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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Junes - 03-03-2013

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Source: Planet New London
ID: Commander Layla Clay
Affiliation: Bretonia Armed Forces
Subject: Report

Good evening,

Under the lead of Admiral Mike Havering we pulled out a little strike force to wreck havoc upon the Gallics yesterday. Well, we intended to do so at least, but the Royal frogs apparently didn't give a damn about our presence in Tau-31 and Edinburgh. As a result, our flight was rather uneventful in the beginning. Starting off from Leeds orbit, we entered Tau-31 and plotted a course to Harris, noticing nothing but a Zoner roaming in the area. At Holman we were fired upon by nasty stationary turrets from the nearby Gallic battleship. We proceeded to check the Tau-23 gate and then headed for to the Edinburgh hole.
The Royalists were seemingly busier with their wine and women to care about our presence and all we got was lame stationary battleship fire which was scoring a fabulous zero percent hit rates. Out of sheer boredom we proceeded to Dundee, where the weird things started to take action. I swear these remote systems contain unforeseen oddities because we had hardly left from the Stirling when Admiral Havering disappeared in the nowhere all of a sudden by magic. Soon after an A.D.M.I.N vessel decloaked and started to babble cryptic stuff about budgering badgers and whatnot. Frankly, nobody really knew what was going on but we managed to reach the Admiral via communications again after a while. For some reason he had been teleported in some remote system but could safely return to friendly ground while I lead the battle group back to New London. (Invidious space anomalies everywhere these days, really)
Lieutenant Commander Barnes expressed his admiration for me and then we crossed with our first victims of the day. The fight was a quick and deadly one and we took out the delinquents with style. After Admiral Havering's safe arrival at New London he successfully persuaded us to take out our brooms to sweep Manchester, Cortez and Magellan. Other than the joyous sight there is absolutely nothing worth reporting about this detour. Back home we gradually had a Merchant Navy convoy assembling and its glorious flagship the HMS-Exeter helped hunt down a lost communist worshipper which was quickly shredded into pieces. Due to my excessive consumption (yes I know, I will try to keep it civil next time) of coffee, I signed off from duty afterwards.

In service to the Queen and the Homeland,

L. Clay

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mask - 03-07-2013

Priority: Low
To: Admiralty of Bretonia
From: Chief Director Erevis Keil
Location: Shadow's HQ, New-London System
Subject: illegal base

Greetings honorable admirals! Today our mercenary patrol discovered an illegal base. Transfer coordinates - G/H-4/5, 40k below the plane, Dublin system. As decent citizens of the kingdom - we are ready to support a punitive operation against the illegal station.
We suspect that the ships are tagged with ABBA involved in this.
[Image: Freelancer_2013_03_07_20_25_17_72.jpg]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 03-07-2013

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Lieutnant Jon Cox
Source Location: Battleship Suffolk
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium

Bloodsuckers bastards and scum everywhere I turn for queens sake.

I don't have a quiet minute here, need to kill terrorists and other lowlives all the time so it seems, because somehow they come crawling out of every hole there is in Sirius right into Bretonia.

*starts swearing*

*takes a breath and starts to calm down*

Either way I showed those bastards that nobody wants to mess with my beatifull Paladin, I had some help but I could have taken them all by my own I tell you that, scum can't do much in a fight.

The Sair didn't stand a chance, first Yaeger from the BPA took a snac potshot at the Sails after I took down his shields and blasted him.

Death: Andre`|Sails was put out of action by BPA)CDI-William:Yeager (Gun)

I think there was a Bounty Hunter Gunoat around aswell.. but after a few minutes he stoped shooting seeing that my superior skill was no match for the Sairs.

Not the same could be said about Yaeger in the Challenger, that met a rather unpleasant voiding, but luckely enough I was around to save the day and got his pod.

Revenge came swift and another scumbag was killed.

Now seeing who they were up against the last two Sairs started running for dear live hoping that I would not be able to catch them.

Though in hidsight I think the second Gunboat that showed up from the blasted Hunters scared them away. *swears again*

Then some Frogloving Mollies in Gunboats came around to challenge the Bounty Hunters. I didn't bother with them because every Mollie that flies a Gunboat is a Mollie not worth the bother, only snubs get to bask in the glory of being killed by me.

Now excuse me but I need to decorate my Paladin with the remaining hull pieces of the destroyed sair ships.

...Transmission lost...

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 03-19-2013

[Image: modernwarfare2ghostbyemm.jpg]
:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Encrypting Transmission

:::Comm ID: Commander Hugh Darrow:::
:::Codename : Ghost:::

:::Subject: Patrol results:::
:::Opening Transmission:::

*Starts Swearing*Bloody Soldiers, Greetings Admirals Officers of the Great Kingdom of Bretonia, I am Finlay Back and ready to reserve my People.
Shall we Start eh...?
I was on a Patrol nothing New London i received a Distress Call from an Officer in the Police authority named: BPA)C.Ins|T.Page[SRD]....well it was a Hessian Cruiser Codenamed Black Shark...I hurried there with my Challenger and kicked that Hessian Cruiser's out of Bretonia...well to be more persice we shot it down......

Death: Black_Shark was put our of action by BPA)C.Ins|T.Page[SRD] (Missile/Torpedo

Allied Forces:
Aurra'Sing (a Bounty Hunter)
and another one i don't remeber his ID

*takes a Sip of tea* I am going to Practice on my Aim, Excuse me
*Picks up his Rifle and go out to training Field*

Carina, Regina, Impartix
[Image: 264px-BAF_Logo.png]

For the Bretonian Armed Forces and the Queen

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wiz - 03-20-2013

*Establishing Communication*
*Communication Established*

[Image: 1RWkJBU.jpg]

*Swipes his forehead and looks at the monitor* That was a long trip.
gentlemen, First of all, I'd like to thank you for accepting me with you, and I promise that I'll put everything I have on the line in order to keep my oath.

Secondly, I'd like to inform you that the ship is fully equipped and ready for action, and I'll be waiting for some orders.

Long Live The Queen!

*transmission is terminated while he leaves his piloting chair*

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 03-24-2013

- Incoming Transmission -

-= High Encryption =-

Priority: Very High
To: Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
From: Commodore George Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Macduff, Newcastle System
Subject: Battle With the Strange Alien Ships in Leeds

[Image: freelancergeorgerichard.png]

I think we don't have a slightest idea in what danger we are. Yesterday, it was like the 801 happened again. I'm afraid the Slomon K'Hara are regaining power and, after we saw them allying with the Gauls a few months ago, I think their goal is to exterminate us. Not humans. Us. The Bretonians.

By our sheer luck of having such good friends as the Colonials near by, they didn't succeed yesterday. Bretonia and the Colonial Republic emerged victorious, but the victory was equal to that of the king Pyrrhus of Epirus in the ancient times of ancient Earth. We have lost one battleship, one destroyer and a gunboat, while snubs are too numerous to be counted it. The enemy has lost one heavy cruiser-sized vessel and a gunboat-sized one. There was also a battleship-sized vessel, which got heavily damaged, but it's unclear what happened to it after it headed to Dublin. Again, the snubs were not important enough to be recorded. For more info, I will send you a battle description I've made before:

The Battle With the Strange Alien Ships in Leeds

It was a rather calm evening in the MacDuff and, after all the job finally done, I was drinking tea while enjoying in the view of the Newcastle system. I was interrupted by one of my officers telling me to gather all available forces as fast as possible, for some enormous, unknown ships were seen destroying civilian traffic in Leeds, as well as an unexpecting patrol. I rushed to my Templar quickly and flew by an evasive route to the New London system, where the Thunderer was stationed. I took the command and hailed all available vessels for support. Only a destroyer, a gunboat and a snub responded, but I wasn't worrying, confident into strength of our steel. Because the gunboat was already engaged and the destroyer on route, I decided not to form a fleet, but rather to meet them on the battlefield. Everything was going as planned, until I was informed that the gunboat got disabled. The Thunderer had already entered Leeds at that moment. I feared not, for a gunboat wasn't a very heavy loss and I was full of hope towards the good old Thunderer. When I reached Stokes, where the threat was reported to be, I met with the destroyer. In the distance, a huge blue silhouette could be seen, along with a smaller one flying by it. I ordered the destroyer to cover me and proceeded towards them, placing an aluminum foil hat on my head, what Charles suggested me to do in order to avoid some really strange things I wasn't able to understand, despite all of his diligent and patient tries to explain them. I noticed we were entering an ion storm and my systems were detecting 30% signal delay, but it reduced to a bearable state after a few minutes. When I got in range I fired a Mortar at the bigger blue object, which hit, as expected. Then the enemy cruiser-sized thing started shooting at us. However, the immense damage it was doing was all but expected. It was like two Obstinates shooting at a time! I switched fire from the battleship sized object and concentrate it to the cruiser, almost braking trough its shield. Almost, unfortunately. That thing proved to be quite quick, despite its size - it evaded almost all my fire. So, I switched back to shooting at the battleship, hoping my destroyer will finally notice the Thunderer is in trouble and help. But, oh bloody hell! That utter fool of a captain had no guns on it! And he agreed to engage, without even letting me know! All I got from him were a few nanobots and shield batteries. Then the fool literally charged into the battleship and and got his ship disabled, like intentionally! But, I can't say I didn't need those repairs - something strange hit the Thunderer. Yes, again that word. Everything was strange in that battle. Something hit us, but it didn't look like any special projectile, nor made any large explosion, nor even a shake. Just a silent "puff". And then our hull integrity almost halved! Whatever it was, it must have come from that battleship. It was heavily damaged already and I was hoping we will live longer than it, but then the cruiser approached again and the battleship ran away. Then I fired a surprise Mortar into the cruiser, then some shells, and then I stabbed another Mortar, and then another one, and then another one, using my Cerberuses along with them. But alas, the ship, or whatever it was, still flew! I did, however, almost cause a hull breach, before it ran away. We weren't faster, so I started shooting at their gunboat and what appeared to be bombers. I managed to destroy a little one before, but now they were destroying us, slowly munching trough the Thunderer's warped and battered hull. When our hull was almost breached, I had already made the gunboat run away, but the cruiser was back. I almost breached its shield, after what just a shot would be enough to finally end it, but the cruiser only fired some purple shell into us to make our ship's core destabilize and cause total system failure. A few seconds later, a Colonial bomber wing appeared and saved the day. My pod was, thankfully to a single our snub which survived there, saved. I know nothing about how did the battle look before I came, nor after my pod was picked up. It's important that the threat was eliminated, by whatever means.

That should be it. I will maybe send you a picture or more of the battle, if my engineers manage to salvage the cameras.

Message Over

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Xelon - 03-25-2013

...Incoming Transmission...

Source ID: Admiral Mike Havering
Source Location: Battleship Ark Royal
Encryption: Medium
Priority: low

[Image: 28lyrt5.jpg]

What an utter mess. *sighs and takes a breath*

The Idiot gauls tried to be smart and wanted to sneak into New London through the backdoor that was Dublin.
But instead of using light attackwings they had to go all out nuklear and just send in four Valors and two cruisers to do the job for them.

We managed to take out three of them the last one retreated to Edinburgh and all of the cruisers.

The first two kills where easy enough, Valors without any snubcover are targetpratice.
But after the first one was down they received reinforcements in the number of two Cougar bombers, having separated one Valor got taken out somewhere else in Dublin....
the other one being covered by those two pesky bombers lasted longer.

It lived until the Thunderhawk arrived.

Thinking that we had taken down all of their heavy capital ship we went to the task of cleaning up the two lone bombers that were still swooping around our heads.

No sooner had we made some headway a cloaked valor with some serious anti Snub equipment appeared.
With the Thunderhawk and most of our bombers returning to Essex we were caught on the back foot and thus not able to keep them from retreating.

At first we purused into Edinburgh, but with the Circle and some disturbingly big alien ships we made a retreat, not wanting to push further than we already had. *sighs*

Just about to cool off another transmission came in that Leeds was under massive attack from yet again a pair of Valors.

Since the Gemini and the Thunderhawk were still on call I decided to change the Templar into a more potent killingmachine of Valors and got into the Sutherland where Taylor already had readied the crew and the ship for launch.

As we arrived in Leeds the Gaul fleet had already retreated again leaving just one Cruiser that was late for the retreat to us.

I sure hope the gauls learned their lesson.

Signed: Mike Havering

...Transmission lost...

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 03-25-2013

[Image: modernwarfare2ghostbyemm.jpg]
:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Encrypting Transmission

:::Comm ID: Commander Hugh Darrow:::
:::Codename : Ghost:::

:::Subject: Patrol results:::
:::Opening Transmission:::

Greetings Gents.
I Received earlier this day a Distress Call from some Officers in the BAF and some Bounty hunters of Mollies and RNS in Dublin, I took my seat in the HMS-Defiance then took my way to Dublin, by the Time i was there
There was 2 Gunboats a Freelancer one Called Sexy.Pancakes and a Molly one Called "MIchael_the_3",and a RNS Valor which Headed to the sun then Cloaked and we lost Track of it. the Defiance assisted effectively in the Fight, Pinned those Gunboats Down, so they had to Fall Back to their Base ,Defiance was able to Destroy the Molly Gunboat under Heavy Fire from the Base, After Heavy Casualties ,So The Defiance Had to Get to the Nearest Base to Resupply ,Unfortunately one other Molly Bomber Called: "[M]-Sad." Disrupted the Engines so the other Gunboat was able to put some Fire on my Destroyer, well eventually Defiance Dealt Heavy Damage with both of the Gunboat and the Bomber, But It got Destroyed Fortunately ,Most of the Crew was able to Get into their Pods, and we were saved....*Mutters and Swears* they ill pay for this

Quote:Allied Forces:

BAF-BlackWatch ( Got Killed the Defiance took his Pod)
CR|-Acumen[17th]( went to resupply but never Came Back
Aura'Sing (Resupplied and came Back but got Destroyed the Defiance took her Pod)
Temach (Status Unkown)
Bare-Knuckle.Fighter(Got Destroyed but I took his Pod)
and another HMS ( status: Unknown)

Quote:[Enemy Forces:

Golden.Inquisitor ( Hellfire Molly Gunboat\ Got Destroyed Before i was there)
RNS-(Unknown) (Valor Cloaked and Gone
[M]-Sad. (Dealt with him Damage, But he got me Status: Unknown
MIchael_the_3 (Got Destroyed)
Sexy.Pancakes ( BHG Freelancer Gunship)

Carina, Regina, Impartix
[Image: 264px-BAF_Logo.png]

For the Bretonian Armed Forces and the Queen

***End of Transmission***

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wiz - 03-26-2013

*Sending Transmission*

[Image: 1RWkJBU.jpg]

Rising enemy activity in Dublin forced me to make more patrols there.
I joined with a Bounty hunter codenamed: Aurra,Sing to patrol the system, we had strong Intel of Molly and Corsair activity.
We bumped with a Sair from the Brotherhood, Codename: Break.[TBH] . After a fearsome fight, we were able to take him down to pieces.
It seems that Dublin is becoming a very important foothold for many of our enemies, especially the frogs, something must be done.

*End of transmission*

[Image: wViEYRO.png]

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Apollon - 03-28-2013

[Image: modernwarfare2ghostbyemm.jpg]
:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Encrypting Transmission

:::Comm ID: Commander Hugh Darrow:::
:::Codename : Ghost:::

:::Subject: Patrol results:::
:::Opening Transmission:::

Greetings Gents.

*Takes a Sip of Tea*Alright shall we Begin?...
Earlier Yesterday I Decided to Take a Patrol,I received from a Miner In Dublin That there is a Wilde Bomber attacking it ,I hurried there with Bounty Hunter Aurra.Sing,We engaging the Wilde Bomber Codenamed "matunos", Aurra Sing was shot down Fast by a Antimatter shot, Then a Freelancer Named "the.Scorpion" Gave all his nanobots and Shield Batteries to Him, of course i found that later, Matunos The Fight last long Because of the nanobots and Shield Batteries that the Scorpion Gave to the Wilde, But he Was down.I went to Suffolk to resupply then I remembered that The.Scorpion was going to Hunt a Miner Because there was Bounty on him by the Mollies . I hurried To Dublin While on the Way I got another Call that The Scorpion is Attacking the Miner, so i was sure about it,I Was with Bounty Hunter Steven_Howard who retreated ,and With the Destroyer Kennai, We Shot him Down, Then i Went to Suffolk to Resupply.

Another Fine day in the Armed Forces.

Carina, Regina, Impartix
[Image: 264px-BAF_Logo.png]

For the Bretonian Armed Forces and the Queen

***End of Transmission***
