force arrived when they heard of our duel, Espi managed to keep them at bay but when he was destroyed I had to retreat lest I have a Battleship and several Fighters attacking me. I managed to make it safely back to Omega-52 where I touched down and headed to the bar for some well deserved Vodka.

Several hours later I received the order to scramble. It turns out that Blue Squadron was about to engage in heavy combat within Liberty. Not wanting to take my chances, I took my trusty Odin instead of the Insurgent. I set out at best speed towards Blue Squadron. While I was en route they apparently managed to take down a Tridente belonging to the Joker.

I hooked up with Blue Squadron in New York where we encountered a group we have known to call the "Indians". According to them, we have a treaty. However, Bobcat-5 gave the order to engage so I assume the treaty was a lie created by them. We engaged but were also attacked by Hellfire Legion and some Freelancers looking for an easy credit.

The first target to go down was a foolish Freelancer who thought it would be wise to fire at us. We then switched our attention to the Hellfire Bayonets. The first one dodged rather well, but he made a mistake that I exploited. Yet another of the Hellfire Bayonets made a mistake as did the Third.

I have to say, I'm impressed with the Odins handling of Heavy Weaponry. We then turned our attention to a Freelancer in a Charon, he was foolish and opted to joust me. A mistake he soon came to regret as my Heavy Weaponry shredded his hull.

We then noticed a second Gunboat had joined the fray and was taking pot-shots at us. We turned our attention towards him and we punished him for his foolish attempts to damage us.

The Indians opted to retreat, knowing we would soon turn our attention to them. Unfortunately, in their place came several Naval Fighters. Attempting to make light of the situation, I jokingly stated that I would deploy our Secret Weapon. It is amusing to note that the Dreadnought Present countered our Secret Weapon with a "Dawg Deflector". On a more serious note, the Naval Fighters turned their attention to Bear-2. Not wanting to lose one of our better pilots, myself and Hare proceeded to assist him. The enemy jousted Bear and made the mistake of flying in a straight line. Bear shot at his hull with his primaries and just as he was about to pass the enemy he fired his Heavy Weapons putting yet another fighter out of commission. Surprisingly, an enemy Bomber joined the fray. We attacked and severely damaged it, but at the last possible second it took down one of our Odins. We did not take that lightly and finished off the Bomber.

With just Three Odins left, we took on the remaining enemy forces which had been whittled down to just Three Fighters. We turned our attention to one of the Fighters who quickly retreated into a base when we severely damaged his vessel. With just two enemies left, we focused our fire and together we were able to down yet another Fighter. Finally, we turned our attention to the last one and destroyed his vessel. We were all battle fatigued and we weren't exactly looking for another battle so we got out of there to a secure location.

Once again, The Odins have proved their combat prowess as has Blue Squadron. I commend every pilot that was present for doing phenomenally well. Congratulations, Vodka is on me at the bar.