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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Jack Archer - 11-15-2007

Comm ID: Captain Mitch Woods, Bridge of the Bluenose
Reciving ID: All Liberty forces
Subject: Message on behalf of Fleet Admiral Phelps regarding the "Havok 2"
**Transmison Begins**

To start off, a direct quote of The Admiral:
Quote:Captain Woods, do me a favor and post that anyone at the rank of Lieutenant or higher is permitted to acquire a Havok vessel, so that I don't have captains and commanders asking me for one.
Now that you have read that:

Quote:If the time arises and we have a few on who have bombers, I'd like you [Captain Woods] to lead a training session
That said, anyone requiring assistance with piloting a Havok please contact me, I cannot speak for Admiral Robinson but she is also a excellent resource IF she is not doing her admiral responsiblities

Thank you Very much, Carry on

Captain Woods out
**Transmision finished**

Liberty Forces Message dump - Spear - 11-16-2007

*Incominng secure transmission*

To: LSF Director of Operations & SA Navy High Command

*Decryption of secure data complete...

*Begin Transmission*

' Wrote:Comm ID: Sniper
Message to: LSF Agent
*Begin Transmission*

Good work Agent but please do remember we aren't doing this to plan an attack. Just to see what Rhienland is up to as Intel said they are preparing for war against Liberty.

I will join you on your next recon mission See you in space. Sniper out

*End Transmission*

Ackowledged Director, be advised that I have no knowledge of any known offensive planned on Rhienland, merely pointing out rhienlands defensive capabilities for the President's Military staff to examine. It is not my place to decide military policy and I thank the Lord I have no such monumental responsibility.

Being unable to raise you on comm I continued my primary objective and proceeded to the Frankfurt system to monitor communications, take recon photos of major installations and gather any pertinent data regarding the military and political status of Rhienland.

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

[Image:] [Image:]

Information to note: I came across a base owned by a faction called the Bundschuh, although very unfriendly this was the first illegal faction I have come across in Rhienland that was not openly hostile to me! It is perhaps worth learning more about this group and maybe perhaps funding them to promote disscord in Rhienland and weaken their military. Again this is a decision for my superiors. At this stage to little is known about this group to judge if this is a viable option.

I brought this tour to an end as I beleive I had tested my luck for one day, more details will follow on Rhienland when I judge it safe to penetrate their defenses again.

*Scrambling signal transmission location
*Agent security code confirmed

*Transmission ends*

Liberty Forces Message dump - RamboSlayer - 11-17-2007

*Incoming Transmission*

To: Liberty High Command
Comm ID: SA Ens. Matthew Roberts

*Begin Report*

Today while on patrol in the Texas system long range sensors picked up a Rheinland Military Fighter piloted by a Corporal Katharina Guntram. I immediatly ordered her to give explaination for her presence in Liberty space, the reply i got was... less than expected. Corporal Gunthram in a state of mental breakdown and begged for me to allow her entry to our space. I allowed her access but ordered all long range sensors to keep a lock on her during her stay. This idea turned out to be a mistake because within minutes another Rheinland Military ship arrived this one looking to bring her back to Rheinland space.

What followed was a heated discussion between the Rheinland Military pilots ending only when the increasingly distraught Corporal Guntram agreed to leave Liberty space. Elite fighter pilots breaking down and then entering Liberty space bent on revenge is troubling. I repectfully suggest Rheinland commanders take charge of their pilots unless they want a political incident to occur.

*End Transmission*

Liberty Forces Message dump - Etaphreven - 11-17-2007

CommID: South Alliance,Lt.Cmdr.Diehardt
To: Ens. Matthew Roberts
Subject: Rheinland

You ought to be more careful with these Rheinland Military pilots.You are not to trust any and all Rheinland pilots.They can be deceiving,and we wouldn't want anyone to spy upon us.As far as I know,even we might be spying upon them,though no such intel has ever reached my end of the line.

Liberty Forces Message dump - exlibrismortis - 11-17-2007

CommID: South Alliance, Ensign Gideon Ravenor
To: LSF and LN High Command
Subject: Alert!


I'd like to bring to everyone's attention that the pirate forces within the Liberty sector of Sirius have become extremely dangerous. It seems that they have been recieving large amounts of funds from unknown traders and sources and have become a very large threat. Not but today, as I was patrolling around the Texas and California system I came across not one, but two pirates with Battleship class ships. These pirates bogged down the Jump Gates for a solid half hour each destroying anything that came by. Wheter it be navy, police, or even civilian traders, they destroyed everything. As I was sorely outclassed, I watched this destruction from afar, shutting down the Trade lanes on my end to prevent any more loss of civilian life. I directed any that I could to use the back ways of Jump Holes to reach their destination, and get around these fiends.

I do not believe it is my place to put forward any recommendation at this time, other than we need to truly step up our patrols, with larger ships. One of the pirates destroyed two of our main battlefleets. May God have mercy on us.

--End Transmission--

Liberty Forces Message dump - Othman - 11-17-2007

Comm.ID: Commander Kress

California Patrol Report

It seems HF are inclined to raise the tensions again. HF-Stratos was detected engaging one of our officers today. We recovered Gideon Ravenor's pod and shorty after the hacker fighter was decimated. After a short while a corsair gunboat holding a pirate ID was sighted. Our wing and a mercenary engaged the target and the gunboat couldnt resist against 4 fighters, his ship was fastly destroyed. Later, while compiling the recent reports we engaged two xeno aligned eagle fighters. They had no chance though against the firepower we had. According to the latest reports I recieved from Javelin, we made it clear that [F]Teknikal deserves to be added to KOS. If he has not been added already, I am requesting from high command to do so. He is reported to be engaging navy officers in Liberty and his inclinations have been revealed so far as he is hostile to Liberty authority.


[Image: screen185.gif][Image: screen186.gif] [Image: screen193.gif] [Image: screen194.gif]

California is crowded lately with traders activity and pirates especially. I recommend we raise the frequency of daily patrols within this system.

Commander Kress signing out..

Liberty Forces Message dump - sn!p3r - 11-18-2007


**Sending message**

**Blocking Message Traceback**

Today i took with me some new Agents and Did some recon of the dresden system. A system with not much in it but worth to search. A Rhienland base was sighted and very little patrols. It seems Rhienland may not have no intentions of attacking yet. I will Send some Pictures me and the other agents took. But for now im tired and need some rest. Im calling this Recon mission off as no real evidence was found that Rhienland is preparing an attack. Another agent Did some recon on Munich and a report will be filled in soon. Good work

**Message Sent**

Liberty Forces Message dump - GlyphStorm - 11-18-2007

Comm ID: Erwin Rommel
Target ID: SA Admirals, LSF Commander in Chief

Sirs, I am sorry, I will be unable to participate to further operations, due to my medical condition. I am sorry, I sent this message because of my sickness... at the current progress, I will not be able to speak, nor move in a couple of days. I am going to ask someone to let you know of my progress, and I will do my best to get back on my feet ASAP. Once again, I am terribly sorry for the actions that nearly severed the relations between Liberty and Bretonia, and now it seems I am paying for it.

Wish me the best...

Erwin Rommel out!!!

Liberty Forces Message dump - Etaphreven - 11-18-2007

CommID: Michael Diehardt
To: Erwin Rommel

Get well soon my friend.Everybody makes mistakes,we are all humans.
I shall prepare a small party,aboard the Mississipi,for your return.
Happy recovery;)

End transmission.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Etaphreven - 11-19-2007

CommID: Lt.Cmdr.Michael Diehardt
To: Liberty Navy,Southern Fleet,Virginia HQ

Two recruits are ready to be trained and equipped for battle.I shall take care of their training myself,but the equipping part is...well...too much for such a salary.
Please welcome ensigns Loko and Roger Kane.

PS:Meet me in the bar on Redford for a beer.

End transmission.